Vanille Bourbon Laurence Dumont for women

Vanille Bourbon Laurence Dumont for women

main accords
soft spicy

Perfume rating 4.37 out of 5 with 174 votes

Vanille Bourbon by Laurence Dumont is a Amber Vanilla fragrance for women. Top note is Vanille; middle notes are Toffee, Anise and Red Berries; base notes are Coconut and Musk.

Vanilla Bourbon is a true delight; feminine, sensual, sweet and light perfume. It opens with vanilla Bourbon, followed by caramel and red berries. Coconut and white musk are at the base of this mouth-watering fragrance.

It is available as 100 ml EDP.

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Red Berries

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BOURBON BARREL Vanilla! Opens with a burst of full-bodied vanilla that has malt, anise, toffee & coconut nuances and transitions to a heart of vanilla red berry tea resting on base of rooty & earthy vanilla and faint oak (Not listed). Overall I get a rich vanilla with faint toffee/caramel & coconut tones, overlaying a base of rooty, earthy & woody vanilla. Seekers and collectors of vanilla scents won't be disappointed.

Contrast to Nirvana Bourbon Elizabeth & James:
These are different, but there are similarities with Bourbon vanilla and in the drydown. Nirvana Bourbon is spicier in the opening, while Vanille Bourbon has more forward caramel tones, but they become more similar as they dry down. Vanille Bourbon outperforms.

Contrast to Pacifica Island Vanilla:
These are different scents, but this is the most similar of vanilla scents I've had my nose on. Both have full-bodied vanilla that becomes slightly rooty as it dries down. I find VB slightly more animalic in the opening and has the additional oak presence in the base. Both require several months in dark storage to develop performance.

Contrast to Cake Heavy Cream Body Balm:
These are different scents, but both are vanilla forward scents and have the vanilla butter-cream icing with coconut & cinnamon vibe. Vanille Bourbon is more complex with a darker drydown that brings rooty, earthy & woody tones. Vanille Bourbon outperforms.

Overall: Average performance that becomes beast mode if layered over its matching body lotion. The body lotion has a beige colour that disappears into the skin. It's a love for me. 9/10. Enjoy!


For the first while this gives me vanilla-cocoa vibes, like CSP Amour de Cacao or Al-Rehab Choco Musk (or is that the latter two have strong vanilla vibes...?).

After half an hour or so, it becomes more of a toffee vanilla. It's pretty sweet but also soft. Not throat-itchingly sweet. A skin scent on me at this point. I'd almost call this a body splash.


I like this one-at first spritz, it is immediately 1990s nostalgia to me when I smell this one! Not sure what the release date is for this, but I agree with other reviewers about the similarity to Molinard's Vanilla too. They both remind me of the vanillas that were everywhere in the 90s! I like this one, although I am happy with my travel size decant, I don't wish for a full bottle. Nice, rich vanilla, not overly sugared like a lot of scents right now, but still more gourmand than I typically care for.


Love this!! If I'd have known it was going to absolutely disappear I wouldn't have sprayed it all over my pillows and blankets lol


I wish I had some of the more positive experiences of some of the reviewers here. But this is proof positive that some people cannot wear some perfumes.

Now I love me some vanilla. I will wear Atelier's Vanille Incensee with reckless abandon and cannot get enough. But Dumont's creation...had it been the first vanilla I'd ever tried, I'd have been scarred for life.

On me it bypasses the vanilla entirely and goes straight into a synthetic burnt caramel bomb. I had put it on at night and I remember the smell waking me with a sick twist in my guts. The lotion that came with the set felt greasy after several hours, more like cheap baby lotion than a product to soften and scent adult skin. The mix of grease and the smell of one of Strawberry Shortcake's friends tragically gone wrong, actually made me gag. I couldn't keep it in the house afterward.


This is my ultimate favourite vanilla bomb. It's thick, syrupy, warm, and sweet. I get compliments every time I wear it (except from my really close friends who complain that it makes them hungry...!). Excellent staying power and wafts all about you like a cosy, comforting cloud of baked goods.


theres alot of sweet vanilla in this . it smells almost identical to Tendre Madeleine . this isnt what i was expecting out of this at all so not really happy with this blind buy . I already had a 50ml bottle of Tendre Madeleine and now i have this in a 100ml lol theres no point really .

on the noze

This whole range of perfumes in the vanilla line are GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY and safe blind buys
At worst, and I doubt you'll be disappointed it won't cost the earth. I have the violet vanille and it's fantastic. Buying a third bottle now, Tendre Madeline and now, after reading these great reviews, the vanille bourbon next. (Check out the score of 4.32/5.00!!) Impressive!
So hard choosing which one!

3 new perfumes for under $50 collectively! Who wouldn't love that? (I usually pay $150 - $400 per bottle of top shelf brands)
This is lovely regardless of the price tag. Doesn't smell cheap!


A very sweet very vanilla scent. Smells very similar to cooking vanilla, as Bourbon vanilla is the typical vanilla used. My husband usually tells me I smell great when I wear this. I think is it alright; it's just a like for me. It's a fairly mild scent with mediocre sillage and longevity. I tend to go for more interesting, intense scents. If one really loves plain very sweet vanilla, this would be a good scent to check out.


Vanille Bourbon to me smells like a somewhat less intense and less powdery version of Pink Sugar with the same sweetness, though. To some it might still feel powdery but I experience it more like a creaminess. It settles fairly quickly and I think projection is maybe medium, longevity is ok for the low price. Quite nice, actually


Vanille Bourbon the bean, is a type of vanilla that is grown in Madagascar from a region formally known as Bourbon, hence the name. It has the strongest vanillin content and is the sweetest.

Vanille Bourbon the perfume. starts off with a burnt sugary toffee overload and dries down to a sweet creamy skin Vanilla.

I don't get the other notes and longevity is not good in this hot weather.

I feel that this perfume is more suited to winter so that you can capture the essence of this perfume in your clothes and keep it there.

I am making my way through all the Laurence Dumont Vanille range and so far this is my favourite.


Cotton candy bomb it is. I'm not into gourmands, so I'm trying to put this into place as an experience and not the food itself.

If you ever went to your state fair, this scent will take you right back. The hot air blowing up from the cotton candy machine. Pure hot vanilla sugar. All that's missing are kids screaming from the roller coaster and hay from the animal judging.

Thankfully the dry down gets rid of a lot of the sugar and goes to a straight vanilla. Then you realize that gone too was something so light you didn't realize it was there. A hint of red berries so subtle was mixed in to cut the sugar just enough so that you don't go running for the wash cloth.

Decent longevity of about 3 hours. On me 3 hours is a VERY long time! Not my cup of tea so no buying for me.
I think I should put a big warning here. Don't wear this into the woods unless you want to get swarmed by bugs, bears and whatever else loves sugar. You know how in the Autumn yellow jackets swarm trash cans for soda residue? I'm afraid this will attract them the same way. Not going to experiment to find out!


I don't get many Dumont's perfumes here but Les Senteurs Gourmandes can be found at some popular dept. stores and of course I had to try them, only to be quite disappointed. I know tons of overpriced low quality perfumes but I still have to come across a high quality inexpensive one. You get what you pay for: a randomly pleasant smell made with chemicals. The gourmand type is relatively easy to do with "sugars". Not my type of scents, anyway for the price they can be a casual option.


This is more cotton candy than it is cookies. An "intense" version needs to be made.


I remember trying this one a few years ago and liking it: a true and simple vanilla scent. Unfortunately, that was not what I was looking for at the moment. But I have a good olfactory memory and, once the vanilla craving hit me hard, I went for it.

It smells exactly as I remembered. Caramel-vanilla with a hint of coconut and berries on a clean musk base. It is cozy and sweet. Also perfect for enhancing the vanilla aspect in more complex scents. As other Laurence Dumont scents I tried (and loved) there is not too much development here either. But again, who cares if a fragrance is stuck in one development stage if that stage is really good?

The silage is weak, it is not the kind of fragrance that announces your arrival. The longevity is good, though. I think I can enhance its projection by layering with the other products from the range (same thing I do with Tendre Madeleine). And, since I mentioned them, it is worth saying that their shower gels scent an entire bathroom and the lotions are lightweight but effective.


For those of you smelling "Bourbon" and "booze", it's purely psychosomatic. For those of you disappointed about "not smelling the Bourbon", well that's because there is none in there. Bourbon (whiskey) is not a note in the perfume, nor was it intended to be. The name of this perfume denotes the place origin of the vanilla used in the fragrance (or the type of vanilla that the fragrance is attempting to evoke), which is vanilla cultivated from the Indian Ocean islands of Madagascar and Reunion (formerly the Isle of Bourbon). Simply, it's supposed to smell like vanilla from Bourbon, (the place) not whiskey. This is almost as hilarious as when people were angry about not smelling the chocolate in "Coco Extreme". Anywhoooo it's a great base vanilla, very simple and ideal for layering. I would dare to say it smells dangerously close to Molinard's Vanille, (the plain just "Vanille" one) but this is a bit smoother with a slight creamy edge, while Molinard is a bit more "crunchy" and sugary. This is definitely a "white" vanilla, nothing deep, boozy or "noir" here. Simple and straight forward fluffy vanilla iced cupcakes made using real vanilla extract. Gourmand and very sweet, but smells well made and not cheap. Loveable. Modest projection, (won't clear a room, but don't bathe in it) acceptable lasting power (4 hours give or take). Your mileage may vary.


a really nice quality bourbon and sweet..i only have a sample but it really is an enjoyable scent that would be used up if you buy it and love gourmands...and the price is fair...i love french perfumes


A successful blind buy! And a brand new, double-the-usual-price 100mL bottle at that! Thank you, fellow fragranticans!

This is a straight up vanilla essence-like vanilla with no florientals or anything else polluting the vanilla base. I know other notes are listed, but all they do is just enhance the vanilla note. I don't like to use the term 'HG' lightly, but I think this might be it. It's not too sweet like Montale Vanille Absolu, and not too shrouded by other notes like the most recent The Body Shop Vanilla. And not difficult to procure like the majestic M. Micallef Note Vanillee! That's why I love this perfume. Sillage is moderate, and lasting power is pretty good too (6-7 hours). I love it!

Lucky me

Pure heaven in the bottle for colder weather! Cozy - sexy kind of fragrance.....One of my favorites for a winter season.


I tested this perfume last summer and did not like it enough to justify a purchase. Now, Marks and Spencer sells this perfume for half price and there was only a bottle left, I grabbed it! I sprayed the perfume on me and I can still smell it 2 hours later. Comforting, warm, sweet.This is edible vanilla. Think of butter cake, dairy ice-cream or a whole bakery. Also it felt like I bathed in a tub of bourbon vanilla icecream. I was very surprised that I could get an excellent quality fragrance in a 100ml bottle for less than 20 euros (after discount). If you're into edible vanilla, give this one a try. Even at a full price it's pretty reasonable if you have the money to spend.

raw umber

Vanille Bourbon smells strongly from a warm, caramel-esque sweetness along with a sprinkling of meaty tart dried cherries. I just baked cherry chocolate chip cookies, so you can believe I stuck my nose right in the dried cherry bag, and I know the scent well. This is not Cherry In the Air cherries, but the real wrinkly deep red deal.

The dry down is so lovely and delicious, it made me respray myself! When my man smelled it on me, he had to give my neck a bite. There were some traces on my scarf two days later and they did in fact smell a bit coconutty.. very nice!

Medium longevity and medium-low projection. Would be ideal for a holiday get together, if you're planning on giving out lots of hugs but don't want to overwhelm a warm tumultuous room of people. BV smells nothing like the Molinard Vanille on me. Not better or worse, just very different. Smells amazing for winter, but pure vanilla it is not. The search continues...


I can't smell any note besides vanilla, which is fine with me. Although I like to wear some prominently vanillic scents at night and even to bed, like Shalimar and Musc Ravageur, Vanille Bourbon is strictly daytime, strictly casual. It opens with an alcoholic burst, and a few other LDSG frags do, too, but it's forgivable as it fades quickly. Update: No, I smell the red berries! My nose is becoming more perceptive where vanilla is concerned, finally.

The first time wore this my boyfriend said I smelled nice, so I gave it to him. He wears it seldom even though it suits him. A few months later I decided that I wanted to wear it again so I found it amongst his things. Vanilla is a brighter member of the spice family, to me, and it can lift my mood. I was depressed that day and didn't want any of my other "pretty pretty" mood-enhancing perfumes. This time I applied it more generously, and I must say it was blaring all day long! Unlike some users, I find this and most LDSGs quite strong, actually.

This perfume is fine with me. If I had to have a vanilla soliflore in my perfume wardrobe I'd shop around a bit more. I have the LDSG coffret of 4 perfumes, and I'm impressed. I'm head over heels for Vanille Pamplemousse in particular. I tried to wear it and VB at the same time - it did *not* work at all, which proves to me there are more notes than just vanilla in this, only they don't register as separate to my cognitive brain. Update: I smell the berries! I know I said that already.


deliciously wonderful... full of edible sensuality. its like a syrupy sweet drink and makes you feel tipsy and a little dizzy. LOVE LOVE LOVE


As a vanilla-lover I was expecting to love this, but I have to admit I found this fragrance rather disappointing. On the initial application I get a blast of alcohol and a very sugary vanilla note. As it develops, the thin vanilla scent stays around and does not become any fuller or more interesting. I detect a hint of musky red berries running through the vanilla, but that’s about it. Overall I find this fragrance very thin and weak – it’s completely lacking in any depth or staying power on my skin. I can barely smell it on myself after a few minutes, and what is left is just a threadbare, vanilla-sugar/cotton-candy scent. There are so many amazing vanilla fragrances out there, but this isn’t one of them for me.


Very sweet. For about 2 hrs Vanille Bourbon smells like cotton candy on me.
After that it is still very sweet, but I detect the toffee, some anise and very slight coconut.
I think I would prefer to wear this in fall/winter. It's extremely sweet and slightly boozy. Has a holiday feel to it.
Too sweet for me to call it sexy.


As soon as i put my nose to the sprayer, i knew this was gonna be on my top shelf. I am a vanilla fella, tried and true. The bourbon is regal. I must have sniffed my arm 100 times within the last hour. What a sigh of relief...I was worried that this would smell feminine on me. This is in the same family of sweetness as Joop pour homme. Actually, i would argue that Joop is sweeter. I love this stuff because it's creamy but comforting and never offensive. I blind bought this and accidentally hit a home run in the process. This is the best vanilla scent that i've come stop Vanille abricot.



Not at all impressed with this one. I was expecting a deep, rich, organic vanilla bean type fragrance. Well to my nose this is identical to 'Vanilla' from Body Shop. Not bad but nothing spectacular and not too grown up, just sweet, synthetic vanillin. On the other hand, the 'Tendre Madeleine'from the same line has a better vanilla projection and feels more complex and warm, so I'll go for that instead


Aah this is delightful. Creamy, sweet yet boozy vanilla with a touch of berries and coconut. I don't smell much anise but I do notice the caramel/toffee.

I freaking love it. This juice has good longevity & I will def repurchase. One of my all time favourite vanilla fragrances. This stuff is the bomb and unisex for sure.


Oh I do sooo love Vanilla, no wonder I have so many oriental Vanilla perfumes. This one however makes me feel like I have dipped into a bottle of vanilla food flavouring. Too much of a good thing is too much. Very longlasting and intense compared to other LSG scents I have tried. If you are interested in some of this PM me.


This scent is honestly a really nice one and lasts a long time! However on me, the vanilla is really predominant. In second comes the toffee. So it honestly feels like I smell like a really yummy vanilla and caramel candle! If you like that sort of thing, I think this is a really excellent gourmand scent. It's a bit too far on the gourmand side for me, but I can see people loving this one.

If you want something slightly less gourmand, try Jessica Simpson Fancy.


mmm...sounds yummy. i will have to try this is a must for me..Loooove vanilla


As many before me have already said, this a very boozy vanilla. On my skin not a "deliciously edible" holiday cookie vanilla but I can also image a vanilla flavored rum from St Marteen. I prefer this to Vanilla Noir from the same house which is a bit deeper and darker.


Just received my bottle of Vanille Bourbon.... my first blind buy based on awesome reviews.... Just sprayed it about 10-15 mins ago and so far so good. My partner loves it because it's not over powering or sickly sweet. On my skin initially it didn't smell as Vanilla or foody as I probably wanted or expected. I have been sitting on the couch constantly sniffing my arm for the past 10 minutes! The more i sniff it the more I love it. Definitely a gorgeous light-medium powered Vanilla. As time goes past I can smell more of the Vanilla and "foody" references.

I think this is a gorgeous perfume and nice that it's not too strong! Oh and i have to say that this is the FIRST PERFUME EVER that my boyfriend actually loves on me! HOORAY!


Delicious...I have Madeliene also love that too. I know gourmands are not everyone's thing I love them. I want to smell edible as one of fellow commenters said!


I didn't dislike the scent, it's very "foody" and could be a little more interesting. The vanilla and bourbon came through but the scent lasted for about 10 minutes. Sillage is less than desired, at least on me.


I have just checked UK M&S webside, and to my surprise I noticed that you can buy all different vanilla perfume from Lawrance Dumont!!!!:)))
This weekend I am going to MK to try all of them.
I have never try them before, but because I like vanilla perfume I think I should pick one.


This is a very rich, vanilla perfume.The bourbon in it is very apparent in that the perfume has a boozy quality.It last a very long time and is perfect for those cold weather days.


This smells to me like an expensive, sophisticated vanilla and the antithesis of the likes of (say) Dana's French Vanilla. I detect a deep, rich vanilla with oodles of caramelised sugar. Very foody and clean and (thankfully) not musky, cloying or powdery. I don't get any of the other notes listed (perhaps my nose is not refined enough). I adore this fragrance and would consider it suitable for any occasion. Superb longevity too.


Like someone else mentioned, my first spritz was pure alcohol, but within a few seconds the vanilla came through with a hint of tobacco-ish smell (not in a bad way though, hard to describe but a "sexy tobacco" smell??? I don't know, I'm not even a smoker lol!) This was only for the first half hour or so for me then it dried into the most delicious creamy sexy vanilla scent, I couldn't stop smelling myself! I never knew I could love vanilla again after trying the Body Shop vanilla oil and having massive headaches every time!! But this has re-awakened my love of vanilla Yay! :D

I kid you not as well, as soon as I had sprayed this and smelled my wrist I had massive sugar cravings and reached for my bf's stash of jelly beans, something I NEVER do!!

Also it seemed to hold longer on my clothes than it did on my wrist, but one word YUM!! (Grown up Yummy vanilla that makes you drool and want to eat your arm, those who own this will know what I mean!)


This is a killer vanilla. I think it should be purchased by any vanilla lovers out there, I'm sure I will add this to my collection and it will be loved with the same strenght as Casmir by Chopard.

What do I get out of Vanille Bourbon? I get the most delicious, sweet and sexy vanilla I have found in perfume. It has a sillage to die for. It is extremely sweet, but somehow the anice and berries holds it back a little bit so it does not become too heady and nauseating.

As some might know most of the men love vanilla on a woman. So the only thing I'm worried about with this perfume is that someone might try to eat me, because this is jummy. My girly and childish side is screaming in pleasure after sniffing this.


This is a really sweet and somewhat foody vanilla. It is not dark or complex in my opinion. I don't smell tobacco at all. There is some caramel and the bourbon is ever-present. The cherry creeps in after a couple of hours and mixes perfectly with the vanilla. Like many other sweet vanillas, it's indistinguishable. I've tried and tried to figure out the difference between Vanille Orientale and my nose can't differentiate between the two. Vanille Bourbon is at the top of my list still though; it is a sweet, foody, gourmand, fruity, enveloping mist of sugary goodness! Compliments abound and it lasts for hours. Just be warned that you'll sniff your wrist and want to bite into a Heath bar!


A truly puzzling scent which I need to think about more. It opens with a delightful noseful of bourbon and vanilla--very volatile, very big. It slowly settles into (here comes the puzzle) what I smelled as tobacco leaf and my husband smelled as marshmallow. As the day has gone on I've alternately smelled vanilla, caramel, tobacco and fruit. I'm enjoying it tremendously but it seems unusually schizophrenic for a gourmand.


Les Senteurs Gourmandes VANILLE BOURBON is a truly delectable and smooth combination of bourbon, vanilla, coconut, and caramel, which somehow add up to something not at all cloying, thanks perhaps in part to the anise and the musk. The darkness of the bourbon cuts the sweetness as well, making this a warm and inviting fragrance with some real depth rather than yet another superficial sugar fest.

I approached this combination with some trepidation, fully prepared to run for a scrub, and when I initially caught a waft of what appeared to be unalloyed bourbon upon opening the vial, I feared for the worst. Instead, the alcohol evaporated in a flash, leaving an extremely appealing linear gourmand behind.

Although I usually don't think of vanilla scents as candidates for the category of great perfume, this is one of the nicest gourmands that I've ever tried, as evidenced by the fact that my nose has been glued to my wrist for most of the night!

Highly recommended to all who appreciate vanilla-based perfumes and like to smell delicious, VANILLE BOURBON has excellent sillage and staying power in the edp.

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