
Welcome to Unmarried Equality, home of the blog of singles rights expert and advocate Bella DePaulo! After 20 years of standing up for fairness and equal treatment of all people regardless of marital status, Unmarried Equality has transitioned away from being an active nonprofit organization. If you are looking for research or are a member of the press looking for an expert on unmarried people, please contact the Council on Contemporary Families. For grassroots legal advocacy, contact the Woodhull Freedom Foundation. In addition to Bella’s blog, the pages of this site will remain as an information resource about unmarried issues, although not all pages will be actively updated. Thanks for your many years of interest and support!

Our Blog

The Stunning Dismissiveness of the Systematic Disadvantaging of Single People

I just had the great good fortune of participating in an hour-long show that will air on many NPR stations, probably in July. The show is Open to Debate, moderated by John Donvan, and “Married or single?” was the topic.

For Lasting Social Change, Single People Need More Than Tolerance

Ever since my new book, Single at Heart: The Power, Freedom, and Heart-Filling Joy of Single Life, was published in December, something magical has happened: more and more people have let it be known that they want to be single at heart. They want to fit the profile. That includes people in committed romantic relationships […]

Marginalizing Single Women Voters Comes at a Cost to Candidates

Recently, I had the great honor of talking to Elisa Batista of UltraViolet about the power and potential of single women, and of course my Single at Heart book. In case you are not already familiar with the group, “UltraViolet is a powerful and rapidly growing community of people mobilized to fight sexism and create […]

How Friends Can Be Protected and Benefitted in the Law

In the US, hundreds of laws benefit and protect only people who are legally married. Advocates of fairness for single people have proposed many ways in which laws and policies could be reimagined to put unmarried Americans on equal footing with married Americans. In an important new book, The Other Significant Others: Reimagining Life with […]

Understanding What Single People Appreciate about Single Life: Another Road to Progress

Ordinarily, in this Unmarried Equality blog, I focus on matters relevant to social policies and social justice. I’m now thinking that it would be useful to cast a broader net. I’ve been talking to many people in the media since my new book, Single at Heart: The Power, Freedom, and Heart-Filling Joy of Single Life, […]