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Tarot Deck Reviews and Ratings

Expert opinion, and trusted advice. We help you choose the best tarot cards for your readings.

More than 2000 Tarot, Oracle and Lenormand Decks & Reviews

Discover here more than 2000 different Tarot, Oracle and Lenormand decks, with a selection of sample card images and full-length, independent reviews of each deck - and find the perfect set that's right for you.

Classic Decks from the Collection

View some old favourites and classic decks chosen from the Tarot database. These are high-quality tarots that have stood the test of time and remain solid options for your readings and your collection.

Browse our best decks for beginners

Discover the best sets with clear symbolism and attractive art that are suitable for a beginner or newcomer. Ideal if you're just starting out with your journey with the cards, as they are easy to read and work with most companion books.

Browse all our Tarot and Lenormand decks

Browse through all our sets of cards by theme, publisher, and category.

What's Most Popular in Oracle Cards

What's most popular in the world of Lenormand, oracle cards, divination decks, fortune telling cards, playing cards and other cartomantic decks.

Learn and understand all 78 Tarot Card Meanings

Learn the meanings, uncover the interpretations, and discover the stories behind the symbolism and artwork of each card in the major arcana cards, minor arcana cards, and court cards.

We explain each individual card in the 22 majors from the Fool card to the court cards, and in each of the four suits: Cups, Swords, Wands and Pentacles so you can understand your cards with ease and learn to read tarot.

Start your journey and discover the 78 Tarot Meanings, and then the Reversed Card Meanings

Receive Your Free Personal Tarot Reading

We offer to you our unique, online and completely free readings. Choose from different decks, different spreads, and different questions with a one card reading, love reading or choose your card for today.

Whether you need help with your love life, your spiritual journey, need confirmation of your intuition, or simply want a card with guidance for today, we have a reading for you.

Get help and advice today and choose your Free Tarot Reading now.

What is Tarot?

Tarot is a set of 78 cards dating back to the 15th century. It is used for card reading, fortune telling, divination, card games, psychoanalysis, art appreciation, and much more.

A set has 22 cards called the major arcana or trump cards, and 56 cards called the minor arcana or pip cards. The minor arcana are divided into four suits, similar to playing cards. Each card has symbols and scenes representing spiritual archetypes, human situations, feelings and daily life. Find out more.