The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore

  • An exhaustive compilation of thematic notes, arranged in a hierarchical structure. Contains direct spoilers for pre-book history and indirect spoilers through the facts noted down for events in the books.
    The Rhoynar
    Nymeria was a warrior queen who led her people across the narrow sea 1,000 years ago (I: 59. II: 233) A story (probably false) has it that Nymeria led women who fled from their cities on the Rhoyne river (I: 203. SSM: 1) Nymeria was the warrior queen of the Rhoyne who brought ten thousand ships to…
  • A compilation of Frequently Asked Questions, with some quite lengthy, essay-like answers to common discussion-topics. Contains spoilers.
    Who is the Harpy?


  • Graphical representations of almost all known banners as well as info files for houses and individuals. Contains minor spoilers in the actual listings of Houses, while major spoilers are placed in specially marked files except when it concerns banners belonging to individuals: these files may contain major spoilers right off
    House Fell

    Members of the house that have been mentioned are a dead Lord Fell and his son who was known as Silveraxe. Lord Fell, along with Lords Grandison and Cafferen, planned to remain loyal to King Aerys and were going to join forces to attack Lord Robert. Robert, catching wind of it, raced to the…

  • A compilation of prophecies, visions and dreams which appear to reveal something about the future. Contains spoilers, as we note when we believe a prophecy has been fulfilled.
    III: 504-508 - Jaime’s Dream

    This is a summary, rather than a quote from the book.

    While sleeping with his head resting on a weirwood stump, Jaime dreams that he is at home, in the Rock, and that he has both his hands. Then he sees that he is surrounded by a dozen tall figures in robes that hide their faces and with spears in…

  • A comphrehensive collection of fan correspondance with George R.R. Martin. Also included are interviews and chats as well as reports from conventions, signings, etc. May contain spoilers even for as of yet unreleased books.
    Boskone (Boston, MA; February 18-20)

    [Note: The following report explains the discrepancy in the total number of POVs, which GRRM has given as 19. 9 characters are carried over from ASoS and 8 new POVs have been announced so far. It appears that Sansa's chapters count as two POVs.]

    Alayne is that missing POV.


    Parris told us…