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Lucky Harbor #4

Lucky in Love

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Mallory Quinn has had enough of playing it safe. As a nurse and devoted daughter, she takes care of everyone but herself. And as the local good girl, she's expected to date Mr. Right. But for once, she'd like to take a risk on Mr. Wrong. And who could be more wrong than Ty Garrison? The mysterious new guy in town has made it clear that he's only passing through, which suits Mallory just fine. Besides, his lean, hard body and sexy smile will give her plenty to remember once he's gone . . .
For the first time in his life, Ty can't bear to leave. Helping this sexy seductress-in-training walk on the wild side is making him desire things he shouldn't, including leaving the military for good. As their just-for-fun fling becomes something more, Mallory and Ty wonder if they could really be this lucky in love. After all . . . anything can happen in a town called Lucky Harbor.

341 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published May 22, 2012

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About the author

Jill Shalvis

408 books13.1k followers
Multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jill Shalvis lives in a small town in the Sierras full of quirky characters. Any resemblance to the quirky characters in her books is … mostly coincidental. Look for Jill’s bestselling, award-winning heartwarming and full of humor novels wherever books are sold and visit her website for a complete book list and blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures. Her newest Sunrise Cove novel, THE BRIGHT SPOT, is out now, and THE SUMMER ESCAPE comes out in June!

Look for Jill's bestselling, award-winning novels wherever books are sold. Visit http://www.jillshalvis.com for a complete book list and fun blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,003 reviews
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,678 followers
October 16, 2012

In the cookies of life, friends and lovers are the chocolate chips.

We've all been there... looking for something to read. Craving a certain type of book... something special... something guaranteed to make you feel good. You know the ones - the stories you can lose yourself in. The ones that’ll pull you in right from the start, with characters who will win your heart, completely? Yeah, and when that's what you're in the mood for, nothing else will do. Well, that’s the kind of story I was looking for, and that’s exactly what Jill Shalvis delivered with Lucky in Love.
Mallory Quinn has had enough of playing it safe. As a nurse and devoted daughter, she takes care of everyone but herself. And as the local good girl, she's expected to date Mr. Right. But for once, she'd like to take a risk on Mr. Wrong. And who could be more wrong than Ty Garrison? The mysterious new guy in town has made it clear that he's only passing through, which suits Mallory just fine. Besides, his lean, hard body and sexy smile will give her plenty to remember once he's gone...

For the first time in his life, Ty can't bear to leave. Helping this sexy seductress-in-training walk on the wild side is making him desire things he shouldn't -- including leaving the military for good. As their just-for-fun fling becomes something more, Mallory and Ty wonder if they could really be this lucky in love. After all...anything can happen in a town called Lucky Harbor.
Lucky in Love is the fourth book in the Lucky Harbor series and another funny, romantic, steamy story. Ty Garrison is a great alpha male – sexy, troubled, strong yet vulnerable – my idea of the perfect hero. Mallory Quinn is a wonderful heroine – compassionate, independent, smart… and she too is troubled and vulnerable. I enjoyed the way their relationship developed, the way they had each other’s backs, unconditionally, regardless of the situation. Their sexual chemistry is off the charts and their romance… not easily earned, but well deserved.

The bottom line: There are so many things to love about Jill Shalvis' stories, but what I’ve come to appreciate most is that, without fail, I can count on her to deliver something unique, something special. How she delivers it is the true magic of her writing, but the fact that she does so, again and again, is what keeps me coming back for more.

My sincerest thanks to netgalley.com and Grand Central Publishing for providing me with an eARC of this wonderful story.
Profile Image for Lisa Kay.
924 reviews524 followers
July 30, 2013
Update July 29, 2013
I got tired of trying to find an alliterated “LL” title or author for a “double decker” challenge; I just fell back on a re-read of a wonderful book. Just my cuppa tea. I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I listened it the first time!

Original read/review June 1-2, 2013

Alex O'Loughlin as Ty

★★★★½ (This is a review of the audiobook.) Young, old, male, female, Suehyla El Attar does a great job delivering the variety of voices in the fourth installation of this series. She also balances Ms. Shalvis’ unique ability to be light and fluffy and still deal with heavy topics.

I had to return to Lucky Harbor for more of these characters, if only to find out the identity of “Mysterious Cute Guy” – and with whom he connects. In fact, I got it as soon as it became available on audible.com

Turns out the MCG is Ty Garrison, Navy Seal. It is the local nurse’s luck to assist him when a freak storm arises and he is injured. And Mallory Quinn, looking to leave her comfort zone behind her for a night, is lucky. Yum.

Ty, coming in from a swim.

Too bad he can’t remember making that date with her for the hospital auction.

Once Ty acts on his attraction to Mallory, he really takes care of her needs, wherever and whenever they happen to arise. As a nurse myself, I appreciate a man who knows how to take care of a woman who gives of herself all day.

A perfect Summer (or is it late Spring?) listen. Definitely a GoodRead.

Simply Irresistible (Lucky Harbor, #1) by Jill Shalvis The Sweetest Thing (Lucky Harbor, #2) by Jill Shalvis Small Town Christmas (Includes Lucky Harbor, #2.5) by Jill Shalvis Head Over Heels (Lucky Harbor, #3) by Jill Shalvis Lucky in Love (Lucky Harbor, #4) by Jill Shalvis At Last (Lucky Harbor, #5) by Jill Shalvis Forever and a Day (Lucky Harbor, #6) by Jill Shalvis Heating Up the Kitchen Recipes with Love from Lucky Harbor by Jill Shalvis
Profile Image for Annie .
2,475 reviews944 followers
May 20, 2012
Posted on Under the Covers

Ah, welcome back to Lucky Harbor. I have to say how much I enjoy Jill’s writing. It’s fresh, it’s fun and it’s just the perfect read to lift your spirits and make you smile.

This time when Shalvis returns to Lucky Harbor, readers finally get to discover the man behind the moniker Mysterious Cute Guy. As a walk on character that caught reader’s interests, Shalvis did a great job of creating a persona that was larger than life and certainly...larger than what the small town of Lucky Harbor was used to. Ty Garrison is taking some time off to heal old wounds, both physical and the emotional. After losing his team in a plane crash, the usually tough as stone military man is now off kilter. He is plagued with nightmares and often keeps to himself. He doesn’t make an effort to fit into the friendly town of Lucky Harbor, hence everyone’s avid interest in the man who remains a mystery.

Mallory Quinn and Ty Garrison could not be any more different than each other. Mallory is a nurse, someone kind-hearted and helpful while Ty likes his solitary. However, when a freak storm caused by Mother Nature brings them together, sparks fly and the chemistry sizzles. Mallory and Ty were a great fit and while both were initially hesitant about their relationship, it is clear from the beginning that they belong together.

Recently, I have noticed the increase in sexiness in Shalvis’s book and I am NOT complaining! Mallory and Ty get freaky in this one and I have to say, I enjoyed it immensely. For once in Mallory’s straight arrow life, she is taking the wheel and doing something she has always wanted to do. Ty and Mallory’s relationship was supposed to be just a walk on the wild side. A one time thing. Instead, it became something unnerving. Something unexpected and both are really thrown by this because neither expected it to become something more than just sex. Somehow Mr. Wrong turned into Mr. Right.

I was really impressed by Shalvis’s ability to make me love these new characters when I so desperately loved the previous characters of this series too. The scene that stands out for me is in the beginning during the storm where Mallory, Amy and Grace are scared like rabbits in the darkened Eat Me diner. Mother Nature and chocolate cake bring them together and I thought that Shalvis did a fantastic job of creating a strong bond between three new characters quickly. It set up the next books in the series well and forged a bond that makes me love this book even more. For readers hoping to get a glimpse of the past characters, there is some mention of Jax and a couple good scenes with my personal favorite hero, Sawyer. But hopefully there will be more walk on scenes with the others in the next few books.

Speaking of the next book, Matt Bowers, sexy forest ranger and Amy have their story set up well in this one. There is some sparks, some sexual tension and already I can see some of Matt’s possessive side. Me likey. Overall, I enjoyed this book immensely. Like a fat kid who loves cake, I devoured this book in one afternoon. But when something is this good, I’m bound to devour it quickly. I’m already looking for seconds. More please?

*ARC provided by publisher
Profile Image for Nicola.
1,395 reviews275 followers
March 27, 2018
Hands down my favourite in the Lucky Harbor series. Which to be fair I’ve said after I’ve finished each book so far, but I loved everything about this story...especially Mysterious Cute Guy Ty Garrison.

description Five bucks says Mr. Wrong will rock her world.”

That love extended to Lucky Harbor’s Nurse Nightingale, Mallory Quinn who was like a flower coming into bloom as her confidence built throughout the story. And true to form with this series, they’re verra sexy together. Must dash, the towns forest ranger, Matt is waiting for me.

Profile Image for SamJ ★Needs a HEA★.
609 reviews899 followers
February 10, 2021
I wondered if I would struggle with this book, as I loved the first three so much and how the burgeoning relationship between Maddie, Tara and Chloe was woven through the first three books.

Mallory Quinn plays it safe. Is a good girl, taking care of everyone else and devoting her life to this.

Mysterious Cute Guy, AKA Ty Garrison, is solitary, does not want involvement, no connections!

They both carry the emotional scars from the past, and the guilt of that has led them down the path they are both treading!

So what happens when Mallory decided she does not want to play it safe, be the good girl, always thinking of others?

At first, I struggled to connect with Mallory, mainly as I was missing the sisters! The whole "Chocoholics" thing with Amy and Grace felt almost forced, as if to recreate the magic that was interwoven through the first three books with the sisters.

But, in saying that, after the first 20% or so, I was drawn into the story of Mallory and Ty (although I do wish we had had more glimpses of the first 3 couples! They are all of an age in a small town, surely they would be friends!!).

Again, as with the other Jill Shalvis books, it is a lovely heart-warming, almost gentle read about two souls overcoming their own demons and issues and realising they belong with each other, with a great set of secondary characters and a great setting, it makes for a fun, light, relaxing read.

However, maybe because I have read the first 4 ( well, 4.5 books if you count the little Christmas novella) one after the other, I am noticing slight little niggles!

It is like, when you first start going out with a boyfriend you really really like! That first rush of joy and almost giddiness for having found something you can love, you just do not notice faults. But after a few weeks or months, do you still love the boyfriend? Well, probably, but you are noticing the faults, the little niggles that annoy you!

I have started to spot the book equivalent of leaving the toilet seat up or dirty socks on the floor! Is it a dealbreaker? No, does it make you grit your teeth ever so slightly for a few seconds in annoyance! Yes.

I pointed this out at the end of book 3! But details details details! If you mention someone has brothers in one book, when you get to their book, make it so they have brothers! if they have blonde hair, keep it blonde, not change it to brown etc!

In this book, it is said that the nurse Lance has been seeing for a few months is called Nancy! In book 3, when he first started seeing the nurse, she was called Renee. (and it was not told as if it was a different woman, and given Lance's situation, and it is said in this book they have been together for a few months, I will assume it is meant to be the same nurse!)

Also, Ty, during a flashback dream, mentions he got to one of his friends first, Kelly who was already dead. Later on in the story, when he is telling this to Mallory, it is Tommy he got to who was already dead.

Now, little things like this may not be an issue for other people! But for me it pulls me out of the story, and I am thinking "Wait..what..but I thought...?" and then I have to go back pages, or go back to another book to check the facts!

But, it is still a 4 star! And I am going to carry on and read what I have on my kindle, as I already have book 5, 6 and 6.5 waiting to read, and I am determined to read what I have before I buy any more!

But, I will have a Jill Shalvis break after that, so as those little annoying niggles do not get blown up to a real annoyance and then I have to have an author/reader break up! I love Jill Shalvis, she has a formula that works and that I really like! But even too much of a good thing can be too much!
Profile Image for Jaci Burton.
Author 142 books8,161 followers
April 25, 2012
Guh. This book was fantastic. Every time I think Jill can't top the last book, which I loved...she does. Ty Garrison, aka Mysterious Cute Guy, is smoking' hot, flawed as hell, with secrets from his past that he keeps secret from everyone in Lucky Harbor, a place he's bound and determined not to put roots down in. And Mallory is just the perfect Jill Shalvis heroine, filled with angst and compassion and lust for Ty--her perfect Mr Wrong type of fling. I can't say enough good things about this book, other than RUN out there to get this book on release day, because you're going to love Ty Garrison and want to bring him home with you, and you're going to fall madly in love with Ty and Mallory's story. Another winner for Jill. I couldn't put this book down, and I was on a deadline when I read it!
Profile Image for Ⓐlleskelle - That ranting lady ッ.
1,010 reviews912 followers
December 10, 2018
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STARS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Jill Shalvis, I'm packed and ready to move in Lucky Harbor, you have a place to recommend where I could stay? Near the next best alpha bachelor in town maybe?
No? I'm sure Lucille would have an idea...
❤️❤️❤️ In love with this place and all the people living there.

Profile Image for Renegade ♥.
1,339 reviews
July 31, 2019
4 1/2 to 5 stars

Excerpt - Mallory and Ty on a date:

Image result for wink gif
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,617 reviews4,708 followers
May 27, 2012
4 stars – Contemporary Romance

A nice addition...and start of a new trilogy...in the Lucky Harbor series. Ty and Mallory made a sexy, spontaneous couple with chemistry in spades, and their love scenes were fun, steamy goodness. They might have started out as a fling but it was obvious those two were perfect together and meant to be.
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,737 reviews530 followers
May 24, 2012
All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt. (Charles M. Schulz)

“Lucky In Love” begins a new chapter in the “Lucky Harbor” series. In the first three books, we met the estranged sisters, Maddie, Tara, and Chloe, who all got their HEAs. Now it’s time for three more lovely citizens of the town to get the same chance at love. And, of course, author Jill Shalvis, one of the reigning queens of contemporary romance serves as the perfect matchmaker.

Using her trademark skills for mixing a full palette of emotions, along with her superior skills for writing the best sizzle and steam scenes, Shalvis ramps up this character-driven storyline with so many unforgettable moments between Mallory Quinn, the town’s beloved good girl who’s looking for a walk-on-the-wild-side and Ty Garrison a/k/a “Mysterious Cute Guy,” a more-than-willing-to-accommodate ex-Navy SEAL suffering from PTSD.

An outstanding cast of supporting characters enrich the storyline with their quirky and lovable antics. Their well-drawn emotional connections, quirky and endearing personalities, and the shared kinship offer a welcoming aura to the town. The author also does a great job balancing the main storyline while setting up future storylines and introducing new characters into the series.

I’ll be looking forward to returning to Lucky Harbor for some summertime fun when the next two books are released.

At Last (Amy and Matt) - June 26

Forever and A Day (Grace and Josh) - July 31

Profile Image for Dee.
1,494 reviews171 followers
June 10, 2012
4/5 Stars

We are taken back to Lucky Harbor where we originally met the Moore sisters and their partners and although they are mentioned we don’t really get to meet up with them again. It would appear that the next few books will be centered around Mallory Quinn, who was born and raised in the town and known as the towns ‘Good Girl’, Amy Michaels, the waitress in Eat Me diner who we met in the previous books but didn’t really know much about her and a new character Grace Brooks, who is just passing through town but strikes up a very close friendship with Mallory and Amy so decides to stay and the three of them regularly catch up at their Chocoholics meeting at least once a week at the diner.

The story starts on a very bad stormy night when Mallory stumbles into the deserted diner after a shift at the hospital. Due to the weather the diner is deserted and there is only Amy and another lady (Grace) there but just as all three of them were about to leave a tree came down and shattered the glass front and blocked their exit. It is during this time that the three of them formed their close friendship and bonded over chocolate cake.

Whilst they are trying to work out how they were going to get out of the diner they find a man who was injured when the tree came down and it turns out to be ‘Mysterious Cute Guy’ as he was named on the local Facebook page as nobody knew his name or anything about him. Whilst waiting for an ambulance the Amy and Grace try to manipulate Mysterious Cute Guy to take Mallory to the benefit dinner because she helped him, and she doesn’t have a date but as he is suffering from concussion he later doesn’t remember saying yes.

As the story unfolds we get to know that Mysterious Cute Guy’s name is Ty Garrison and that he was a navy SEAL medic but was now working for a private contractor but had been injured and was in Lucky Harbor recovering.

I really enjoyed this book and was pleased to go back to Lucky Harbor and stayed up until 3am reading it and refused to go to bed until it was finished. Even when I had finally managed to climb into bed I still spent the next half an hour or so thinking about it, and was debating about foregoing sleep completely and getting back up again to start the next one in the series. I woke up a few hours later and instead of going back to sleep I got up and was about to start the next one but realised that it didn’t upload onto my ereader properly and couldn’t turn the computer on as there was a power cut! *sigh*

As I said I did enjoy it but would have liked to have caught up a little with the Moore sisters and their guys but that wasn’t to be. In the previous books Mysterious Cute Guy had been mentioned and although we hadn’t been given any details about him we knew that there would be a story involving him. I loved the little ditty about chocolate that Ms Shalvis gave us at the beginning of each chapter and several of them made me giggle and some made me stop and say…if only! I loved everything we were told about Lucille and her antics to update the towns Facebook page, that old lady is star and is amazing and I would be happy to read about her in all future books in the series. The sex/steam has been ramped up and has more content in that area than the previous books which I am sure will please quite a few readers, me included!

Next up we get to read about Amy and Matt (who is Ty’s friend), the sexy forest ranger, and then we will have Josh’s story who I am sure will be paired up with Grace.

Some examples of the chocolate ditty’s we are given:

All you need is love, but a bit of chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.

Stress wouldn’t be so hard to take if it were chocolate covered.

Chocolate is cheaper than therapy, and you don’t need an appointment.

When the going gets tough, the tough eat chocolate.

There is nothing better than a good friend, except maybe a good friend with chocolate.

Strength is the ability to break up a solid piece of chocolate—and then eat just one of the pieces.

A life without chocolate is no life at all.

Copy supplied by Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley
Profile Image for Lady Heather .
1,301 reviews767 followers
June 14, 2012

I 'literally' gobbled up this book yesterday, and when it was done I wanted more!!!

GOD! I LOVE Ms. Shalvis's 'Lucky Harbor' series, and this book did not disappoint!

Mallory and Ty...AMAZING!!

Laughed out loud so many times, and then in the next moment my heart would break for the loss they've both suffered and still were continuing to deal with.

They ended up being each others BEST therapy.

Once again the writing, story, and characters were brilliant! I particularly liked crotchety Mrs. Burland, and of course the ever nosy and Facebook tell-all Lucille.

Profile Image for ♡Karlyn P♡.
604 reviews1,259 followers
May 29, 2012
Cute with some fun scenes, but underwhelming as a story. The 'I don't want a relationship' trope felt slapped together, and the heroine had a bad case of 'doormat-itis'. The sex scenes and some other moments were fun and enjoyable, but overall it didn't hold my interest much. Too bad, I loved the first three so much.

also, I didn't get the Lucky Harbor connection either. Besides a few slight cameos and some name dropping, it could have been any small town as this was all new characters. Regardless, I'm still a big fan and can't wait for the next.
Profile Image for Geo Marcovici.
1,349 reviews319 followers
July 11, 2021
Mallory este asistentă medicală la Urgențe, fata cuminte a orășelului Lucky Harbor, căreia îi pasă de fiecare om din oraș.
Între-o noapte furtunoasă salvează un necunoscut rănit, doar pentru a descoperi că este Domnul Drăguț, un tip apărut în oraș de câteva luni.
Ty Garrison se reface după o accidentare, este fost luptător SEAL, retras după ce și-a pierdut prietenii într-un accident de avion în care a fost unicul supraviețuitor. Coșmarurile încă îl mai bântuie și de atunci nu și-a mai practicat meseria: paramedic.
Întâlnirea celor doi le dă viața peste cap. Cedează pasiunii fulgerătoare dintre ei, deși stabilesc că este doar o aventură.
Nici unul nu ia în calcul că ar putea fi ceva mai mult. Până când Mallory constată că s-a îndrăgostit. Sunt atât de captivați unul de celălalt încât nu își dau seama că se schimbă unul pe celălalt. Mallory devine puțin mai rebelă, Ty începe să nu-și mai dorească să plece de lângă ea.
Relația lor le este pusă la încercare de diferite obstacole apărute în calea lor, dar singurul obstacol cu adevărat important este cel reprezentat de dorința lui Ty de a pleca...
“Noroc în dragoste” este cartea care oferă a doua șansă la dragoste, cartea speranței și a fericirii până la adânci bătrâneți.
Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews574 followers
June 13, 2012
We return to the town of Lucky Harbor again, with the Chocoholics the focus this time, three women who meet in the middle of a storm, Mallory Quinn the town's good girl, Amy, the waitress with a kick-ass attitude and the new arrival Grace, down on her luck.

The three women bond over chocolate and rescue the "Mysterious Cute Guy", a new arrival in town six months ago who keeps to himself. Mallory is an ER nurse, it is her passion, more than that it is her way to open HSC, a clinic to help people, people like her sister Karen who took her own life. Mallory's siblings were wild and she was the only good one, trying to make up for them, but when her sister OD'ed and died she took it a step further, trying to fix the problems of the whole world, thinking if she was good people would love her and nothing bad would happen but life doesn't work that way, her parents still got divorced.

Mallory hates being called "good", yes she helps people and is always there for everyone but she also wants something for herself after a lifetime of being giving and then it happens, at the auction she finds herself getting hot and heavy in a closet with the "Mysterious Cute Guy".

The "Mysterious Cute Guy" is Ty Garrison, an ex-Navy SEAL medic with a whole host of issues. Ty is still haunted by what happened four years ago, his whole team wiped out and him unable to do anything. He still gets nightmares and has re-injured his leg again which is stopping him from going back to the private contractors he works for, ever since he got out of the Navy four years ago. Ty is a very solitary person and alone in the world, his parents too were military and they are gone now and he never made connections. There is Matt, the forest ranger who brought him to Lucky Harbor but there is still a distance there because everyone dies on Ty.

Ty isn't looking for anything, ever his mental frame isn't that great and he knows Mallory is the white picket fence type but they still end up having a sizzling encounter and Ty finds himself seeking her out, like going to her to take out his stitches, when he could do them himself, all of this taking him back to the medicine he left behind four years ago.

The town of Lucky Harbor is as interfering as ever, Mallory is theirs so everyone pokes a nose in her business. I enjoyed the book a lot and loved seeing Mallory struggle to balance her life against the expectations of all and what she needed. For me the best moment was when she put herself first when it came to her family, acknowledged that her sister's death wasn't her fault and when her mom absolved her of the huge responsibility she seemed to carry for her family. Her mother saw that they were being selfish and maybe Mallory could be selfish when it came to Ty. And Amy and Grace pushing Mallory to let her bad girl out was funny as well.

For Mallory Ty is her indulgence, but she knows she is getting in deep with him. Ty seems to keep parts of himself closed off and tells her, he is going to leave. She only gets snippets from him, like his dad being a Navy mechanic and for a long while thinks he is one too. Normally I get annoyed by too goody-shoes heroines in books but I really liked Mallory. She was a great character, with faults and fears and was so good with Ty.

Ty too was a great hero, flawed and super sexy. I mean he got up in the middle of the night to fix Mallory's car, defended her to some busy-bodies, saved her auction and donated to her clinic, can you say yummy? Despite all his claims of not getting involved, his actions said the opposite. Even when he got medical clearance to go back to his work, which he was waiting for, he stayed for Mallory. He calls himself a jerk so many times for what is going on between Mallory and him, because he cared about her getting hurt.

Jill Shalvis is truly a gifted contemporary author who can make you fall in love with all her characters. This book is filled with humor, depth and great sexual tension. Not to be missed.
Profile Image for vale pao.
644 reviews357 followers
May 28, 2012
“It was not enough.It was too much.It was everything.”

***SIGH, this book was just P.E.R.F.E.C.T! This is just one of those reads that makes you reconsider all the ratings you have been giving lately, one of those reads which leave you feeling all blissful and chirpy, just too content to concentrate on doing anything else. My mind is all dizzy, I just can't focus. This is how al HEA should be, I feel all light-headed and happy, which is an AMAZING way to feel after a month of too much work. My god, the previous books had been outstanding and this one was just as much if not more. JILL SHALVIS has become one of my favourite authors in the cont-romance genre, I just adore EVERYTHING she writes, and I seriously mean EVERYTHING.

The introduction of 3 amazing new Heroines...
Wow, I don't even know where to begin. Let's start by pointing that from this book onwards we get to read about some new characters, but also about some secondary characters we already loved from the previous instalments.
This second part of the series starts when 3 different women get locked in the town's diner -the Eat Me Café- because of a scary-huge storm, leaving them with zero chances of getting out time any time soon or ask for help as the power went out and no cell phones were around. So what can 3 scared-to-death women do? Well, of course talk about their whole lives and what they would like to change about them, and all while eating the best chocolate cake of their lives,lol. And that's how the Chocoholics help group was born, with weekly get-togethers from all 3 members to share their sorrows and lame moments in life.
"Strength is the ability to break up a solid piece of chocolate - and then eat just one of those pieces"

One of the best couples I have read in a VERY LONG time...
This story was about Mallory, the town's good-girl, the one everybody knows and treasures, the one who always puts others' well being before her own. I adored this heroine, she truly was friendly, good-hearted and kind, but what made me fancy her the most was that she had a very cute brave and defiant side. It really made me laugh to see this nice and charming girl developing a cute mean-streak to defend those she cared about.
And then we had our to-dye-for sexy Hero, Ty, or should I call him Mysterious Cute Guy as everybody else in Luck Harbour called him. So much to tell about such an interesting and complex character. It was definitely fun to see him falling in love with our heroine while he couldn't even noticed it himself. I loved that, he seriously had no clue at all, he was so nice to her, the perfect gentleman, but always so sure he didn't want anything serious with ANYBODY. Military men as heroes always work for me. I know, I'm such a cliché, but there's just nothing that gets to me as a heroine helping her hero heal. He might have been Mallory's first guy on her Bad boys list but he definitely was everything she needed. They simply made such an amazing and couple, really complemented each other.

I guess it's just the way this author writes because no matter what or who she writes about I end up ADORING all her books. Can't wait for the next one, keep them coming JS.
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews409 followers
June 9, 2012
4.5 Stars

I’m a sucker for brown eyes. Not sure why, maybe it’s because I’ve always been surrounded by blue eyes. Incredibly beautiful blue eyes, but blue eyes. Not a brown eye in the room. A pair of brown eyes the color of milk chocolate with a dash of golden toffee sprinkles. One of my favorite memories and so when this was verbiage was captured so eloquently in this book, just perfect, even if it was to describe Mallory’s eyes. Still perfect.

I love this author. I have a few authors I go to for a consistently good read. Over time I’ve come to expect really heartwarming stories from Jill Shalvis, with a bit of fluff. I’m not sure what has happened in the writing world, but the fluff factor seems to be a bit more serious lately and I like it. I like it because the subject matter they try to tackle in their stories really doesn’t play well to fluff, they know it and respect it.

This book is about Mallory who is a saver. She saves or tries to save everyone, except for maybe herself. She is a giver. By giving and saving others, she may be able to save the sister she lost. A sister who reached out but who Mallory ignored. She was sixteen. It is also about Ty. He is recuperating from an injury so he can go back to work. He is a former Navy Seal Medic. He is also recovering from the deep personal loss of losing his entire team in a plane crash. He was the lone survivor and his efforts were not able to help the others and he blames himself. To compound, as he was recuperating from the injury, he formed a slight dependance on painkillers, so he is struggling with this too. He needs saving. Here comes Mallory ... to the rescue. He wants a one time thing, she thinks she does [trying out her "bad girl" self] and can handle a 'one-timer', so there you have it.

What did I like about this book?
1. Mallory and Ty. I liked the back-story for each. I liked them and I like them together. Perfect in their struggle to resist each other and get through each day.
2. The town of Lucky Harbor. Don’t you wish places like this existed? Just a great scenic environment; the coast of Washington. Great people who care about each other, even perfect strangers. If anyone knows a place like this, let me know and I’ll plan a trip to check it out.
3. The use of social media, primarily Facebook, in this story. It made it quirky and fun. I always wonder how technology in a story will look like if I read it in 5, 10, ... years. I've read an older story lately that had a "bag cell phone". What was that .. 20 years ago?

Just an all around great read and I know I’ll read it again. It can definitely be read very easily as a stand-alone and I like that too. My only issue was a slight “cheese” factor in a few places; unnecessary and distracting. Cheese is an insult to my intelligence and I’m not a fan.
Let me leave you with something,
“In the cookies of life, friends and lovers are the chocolate chips”. Loved the chocolate references at the beginning of each chapter. Kept remembering those brown eyes *sigh*. A real sucker for brown eyes…

Happy Reading!
Profile Image for KatLynne.
547 reviews586 followers
July 11, 2012
Another fantastic installment in the Lucky Harbor Series with one of the sexiest heroes I've read!

Ty Garrison aka Mysterious Cute Guy, is an ex- Navy Seal medic who now works as a private contractor for the government in a totally different segment. Recuperating from an injury, he is biding his time in Lucky Harbor and chopping at the bit to be medically released in order to return to his job and his nomad life. Ties and roots are not his thing. Until he meets ER nurse Mallory Quinn and he finds himself craving her as much as the air he breathes.
There are so many things I loved about Ty. Yes, he has a perfectly ripped muscled body and is a gorgeous male! But there is so much more. He’s tortured, alpha, ex-military and one of the sexiest heroes I’ve read. I liked how he understood Mallory and helped her to make a major change in her life. He’s always honest about their non-relationship, reminding her that he would be leaving soon. “Don’t fall for me, Mallory. That wouldn’t be good for either of us. We’re too different. You said so yourself.”
And I loved watching this man fall!
Mallory Quinn has grown up in Lucky Harbor and is getting pretty tired of her “good” girl reputation. She’s a peacemaker and has spent most of her life trying to please everyone and now she’s ready to spread her wings and maybe take a walk on the wild side. As soon as she meets sexy Ty Garrison she’s ready to take the plunge. And Wow, did she ever soar as he takes her to heaven! “She’d never gone up in flames so hard and so fast in her life!”
Mallory is a compassionate and very caring person. She’s also troubled and believes she had to be good in order to be loved. She’d had her one-time fling with Ty, and now they both agree to more. It was suppose to be fun with no strings attached, but soon Mallory realizes her heart is involved. She gets that he has a job that he loves and while she’d never want to hold him back from what fueled him she finds herself desperately wanting to be what he needed, what he had to have, what he couldn’t give up or walk away from and leave behind.
Jill Shalvis’ Lucky Harbor series is one of my favorites! This is the fourth installment and I loved it! The setting is a beautiful seaside small town with a set of engaging characters that kept me invested until the very end. Jill Shalvis has once again delivered a a heartwarming, fun, sexy read that I didn’t want to put down!

My thanks to netgalley and Grand Central Publishing for providing me with a copy of this great eBook.
Profile Image for Jenny E.
391 reviews45 followers
September 15, 2013
Second Read: September 2013

First Read: May 2012

** 5 stars **

Typical Jill Shalvis for sure, but "Typical Jill Shalvis" makes me go to three stores until I can find it on the shelf early and then I proceed to blow everything and everyone off until I've devoured it... so yeah...

This is right up there with Simply Irresistable and the lovely Jax. I think it might have surpassed it actually. Contemporary romance doesn't get better than this in my estimation. The chocoholic group was really great (liked it better than the trio of sisters), and I loved the women giving Mallory the shoes to walk on the wild side!

Shalvis' wit and ability to pull at your heart strings shines in this book. I laughed out loud (literally) and cried. I could really relate to Mallory and loved her. She is definitely my favorite Shalvis heroine. Shalvis writes a most excellent tortured hero, and the Mysterious Cute Guy did NOT disappoint! I loved everything about his character, and even though he was "short timer" and a commitmentphobe, it fit his character and so I didn't mind it as much (because it seems she always has one in her books!). Loved the growth that the characters made through the book.

This is definitely a keeper on my shelf that I'll be re-visiting.

Can't wait for Amy and Matt's story!
Profile Image for Chan.
741 reviews46 followers
September 10, 2020
Mallory, Lucky Harbor’s resident good girl, is tired of being the responsible one. Her friends talk her into becoming a bad girl, by dating the town’s Mysterious Cute Guy (Ty) who turns out to be perfect for Mallory’s Mr. Wrong list.

Jill Shalvis used this book to introduce 6 new characters, female and male MCs, which may have been the reason for my dampened enjoyment. Shalvis spent time building 6 characters and laying the groundwork for the next two books. The character building was great. I felt like I knew the characters on a deeper level, but it took away from me fully connecting with Mallory and Ty, and the believability of their relationship suffered.

Also, I found Mallory quite annoying at times. I haven’t come across such an inquisitive character in a long time. Ugh….stop with all of the questions.

I was surprised that this book didn’t have any sightings of the 6 MC’s from the first three books, except for Sawyer. That was disappointing as they set the foundation of Lucky Harbor. Plus Lucky Harbor isn’t that big, how is that they never ran into each other.

As always with Shalvis, the book is well written. She has a fantastic imagination that she illustrates on paper very well. There were some funny moments and I was glad to see Lucille. She is a hoot. I wish Shalvis would make a real FB page in honor of Lucille’s character.
Profile Image for Manda Collins.
Author 30 books1,418 followers
May 21, 2012
After a bit of a slow start (setting up the new trilogy), this one really ended up being one of my favorite Lucky Harbor books. Ty and Mallory--with their tragic pasts--were both natural caretakers, and it was wonderful to see them take care of each other, and ultimately themselves. Their relationship was combustible and sexy, but also at times just really sweet. Lucky Harbor was quirky and fun as ever, but I really enjoyed seeing that it isn't just this idyllic little town untouched by the world outside, which is something I think small town romance often risks turning into. Can't wait to see what happens with Amy and Matt in the next installment!
Profile Image for Sevgi.
295 reviews
December 21, 2020
Herkese bir Ty 😍😍Yine çok güzeldi. Belki Bir Gün de bahsedilen ilk günden olayını okudum sonunda.😁Normalde karakterlerin en başından bu kadar yakınlaşması beni rahatsız eder ama bunda öyle olmadı. Lucille sana bayılıyorum.😁
Profile Image for Kelly22.
417 reviews143 followers
May 24, 2012
4.00 Stars - Contemporary Small Town Romance!

Awwwww! Loved it! Just loved it! Another Jill Shalvis pick me upper hit show! She still remains one of my favorite authors in the whole world.

It had all I needed including
...A drool-worthy ex Navy SEAL you’ll never cope to forget soon
...A sweetheart of a heroine you’ll all adore and wouldn’t mind to have a HEA with the said ex Navy SEAL aka Ty Garrison aka mysterious cute guy aka Mr Wrong!
...An assortment of loveable secondary characters from our favorite small town called Lucky Harbor
...Typical and therefore infectious Jill Shalvis styled humor flashes and sweet romance
...And last but not the least, Sawyer moments!

I thought a very contented 4.50 stars shall be awarded and hence didn’t lose any further time to do just that!
Profile Image for Lori Foster.
Author 418 books11.4k followers
June 23, 2012
LOVED this book. Ty aka Mysterious Cute Guy was incredible. Lots of emotion, plenty of sensuality, and a boatload of terrific humor. Now I'm anxious to read the next two books! Amy and Grace sound every bit as fun as Mallory. If you haven't read Lucky in Love, trust me, you'll love it, too!
Profile Image for Dija.
413 reviews225 followers
September 23, 2012
As bad as Simply Irresistible.

I'm sensing A Pattern here. Every three books, there's gonna be a martyr-type, doormat heroine (Maddie and Mallory), a fun-loving, reckless heroine (Chloe and Amy), and a sweet, responsible one (Tara and Grace).

Likewise, a rough, All-American hero (Ford and Matt), a perfect guy (Jax and Ty), and a straight-and-narrow one (Sawyer and Josh).

So I'm not surprised I didn't like Lucky in Love. Hopefully Amy and Grace's books will be better, and with less unnecessary drama.
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,160 reviews1,870 followers
July 22, 2015
Shalvis hit this one out of the park. I liked the other Lucky Harbor books, but none of them really grabbed me. They were good, but not great. That changed here. There was nothing not to like and lots of good stuff to enjoy.

Most of that starts with Mallory. She's kind and caring and clearly a support for her family, friends, and, this being Lucky Harbor, community. She also starts out as, if not a doormat, then at least something of an extreme "fixer". What saves her from being a doormat is that she has her own goals and desires and pursues them doggedly. And even though her chief goal is opening a medical clinic with free services (i.e. selfless and caring), it's still enough to give her her own direction and enough backbone to prioritize over everybody else's demands. That said, at least one factor that had me so engaged with the book was her finding even more of her backbone (and no small amount of sass), but without losing her caring core and ability to step up for those in need. I loved that she had such an outstanding emotional arc and that Ty was at the heart of that journey.

Ty was relatively typical as the big manly man learning to open up to others. Shalvis is good enough to give him his own personality and quirks, so he's never stereotypical. But he is definitely part of a type and it's not one I engage with easily. Competent, sexy, self-assured, and driven is very well and all. But I like more caring or at least attachment. That said, Ty's main emotional arc is becoming that man—the one who cares and protects and is kind. It took me a while to realize that, though, because for a long time it looked like your more typical "overcoming attachment issues" story. And to be fair, I could be reading more kindness into it than is actually there because I want him to be the very best for Mallory because that's what she deserves.

So yeah, excellent story with fun protagonists. Shalvis does the small town thing very well, as well, but I knew that already. Mallory's friends are particularly engaging, but the whole secondary cast was worth experiencing. You have some of the same shenanigans with the elder posse and the Facebook gossip, but that served the story well, I thought.

So this is book 4 of the series, but unlike books 2 and 3, I wouldn't hesitate to support people starting here if they want. This book is a pretty far step better than the first three. I wouldn't encourage starting here, but then, I'm a completionist and have a bias against starting in the middle of things. So yeah, read the others first, but definitely anticipate getting to this one as a real treat.

A note about Steamy: I don't remember what's standard for the series, but this had four explicit scenes which is on the high side of my middle range. They're of varying lengths and all serve the emotional arc of the story, but one or two were knock-your-socks-off hot.
Profile Image for Kat ~ Forever Book Lover ♥ .
205 reviews162 followers
May 30, 2012
You can find this entire review over on my blog Forever Book Lover

Lucky in Love is the 4th book in the Lucky Harbor Series. For those who know I am an avid Jill Shalvis fan, you won't be surprised when I tell you I absolutely LOVED this book. (((SIGH))
We finally get to meet the Mysterious Cute Guy!! We learn that Ty, a former Navy Seal, is recuperating in Lucky Harbor not only from physical injuries but from emotional wounds as he was the only survivor of the copter crash that killed the rest of the squad.

Mallory Quinn, is a nurse and has always played it safe. Mallory is ready to break out of the mold, walk on the "wild side". And if "luck" ((no pun intended) would have it, Mr. Wrong appears at her feet during a storm. She comes to his aid after he is injured during a snow storm. As he lays in and out of consciousnesses, her friends devise a plan for Ty to be Mallory's date at an upcoming charity auction. As fate would have it, Ty didn't remember "the date" but he shows up anyway.

The rest of the book is filled with their on and off chance encounters until they finally realize their love for one another , that they both are worthy of happiness and love in their life.. Jill Shalvis does another awesome job, building the tension between the two characters and when they do connect it is a steamy hot combustion. Jill does it again with this book, the story line is refreshing and I simply could not put it down. Although the setting is in Lucky Harbor, the characters from the previous books are not secondary characters. This book can be a stand alone if you have not read any other the first three books in the series.

The book give you a glimpse of tension between Amy and Matt, they will be the featured couple in "At Last". There is a must read for all Jill Shalvis readers. She is always on my auto buy!!
Profile Image for Ian.
1,391 reviews186 followers
June 13, 2012
Jill Shalvis' Lucky Harbor series continues with three books for 2012. Lucky in Love focuses on Mallory, a nurse who lives her life to help others and Ty, a former Navy SEAL who is in Lucky Harbor to recuperate from an injury.

There are no surprises in this book. Jill Shalvis knows her readers, she knows what we want and that's what she gives us. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. A great book for a rainy night in front of the fire. I have the rain, I just need the fire.

OK, that's the review. Now the thing I find odd. What's the obsession among Contemporary Romance writers with Navy SEALs? Just once, I'd like a hero from the US Air Force STS.
Profile Image for Pamela(AllHoney).
2,629 reviews371 followers
August 11, 2014
The fourth book in the Lucky Harbor series by Jill Shalvis. Ms Shalvis has a way with putting a story together. She is able to draw her readers in and not let go until the end and even then leaves us begging for more. More Ty! Give us more!!!!

Ty Garrison aka Mysterious Cute Guy takes the dreamy hero award for this month. Mallory was wonderful, too. Maybe a little bit of a doormat but that was the character she had to play. I also really loved the chocolate references at the beginning of every chapter. Looking forward to the next addition to the series.
Profile Image for Lyndy Ann ♫.
672 reviews
August 26, 2016
OMG I am in love with Ty Garrison the Mysterious Cute Guy in Lucky Harbor,

I loved getting to know Ty and Mallory and that was a SIZZLING non first date in the attic :-) Lucky In Love is my favourite in the Lucky Harbor series so far.

The way Mallory changed through the story getting more confident and getting a backbone. Ty also changed letting the locals into his heart and together they are HOT and I loved the bromance between Ty and Matt.

Can't wait to read Matt and Amy's story next.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,003 reviews

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