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Last Updated: Sunday, 25 June 2006, 08:17 GMT 09:17 UK
In pictures: Nicole Kidman wedding

A smiling Nicole Kidman waved to crowds as she arrived for her wedding to singer Keith Urban in Sydney on Sunday.

A smiling Nicole Kidman waved to crowds as she arrived for her wedding to singer Keith Urban in Sydney on Sunday.

Hundreds of photographers and well wishers were outside the St Patrick's Estate overlooking the ocean in Sydney.

Hundreds of photographers and well wishers were outside the St Patrick's Estate overlooking the ocean in Sydney.

Nicole Kidman wore a traditional white dress for her wedding to Keith Urban in Sydney.

Kidman wore a traditional white dress and was accompanied by her father in the limousine.

Kidman's sister Antonia was one of the star's bridesmaids at the wedding.

Kidman's sister Antonia was one of the star's bridesmaids at the wedding.

X-Men star and fellow Australian Hugh Jackman was one of the first guests to arrive.

X-Men star and fellow Australian Hugh Jackman was one of the first guests to arrive.

Media magnate Rupert Murdoch attended the wedding with his wife Wendy Deng.

Media magnate Rupert Murdoch attended the wedding with his wife Wendy Deng.

Nicole Kidman's mother Jonelle gave a nervous wave and smile to the hundreds of well wishers in Manly.

Nicole Kidman's mother Jonelle gave a nervous wave and smile to the hundreds of well wishers in Manly.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban have married at a former seminary in Manly, a suburb of Sydney.

Kidman and Urban married at a former seminary in Manly, a suburb of Sydney.

The actress was relaxed in the days before the wedding telling press she would get a good night sleep before the service

The actress was relaxed in the days before the wedding telling press she would get a good night sleep before the service.

Security was tight around the St Patrick's Estate with guards, a high wire fence and a barricade

Security was tight around the St Patrick's Estate with guards, a high wire fence and a barricade.

A marquee erected in the grounds is expected to hold guests including actors Hugh Jackman and Naomi Watts.

A marquee erected in the grounds will hold guests including actors Hugh Jackman and Naomi Watts.

See Nicole Kidman arrive at the church

Kidman arrives at wedding venue
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