Senator Ron Johnson hosts a roundtable discussion on February 26th:
“What are Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel Hiding?” Barbara Loe Fisher Testifies
A Powerful Interview with Barbara Loe Fisher & Del Bigtree
Highwire Interview airing on Jan 4, 2024
Make Informed Vaccination Decisions for Yourself or Your Child
Learn about the risks and complications of infectious diseases and vaccines.
Ask 8 Information Kiosk
Explore and download educational materials, posters, brochures, web badges, and more.
Vaccine Laws and Exemptions in Your State
Discover more about vaccine laws, registries, and exemptions offered in your state.
Take Action in Your State
Learn how defend your legal right to make voluntary vaccine choices.
Discover vaccine reporting options.
Search and read vaccine reaction reports filed with the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and report vaccine reactions, harassment and failures.
Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation
Learn about eligibility and deadlines to file for vaccine injury compensation.
The Human Right to Voluntary Risk-Taking
Learn more about the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk-taking.

Protecting Health and Informed Consent Rights Since 1982

NVIC is dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and securing informed consent protections in public health policies and laws.


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Why NVIC Is No Longer Associated with Dr. Joseph Mercola

Recently, public discussion on social media led to speculation and rumor about the ending of NVIC’s association with Dr. Joseph Mercola. To address that speculation, it is with profound disappointment and sadness that I am personally clarifying the truth about what happened and explaining why NVIC’s Truth and Freedom Monument no longer stands on Mercola Market property in Cape Coral, Florida.

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The Vaccine Reaction (TVR)
A Weekly Journal About Vaccination, Health & Autonomy

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Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-founder and President (NVIC)<br />
Read <a href="/about/our-work/speaks-out"><em>Barbara Speaks Out!</em></a>

"The only voice our children have until they are old enough to make life and death decisions for themselves is the voice that we, their parents who know and love them best, give to them."

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