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Architectural Design Gallery

What distinguishes custom homes in any genre are the impeccable selection of materials

John Henry does not use AI (artificial intelligence) or computer modeling to create his distinct Period Style designs.  While floor planning is coordinated with civil and structural engineering using a computer, the facades/elevations and all interiors are first drawn by hand on paper -- as was done over a thousand years before digital technology infected architecture.  The exterior elevations are transferred to computer afterwards.  ALL the hand worked designs featured here were envisioned by mind/hand alone.


See our portfolio of New Custom Home Plans/Designs/Interiors based on your vision.  Mansions, Castles, Villas, French Chateaux -- over 30 years of technical and creative work for acclaimed clients the world over.  Any style, size, site for Schematic through Permit Set Drawings. Optional Interiors.  Beautiful and inspiring starter to luxury Traditional and Contemporary residential designs by John Henry, Architect --Orlando based, world wide availability.

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Beautiful Waterfront Luxury Mediterranean Florida style house for New Jersey John Henry Ar
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custom architect John Henry Florida floor plans and styles contemporary modern traditional


Featured Work
You have a dream that possibly only a handful of architects can translate into a beautifully finished home.  It takes courage to start from zero!
I have been creating luxury custom homes for over 30 years.  I understand how much anxiety you have in making this decision. Please take a moment to see what I can offer you!  Begin your search for a luxury home here.


Creating a special home, whether small or large, is a simple step by step process.  You supply the vision and specifics, and I will develop sketches and designs for review until you are perfectly satisfied.  Next, the final details and construction documents are expertly created for a clear map to build your dream.  I respond to your concerns and create a specifically suited design that solves location on the property with outdoor amenities and circulation, the ultimate floor plans that support your interests and lifestyle, and an elevation/facade that will inspire you combined with expert details and flow of space from room to room that will stir the senses.


Contact me now and let me know what you have in mind: 

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John Henry, Architect

Creates Custom Luxury Homes, Mansions, Villas and Castles in European French, Italian and International Contemporary styles

Classical Luxury Home Architect John Hen

John Henry was impressed by the ancient architecture of the Greeks and Romans, having resided during early childhood in Greece and Turkey.  Together with modern methods and materials instruction from TAMU, he combines function and form that is unique and memorable. 

35 years of custom designs for inspired homeowners has resulted in a portfolio of luxury French, Mediterranean, Classical Greek, Italian and Roman-themed houses in brick, stone, and stucco.  You will benefit from John Henry's expertise and quality of architectural design.  His homes are truly one-of-a-kind and World Class.

Tuscan to Italian Villa, Florida and California Mediterranean Contemporary Custom Home designs.  There is a warmth and earthy connection to the houses built from stone, stucco and ceramic tile.  Imagination and inspiration from historic sources inform John Henry's hand.  Having lived in the Mediterranean area and witnessing the hand-worked details from ancient Greek to Roman cultures, and as interpreted by succeeding generations into contemporary houses, John offers a totally unique and convincing portfolio of beautiful homes. 

The fabled Payne Stewart Mansion.  Timeless, evocative, a tour de force design in Roman and Baroque architecture.  Having had the honor to work with the Stewart family the Owners wanted a unique place to call home.  They looked for a design with details from Renaissance Italy.  John Henry created a three-story Villa that is Roman on one side and Italian Baroque on the other.  Beautiful moldings and arches grace the exterior and interior of this rarified private home.  Villa Serena is truly a noble and grand tribute to the family who first conceived this jewel.

Multi-Generational plan designs consist of 20% of all houses built.  They are for younger and older generations living together with spaces that can be shared and others private.  We can create a unique custom home for you based on your specific needs. These homes will have a higher resale due to a wider appeal should you decide to sell.

Transitional, Contemporary and Modern house design is on the comeback.  For clean lines and distinctive features.  Multi-generational homes are also possible in either contemporary or traditional styles and offer flexibility now and for the future.  Do you have a style in mind?  Contact John now to discuss your Dream Home!

See video above: An American mansion based on Italian and eclectic themes.  A custom home is what YOU want it to be.  Your vision is interpreted by architect John Henry's experience in traditional or contemporary architecture and research.

See a series of custom homes John Henry has created over the last 35 years: Classical to Modern and in-between.  This video showcases built homes and concepts for others that might inspire you.  The design process is similar for starter homes to custom estates.

                                         How do you plan for your luxury dream home?

Your ultimate Dream Home is going to be based on: desired lifestyle, the time you have to create and work out the perfect design, meeting your budget and schedule, satisfying property restrictions (local building codes), your interest in a particular style or approach, and chosen method of construction/materials. 


Your Vision and Lifestyle

Assuming the conditions outlined above are somewhat ‘negotiable’, then the question really is: what is your vision? What do you ultimately wish to proclaim to others, secondly and how do you want to live, firstly. Do you spend a lot of time indoors? Are you busy, do you work out of your home? Are you retired and ‘established’, are you young and adventurous? Do you like to throw parties or are very private? What hobbies and eccentricities do you enjoy? What would you like to do in a dream house that you are not doing now? All these factors have to be put together cohesively and find expression in an executable design.



Location is an important factor.  Living in a cold climate vs. a tropical one for example, or moderate... Some designs work or aesthetically fit in better to particular environments than others.  The inclusion of porches or verandahs in a warm locale may create issues in ice and snow and shield winter sun from the interiors.  The exterior materials you select are affected by freeze-thaw cycles in northern climates and may work better in warmer climates with less damage. 


A red brick home in Florida looks out of place and will 'feel' hotter than a cool stucco design.  A Mediterranean house built in a thick forest seems out of place.  A very contemporary design planned for a subdivision of traditional smaller-scale houses will act as a 'foil' and not necessarily be compatible.  Topography also has an impact on the design of a house, especially if several levels are contemplated.


Houses, unlike many other smaller luxury or basic goods such as machinery, automobiles, and electronics devices, cannot be field-tested. What you work up in your mind and with your architect cannot be built and lived in for a few years to get all the kinks out and then redesigned, unlike merchant builders and tract houses which can be modified down the line.


Traditional vs. Contemporary

A ‘traditional’ house will have fewer problems over time and cost less to build than ‘contemporary’ or ‘modern house’, especially ones that break with tradition in a big way. You may have one chance at this experience but you can learn and repeat the process if things don’t turn out exactly as you expected. A qualified architect should be able to mitigate that outcome and focus as quickly as possible on what realistic choices to consider.


A site overlooking the ocean or on high mountains may inspire a response that is unconventional or something interesting in a regional style. Do you want to stand out in a subdivision or wish for privacy in a rural setting? A large plot of land will allow more opportunity in stretching out the design or taking advantage of views, topography, sun, and breezes, etc. Flexibility is an advantage. And can be a curse. Multiple opportunities lead to dozens of possible solutions.


Are you inspired by classical architecture or modern? Is there a place you have visited that is etched in your memory? Can you accept modifying something grand to something livable? Is your dream house a comfortable abode or a towering mansion?  Have you considered upkeep over time from style to style?  There is a difference.  Flat roofs, for example, will invariably require attention more than pitched roofs, etc.


Energy Efficiency, Green, Self Sustaining

Do you want to be energy-efficient, green and generally self-sustaining? There are many materials available to go this route although the upfront cost may be more than any other. Are you prone to certain indoor pollution from off-gassing? Then your ventilation system has to be designed properly. If you are concerned about steps inside your house or need the width for a wheelchair, different counter heights, and locations of switches, etc. then these should be worked out.


Have you considered aging in place? Will other adults or minors be living together and if so will you require separate areas be designated for privacy?  You may think about a multi-generational design.


Who is making the decisions?

If you have the time to dream you could coax several ‘solutions’ from your architect.  How many cooks will there be in the kitchen - how many will be involved in the design process?  Many decision-makers may be required and a clear understanding and goals set before meeting with an architect.  There may never be a ‘perfect’ design in the end but usually, something very interesting, inspiring, and functional will be resolved.  Several academic approaches could be considered, or free form, decon, post-modern, etc. Theoretically, nothing has to hold you back. Buck the system or fit in. Your choice.


Interior Design

Interior architecture is likely more important than exterior facade design.  You live in your house far more hours than stare at it from the outside.  Yet the interiors should follow some logic from the exterior architecture.  An open plan modern floor layout cannot correctly be detailed with period moldings as traditional houses had discrete spaces, each 'decorated' in separate styles and color schemes.  An open plan means seeing several rooms together, which can appear confusing unless they share common finishing details and colors, furnishings and accessories.  There are many more decisions to make in your interiors.  Consider that each room has six planes and that each requires attention.


Construction Cost

Costs of your dream home will vary with the style, structural system, type of construction, and location. Building close to an established network of suppliers and contractors means a more affordable outcome. In an isolated spot, you may not even find tradespeople to make the trek to you.


Legal Constraints and Covenants

Local codes, personal and national economics and world events may impinge on your dreams. If you live in Scottsdale you cannot build over 30 feet in height, therefore a French house cannot be built in correct proportions.  Gated communities have additional design covenants that may be more restrictive than city or county codes.  Your dream home may not be built in certain communities, especially as regards to height and style.


Timing and the Market

I have seen clients start, hold, start and stop over and over — and sometimes not ever move forward depending on their businesses and finances.  Is the timing right in your life to design and build a dream home?


A national recession will affect all real estate and the construction industry from mortgage financing to materials availability.  Local business trends and industries/companies moving in and out may affect the local building trades.  A booming economy will result in higher labor and materials prices. 



Pros and Cons to Build vs. Buy


Ask your Realtor to advise on location and future development, etc.  

One other thought: resale. A custom house that fits stylistically and is within the norm of size and value in a particular neighborhood will sell quicker and for more money than something that does not fit in, although this may not be an issue in mixed close in areas or if this may be the last house you will build.


Patience, a keen interest in creating something special, timing and budgetary flexibility is clearly essential in starting from zero and getting to your perfect Dream Home. Nothing beats the sense of pride in designing and building the house of your dreams!

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French Country Castle style home plan Ar
Princess Palace Luxury Mansion Estate Ar
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