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Girl Meets Duke #3

The Wallflower Wager

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Romance (2019)
They call him the Duke of Ruin.

To an undaunted wallflower, he's just the beast next door.

Wealthy and ruthless, Gabriel Duke clawed his way from the lowliest slums to the pinnacle of high society—and now he wants to get even.

Loyal and passionate, Lady Penelope Campion never met a lost or wounded creature she wouldn’t take into her home and her heart.

When her imposing—and attractive—new neighbor demands she clear out the rescued animals, Penny sets him a challenge. She will part with her precious charges, if he can find them loving homes.

Done, Gabriel says. How hard can it be to find homes for a few kittens?

And a two-legged dog.

And a foul-mouthed parrot.

And a goat, an otter, a hedgehog . . .

Easier said than done, for a cold-blooded bastard who wouldn’t know a loving home from a workhouse. Soon he’s covered in cat hair, knee-deep in adorable, and bewitched by a shyly pretty spinster who defies his every attempt to resist. Now she’s set her mind and heart on saving him.

Not if he ruins her first.

368 pages, ebook

First published August 13, 2019

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About the author

Tessa Dare

45 books14.2k followers
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Tessa Dare is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of fourteen historical romance novels and five novellas. Her books have won numerous accolades, including Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA® award (twice!) and the RT Book Reviews Seal of Excellence. Booklist magazine named her one of the “new stars of historical romance," and her books have been contracted for translation in more than a dozen languages.

A librarian by training and a booklover at heart, Tessa makes her home in Southern California, where she lives with her husband, their two children, and a trio of cosmic kitties.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,118 reviews
Profile Image for Riley.
447 reviews23.2k followers
September 13, 2019
the slytherin/hufflepuff ship we deserve
Profile Image for Regan.
469 reviews113k followers
June 9, 2023
ugh now I am caught up SAD
Profile Image for Chelsea (chelseadolling reads).
1,503 reviews20.2k followers
September 17, 2019
Tessa Dare writes historical romance like no other and I will forever bow to the queen. This was SO heckin' charming.

TW: pedophilia (in the past), grooming (in the past)
Profile Image for Anovelqueen .
297 reviews945 followers
August 3, 2019
***4.5*** STARS

Tessa Dare has proven once again why she is one of the BEST historical romance writers of all time....consistency. I cannot say a bad thing about any of her books and this one ranks top too.

Lady Penelope loves animals...specifically wounded and abandoned animals. Her love of animals leads her into a rather sexy introduction to our hero Gabriel Duke. Gabriel has dragged himself from the gutters of London and he has become what we would consider today a real estate mogul. But he also takes pleasure in bringing the hated aristocracy to their knees financially. When he meets Penny he presents as very hard and serious, but he has a soft side that he has kept hidden for fear of vulnerability.

I loved the romance between Penny and Gabe. Talk about serious laugh out loud moments especially with Gabe’s interaction with the animals and the guys interaction with each other (true bro moments). I was in stitches. And the steam factor was off the charts. They truly had odds to overcome but you as the reader are pulling for them hard.

Tessa Dare has a way with words and her stories flow fast. I read this in one sitting and my attention was glued to my IPAD. Her use of dialogue makes the story come to life and develops the characters magnificently. My only real complaint, if you can call it that, is I wish the Epilogue was longer and more in depth. I wanted to hear about some babies.

Readers, so far the historical romance writers are coming out fully loaded and ready with some awesome books this summer. They are bringing some heat to the often overlooked genre of historical romance and I for one say HEAR HEAR.

Add this one to the pile ladies and don’t wait to read...it is part of a serIes and you will definitely want to read the others to understand fully Chase and Ash.

Profile Image for Sara Reads (mostly) Romance.
350 reviews247 followers
August 20, 2019

What better way to ease my way back into reading than a Tessa Dare novel?

Here goes

Oops. Guess who did it again?

Tessa FUCKIN Dare. That's Who.

You know the one thing I love about her books is that they're feel good, don't take themselves too seriously with the perfect amount of romance, passion and emotion. Her men are... all the same lol. But! It's not like them old highland novels where all the men are just like grunt and point. Her men have humor which is honestly all I can ask for when using the same formula for all your heroes. Her heroines on the other hand, are what MAKE all the novels. I love how she definitely improved here from the Governess Game. The last book in the series was rushed and I was annoyed on how she completely brushed over the heroine's hobbies and career. It was supposedly a big part of her life but wasn't even discussed. Here I absolutely loved Penelope and her dedication to animals, and how aware of herself.

Not gonna lie, Gabriel wasn't that special, however they had wonderful chemistry and he was so so sweet and funny. I loved the humor, I definitely laughed out loud several times. The sex. well, can't complain can I. The plot was cute and fun, and not too heavy.

Now if you're looking for a realistic historical, lol you won't find it here. The year is 2019. The audience is mostly middle aged women with MANY sexual fantasies lmao. Therefore, if you're looking for a realistic, very non-independent, non-sexually empowered victorian heroine, you will most definitely not find it here.

Read the book, read all her books, know what you're signing up for and don't take it too seriously!!

That's all folks! xxx




^^me looking at dat cover while im single in the lib procrastinating on my essay wearing an oversized graphic tee eating 4 bars of chocolate
Profile Image for Addie.
529 reviews274 followers
February 24, 2022
(Tropes: Unstarched (him), Wallflower / Spinster, Class Difference, Enemies to Lovers, Opposites Attract)


4.5 stars!!

I’ve been on a pretty lousy romance reading path lately, so last night I bought Tessa Dare’s latest as I needed a “sure thing”. And boy did it deliver. I started it this morning and read it in one sitting.

It’s got adorable, charming, and rude animals, hilarious revisits and interaction with characters from book 1 and 2, amusing dialogue that made me laugh out loud, plus plenty of hot, sweet, sexy, and tender moments.

There is also a couple of punches to this book which will be surprising, but it adds very good value to the story and just shows what a brilliant writer TD is.

This book had it all.

“Good God,” he said. “What have I unleashed?”
“Me.” She lifted his hand and kissed it. “I’m in control of my life and my body, and you can’t know what that means. I’m not sure I know what it means. But I’m all anticipation to find out.”


Quick plot: When Gabriel Duke is finishing his new house for sale to make more profit to his already vast fortune, he is not prepared for the continuous challenges presented by his pretty neighbour and her brood of animals.


It becomes quite clear that these two will butt heads. Repeatedly.

- Nothing pleased her more than looking after those around her. Feeding them, warming them, protecting them, giving them a home. She doled out affection from an endless supply. The only problem was, she was running out of people to claim it.

- Lady Penelope Campion had a softness for animals. Gabe had no softness at all.


But there is no denying they have noticed each other.

- There was nothing off-putting about her whatsoever. She was . . . on-putting, in every way.

- Penny wasn’t unused to men, but there was a difference between friendly acquaintance and a close-range confrontation with sheer masculine physicality. It felt like someone had taken a mallet to a gong of femininity hidden deep in her belly, and now the vibrations traveled through her bones, summoning an ancient, primal force. Penny could think of only one name for it: lust.


It's a good thing they have such a like for animals in common.

- “Certainly, I like animals. Roasted animals. Fried animals. Minced-and-baked-in-a-pie animals.” He gestured expansively. “I like all kinds of animals.”


And it doesn’t take long for Gabriel to expose his soft underbelly.

- “Listen to me,” he said sternly. “My motives are never kind. Neither are they generous or charitable or good. They’re money-driven and entirely selfish. You’d do well to remember that.”


And they get along swimmingly.

- “Your Ladyship, you are anything but calming.”
“You’re not particularly cuddly yourself,” she said. “Luckily, I have some experience soothing prickly beasts.”

- She clenched her hands into fists. “You are so maddening. You have a way of provoking me, unlike anyone I’ve ever known. It’s as though I become a different person when I’m around you, and I’m not certain I like her.”
He pulled her to him. “I like her.”

- He would not put his hands on Lady Penelope Campion again. Absolutely not.
Definitely not.
Probably not.

- “For the good of us both, you have to cease gazing at me.”
“Then you have to cease wooing me.”
“Wooing you.” He grimaced, as if the words were a pickled lemon on his tongue. “I don’t woo.”
“You do too woo.”

- …. “But all the money and influence in the world can’t change my nature.”
“There’s nothing wrong with your nature. Your nature is fine.” For that sentence alone, she could have kissed him.


(it’s not)


- “We are who we are, I suppose.”
“We are who we are,” she agreed.
Gabe despised the defeated note in her voice. He liked who she was, beneath the mask. And when he was in her company, he almost liked who he was, too.

Profile Image for Anne.
4,277 reviews70k followers
May 5, 2021
Penelope loves animals.


All kinds of jacked-up animals that nobody else wants.


All Gabriel Duke wants is to flip the house next door to hers and sell it for a nice profit. Besides the newfangled hot water tap he's had installed, the biggest selling point the house has going for it is that Lady Penelope lives next door. Apparently, folks will pay good money to say their next door neighbor has a title.
Who knew?
Everything is going swimmingly until Gabriel meets Penny and her entourage of pets. Including a parrot with a potty mouth that she rescued from a brothel, a suspiciously fat goat, and a two-legged dog that rolls himself into more trouble than most toddlers.


Unfortunately, Penny's brother has decided to move his weird sister out of town and into the country.
Fortunately, her aunt has convinced him to let Penny try her hand at husband hunting for just a little bit longer.
Unfortunately, Penny sucks at interacting with anyone other than animals.
Fortunately, Gabriel knows he can polish her up, get rid of the smelly animals, and find some gentleman who is willing to marry such a pretty young woman.
Unfortunately, he may be falling for her himself...


This one was a typically adorable Tessa Dare romance. If you're looking for something cute and sweet with a bit of humor in it, you can't go wrong with The Wallflower Wager.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,146 reviews13.2k followers
August 11, 2019
She was a fool. A naïve, trusting, sheltered fool. And Gabe wanted to corrupt her so damned badly, his bones ached.

See that pile of satisfied reader goo in the corner? The one clutching her kindle to her chest and making moon eyes at the sky? That, my friends, is this girl after downright binging on the absolute perfection that was this story.

I don't know how it's possible for Tessa Dare to outdo herself with each book in this series, but my GOD does she. I loved the first book and thought nothing can top it, then I felt the same about the second book. And now reading the third, I'm convinced that this author is a mythical unicorn that farts rainbows and creates pure swoony magic with her stories. Yes, I realize most likely it's immense skill and talent, but just go with me here. I'm still on cloud nine after finishing this phenomenal romance.

Now let's talk about this story and everything that it had.

First, the third wallflower that gives the word eccentric a whole new meaning. A spinster by choice and an animal lover by nature, Penelope has an innate ability to find the weak and wounded and nurse them back to health. And over the years, she's developed quite the collection of animals.
Dear Mr. Duke,
As requested, here is an inventory of the animals in my care: Bixby, a two-legged terrier. Marigold, a nanny goat of unimpeachable character, who is definitely not breeding. Angus, a three-year-old Highland steer. Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia—laying hens. Delilah, a parrot. Hubert, an otter. Freya, a hedgehog. Thirteen kittens of varying colors and dispositions.

But Penny's skill of attracting the wounded and lost doesn't just stop with animals. Enter Gabriel Duke, or the Duke of Ruin as he's known to the lot.
Three things, however, never altered. He always woke with the dawn. He always woke hungry. And he always woke up alone. He had a set of rules when it came to sexual congress—he didn’t pay for it, he wouldn’t beg for it, and he damned well wasn’t going to wed for it.

I say this every time I read a book from this series, but I swear Gabe was my favorite hero to date. Broody, tortured, and hiding a heart of gold, this man absolutely stole mine. There's something so vulnerable to his intensity. Beyond the ruthless and cold demeanor there's a boyish charm to him that you can't help but gravitate towards.

Then there's Tessa's signature brand of banter that will leave a goofy smile on your face and completely incapable to set the book down.
Every time I speak three words, you look as though you’re going to swoon into my arms.”
“I do not,” Penny objected, knowing very well that she probably did.
“You sigh like a fool, blush like a beet. Your eyes are the worst of it. They turn into these . . . these pools. Glassy blue pools with man-eating sharks beneath the surface.”
“I hope you’re not planning a career in poetry.”
“For the good of us both, you have to cease gazing at me.”

Penelope has made a deal with the devil when she agrees to allow the Duke of Ruin to help her meet the terms she's promised to her aunt in order to not be forced to go back to her brother and eventually be forced to marry. Those terms? Finding a loving home for her beloved animals while letting the Duke introduce her back to the ton as something more than the quirky spinster.

The story is full of lovable secondary characters, including past favorites, and some of the most memorable and funny animals to grace the pages of a book. I couldn't get enough of this!

Did I also mention the cameos?
I’ll look. I’m not afraid. I intend to be there for every moment of the miracle of my own child’s birth.” He crouched and squinted. “And . . . I’ve changed my mind.” Chase retreated to the far corner of the stall and sat on a crate, his pallor having turned a pale, sickly green.
“Fine,” Ashbury said. “I’ll do it. If I could stomach my own injuries from that rocket blast, I can stomach this.” He went to look, then reeled a step backward. “Oh, God. Something’s coming out.”
“Of course something’s coming out,” Gabe said. “A baby goat.”
“No,” Ash said grimly. “No.”
“If it’s not a goat, then what is it?”
“It’s a punishment for all my earthly sins, is what it is.”

This book was everything I've come to expect from the amazing Tessa Dare and so much more. It was romantic and heart warming. It had a tortured and protective hero. It had a quirky heroine with an understated inner strength that you can't help but connect to. And it had the most swoony romance full of laughs that you never want to end. In a word? PERFECTION. An absolute must read for any historical romance fans out there!

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for EmBibliophile.
598 reviews1,854 followers
January 23, 2020
4.5 stars

“No one can be reduced to numbers in a ledger, or a stack of banknotes, or a single silver coin. We are humans, with souls and hearts and passion and love. Every last one of us is priceless. Even you.”
“Gabriel Duke. You are priceless.”

One more 2020 goal; read more historical romances. They’re so good and freakin enjoyable to read.

This one was so hilarious. I really enjoyed it. Something that I love about historical romances, is that subtle sense of humor. I don’t know I just enjoy it so much! Gabe and Penny’s interactions were so fun and heartwarming.

The book was so enjoyable. Their banter left me with a goofy smile on my face. The dialogue was so amusing. Such an adorable read! Penny was such a fun adorable character. And Gabe was her absolute opposite. And all those “pets”! A two legged dog, a goat, and my favorite, a parrot with a smart dirty mouth!
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,402 followers
October 11, 2019
I'm going to do something rare - start with a serious trigger warning just to make sure nobody reads this if it will hurt them.

Okay, serious is done now.

This story is about a well-bred lady who loves animals, but stays away from people, and a guy who made his fortune by ruining wealthy aristocrats. They call him the Duke of Ruin because of it. He is like a Victorian Robin Hood, except he takes from the rich and keeps it. And, he takes their fortunes legally. Plus, they are a bunch of lazy, entitled snobs who never earned their money in the first place, so.... you know. Yay Duke of Ruin! You do your thing!

Too much?
or, not enough????

These two end up as neighbors and she ropes him into helping her find homes for her many many pets. I expected a lot more humor from the variety of animals she had, but only the foul-mouthed parrot really delivered. The rest of them were just normal animals. Boring! I don't read for normal, dammit!

is this too much to ask for?

Of course there are shenanigans. And, you know they will fall in love. It's a lot of fun along the way.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,111 followers
January 19, 2020
Another fabulous book from Tessa Dare! This is the third one I have read, and all three are deserving of five stars!!! I love how each book has not only love, sex, and friendship; but also humour too! The humour has added an important element into each story, and for me it pushed a four star read to soar into five stars! I don’t give five stars out easy anymore... but these stories have deserved them!!

This is Gabriel and Penny’s story and has been my favourite in this series! Penny is a lover of animals... not just plain animals.. but ones that are injured and unloved. She takes them under her wing and gives them love, health, and a home! The situations that go on in Penny’s home with those animals is hilarious!!! Then Gabe comes along and turns Penny’s world upside down. He is her neighbor, but there is way more to him then anyone can see. Of course Penny loves a challenge, and she certainly gets one with the grumpy guy!

I have said this in all three of my reviews... these are highly entertaining stories!!! I recommend them wholeheartedly! If you are looking for a wonderful read that will make you laugh out loud, as well as swoon... these are your stories! I so much have enjoyed this series, I am very eager to start reading the authors older books!!!
I am very thankful that I have had an amazing start to my 2020 year so far! Thank you Tessa Dare!❤️
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,110 followers
August 5, 2019
❤️5 STARS❤️

I'm so in love with The Wallflower Wager, this is the best!I fall in love with everything and esecially the characters!I couldn't get enough of them.I laughed,I swooned and I melted with these two.Tessa Dare delivers a sweet,heartwarming and steamy romance!


Penny and Gabe are my favorite couple.I love their banter, they have an amazing chemistry.I laughed a lot with these two.Their dialogues were fun,entairten and sweet.There were some really hot and intense moments too to make you swoon. Penny is such a sweetheart, I loved her so much.She was kind,sweet and so lovely.Gabe is sexy, handsome and I loved how he felt for her.

This one has all the sweet feels.I highly recommend it!After the Duchess Deal this is my new favorite in the series!


Profile Image for Holly.
1,472 reviews1,365 followers
June 25, 2022
Tessa Dare is back and this is the historical romance book you have been waiting for! I rarely give out five stars but I enjoyed this book too much not to. This book was hilarious! It reminded me a bit of Bea from Lisa Kleypas' Love in the Afternoon (another book I highly recommend), in that they both feature a heroine who tends to like animals more than people. But when comparing the two, this one was more lighthearted overall with several literal laugh-out-loud moments for me.

Well, I should say there was one thing that was absolutely NOT lighthearted and definitely deserves a trigger warning: .

This book is part of a series but you can read it as a standalone. You just won't "know" who some of the friends are that appear, but it's not integral to the story. Oh and it's WONDERFUL as an audiobook if you want to go that route.
Profile Image for Princess under cover.
614 reviews303 followers
September 30, 2019
2.5 stars rounded down to 2. In a word: BORING! In another word: RIDICULOUS!!! And I can't stand that cover. All the covers in this series are awful. Like paper cutouts of real people pasted on a page. Like someone drew them in photoshop and made them extra NOT attractive



Let me begin by saying that Tessa Dare has always been one of my favorite historical romance authors. I love her Spindle Cove series. I've read a number of her books repeatedly. More than 3 times even.

But her recent Girl Meets Duke series has been a massive disappointment, and the downhill slope just keeps getting lower.

I'll start with the good bits:

*The beginning and the end (as in, the epilogue). Delilah is a hoot!

That's it folks. Those are the good bits.

Everything else is just plain silly.


Let me count the ways:

1. The contrived plot with the animals. I can suspend belief (and always do) in romances, esp. historical and of course paranormal and fantasy. But this is just plain stupid. Right... a LADY lives by herself in the middle of a fancy square perambulating with goats and 2-legged dogs in the middle of the day. COME ON!!!

Listen, I'm all for cute animals and working them into storylines. But I contrast this cluster-f*ck effort with Lisa Kleypas' Love in the Afternoon (The Hathaways, #5) by Lisa Kleypas . One is subtle and believable, the other (this one) is just plain ridiculous.

2. The not so exciting, intense, or otherwise scintillating sex scenes. It's like Ms. Dare has forgotten what sexual tension feels like. Or how to describe it in words, at least. I felt no chemistry between the characters. No real push and pull. It was just too "blunt force" if you know what I mean. Giving me "blunt force trauma" at the end of it.

3. The side characters didn't add so much to the story as being fillers.

4. The back stories of the MCs wasn't really explored in a way that added depth to the plot and characters. They seemed thrown in, again, bc the author had to make something up to fill a book.

Sigh... I just don't know if I want to read any more of her books. I feel like she's reached the nadir of her writing. Maybe it will go up after she's done with this series, but I'm definitely not sticking around for book 4.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,141 reviews34.8k followers
May 6, 2021
4.5 stars
Dear Mr. Duke,
As requested, here is an inventory of the animals in my care:
Bixby, a two-legged terrier.
Marigold, a nanny goat of unimpeachable character, who is definitely not breeding.
Angus, a three-year-old Highland steer.
Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia—laying hens.
Delilah, a parrot.
Hubert, an otter.
Freya, a hedgehog.
Thirteen kittens of varying colors and dispositions.

Oh my goodness. I had so much fun reading this historical romance! Lady Penelope is a single woman who runs her own mini animal rescue at her home. She can’t turn away a stray animal that needs her. Gabriel Duke bought the home next door and is working on ‘flipping’ it to make a profit. Selling might prove to be difficult with the zoo next door, so he’s planning on helping Penelope rehome some of these animals.

I specifically picked this book up because it was recommended on a book tube grumpy/sunshine video and I love that troupe. It didn’t disappoint. Penny is such a sunshine character, and Gabriel is my favorite kind of grump.
'No one pays much attention to me.’
The injustice in that statement confounded him. How could no one be paying attention to her? Over the past few days, he’d been unable to concentrate on anyone or anything but her.

I had so much fun reading this one. I loved the romance, the friendships, and how Gabriel and Penelope truly got each other and saw past what others saw in them. I can’t wait to go back and get to the first two books in this series. This was my first Tessa Dare book and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Audio book source: Hoopla (library borrow)
Story Rating: 4.5 stars
Narrator: Mary Jane Wells
Narration Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Historical Romance
Length: 7 hours and 8 minutes
Profile Image for preoccupiedbybooks.
482 reviews1,456 followers
June 22, 2020
Adorable, funny and steamy, what more could a girl want from a romance?

The Wallflower Wager is the third book in the 'Girl meets Duke' series, but can be read as a standalone. I would definitely recommend reading the other books though, as they all follow a group of female friends, and the friendships are wonderful! This book follows Lady Penelope Campion, a shy wallflower, who prefers the company of animals to people, and who rescues unwanted and injured ones. Faced with being sent to live with her brother, unless she gets rid of her many animals, and appears in the society pages, she enlists the help of her new grumpy neighbour Gabe (The Duke of ruin).

I didn't think that I would like Penny as much as the other girls, from how she came across in the first two books, but I couldn't have been more wrong! She snuck into my heart, with her affections for animals, her kindness, and with her sad childhood. And Gabe, whose character wasn't quite as developed as Penny's, also had a sad tale to tell. They seemed complete opposites, but actually had things in common, and both had a big heart. Penny and Gabe had great chemistry, and the steam was hottttt! They also had a great connection outside the bedroom, and were just so loveable, saying,
“No one can be reduced to numbers in a ledger, or a stack of banknotes, or a single silver coin. We are humans, with souls and hearts and passion and love. Every last one of us is priceless. Even you.”
“Gabriel Duke. You are priceless.”


"I've built a fortune by spotting things that are undervalued, dusting them off, and selling them at the proper price. I know a hidden treasure when I see one.”
I loved all the side characters! The girl's (and husbands') friendships were so supportive and lovely! They've all grown into my heart over this series! The housekeeper was hilarious, as was the parrot! I loved the banter between the friends, especially between the men!

Tessa Dare's books are such feel good books, I love them! They're funny, and don't take themselves too seriously. She is definitely the best at writing lovable female characters.

The Wallflower Wager was charming, cute and hilarious. It left me feeling soft and happy, so well done Ms Dare, job done!
Profile Image for Michelle.
147 reviews263 followers
March 4, 2020
Tessa Dare keeps captivating me with her “Girl Meets Duke” series, and while all the books sparkle in their own right, I think “The Wallflower Wager” is my favorite among them so far. This has wonderful characters and delightful banter, what I have always come to expect from the series; and adventures that involve a two-legged dog who frequently needs rescuing, a runaway otter, a compromised goat, an abundance of kittens, and a parrot with quite a colorful vocabulary -- not what I am generally accustomed to in my romance novels but this is laugh-out-loud funny, smart and, of course, romantic. Just the romance Penny deserves!

Penny and Gabriel are both well developed, complex characters with all the strengths and flaws that make for a fiery relationship. She’s sweet and feels everything deeply. He’s rough, gentle, and chivalrous to the core. Getting to know Penny beyond the quirky animal rescuer we’ve met in the earlier books, was enlightening. Not only quirky and loving, but also hiding a devastatingly sad secret from her past. Dare handled this element with sensitivity, and with a satisfying comeuppance towards the end. Gabriel, aka The Duke of Ruin, was a fabulous hero in his own right. I always enjoy a brooding hero who slowly reveals his softer side to a tenacious heroine.

The story reunites the characters from the first two books in the series, "The Duchess Deal" and "The Governess Game" which I also highly recommend. A romance series where every friend finds their perfect match can be a bit kitschy, but I think Dare has perfected the formula. Each heroine seems genuine, unique, lovable and fully fleshed out. The heroes they find to love have strengths and flaws that complement them well. I love the humor, passion, romance, and subtle drama in this series and eagerly wait for the next story.
Profile Image for Ⓐlleskelle - That ranting lady ッ.
1,010 reviews912 followers
July 10, 2019

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5 STARS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I'm now looking at craiglist for possible parrots rescues, lol!

GAH! I couldn't love this book more!
This was such a real treat to read, delightful in every respect.
The Wallflower’s Wager was incredibly hilarious, charming and hot, SO, so hot! I’m talking positively scalding steam here!
If you’re looking for a pick-me-up, call off the search, this is the book you’ve been looking for! YES, YES, OOH! YES!

A neighbors to lovers/ pauper and the princess trope / beast and the wallflower...
-'No one pays much attention to me.’

The injustice in that statement confounded him. How could no one be paying attention to her? Over the past few days, he’d been unable to concentrate on anyone or anything but her."

I just can't get enough of Tessa Dare's sassy and quirky heroines entangling themselves with prickly, roguish men!
Lady Penelope Campion —or— Penny, had me howling with laughter all throughout! "Pretty Girl!"
She might be my favorite heroine from this series thus far! (I know I could have said "so far" but after reading a historical romance, one is compelled to employ words like "thus", "atop", "drawers" or "column of arousal"… you know, the usual. LOL!)

From the previous books we knew Penny would be fun and eccentric, but I hadn't expected all the layers from her character. She's such a lovable heroine, she's got the sass, the brain, the biggest heart and doesn't shy from her feelings... even if it means poking at the beastly man next door!
"She was a fool. A naive, trusting, sheltered fool. And Gabe wanted to corrupt her so damned badly, his bones ached.

This book has got to have the most entertaining and perfect meet-cute ever! Not even 5% in and I was already full-on guffawing all the while worshipping at the altar that was the potent chemistry between Gabriel and Penny on their first encounter.

Gabriel Duke knows better than reaching for what isn't for him, or so he's been taught over and over again during his upbringing. One look at Lady Penelope Campion is enough to confirm she's not for the likes of him. Self-made man, ruthless business man, definetly not a gentleman. He didn’t earn his Duke of Ruin’s title for nothing. I flat out fell in lust/love—and everything that follows, with Gabriel Duke. I felt seen and understood after reading that simply put but oh so effective first description of him by Penelope:
"Lord but he was a big, beautiful beast of a man. There was just so much of him. Tall, broad, powerfully muscled. And utterly bare, save for that thin bit of toweling and his thick, dark hair. My, he had a great deal of hair. Not only plastered in damp curls on his head but defining the hard line of his jaw. And lightly furring his chest."

Yes, I’m shallow like that. But you know what? He’s proven himself to be more than just that perfect body, a man with integrity and intense sense of care and loyalty, definitely a hero to swoon over.

On the pretense to protect his business interests selling the house he’s just renovated next door to Penny, he’s agreed to save Penny’s whole animal rescue/menagerie. Both she and Gabriel are on a mission to find them good homes so Penny’s reputation as a lady can be restored in the eyes of her own brother.

They’re so different from each other, yet their differences made them so perfect together.
"—You are so maddedning. You have a way of provoking me, unlike anyone I’ve ever known. It’s as though I become a different person when I'm around you, and I’m not certain I like her.

—He pulled her to him. ‘Ilike her’."

The instant attraction between Penny and Gabe and the resulting tension without a doubt commanded my full attention. Something that clearly stood out for me reading The Wallflower’s Wager, was the focus on the positive sex scenes between Penny and Gabe. Ravishing roguish man yes, but consent on the pages. Wallflower of a woman, yes, but taking her pleasure and not shying away from exploring her desire. The power exchange and respect interspersed during those scenes made the romance even more special in this historical context.
"— If I were to lose my virtue, some would deem me worthless.

— You could never be worthless.

— Gabriel Duke. You are priceless."

I don't believe I've laughed this hard before reading a historical, Penny fighting tooth and nails to protect her animals' well-being, the whole crew from the previous books defending Penny from the big bad Duke of Ruin, Gabriel efforts to reason Penny... Everything was brilliantly orchestrated to deliver the perfect heartfelt romance story.

I've been well and truly ruined by Gabriel Duke! Penny decidedly got herself the best Duke of them all! "Fancy a fuck, love?"

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Profile Image for Melanie A. (on hiatus).
1,158 reviews488 followers
September 20, 2019
"I know a hidden treasure when I see one."
Tessa Dare never fails to make me laugh! The Wallflower Wager was sweet, romantic and so amusing.

Penny was a wonderful heroine. Strong, yet vulnerable. Kind and quirky.
As a person who wanted to like everyone, it hurt to know that not everyone liked her in return.
And of course so funny.
Good Lord, Penny. He's a person. Not merely a collection of muscles with an intriguing distribution of hair.
Gabriel was also wonderful - not an aristocrat this time! - with his dark past making him deliciously mercenary and giving the story its impetus.
Her curves yielded beneath him, welcoming all his hard edges and giving them a place to rest.
Now for the bad news . . .

I thought the beginning of the story suffered from a decided lack of scenes to forge Penny and Gabe's bond. Dare seemed to conjure their relationship from thin air. Which is too bad because this kind of incredible sentiment. . .
Though her features were exquisite, and her lips the pinkish hue of rose petals, her most beautiful feature by far was her heart.
. . . would mean so much more if their initial connection hadn't been so flimsy.

But who am I kidding? Even a mediocre book by this author is much better than most. The laughs alone make it worth reading. I recommend!
Profile Image for Somia.
2,064 reviews151 followers
September 4, 2020
4.5 Charmed Stars

Gabriel (Gabe) Duke known as the Duke of Ruin is in equal measures despised and feared by polite society, deemed ruthless and a threat to the gentry, he has risen up from poverty and is determined never to know the hunger and pain of his childhood, but the man is not as ruthless as he and society seem to think he is. The heart behind the strong and powerful man becomes increasingly clear as he interacts with Lady Penelope (Penny) Campion. Penny may have a warm and kind heart but I love how she never cowered when it came to Gabe, she’s just the type of Lady I adore.

I could gush over Gabe for a long while, but I’m going to contain myself and say he is one man/person who sees what a gem Penny is from the get go – protective and passionate, I liked how her views and opinions where what he cared about more than those of the people around her – something he made clear to Penny and her friends/family.

The scene with Marigold, Ashbury, Chase and Gabe was so funny, and then there are the amusing scenes with Mr. Hammond and Mrs Burns the housekeeper, whom Hammond thinks may be (as the book progresses):

It was lovely seeing the characters from the previous books pop up in this one. I do wish the scenes with Poppy’s brother had a bit more punch behind them, but this little niggle didn’t diminish the enjoyment the story and characters gave me.

I did a mental cheer when I realised this was finally out, and my excitement for this book turned out to be justified, I lost myself in the pages of the book – Gabriel and Penny (SIGH) I adored individually and as a couple. A rich tapestry of humour and passion mean this book will certainly be staying in my re-read pile, with the couple being more than a little memorable, that being said I do wish the book had been a little longer, so a compelling layer of depth could have been added, for example Gabriel was fab but I think the author could have given us more when it came to him.

Potential Triggers:
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,569 reviews2,199 followers
September 8, 2019
Hmm, she says, hmm!

I don't know why this didn't quite work for me. But I think my biggest gripe is how everything felt so.. glossy. Glossed over, I mean. Things move quick, we have so much potential for juicy backstory issues, and while they get time on-page.. not quite enough.

This has so many of the classic Dare moments, including but of course not limited to a great opening sequence, but. But. I hate to repeat myself but : things move quick. This felt like more of a novella in terms of depth and progression of feels and while I don't mind novellas, particularly Dare's, I just wanted more. And when some of the best moments happen between the housekeeper and the architect..? Yeah, something isn't quite winning.

"The housekeeper?"
"Oh good, you see her, too."
"Should I not?"
"I don't know. I'm not certain she's human. Sometimes I think she's a ghost who's been haunting the place for centuries."

This has all the hallmarks of cute and funny and sweet and swoony but I definitely expected just a little bit more of all of it.
Profile Image for Joanna Loves Reading.
605 reviews248 followers
February 11, 2021
Considering that top reviews for this book have hundreds of likes, I normally wouldn’t write much of a review, but I guess I will this time.

There has been quite a bit of discourse lately on what represents HR, and that a 20-year book *cough* (Duke and I) is not it. But is this it? Really?

This book is swoony and funny. It’s diverting, yet forgettable. I really don’t have any major problem with it. It just feels like it’s not written for HR readers. It feels like it meets the expectations of the occasional reader or someone that thinks I’ll try it, the genre, out.

I was disappointed in how the heroine’s childhood trauma was handled in this book. I had seen the trigger warnings so when the bombshell dropped, I knew it was coming. But I was still surprised that there was essentially no real foreshadowing. This book would have worked better without it. If you’re going to feature that type theme, it cannot be introduced in the last 80% glossed over and and tied with a bow.

As an HR reader, I hope for books that resonate, that tug at your emotions. This book didn’t do that, and I would say that many of those 20-year old books did. Obviously, there’s a formula that sells books, but it is a genre that can be more. Dare’s books have at times been more, but those days seem to be over.
Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews891 followers
August 25, 2019

AUTHOR: Tessa Dare
SERIES: Girl Meets Duke #3
RELEASE DATE: August 13th 2019
GENRE: Historical Romance
RATING: 4 Stars


Those who have read The Duchess Deal and The Governess Game know how beautiful and sweet Tessa Dare's stories are. She writes the most adorable heroines, the best brooding, troubled heroes and some of the wittiest banter. In The Wallflower Wager we meet the third of the quartet of friends who bonded over the fact that they seemed to be unsuitable for marriage.

While Emma and Alex both aren't originally from the elevated circles of aristocracy, Penny is the daughter of an earl who for all intents and purposes may be called a spinster if it weren't for the fact that she lives in the city and has her beloved friends. She rarely goes out and is devoted to her merry mix of furry friends including but not limited to a parrot, a hedgehog, a goat, a dog and cats which she at one time rescued from injury or abandonment.

Enter Gabriel Duke, was a street urchin but made a fortune bringing members of the aristocracy to their knees. With one word, he does his nickname, Duke of Ruin, justice. He is feared but far from being accepted by the ton. When Penny finds herself in a pickle and is forced to re-enter society and find homes for her pets our broody hero offers to help. What then ensues is one delightful courtship that will have you utterly charmed and hot and bothered.
Like the rest of him, his heart was strong, defiant, loyal. Capable of lasting love. He might revel in denying it, but she knew the truth. If he ever permitted himself to love, he would love fiercely and without reserve. Only the most stubborn of women would be able to bear it.

Hidden under Gabriel's hard exterior is a soft center. He is a wonderful hero who on one hand doesn't care that he isn't accepted by the ton yet he doesn't want to give them any reason to talk or speculate. His poor upbringing has always been a sore spot.
Penny is an adorable heroine who gravitates towards the wounded and injured (and vice versa) so it's no surprise that she is the one who will, for a change, bring the Duke of Ruin to his knees.
It was trust at first sight. I felt safe with you. All those firsts that I believed had been stolen from me . . . With you, I got them all back. I took them back, on my own terms. I only wish I could go back and help recover all the firsts you missed, too.”

I loved these two so much - they were everything. Their banter hilarious and so smart, and, JESUS, their connection...so, so, SO HOT! We get to catch up with Ash and Chase too and I loved the scene where they bonded with Gabriel, it was such a hilarious scene I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard.

There is one thing I need to mention and I'm going to be honest - I could have given this story 5 stars for the story alone but I'm big on crediting where credit is due. In this story there is a part where Penny and her friend Nicola sit together and eye a gossipy newspaper. This is after an adventure with Gabriel that may have caused a little bit of a scandal.
“I don’t know why this so difficult. It’s not as though I can change the contents by waiting. What’s printed is printed. I am either a scandal or a spinster already, depending on what’s inside.”
“Actually,”Nicola mused, “while the paper remains closed, you’re both.”
“Right now, you’re both a scandal and a spinster.”
“I’m so sorry. I’m afraid I don’t follow you.”Penny frequently had difficulty following the twists and turns of Nicola’s mind. Everyone did. Nicola’s eyes went unfocused, as though she were staring at distant horizon. One that only she could see.
“Imagine you took a cat,”she said slowly, “and sealed it in a box.”
“Seal a cat inside a box?”Penny was horrified. “I’d never do such a thing.”
“Of course you wouldn’t actually do it. I’m only trying to illustrate a philosophical conundrum.”

OK, so my bestie called me a nerd for even knowing this but see, there is a theory called Schrödinger's Cat devised in 1935 which I'm not going into in detail but it's a thought experiment by physicist Erwin Schrödinger which you can read about here if you want to geek out a bit. The thoughts Nicole uttered are based on this theory and while I think it's totally OK to take creative liberty I would like to see the source credited in author's notes or acknowledgements. I didn't find any of that in The Wallflower Wager and I have to say that I was a little disappointed, so much so that I deducted a star.

With all that being said, this story is one of the highlights of this year and I wish I could have rated it 5 stars. I will keep reading Tessa Dare's stories because they are some of the best Historical Romance books. This one will make you swoon, laugh, fall in love with Penny and Gabe and leave you totally satisfied with their Happily Ever After. I am looking forward to Nicola's story - she's a nerd after my own heart.

Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,285 reviews992 followers
September 13, 2019
This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceI received this book for free from Avon in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The Wallflower Wager is the third book in the "Girl Meets Duke" series and this is a story that I have been looking forward to all year. Of course, this is Tessa Dare we are talking about so its definitely one of the most anticipated book for many romance readers, including myself. However, I do want to put out a warning for readers. This is a book that won't be authentic to the time frame that the story is set in. This is a stamp of the author, and its not a bad one, but don't go into this story expecting a authentic dialogue, you won't find it in this one. But now that I have that disclaimer out of the way, lets delve deeper into this book here.

Now The Wallflower Wager begins with our hero Gabriel Duke who moves in next door to Lady Penelope Campion. Penelope has a soft heart and is compassionate and has a deep love for every creature. She has a whole menagerie of animals in her home in London. When one of her creatures is found in her next door neighbor's home and shegoes in search, she finds herself face to face with the "Gabriel Duke" who is feared among the Ton and high society for his ruthlessness but all Penelope feels for Gabriel is a strong sexual attraction, in a way she has never experienced before.  When her brother and aunt give her an ultimatum, she seeks out Gabriel and they come to an agreement. As Gabriel and Penelope work together, the sparks between them fly and the chemistry they feel for each other is too difficult to be denied. But with these two opposites find a common ground in each other and the love that is blossoming between them...
Penny wasn’t unused to men, but there was a difference between friendly acquaintance and a close-range confrontation with sheer masculine physicality. It felt like someone had taken a mallet to a gong of femininity hidden deep in her belly, and now the vibrations traveled through her bones, summoning an ancient, primal force. Penny could think of only one name for it: lust.

Now in this beloved story, we have Penelope's story and I have to say out of all them, I have been drawn to her the MOST. She has such a kind and loving nature and I was curious who Tessa Dare would pair her up with. These two couldn't be more opposite from each other if they tried, but they do have some commonalities as well that you don't quite expect to find. We have our heroine who is a introvert, loves all creatures and doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Then we have our hero Gabriel, who is ruthless and grew up in the London Underground, a self made man who likes to tear down high members of society and destroy them financially. This is a true beauty and the beast retelling and what a sweet retelling it was in this installment. I truly couldn't get enough of these two and their connection to each other.
“Listen to me,” he said sternly. “My motives are never kind. Neither are they generous or charitable or good. They’re money-driven and entirely selfish. You’d do well to remember that.”

I found their dynamics to be both steamy and entertaining. It was quite fun to see how they interacted with each other and boy the chemistry written in this one is probably the BEST of the whole series, in my honest opinion. I really wasn't expecting it for Penelope's book but Tessa Dare always likes to give me these curveballs of unexpectations and she delivered in this element. There are plenty of laughs though especially when we have the previous couples come into play....especially the men.
I’ll look. I’m not afraid. I intend to be there for every moment of the miracle of my own child’s birth.” He crouched and squinted. “And . . . I’ve changed my mind.” Chase retreated to the far corner of the stall and sat on a crate, his pallor having turned a pale, sickly green.
“Fine,” Ashbury said. “I’ll do it. If I could stomach my own injuries from that rocket blast, I can stomach this.” He went to look, then reeled a step backward. “Oh, God. Something’s coming out.”
“Of course something’s coming out,” Gabe said. “A baby goat.”
“No,” Ash said grimly. “No.”
“If it’s not a goat, then what is it?”
“It’s a punishment for all my earthly sins, is what it is.”

All I can say is they are HYPOCRITES and its hilarious the double standard they have. But you see how its them being protective and caring about Penelope. What I did love was seeing Penelope learning to stand on her own especially with the choice in the man she wants to be with even if that means against people she considers true family.
“Your Ladyship, you are anything but calming.”
“You’re not particularly cuddly yourself,” she said. “Luckily, I have some experience soothing prickly beasts.”

Overall The Wallflower Wager is bound to deliver plenty of laughs, lively dramatics, adorable fur babies and true delights of sensuality!!

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Profile Image for Tucker  (TuckerTheReader).
908 reviews1,709 followers
May 24, 2020
It was a cold January night and I was trying to read a book. But I just couldn’t get into it. And then I realized it…. It was a reading slump. I was lucky enough to catch it in its early phase. So, on that cold night, I thought to myself ”Nuh uh. I am not starting the year—the decade—like this.” And so, I picked this book up because there is nothing like curling up with a good romance.

The Wallflower Wager follows Penny, a young woman who only wants to be left alone to care for her animals. But, unfortunately, her aunt (I think) wants her to stop fooling around and rejoin society.

Penny doesn’t want to but she is left with no choice. Her (ridiculously hot) neighbor, Gabriel, demands that she have all her pets removed, she tells him she will let them leave her home… if he can find them a new one.

Gabriel thinks its an easy task because he’s just an uncaring asshole… Right?

This wasn’t anything special. Sorry, that sounds blunt but it’s true. This book is great but not all that unique which didn’t end up disappointing me because I didn’t go into this expecting to be riveted.

That said, it was pretty romantic and steamy and I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on this author for future releases!

Bottom Line:
3.5 Stars
Age: [ R ]
Content Screening (Mild Spoilers)
Educational Value (0/0)
Positive Messages (3/5) - [Independence, getting over trauma, self-love]
Violence (1/5) - [Brief fist fight]
Sex (3/5) - [Brief and only semi-detailed sex scene, Sexual themes]
Language (2/5) - [Brief and mild language]
Drinking/Drugs (1/5) - [Alcohol consumption]
Content and Trigger Warnings - Sexual abuse of a minor (as shown in flashbacks and discussion), Brief violence, Threats
Publication Date: August 13th, 2019
Publisher: Avon
Genre: Romance/Historical Fiction


it worked. thank you, Tessa Dare!


to stave off a reading slump, I am turning to my favorite genre, romance!!

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Profile Image for April (Aprilius Maximus).
1,131 reviews6,478 followers
September 10, 2019
1.) The Duchess Deal ★★★★
2.) The Governess Game ★★★★
3.) The Wallflower Wager ★★★★★


trigger warnings: child abuse (in the past), sexual abuse (in the past), pedophilia and grooming (in the past), really bad parenting (in the past), animal birth, pet runs away.

"- Bixby, a two-legged terrier.
- Marigold, a nanny goat of unimpeachable character, who is definitely NOT breeding.
- Angus, a three-year-old Highland steer.
- Regan, Goneril and Cordelia-laying hens.
- Delilah, a parrot.
- Hubert, an otter.
- Freya, a hedgehog.
- Thirteen kittens of varying colours and dispositions."

Oh, I absolutely KNEW this was going to be my favourite book in the series. An introvert (definitely hufflepuff) who takes in stray animals???? IT'S ME.
Not only were the main characters incredibly loveable, but this book was SO FREAKING FUNNY that I actually laughed out loud on multiple occasions which NEVER happens.
The love interest was also so sexy (defs a slytherin), and was so considerate towards Penny and her feelings and it had me feelin so SOFT.
While this book was hilarious, it also had some really dark moments when they were discussing their pasts, but I thought this was done really well.
AND THE BANTER!!!!!!!!! Especially between the guys omg i LIVE FOR IT.

Tessa Dare is my historical romance QUEEN and I doubt anyone can change my mind.

"Reaching out takes courage, and holding on takes even more."
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