IKEA Veggie Medallions-Take 2

I decided to make a second attempt at the IKEA Veggie Medallions for Easter dinner. Here are the changes I have made to the recipe. It is still not there to 100%, but the results are still yummy! I fear  I need to venture to IKEA again to have another taste.

IKEA Veggie Medallions-Take 2









Basically the veggie medallions are mashed potatoes with broccoli and parmesan thrown in then re-baked.



2-3 medium potatoes chopped 1x1cm sq.

Broccolli one small head broken into small bouquets.

1/2 onion chopped and sauteed

3 inches of Leek sliced and halved.

1/2 cup Parmesan cheese grated.

1-2 TBS Butter

2 TBS Whipped cream

1-2 TBS parsely, chervil (optional)

Salt and pepper


Boil the potatoes until you can get a fork throw them but are still somewhat firm. In a netted strainer add the broccoli to the boiling potatoes to cook. Pull them out while they are soft, but firm. Saute the onions and the leek. Drain the potatoes and mash roughly there should still be some clumps left. Add your butter and parmesan, salt and pepper to taste and stir well. Then add your broccoli. I added whipped cream for the flavor. However if you add too much the medallions will melt into a pancake. You want the mix to be stiff.Do not skimp on the parmesan. I believe that is what gives this that memorable flavor.

My suggestion here is to serve it as a mashed potato. Never mind the re-baking and the shape. I felt that they lost a bit of flavor when re-baked.

Shaping the medallions.

Shaping the medallions.

Shaping the medallions.

But, if you want to re-bake them let the potato mix cool. Then using a measuring cup scoop the potato mash onto a baking sheet with a spatula, pressing it down on the top to get the flat, hockey puck shape. If your a perfectionist wet your spatula to keep it from sticking to the potatoes as you smooth out the edges. Then bake on medium heat in the oven. I suppose you could also lightly pan fry them. If they loose their shape who cares it’s the taste that counts. A bit of flour might help stiffen them up.

Tips: I made a rather large batch so we had plenty left over the next day and made potato pancakes out of them and ate them with eggs and bacon. Even yummier.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve on this let me know. I will keep working on it myself when the mood hits.