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Reapers MC #2

Reaper's Legacy

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Reaper's Legacy is a raw and intensely erotic tale in Joanna Wylde's Reapers Motorcycle Club series.

Eight years ago, Sophie gave her heart-and her virginity-to Zach Barrett on a night that couldn't have been less romantic or more embarrassing. Zach's step-brother, a steely-muscled, tattooed biker named Ruger, caught them in the act, getting a peep show of Sophie he's never forgotten.

She may have lost her dignity that fateful night, but Sophie also gained something precious-her son Noah. Unfortunately, Zach's a deadbeat dad, leaving Ruger to be Noah's only male role model. When he discovers Sophie and his nephew living in near poverty, Ruger takes matters into his own hands-with the help of the Reapers Motorcycle Club-to give them a better life.

Living with outlaw bikers wasn't Sophie's plan for her son, but Ruger isn't giving her a choice. He'll be there for Noah, whether she wants him or not. But Sophie does want him, has always wanted him. Now she'll learn that taking a biker to bed can get a girl dirty in every way.

370 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 28, 2014

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About the author

Joanna Wylde

41 books9,606 followers
Joanna Wylde is a freelance writer and voracious reader. You can visit her website at www.joannawylde.net.

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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,144 reviews13.2k followers
August 11, 2016
4.5 I think I'm dying a little inside waiting for the next book stars

The man was like heroin - seductive, addictive and a damned good way to wake up dead.

I have been impatiently waiting for the 2nd book in the Reapers MC series ever since Horse made my happy place tingle in Reaper's Property. So suffice it to say I was just a wee bit excited when I got my greedy little hands on the ARC of this book.

I was also a little nervous going into this. I mean, how would Ruger measure up to the all mighty Horse? Is he going to have a Godzilla sized cock? I just had to know! So I bet you're all curious then too, huh? Well prepare yourself for the tatted and pierced deliciousness that is Ruger, my friends. And in case you're wondering if those piercings happen to be in the place you're hoping it'll be...you would be correct.

So what can I tell you after finishing this book?
It did not disappoint!

When Sophie decides to give her virginity to her high school boyfriend Zach, she doesn't quite get the experience she hopes for. What can possibly be worse than a less than wonderful first time? Having your boyfriend's dangerously hot brother catch you in the act. The only good thing that comes out of the experience is her son, Noah.

Now eight years later Sophie is struggling to make ends meet. Being a teenage mother wasn't easy, but with Zach being a dead beat dad all the financial responsibility falls on her. The only male role model Noah has is Zach's brother, Ruger. When Ruger gets wind of Sophie's situation, he's determined to protect her. But the last thing she wants is to be a part of his dangerous life and his MC.

I really loved Sophie. It's great to get a tough and witty heroine with a backbone that can dish it out as well as she takes it. Ruger was growly and domineering but she never made it easy for him. The banter and sexual tension between them was utterly delicious. I devoured the first half of this book in one sitting. I simply couldn't put it down until they finally got down to business. What?

I never denied this :)

But I digress...

Ruger. What can I tell you about the complete deliciousness that was Ruger? He was just the kind of alpha I love; posessive, jealous, slightly (OK maybe a lot) domineering, sexy as hell, and good gawd but can the man get you all hot and bothered with the way he talks.

Ruger is determined to make Sophie his. He's been feeling the combustible lust between them since day one, and he's done fighting it. But Sophie refuses to give in. She doesn't want to be a part of his life in the MC, especially with her son.

But you can only fight chemistry like that for so long and it's not long before clothes start flying. The man is built and pierced for pleasure.
I found the metal bar piercing his glans- two hard, metal balls capped it, top and bottom.
"Imagine those deep inside you. First I'll rub them against your clit, and then the'll hit your G-spot the whole damned time I'm riding you. Un-fucking-believable, babe."

What woman in her right mind can possibly turn down that?

But while the chemistry between them is undeniable, Sophie is looking for something that Ruger is not willing to give.
You want the freedom to sleep around. I'm not willing to give you that- I want more. Sounds like we have a fundamental difference of opinion here, and I'm not going to try and change you. But I'll tell you one thing, Ruger- I deserve to be with someone who gives a shit about me, as a person. Someone who values me enough not to fuck other women. I'd rather be alone the rest of my life than settle for what you're offering. Consider yourself a hell of a booty call, but that's it. We clear?"

Right around the 50% mark of the book I started to get a little irritated with both Sophie and Ruger and the decisions and choices they made. There were times I wish I could reach through my kindle and shake some sense into both of them. But luckily, it didn't end up bothering me too much by the end.

This book felt a little grittier to me than the first one. We got a much closer look at the MC life and the members, which I really enjoyed. We also got a lot more of all the side characters from the previous books.

The side characters introduced in this book were awesome. I loved Sophie's friend Kimber. She was the comedic relief for most of the book. The banter between the women, and especially with Kimber was hilarious.
How am I supposed to live the single life vicariously if I don't get any details?
I shook my head and shrugged mournfully.
"I'm doing my part. I tell you everything."
"And don't think I don't appreciate it," she said, tearing up slightly. We gave each other a drunken hug.

This was a sexy, gritty, and action packed ride that you will never want to end. Joanna Wylde just seems to get better with each new book. The fact that it was in dual POVs only made it that much better for me.

As frustrated as I was with Sophie and Ruger at times, I think the ending is what fixed it for me. I found that to be a very fitting way for things to happen.

Then there was the set up for the next book. And now to wait until June 2014?!!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??!!!

On a side note, for those that are wondering if there is cheating in this book:

Quote were taken from the ARC version of the book and may change upon publication

**ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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Profile Image for S.
Author 1 book408 followers
April 4, 2023
My God!

There were so many things I didn't like in this book.

-The sexism, slut-shaming and name-calling, and mistreating of women who have sex a lot, and who isn't "claimed," irked me so much that I almost lose my lunch every time, and they happen a lot and often in this book, more than the previous one.

Apparently, if a woman isn't someone's "property," they are called whores, sluts and they don't deserve respect.

And what irked me the most, is that it is mostly WOMEN who treat, or talk so disgustingly of those promiscuous women.

I mean, the hero rudely kicked out some blonde that he fucked, but that's nothing compared to what the "old ladies" characters say or think about the women who fuck many men and are unattached.

It absolutely disgusts me.

-the heroine is annoying and stupid. Gives women everywhere a bad name and makes us look like we don't have backbone.

Proof: "I don't need to take self-defense classes."

Um...bitch, it's a dangerous world out there, who the fuck turns down self-defense classes?

"I'm so stupid."

Bitch, no need to remind us, we know this!

She always blames her "body" when she's weak. No matter how crappy the hero treats her, she always ends up giving into his sexual demands then blames her "traitor" of a body... Um, what?

It's completely embarrassing and cringe-y to read.

Don't get me started on that asshole hero.

He expects her to not sleep with anyone but gets mad when she even mentions flirting with a man, when HE CAN'T even promise not to sleep with anyone himself!!!?

He's a weakling, despite what he thinks.

And if these are popular themes in biker books, I don't think I'll continue this series and will doubt any other biker books I will come across.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,136 reviews34.8k followers
January 20, 2014
5 Biker stars!
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Are you ready for another Reaper’s MC book? YES! Me too! Book 2 in the Reapers MC series follows Ruger and Sophie...

It’s the night. It’s finally time. Sophie’s going to do it. She’s going to lose her virginity to her high school boyfriend Zach. She’s nervous and excited. Things don’t go quite as planned for Sophie. Not only is she caught in the act by her boyfriends older, and extremely hot biker brother, but the condom breaks. Leaving her with a son named Noah. Noah is now eight years old and Sophie is struggling to raise him as a single mother.

Zach isn’t in the picture. At all. He doesn’t see Noah, doesn’t pay child support. He’s just a loser. Thankfully, Noah has his Uncle Ruger. Ruger loves that boy. He wants to be a bigger part of Noah’s life, but Sophie is hesitant. He is part of a MC and she sees his life as much too dangerous. Plus, Sophie is insanely attracted to Ruger. That could make things even more complicated...
I could spend a year trying to describe him, but you still wouldn't fully appreciate his unique appeal until your panties spontaneously combusted the first time he smiled at you.

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Ruger has always found Sophie desirable. He’s never went there because at first, she was too young, then he didn’t want to mess things up. They have Noah to think of. They don’t get a long. At all. Ruger decides Noah and Sophie need to stay with him for a while. He wants to take care of the kid, help Sophie get back on her feet. I loved the banter between these two.
“I think you're a raging asshole."
Ruger laughed.
"Yeah, well I think you're a bitch, but my cock likes you, so we'll figure something out.”

It becomes very obvious very quickly that these two want each other. Being in such close quarters, it’s hard to deny it. Hard to stay away.

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One of the things that makes a story more enjoyable for me is when I truly like BOTH of the main characters. I’m happy to say that is the case here. Sophie is something else. She is strong, determined, feisty and funny.
“I’m ready for a three-way with Ben and Jerry.”

Nothing made me happier than how she stood up for herself. She didn’t just take what she wanted, she waited for what she deserved. I respected her for that.
“Well I don't care how other people live" I said. "If they want to let their men sleep around, that's their business. But I'll be damned if I'll put up with it. Not good enough for me, and no way I want Noah growing up thinking that's how you treat a woman. Ruger can take his offer, stick it on a fork, and shove it up his ass. Now I need to find a job and somewhere to live, because I'm sure as hell not living with him any longer.”

Then there is Ruger... Ruger is your typical bad ass biker, but seeing him with his nephew will melt your heart. What is it about a tough guy with a kid? He is uber hot and he was also pretty hilarious.
“Jesus you piss me off.” he murmered. "Good thing your cunt’s so fucking hot.”

“Don’t call it that.” His lip twitched. 

“Good thing your vaginas so gosh darned hot, because I really, really want to stick my penis in it and have repeated sexual intercourse, bringing us to a mutually satisfactory culmination of our desires. How’s that sound?”

When Ruger decides he wants something, he’ll go to any lengths to get it. It may take him a little while to really get the hit, but he’s a guy... what do you expect?

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“You’re in my dreams every night. I wake up in the morning and all I think about is you in my house, you and Noah finally mine. My family. It’s even better than ridin’ my bike. I’m crazy for you, Soph.”

Reaper’s Legacy was a wonderful addition to the Reapers MC series. I love biker books. I love the grittiness, how raw and full of action they are. This had all that, plus is was comical, steamy and even a little sweet. Ruger and Sophie were great. It was nice to see more of Horse, Marie, Picnic, Em, and the rest of the gang. Sophie’s friend Kimber was pretty damn funny. And of course little Noah. He was adorable. Overall, I liked this one just as much as the first, and seeing that I loved the first, this is a good thing! ♥

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**ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Georgia ♥ .
420 reviews1,171 followers
Want to read
February 2, 2014

MORE REAPERS MC??? Hell yeah!!!



But the real question is...... Will there be more Horse???? Or just this Ruger, guy?





Expected publication: February 4th 2014


May 25, 2017
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So this book is not as good as the first. I gave it 4 stars for 2 reasons.

1. Ruger is a dick and a man whore! I wanted to punch him in the nutz like for most of the book just sayin....

2. Sophie was just okay.... but she put up with way to much of ruger's bullshit before putting her foot down and she had her silly bitch moments!

now that being said It still was a really good book and it had a good story line.

Ruger's step brother a prick name Zack gets his young high school girlfriend Sophie pregnant when she gives him her virginity. Zack is a jerk who isn't there for her, cheats and beats on her. Sophie goes into labor at a party where Zack is passing out drunk and Ruger comes to get her. She ends up having baby Noah on the side of the road with ruger catching him as he comes out. So years pass and Ruger and Sophie have wanted each other for years but held back because of Noah. Ruger is like his dad in every way and loves him like a son. I enjoyed the sexual tension between them and there was some really sexy and sweet times in the book but then Ruger would ruin them for me by opening his damn mouth and making me wanna choke him...

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“Jesus you piss me off.” he murmered. "Good thing your cunt’s so fucking hot.”
 “Don’t call it that.” His lip twitched. 
“Good thing your vaginas so gosh darned hot, because I really, really want to stick my penis in it and have repeated sexual intercourse, bringing us to a mutually satisfactory culmination of our desires. How’s that sound?”

“The fact that my dick's in it's happy place is probably saving your life. Trust me when I say I'm seriously considerin' strangling you, Sophie. Thinking about fuckin' you balances that out.”

”I’m not looking for a relationship and I’m not a one-woman man.”

“You’re a giant slut,” I said flatly, hating the words even though they needed to be said. “I won’t be with a guy who sleeps around, yet here we are at a party where some random couple fucking in a shed doesn’t even hit the radar. You plan to keep it in your pants?”
His eyes were dark and cool, and I knew my answer before he even opened his mouth.
“I won’t bring anyone home,” he said. “Right now I can’t imagine wanting to fuck anyone but you. But this life, it’s about freedom. I became a Reaper so I could make my own rules. Not looking to put my dick on a chain and hand it off to some woman like it’s a damned puppy or something.”

Sophie did wise up standing up for herself. When Ruger tells her he wants her to be his old lady and she cant have anyone's dick but his, but he is still gonna fuck whoever he wants, but he will respect her enough not to fuck em at home. isn't that special.(GOD I could dick stomp him)..

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"You want the freedom to sleep around. I'm not willing to give you that- I want more. Sounds like we have a fundamental difference of opinion here, and I'm not going to try and change you. But I'll tell you one thing, Ruger- I deserve to be with someone who gives a shit about me, as a person. Someone who values me enough not to fuck other women. I'd rather be alone the rest of my life than settle for what you're offering. Consider yourself a hell of a booty call, but that's it. We clear?"

“Well I don't care how other people live" I said. "If they want to let their men sleep around, that's their business. But I'll be damned if I'll put up with it. Not good enough for me, and no way I want Noah growing up thinking that's how you treat a woman. Ruger can take his offer, stick it on a fork, and shove it up his ass. Now I need to find a job and somewhere to live, because I'm sure as hell not living with him any longer.”

Thank fuck she stood her ground. Ruger wises up when he almost loses her and there are some swoon worthy moments..

“You’re in my dreams every night. I wake up in the morning and all I think about is you in my house, you and Noah finally mine. My family. It’s even better than ridin’ my bike. I’m crazy for you, Soph.”

“When a man takes a woman as his property, it’s not about owning her,” he continued, eyes searching my face. “It’s about trusting her. This is my life I’m handing you, Sophie. Not just my life—my brothers’ lives, too. It means I’m responsible for everything you do. You fuck up, I’ll pay. You need help, we’re there. You’re the only woman I’ve ever met that I’d consider giving that kind of power to. Hell, I’m not just considering it, I’m desperate for you to take it.”

“She wanted commitment? He's tattoo her fucking name on his forehead if he had to.”

“I won’t fuck around,” he said. “Just so you know. I nearly lost you. I won’t risk that again. I told you before I’d never be a one-woman man, but I was wrong.”

and some really funny parts most of them with Horse cause Horse rocks!!!!!!

“Here’s a suggestion for future reference, then,” Horse said. “Try jerking off before answering the door if you want me to believe you don’t think of her that way. Wood like you were sportin’ usually implies the opposite. Unless it was for me? If that’s the case, I’m genuinely flattered. No judgments.”

“Horse: So tell me, brother. How many times you seen The Notebook? 'Cause that's information the boys back home are gonna need to know.”

“I screwed the King of the Man-whores—condom-free—in a damned shed, because I’m classy like that.”

I get my HEA.... it really was a good book just not as good as the first!

Profile Image for ~IreneOust~.
509 reviews780 followers
August 3, 2016


Once upon a time, I read a book that started out great but then I finished it ...

Yep, that pretty much sums it up.

This story had a great start! Fantastic prologue and the first 40% of the book were actually so good that I got all excited. Then Sophie all of a sudden decided to act as if she was better than the only people who gave a shit and cared about her and then it all went downhill from there. I think around 92% or so she finally decided to pull her head out of her ass but by then I was literally

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Sophie, dear ... next time someone offers you help or does something nice for you, just say THANK YOU. That only means they care, you dimwit!

As if Sophie & her 'holier-than-thou' attitude wasn't bad enough, we also got quite a few appearance from Horse's tart, Marie.

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When did being naive and a prude become endearing?? First, Sophie's judges the club she knows nothing about, then Marie makes a statement about working at a strip club as if it's some sort of an establishment that runs a sex slaves ring ... I guess when you grow up in the trailer park, strippers are beneath you so I sort of get where she is coming from ... [insert sarcasm here]

There were quite a few nice characters in this book, including Kimber, Reaper's women, adorable Noah and, of course, Reaper's men. Sadly, all of them combined couldn't quite pull me out of the funk caused by Sophie (and Marie).

I am VERY MUCH looking foward to Hunter and Em's story. Since Em is the product of the MC environment, I hope we won't have to endure any more "don't you find being someone's 'property' demeaning?" quetions and the fact that Hunter is a part of rival MC should make for a great story!

Till then ...

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Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,046 followers
February 6, 2014
Letting in ALL THE SPOILERS. Beware if you don't want to know. Adult review for erotic content. My pre-review thoughts can be found here.

If I'd read this before book 1, I might have gone higher on the rating. Why, you ask?

I think a good part of why I'm so upset with book 2 is not having to do with any sort of magnitude of awfulness regarding the story, but more so the fact that I was hoping to see a HUGE improvement over book 1 in character smarts. In some ways, Sophie was more responsible than Marie (and you could tell that she wanted to do right by her son), but because her decision making skills were only marginally better than Marie's and not massively better, I felt disappointed.
"You're a very frustrating person, Ruger," I said, torn between bitching at him for being such a giant whore and jumping over the counter, ripping off his pants, and riding his cock. Not the best way to handle the situation. I knew this.

No, she really didn't know this, or I wouldn't have seen the same scene played out in her head OVER AND OVER.

FFS, if she'd just owned her shameless lust, I would have respected her more. I just realllllly hate when people can't get their head on straight, and we have to watch them go through the same indecision over and over again.
They obviously had to pass some sort of minimum hotness test to join up.

I'm still waiting to lock eyes on this magical, mythical MC in real life because (not counting the one hot biker guy who takes his kid to my kid's school) I'm pretty sure a club of "all hot" bikers doesn't exist in the real world. Yes, it's the world of romance novels. Got it. I know I shouldn't bring reality into this review, but it's hard not to when statements like that make me laugh hard. O.o

Some of you might have seen where I'd mentioned in my book 1 the instance of wanting to weep for humanity, if women are going to be reduced to nothing but walking, talking vaginas. Maybe I didn't think it could happen again in book 2 - after all, women are vastly different. Experiences and opinions may vary, right?
Ruger was over six feet tall, roped with muscle and annoyingly handsome in an I'm-probably-a-murderer-but-I've-got-dimples-and-a-tight-ass-so-you'll-still-lust-after-me kind of way.

Okay, so I'll give that one to Sophie. I've lusted after guys who were trouble. I've gotten into trouble with guys who were trouble. The thing about lust is that you don't actually have to keep acting on it, if you're not seeing improvement in the man. Right?

It seems to always come back to my issues with the female's behavior. The guys are pieces of work. At least we're going to half-expect that with this type of story. I was just hoping to see Sophie be a more evolved version of Marie - and she wasn't. So much of her hesitancy had to do with not wanting to traumatize her child, which actually was good. But underneath, if she hadn't had Noah to stabilize her, she wouldn't have been all that different from Marie. And I absolutely hated that.

WHY can't we have smarter women being represented in romance books? WHY do I feel like I know how to relate to these characters, yet still want to see them drive off a cliff?

WHY was Ruger the voice of reason in this instance?
"Really? You don't like it? Personally, I don't like the idea of the next kid getting raped just because he isn't smart enough to hide on the fire escape."

WHY was Sophie trying to sexually antagonize Ruger in front of her kid? Dear lord, I know...women can dress and act however they'd like and we aren't supposed to slut shame them for it, but honestly mom? Way to set the learning bar high for your kid and show him how mom likes to tease men into sexual frustration.
Then I spotted the super-tight, super low-cut "Barbie is a Slut" tank top. I pulled the tank out with a smile. I'd let him perv on my boobs.

All day. Publicly.

Uh, did you forget your kid was going on this trip with you? How about this t-shirt instead?

(I'm so buying this)

Never mind how a good portion of the conversation happening while Sophie and Ruger were in the truck probably shouldn't have happened in front of kid, if for reasons that...oh...I don't know...rape and torture probably aren't "child friendly" conversations? Oh wait, but Noah was laughing at his video in the backseat. Because kids NEVER pick up conversation that they shouldn't hear.
"You're a cocksucking bastard," Noah repeated like a damned parrot.

Oh right. This is the same woman who left her kid with a neighbor she didn't really know, which almost resulted in the kid getting raped. Got it.

Apparently, women losing their mind is just par for the course in these books. After all, even a friend of Sophie's who wasn't in the MC world realized that life might just be easier by going along with what her man wanted.
I swear, I fell for him on the spot. He didn't like the idea of sharing me with any other guys, so I quit the next day. I didn't want to fuck things up between us, you know?

No. No, I don't believe I know. I know one night stands. I don't know "quitting my job for a man after only knowing him for twelve hours."

It's not that I didn't have moments of being able to relate to Sophie. Being too broke to buy a damn vibrator made me laugh. Single mom problems can be a bitch. Like I'd put in my initial thoughts comments, it was the back and forth which wore me down. I would have loved to have seen her feelings for Ruger be noted more as sentimentality for what he'd done for her and Noah. Then we could have watched her give him the middle finger while HE SCRAMBLED to figure out how to win her affection. Instead, she cleans his house, finds copious amounts of underwear, then later discovers him with a naked female, and she STILL debates her feelings back and forth.
Predictably, my body wasn't listening to my brain again, because I had the urge to spread my legs and wrap them around his waist.

This was about 2 paragraphs after he called her a "fucking idiot." Have some self-respect, woman. Fantasize about him in private if you must (or preferably...don't), then show him a steel resolve as you keep him at a distance (running away down the street felt more like a half-assed move done simply out of reason for not knowing what else to do). I hated that Ruger got to continue to be a bastard and deny his feelings to her, then when he decided he was ready to start being a grown-up, it didn't take all that long for him to win her back. What is it with these men who get to have their cake and eat it too? Why DON'T THE WOMEN GET CAKE?!?

I want cake, dammit. Cake. Not heroin.

This isn't the first, or one-hundreth, time I've mentioned the love-sex-drug reference from a book. Should I even be surprised anymore when it shows up?
The man was like heroin - seductive, addictive, and a damned good way to wake up dead.

At least it was heroin and not heroine...

What I did like :

The female comaraderie. The sisterhood of old ladies is fun to read about.

Picnic. Again. I do want to see how his story turns out.

This author does a better job of showing the balance of both the good and bad of MC life than a lot of authors seem to. I can tell she's put a lot of time into researching what she's writing about, instead of just making it all up as she goes along.

There were a few moments which were funny. She needs to not get cut with a knife in the first place. Women are finicky that way - we like not getting cut.

Ruger's tattoo explanation. That was a very sweet and swoon-worthy moment.

What I lost interest in :

Em's story. I was interested in her back when reading book 1. Now that I see the potential love triangle (and both of the guys seem to have issues), I'm sort of over it. I would have preferred to have seen Painter man up and risk it all for Em. Now, we're supposed to be feeling some sort of sympathy for the kidnapper Hunter.

Oh yeah - which reminds me - I'm offically tired of kidnapping scenes in MC books. New conflict starter, please.

Just give me a smarter chick next book, and I'll probably like the story fine.
February 2, 2014
Sophie wants Ruger, Ruger wants Sophie...it just takes them a long eight years to figure that out...and then some.

First off, I enjoyed the banter between Ruger and Sophie but I have to admit it wasn't quite as good as Horse's story. Not sure that I can put my finger on it exactly but I think it could've used more sexual tension instead of going to the end game so quickly.

Ruger is your typical motorcycle guy...tattoos, piercings and of course, he's a manwhore. I have to admit that I was a bit surprised to not have more scenes of his "prowlness" but TBS was enough for me! I did love his fascination with the pink panties though! ;)


Sophie - she just didn't know what she wanted. I liked that she always put being a mother first but her being horny overrode things at times. I'm not sure that her decision at the end was a clear thinking one.

The steamy scenes were pretty good. I did enjoy the "piercings". It certainly helped spice things up...not that Ruger needed help. ;)

Horse was hilarious in this book. I'm so glad he was able to get back at Ruger for all the stuff he put him through. I love the story Dancer told...and I believe her!

The old ladies were pretty great too. I love what they did to the basement...and how they kept texting. It was something Sophie really needed.

Kimber was a hoot! Too bad she's already married because I would love to read the story about a Reaper tying her down!


I knew as soon as Hunter entered the picture that we would get a lot of him. Of course, I thought it would involve someone else. It will be interesting to see what happens with them in the next book, Devil's Gate.

The drama with Zach was a bit crazy...and intense! Sophie will definitely never be the same.

I enjoyed the epilogue but what I loved most was the interchange between Noah, Ruger and a certain someone. I have a feeling we might see more of Noah in the future!
Favorite quotes:

♥ "Also, he bought me a minivan. A fucking minivan. What kind of man does that to a woman?”

♥ "Whatever else happened, you gave me beautiful.”

♥ “No offense,” I said slowly. “But that was the shittiest girls’ night out ever.”

Em gave a short, startled snort of laughter. “Ya think?”

♥ “You didn’t hurt me, babe,” he said. “You marked me. Big difference. That night was the most important thing that’s ever happened in my life."

♥ “When a man takes a woman as his property, it’s not about owning her,” he continued, eyes searching my face. “It’s about trusting her."

♥ "Fuckin' kiw Howse." (sooo cute!)
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,215 followers
January 28, 2014
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I want all kinds of things. First I want to tie you up in my bed with my belt. Then I want to cut off your clothes and fuck you in every hole you have. I also want to come on you and rub it into your skin and lick your pussy until you scream at me to stop because if you come one more time you’ll die. Then I want to do it again. I want to own you, Sophie.”

Holy Fucking Hell!!

Well, it’s safe to say that I absolutely bloody loved this – devoured it in one setting, not even pausing to make Goodreads updates and I totally galloped through the story. Totally compelling and never once did the pace seem to slow.

As the blurb tells us, Sophie is a single Mom, having gotten pregnant the night she gave her virginity to her loser boyfriend Zach and got caught having sex by his scary, badass older biker brother, Ruger. Seven years later on, Zach and his child support are nowhere to be seen for dust and Sophie is raising her son, Noah, alone and gets herself into a scrape and Ruger rides in on his shining Harley (with Horse!) and decides enough is enough and whisks her back to Idaho to live in his basement protected by the Reaper’s MC. Sophie fights him all the way – she’s desperately attracted to Ruger, always has been, and they’ve almost succumbed before but decides that it would be weird for her son and so decides to settle in temporarily and to try and ignore that burning desire she feels for Ruger.

“I want to own every part of you,” he continued, his breath hot against my skin. “I want to throw you face-first across this counter, rip off those shorts and fuck you hard and fast until my goddamn cock stops hurting and my balls don’t feel like they’re gonna explode.”

I just adored Ruger – I’m so glad that Joanna Wylde didn’t decide to give him any soft edges. He is exactly what you’d expect a Biker hero to be – he’s an asshole! He’s built, pierced, inked and never stops telling Sophie that he’s not a one-woman man but he still wants her anyway. She can’t have any other men but he may have other women. What a dick! I loved him! He’s all no-nonsense, this is how I am, a take it or leave it caveman chauvinist but he’s sexy as hell and very protective and extremely possessive. When he and Sophie finally succumb to that white-hot burning passion they share for one another, I think my Kindle almost caught fire!

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Sophie was a great heroine – there’s nothing remotely doormat about her despite her inauspicious beginnings with Zach The Loser. She’s been to the school of hard knocks and, despite everything that she’s had to deal with, she’s a great Mom and Noah is an absolute credit to her. I loved the way she stood her ground against Ruger when he was laying down his law – however much she wanted to throw caution to the wind and jump his bones, she knew that she deserved better than he was offering!

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Great humour in this too – I often read with a big ole goofy grin on my face as Sophie got to know the other old ladies and it was so fantastic to catch up with Horse & Marie. We get to see plenty of them as well as the rest of the Reaper’s MC.

Right at the heart of the novel, at least for me, was the whole issue of ‘family’. Sophie has been let down by just about everyone she could call family – Zach, her baby Daddy, is a complete loser and her own parents threw her out when they realised she was 16 and pregnant! Ruger’s family, his Club, are there for each other through thick and thin, whatever the consequences. They would die for one another and for their old ladies and there’s a strong love, bond and connection between these brothers that you would struggle to find in a lot of families. It takes Sophie a while, and she truly does come to the whole situation with some fairly judgmental preconceived ideas about MC Clubs, but eventually she learns to value their loyalty and support.

So this was just the perfect balance of badass alpha hero, feisty kickass heroine, super-nova hot erotic sex scenes, real genuine emotions and love and brotherhood. It’s a fantastic and worthy follow up to the truly wonderful Reaper’s Property and I honestly don’t know how I’m going to manage to wait for Em’s story in Devil’s Game, due for release in June. It can’t come soon enough!

5 badass biker stars

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Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,709 followers
January 30, 2014
3.5--Back and Forth--Stars!!

The story begins with Sophie losing her virginity to Zach. They've snuck in to Zach's step-brothers apartment...there are no rainbows and no unicorns with this de-flowering...when in walks Ruger (said step-brother).

Flashforward 8 months and guess what....no really guess?

Who didn't see that coming? Turns out Zach's a douche, big surprise there and Sophie goes in to labor and Ruger saves the day. Ruger ends up deliverying the baby on the side of the road and so begins the love story of Ruger and Sophie.

Flashforward another seven years and Sophie and Noah are living in Washington. Some rival gang members have shown up at the babysitters house while Sophie is at work. Noah isn't able to get ahold of his mom right away so he calls Uncle Ruger too.

Ruger is pissed and packs Sophie and Noah up and they move home with him.

The majority of the rest of the book Ruger and Sophie play this cat and mouse game and go back and forth and back and forth.

Sophie doesn't want to be part of the club. It's too dangerous for her and Noah. Ruger can never be what they need.

Ruger wants Sophie to be his but admits he's not a one woman man.

I will say, I am glad Sophie put her foot down with regards to Ruger being monogomous. There was no cheating in this book, thank goodness. Unfortunatly they just spent 90% of the book not together and arguing about whether they could and should be together.

There was a bit of a conflict that made for some suspense and excitement.

The sexy times were hot, though not in abundance.

I also could have done without the added at the end.

It kind of seems like I didn't like it, I did.... just didn't love it. The Reapers MC series is still one of my favorites and I will definitely be continuing on with the series.
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,483 reviews5,321 followers
January 31, 2014

I have to admit I went into this book hoping that Reaper’s Property wasn’t a fluke because that was one hell of a ride. This book was just as BIKALICIOUS!!

I fell in love Sophie and Noah!! This mother and son were absolutely terrific. Kimber, Sophie’s bff was hilarious. We also got a lot of Marie and Horse and got to know other members of the club much better during this ride.

"Ruger was over six feet tall, roped with muscles and annoyingly handsome in an I'm probably-a-murder-but-I've-got-dimples-and-a-tight-ass-so-you'll-still-lust-after-me kind of way."

Ruger…manhore, amazing uncle, panty stealer, honest, but his sex appeal and his deep feelings for Sophie and Noah had me head over heels. As for his fear of manogamy...Come on! Horse didn't think twice about committing to Marie!! Ruger, you had me worried for a bit. I guess it took a little while for your pierced piece to catch up with your heart. Although you have to give him props because he never lied and always kept his promises.

Don't tell Horse but I'm all over Ruger he's delicious!

"You're in my dreams every night. I wake up in the morning and all I think about is you in my house, you and Noah finally mine. My family. It's even better than ridin' my bike. I'm crazy for you, Soph."

I would recommend this read to anyone who enjoys a great biker book!!

P.S.- Bring on Hunter!

"Reapers forever, forever Reapers!"
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,021 reviews963 followers
January 29, 2014
Well... I really really wanted to LOVE this book and I've been looking forward to it ever since Reapers Property ( Which was a major 5 star book).. but it just didn't happen. And the reason it didn't happen was SOPHIE. Ruger was perfection! Loved everything about him.. but Sophie just dragged this book down. Her constant whining and looking down her nose at the club just got old to me. Ruger definitely needed another type of girl to tame him. I will say that it was VERY hot.. lots of hot sexy times too.. but I just couldn't get passed how much Sophie grated on my nerves. If not for Ruger, I probably wouldn't have finished this one.. HOWEVER.. I am really looking forward to the next one!! We get a sneak peak into Em and Hunter and it has potential to be AMAZING!
Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,932 followers
January 10, 2014
4 stars overall!

5 stars for the first half, 3 stars for the second half, and 3.5 stars for the ending.


My very first biker book was Reaper’s Property. Not anything of Madeleine Sheehan’s, not anything from Bella Jewel, Crystal Spears or whatever’s been trending the biker aisle on Amazon, but Joanna Wylde’s work. As a reader who rarely reads biker/MC books, I have to say that this author did a splendid job with this second book and got me, someone who understands close to nothing about bikers, to go “Oh! So that’s what sets MC books apart from CR, HR, or PNR.” So for the vivid portrayal and detailed descriptions, Joanna Wylde deserves 5 stars and more!


What really stood out to me the most was Sophie’s character. She wasn’t a doormat like Marie, and took parenthood really seriously. I liked that she was honest about her feelings and opinions throughout the book, and her love for her son Noah is admirable. Do you have any idea how refreshing this kind of female lead is? Romance books these days need more heroines that don’t just swoon at the sight of the hero (though that’s cool too haha), but have some sense of independence and character.

Now for the part I struggled with...

After the 60% mark I got frustrated and no, it’s not from a case of blue ovaries. Despite so, I’m not sorry it happened because it paved the way for Em’s story in book 3, which I am highly anticipating!!!!!

ARC kindly provided by author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review


Buddy read with Lkay ❇✾The one-click buy button addict❇✾!!



OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT AN ARC! Jo you ROCK!!


Profile Image for Mada.
71 reviews214 followers
August 13, 2016
OMG. Look at that cover.
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Can't wait to read Reaper's Legacy. Ruger was so hot and badass in Reaper's Property.
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My first biker book was Reaper’s Property and I fell in love with biker books thanks to Joanna Wylde, so you can imagine how excited I was to read Reaper's Legacy.
Joanna Wylde is an amazing writer. Such an amazing writer that even when you dislike the heroine you can't stop yourself from loving the book, the hero and the other characters. I cried when characters got hurt, I swooned like crazy when Ruger and Sophie or Horse and Marie had a romantic moment and I got angry everytime something bad happened.
This book was full of action, drama and suspense. It was almost perfect.
Sadly, I really disliked Sophie, especially in the first half of the book. After 60% she redeems herself, but the way she changes is really sudden and you can't help thinking her behaviour is a little out of character. Sophie was really irrational and everytime she tried to stand up to Ruger she did it by whining and making stupid choices. Most of the time she was infuriating, her reactions were ridiculous and she was constantly feeling sorry for herself.
When she wasn't whining or bitching about something she was swooning at the sight of Ruger. She was always thinking about how hot Ruger is or how much she wants to have sex with him.
She was stubborn, immature, annoying and fickle.
Ruger was great. He was a badass, posessive, protective and domineering Alpha and I loved him from the start.
All the secondary characters were amazing and I was thrilled to see Horse, Marie, Dancer, Picnic and Em again.
I can't wait for Devil's Game and I really hope there will be more books in the series (I would love one about Picnic and one about Deke).
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,604 reviews4,362 followers
March 6, 2023
4 Stars (Originally Read 5/12/2015)

2.5 Stars (Re-Read 3/14/2021)

Overall Opinion: This was rather frustrating if I’m completely honest. The H was a jerk to the extreme and I would even argue close to being verbally/emotionally abusive at times. The h was stumbling along that line towards being a doormat too many times, and it was especially bad when she was dazzled by his sexual powers. I also felt like the pacing and constant back and forth between these two made the ending feel incomplete and not secure in their HEA (see pacing spoiler tag below). I re-read this because I wanted to write a review for one of my books that I just left a star rating for, but this is one that proves that my tastes have definitely changed since I liked this the first time.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Sophie and Ruger’s story. Sophie loses her virginity and ends up pregnant with Ruger’s step-brother’s son. After his brother turns out to be a dead beat dad, Ruger is always swooping in to help her when things get tough. After a bad situation gets even worse, Ruger decides that enough is enough and moves them into his home. Sophie has crushed on Ruger even though he is a jerk and a manwhore and Ruger has forced himself to stay away from her because he is not a one woman man. There are some suspenseful scenes, some sexy times, and a good bit of drama...and they get a HEA ending.

Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Sophie’s POV and focusing on Ruger in 3rd person narrative.

Overall Pace of Story: Alright.

Instalove: No, but they’ve had feelings for each other for years.

H (Hero) rating: 2 stars. Ruger. I really struggled with him. He was a mega jerk for the whole book. His only redeeming quality imo was how protective he was of the h and her son.

h (heroine) rating: 3 stars. Sophie. She was okay, but I wanted her to be stronger and demand better treatment.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: I never considered them together for it to be a separation

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This ends with a cute (but abrupt) epilogue with what I would call a HEA ending even though it wasn’t as detailed with the closure as I would’ve liked.

Safety: This one is probably either Safe with exception or Not Safe for most safety gang readers depending on personal preferences
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,109 followers
February 5, 2014

"You're my propery, babe.
I'll take damned good care of you and Noah."

I loved it!!! I am a huge fan of bikers!!!I really enjoyed the previous book and I was so excited to start this one!!! And it really didn't dissappoint me! It was amazing! It was a hot, steamy, fantastic read that will keep you captivated until the end!!! Reaper's Legacy had the full package! We get two complex and fully developed main characters and also the secondary characters were fascinating! I liked Em, Dancer and Kimber a lot! These girls were hilarious!


Eight years ago, Sophie gave her heart and virginity to Zach Barrett on the most embarrassing and non romantic night! Zach's step-brother, Ruger - a hot, tattooed biker caught them in the act, getting a nice view of Sophie that he never forgot....
But in all this something good happened... Life gave her a son, Noah..
After some bad decisions and when Ruger discovered that they were living in poverty, he decided that he must take care of them with the help of the Reapers Motorcycle Club.
Sophie without any choice she agrees to go with her son to live with Ruger...
But she doesn't like the biker's life in the beginning!
Ruger gives his word that he will be there for Noah... whether she wants him or not.


Ruger is an amazing,protective,hot,badass,stubborn biker!!At the begining you thought that he is a tough guy but when you meet him better you want to hug him!
Sophie may be irritable at moments,but she is strong!!She is a mother who love her children and will do anything to protect him!!After all she's been through now I can understand many of her reactions.
Ruger and Sophie are possessive and strong-willed characters who fight for control in their relationship!!The sex scenes were absolutely explosive and it was full of tension and romance !!OMG HOT HOT HOT!!

“Imagine those deep inside you"
“First I’ll rub them against your clit, and then they’ll hit your G-spot the whole damned time I’m riding you.”


If you like hot sexy bikers with tattoos this is what you need!!!
Profile Image for Naksed.
2,940 reviews
March 27, 2017
What an epic disappointment! I like biker romances and I really enjoyed Joanna Wylde's first book in the series, Reaper's Property. The third one, Devil's Game was good too. But Reaper's Legacy was awful from start to finish.

I HATED the TSTL heroine Sophie and the Big Fat Jerk of the womanizing, rude and crude, "hero", Ruger.

Sophie starts off being a teen-ager who unwisely has unprotected sex with one asshole. She follows that up by having unprotected sex with that same asshole's brother and known womanizer. STUPID!

Their first kiss occurs SECONDS after the hero unceremoniously dumps his one night stand out of the house. STUPID!

The first time they have sex is in a shed at an MC party where some other random bikers ogle Sophie naked and laugh at her. And Ruger laughs right along with them. What a motherfucking pig! But Sophie is the worst. Because she knew what he was all about and she still went for it, and then acted all huffy like he had promised to put a ring on it. And she had unprotected sex. Again. STUPID!

It only took, kidnapping, attempted rape and murder for these two to figure out the sun rose and set with each other, no cheating allowed! Great Love story, there! STUPID!

At the very end, when they finally get together, the hero reveals that he had the heroine's fingerprints tattooed on his shoulder because that's where she had squeezed him hard while she was giving birth to her son and he wanted a reminder of that very moving experience. Just when you think the book is going to at least end up on a positive note, Ruger tells Sophie in the next breath that he has been getting girls for years using that story. And she laughs right along with him. So back to square one. Everybody ready? Say it with me now, once more, with feeling: STUPID!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,600 reviews8,892 followers
November 28, 2017
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

I woke up on Sunday morning to the realization that my life of sitting around eating Bon Bons was quickly coming to an end and I would once again have to face other humans (*shudder*) come Monday morning. I opted to do what I do best and avoid reality in the form of the guiltiest of guilty pleasures – the motorcycle porno . . .

I also opted to completely ignore the description of dark hair and a lip piercing and instead recast my idea of a sexy biker . . . . .

Oh yeah. Jim Hopper – you churn my butter. Dad bod and white man’s overbite and all . . . .

I didn’t have my hopes set too high on this one since I have dabbled in Joanna Wylde’s world successfully and unsuccessfully before. Imagine my delight when Reaper’s Legacy ended up being . . . .

The story here (Can you believe it? An actual story? Bonus!) is that seven years ago Sophie and Zach were teenagers in (what Sophie thought was) love. When the rubber broke, Sophie got a little surprise she wasn’t planning on and the gilding on Zach’s shining armor showed its true tarnished nature when he became an abusive control freak. Sophie has been going it alone as a single mother ever since with occasional visits from Zach’s brother Ruger to her little boy Noah. When Sophie finds herself in a babysitting bind and asks her new(ish) neighbor to watch Noah while she goes to work, things get scary and Noah calls his uncle Ruger for help. And help he does – in the form of kicking ass, taking names and packing Sophie and Noah up to come live with him until a long-term solution can be found. That’s when things got . . . . .

And we found out pretty quickly that . . . .

“Is this a new thing for you?

“I don’t follow,” he said, glancing at me. His eyes pierced mine, the warm night air hanging heavy between us.

“Wanting me,” I said softly. “Is it a new thing for you? I mean, aside from . . . back then . . . I always assumed that was just a moment, you know? You always looked right through me.”

“It’s not a new thing.”

Of course, the getting there is half the fun so this was a real slow burn with plenty of alpha male behavior thrown in for good measure. The bonus here was it made me chuckle . . . .

“You don’t want me but nobody else gets me, either? Would it be easier if you peed on me so they know I’m taken?”

“It’d be easier if you shut the fuck up.”

I’d love to be able to give this the full monty of stars, but I can’t due to Sophie’s questionable parenting in the beginning (and yes I understand it was necessary in order for there to be a book at all, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it) as well as the first highly anticipated roll in the hay (or roll in the repair shop in front of a bunch of random strange – ew). The love/hate stuff almost made me forget all that noise, though . . .

“Can I borrow something to wear?”

“I’d rather you sleep naked.”

“I’d rather you go fuck yourself, but seeing as that’s not an option, can I borrow something to wear?”

I mean, it was real good . . . .

“Jesus, you piss me off,” he murmured. “Good thing your cunt’s so fucking hot.” “Don’t call it that.” His lip twitched. “Good thing your vagina’s so gosh-darned hot,” he whispered. “Because I really, really want to stick my penis in it and have repeated sexual intercourse, bringing us to a mutually satisfactory culmination of our desires. How’s that sound?”

It sounds like this to me, Ruger!!!!


And yes, I already asked the porny librarian for the next in the series because once I fall down this rabbit hole, it's hard to get out.
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,325 reviews1,429 followers
February 12, 2014
Not quite as good as Reaper’s Property, but close…

Although not quite as good (and outrageous) as it’s predecessor, Reaper’s Legacy was still a hard one to put down. Yes, there were a few things missing in it (I’ll get to that later) but it still had a lot of the elements that made RP so exciting (if a little crazy).

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The plot: Sophie (24) is a single mother of 7 year old Noah. Disowned by her parents when she refused to get rid of him (abort? adoption?) she's basically on her own, since her baby-daddy (Zach) is a deadbeat dad and all-around abusive jerk. Zach has an older step-brother (Ruger) who's been there for Sophie (maybe since Noah's conception since he walked in on 16 year-old Sophie and Zach "together"). Since then, Reapers Motorcycle Club member Ruger has sort of had the "hots" for Sophie (even though he's not proud of having the hots for a 16 year old)(and she's had the hots for him). But ever since he 'delivered' Noah at the side of a road, he's been there for him as a father figure. And he's been there for Sophie too, but not always with good intentions.

Anyway, Ruger ends up rescuing Sophie from a bad situation in Seattle, and orders her to come live with him (in his furnished basement apartment) in his secluded Idaho house. Finacially struggling Sophie is hardly in a position to refuse, and she's got young Noah to think of, so she agrees. The mutual lust between Sophie and Ruger heats up, and Ruger wants Sophie to accept his club life with all its dangers and him. Ruger finally has her where he wants her--but does he want her enough to make her his "old lady"?

The tats may be wrong and the body's a bit lean, but this guy has the Ruger 'attitude'...
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So, how does Reaper's Legacy compare to Reaper's Property?

You’ve still got your dirty-talkin' hero, for one (like Horse in RP). Yes, Ruger was a dominant ass-hat most of the time, but deep-down you could see that he cared for Sophie and Noah. He said some outrageous things to get Sophie all worked up (I’m sure he got his kicks arguing with her).

"That's the thing about guys like me," he continued, his voice low and smooth, eyes boring right through mine. "We don't do what we're supposed to do. We take what we want. And me? I want all kinds of things. First I want to tie you up in my bed with my belt. Then I want to cut off your clothes and f*** you in every hole you have. I also want to come on you and rub it into your skin and lick your pussy until you scream at me to stop because if you come one more time you'll die. Then I want to do it again. I want to own you, Sophie."

He was a manwhore to the nth degree who really treated women like trash. I wanted to know why he had such a disrespect for women (would’ve been nice if the author delved into that) or was that just part of the "club" mentality?. Aside from him being a sexy beast, I didn’t see the appeal! He treated Sophie as if she was his personal property. Thank god she put up some resistence, or I would’ve lost all respect for her. Yes, she had a huge ongoing lusty crush on him (which she succumbed to time and again) but thankfully she had some self-respect and put her foot down when Ruger made his outrageous proposition

And there's the crazy club life again, too. Some familiar faces reappear and Sophie meets the ladies of the club (Marie is getting married to Horse!) Sophie has to decide if the club life is for her (and Noah) or if it's just too dangerous to consider. A new danger exists for the Reapers and a rival club (the Devils Jacks). Sophie and Em (Picnic's virginal daughter) get caught in a potentially deadly situation which forces Ruger to confront his real feelings for Sophie.

There's some hot sexual situations (although strangely not as many as RP), but not enough where Sophie and Ruger are committed to each other. That commitment came rather late in the book, and I felt it was a wee bit rushed. And, I also thought it took stubborn Ruger a bit long to get his head out of his a** and realize that no woman worth having/respecting would accept his ridiculous proposition. While I found Ruger sexually appealing and some of the things he did/said so outrageous that they were actually funny, it wasn't until late in the book that I thought he and Sophie belonged together. In fact, I wouldn't have minded if Sophie had found a new man, and that Ruger would have to fight him for her love.

There's a nice epilogue that put my doubts about Ruger to rest. That's all I want to say because it was really very sweet.

Even though it wasn't quite as exciting as Reaper's Property and didn't go into everything I wanted to see/know, it still had me turning the pages--I'm feeling a generous 4 1/2 stars. And I can't wait for Em's book--Devil's Game!

Warning: This book contains sexually explicit dialogue from a pierced, badass hero; explicit sex (including oral); some voyeurism and exhibitionism; and some disturbing violence. Not for the faint of heart.
Profile Image for Elfina Renee.
612 reviews223 followers
September 26, 2016
What can I say when perfection is achieved and good is good? Not a damn thing, cause Joanna Wylde did exactly that with this five chrome star read!

Gotta give it to badass men who talk the talk and walk the walk. Men like Ruger, good to the core and one percenter hell raiser are hard to find. He is the very definition of asshole, pig and jerk but god I love him!

Some of the things he did, had me wanting to take a baseball bat to his sorry hide but underneath the bad man persona he's fundamentally good, even if he shows it poorly.

There are reasons most bikers don't date civilians. They don't know the code in which the men live by. Outsiders don't understand the culture or lifestyles. Sophia, baby momma to his nephew is thrust into the world when dead beat dad (Zach) fails to step up and she left with no choice but to call Ruger for help.

Explosions and fireworks erupts as two headstrong alphas collides. Buckle up cause your in for one hell of a bumpy ride! Enjoy!
Profile Image for MischaS_.
785 reviews1,425 followers
November 25, 2018
The first week of University? And I was reading this while the professors talked and talked. Glad it's not high school anymore so that they don't care. Wouldn't be funny if they wanted to know what I was reading. :D

Well, the story is not any surprise. But it's easy to read; you don't need 100% of your attention to the storyline. And somehow that's what I need right now, books with a simple storyline since my head is full of the changes in my life. Though Sophie can get on my nerves but at least she's someone I can be angry at.
Profile Image for Melissa ***BITCH, I'M READING!***.
326 reviews211 followers
October 30, 2018
Re read October 2018

Still love this series so much!

January 2014

I love this series, Ruger was great..but Picnic and Horse are still my favorite Reapers!

Can't wait for the next book!


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I need this NOW!!
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,215 followers
February 1, 2014
4,5 Sexy Stars

Eight years ago Sophie, a teenager back then, got pregnant by her high-school boyfriend Zach in the night she lost her virginity. But after he knocked her up he showed his true colors and things got downward between them. When she had a premature birth the one that helped was Ruger, Zach’s older brother. Now, a few years later she is struggling as a single mother without any type of support from the father and somehow Ruger finds out about her situation and decides to step in.
They both feel something for the other, something more than just physical attraction, but his lifestyle within his MC and Sophie’s insecurities prevent them from getting further.
Not to mention Sophie wants a exclusive relationship that isn’t common among bikers and Ruger doesn’t want to make fake promises. Obviously they both have a lot to overcome… but how they face the obstacles thrown at their way, it’s a beautiful story to read. Not to mention… HOT!


I’m going to be honest here and say that this book didn’t attracted me as much as the first one. I liked the story so MUCH better in the same way I loved Horse and Marie way more than Ruger and Sophie. Both of them started to annoy me around the 40% mark and it only stopped around 85%. Which means almost half of the book annoyed with both MC’s.
Not to mention this books is rawer and show us more the true colors of these type of clubs and the dark stuff that sometimes goes down there.
Nonetheless, it’s a beautiful story and if you like the MC’s world, a series that you definitely can’t miss.


Rating: 4 stars.
Storyline: Nice story line, but with absence of “strength” (in lack of another word for it) around the middle. It picks up pretty quickly towards the end, though. And the epilogue is super sweet.
Writing Style: Pretty good and engaging. First person in the female POV and third person in the male POV. (I know, weird!)
Character Development: Good, with some annoyances. But Sophie is a strong heroine and Ruger is a fine example of an alpha-male. Not to mention is very good to see the previous characters.
Steam: Hot.
Profile Image for Smitten's Book Blog.
337 reviews317 followers
January 31, 2014

Iloveitiloveitiloveit!!! I just can not get enough of these dirty, sexy, twisted biker books!

5 stars for Ruger and Sophie!

Reaper's Legacy is the second in the Reaper's MC series. This time, we follow a different couple, Ruger and Sophie. Sophie is a twenty-four year old single Mum, to her son Noah. Her teenhood boyfriend and baby-daddy, Zach, is an aggressive, controlling, waste of air! But his brother is a little different.
Ruger is scary, huge, tattooed, a law unto himself.. and he's hot as hell! He and Sophie do not see eye to eye. But Ruger has stepped up to the plate, being there for Noah when Zach wasn't. So for the sake of her son, Sophie forces herself to ignore her attraction to the badass biker.
But when she moves into an unsafe apartment with the potential candidates for babysitter, whilst Sophie tries to scrape together a living, being the junkie dead-beat couple across the hall, Ruger takes responsibility and moves Sophie and Noah into the basement of his home. And that's where all the fun starts.

Ruger was over six feet tall, roped with muscle and annoyingly handsome in an I'm-probably-a-murderer-but-I've-got-dimples-and-a-tight-ass-so-you'll-still-lust-after-me kind of way.

There is something about these MC books that clearly so many of us find totally fascinating. I don't know whether it's the glimpse into a life that most of us will never encounter in real life, the morbid fascination for all things debauchery, or those bad boys that we can't get enough of. But either way, there is definitely something addictive about them!

And Reaper's Legacy is no exception. I love the first book. I loves Horse and Marie's story. And I'm please to tell you that you do get a good hefty dose of Horse and Marie in this book, too.
*happy dance*

See my review for Reaper’s Property (Reapers MC #1) here: http://smittensbookblog.wordpress.com...

I really liked Sophie!! She's trying to make the best possible life for herself and her kid. She's trying desperately to be independent and stand on her own two feet, but she's just not quite managing, due to circumstances outside of her control. I loved that as things heated up between her and Ruger, she stuck to her guns, laid down her ground rules and dam well waited until Ruger manned the fuck up! Woo! Don't be fooled though, there was definitely a compromise. Ruger is a controlling, foul mouthed, loveable asshole and there are some things just can't be changed.

"Jesus, you piss me off," he murmured. "Good thing your cunt's so fucking hot."
"Don't call it that."
His lip twitched.
"Good thing your vagina's so gosh-darned hot," he whispered. "Because I really, really want to stick my penis in it and have repeated sexual intercourse, bringing us to a mutually satisfactory culmination of our desires. How's that sound?"
"Almost dirtier."

I luuurve Ruger!!! Oh my days! The man is sex on legs. He's soooo super sexy, arrogant, alpha, confident, self-assured, sexist, an utter man whore! He's totally unreasonable. And all what-you-see-is-what-you-get. Just YUM in every freakin' way!! And he's also *ahem* pierced... in all kiiiinds of places! Oh yeeeaaaah!

The man was like heroin - seductive, addictive, and a damned good way to wake up dead.

The sexual tension between these two is fan-bloody-tastic! There are a couple of scenes before Sophie and Ruger finally get their act together when I honestly thought I was going to need to take a cold shower! Jeeeez! Sexual chemistry that I can really get on board with is a sure fire way to sell a book to me! Sexual tension with a bossy, demanding biker? Where do I sign up?!

"I want all kinds of things. First I want to tie you up in my bed with my belt. Then I want to cut off your clothes and fuck you in every hole you have. I also want to come on you and rub it into your skin and lick your pussy until you scream at me to stop because if you come one more time you'll die. Then I want to do it again. I want to own you, Sophie."

Ruger is a hardass, sure, but Sophie sure as hell gives him a run for his money. She isn't afraid to say what she feels. And around Ruger, she often feels a mixture of anger, frustration and lust. And everything in between. But their banter is great. They wind each other up something chronic and I loved it.

"I think you're a raging asshole."
Ruger laughed.
"Yeah, well I think you're a bitch, but my cock likes you, so we'll figure something out."

I loved seeing Ruger fall for Sophie. Well, in truth, he's always loved her, so we just watch him grow a pair of balls and own it, over time. Is there anything as adorable as a badass biker going all gooey on us over his girl? Nu uh!

"My cock gets hard just thinkin' about you. You're in my dreams every night. I wake up in the morning and all I think about is you in my house, you and Noah finally mine. My family. It's even better than ridin' my bike. I'm crazy for you, Soph."

There's a nice little bit of action in this book too. Obviously, with these bikers we love so dearly, there's always a token conflict, a collection of baddie-bikers, a few trigger happy fingers and the obligatory honour to defend! Reaper's Legacy certainly kept me on my toes, and as a result of the events in this book, I can't wait for book #3!

Nothing says "commitment" like accessory to murder.

But don't worry... that doesn't mean there is a cliffhanger. Nope. Sophie and Ruger totally get their perfect ending, so no worries there. However, some of the characters and events in this book will obviously be featuring heavy in the next book, which is going to be interesting.
Put it this way... I'm not convinced I could learn to love a Devil's Jack!! That's gonna take some serious writing skills Ms. Wylde. I look forward to that!

I really felt like this book gave an accurate insight into the motorcycle club life. Of course, what do I know?! But I liked that Joanna Wylde explained the following, at the beginning of the book...

I started my career in journalism and researched outlaw motorcycle club culture extensively for my stories. This included talking to people in club life, many of whom answered questions for me throughout the writing process. The Reaper's Legacy manuscript was reviewed and corrected by a woman attached to an outlaw MC.

I felt like I was getting the real deal! It made it a lot easier to believe in these characters, the choices they made, their behaviour, their relationships, etc. And I always love the surrounding characters in these MC books. All of the Reapers play such a huge part.

"When a man takes a woman as his property, it's not about owning her," he continues, eyes searching my face. "It's about trusting her. This is my life I'm handing you, Sophie. Not just my life - my brothers' lives, too."

So, yeh. I really loved this. I read it in less than 24 hours. Luckily I work from home, so my boss (me!) is pretty lenient, because I pretty much took an unofficial sick day yesterday, sneaking a chapter of my Kindle in between every couple of emails I sent. Naughty Smitten! But I just couldn't put it down! What are you waiting for? Go meet Ruger!

Have you read it? Comment below and tell us what you thought?

Reaper's Legacy Statistics
• Steam Rating (out of 5): ♥♥♥♥
• Ending: Happy ending
• Length: 368 pages
• Narrative: Alternates between Sophie (first person) and Ruger (third person). Past tense.
• Series: Yes
• Reading Order:
- Book #1 - Reaper's Property (Reapers MC, #1)
- Book #2 - Reaper's Legacy (Reapers MC #2)
- Book #3 - Devil's Game (Reapers MC #3) Release date: June 3rd 2014
• Can this be read as a standalone? Yes (recommended to read in order)
• Themes:
Domestic violence
Hate to love
• WARNING. This book includes...
Sexual content. Violence. Murder.
• Writing: Great

Check out this review on my blog ➜ http://smittensbookblog.wordpress.com...

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Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,434 reviews784 followers
May 19, 2017
**3.5 stars**

This book was all about Ruger for me! He was a domineering, overbearing, protective, possessive, tell-it-like-it-is hot as hell Alpha biker. What you see is what you get with him. He never lied to Sophie and made sure to keep it real with her at all times.

I know some were thinking

But for me

Ruger had my heart (and other parts) by the end of the prologue. The scene with Noah's birth pretty much sealed the deal.

Now Sophie on the other hand. She started out great. Really had respect for the struggles she went thru as a single mother. But after a while she was just ridiculously judgmental of Ruger's life and the MC! Her arguments were rash and one sided, without stopping to look at the big picture. She made it out like Ruger was a bad influence for Noah, when he was ALWAYS there for both of them for anything they needed. Took care of them like family.

And don't get me started on all the back and forth between them. She would spout all of this nonsense that they needed to stay away from each other, but the moment he came close enough that she could smell him it was all over. Brain: shutdown. Vajayjay: On fire and in control. The middle of the book it was a lot of...

The women of the MC welcomed her with open arms and treated her like one of their own from the very beginning. And all she did was judge them and their lifestyle, wondering how they could be ok with being someone's "property." It was nothing but a lot of annoying internal dialogue.

She kinda redeemed herself by the end, but it wasn't enough to sway my thoughts on her.

So to sum up :



I'll definitely continue on with this series, and I'm really interested in what's going to happen with Hunter and Em. Great set up to their storyline.

Though I will say, Joanna Wylde, if you're taking requests.....how about a book for Picnic?!?! I'm just gonna throw that out there, because that would be

Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,625 reviews1,033 followers
February 6, 2014
YES! Love me some dirty biker book!!

Sophie met Ruger on the night she lost her virginity, panties and her childhood to his step-brother. At 17 years old, Sophie, becomes a single mom who is disowned by her family and forced to make it on her own with her son,Noah. The story skips ahead to 8 years later when Sophie is in need of Ruger's help.

Ruger's a fantastic uncle to Noah and the only man in Noah's life. Ruger's a bad to the bone biker who won't be tied down to just one woman ...but he does have one woman he's always had an interest in; Sophie.

Before I started the book I looked at my friend's star rating and noticed mixed stars. For every 5 or 4 star rating there was a 3 star to off set it. After finishing this book I'm with the 5 star ratings. REAPER'S LEGACY hit the spot for me and my need for some crazy bikerness. At certain points in the story I even rooted for Sophie to do something stupid to make Rugar lose his sh*t and go into a jealous rage. I love the craziness of biker books. They live by their own set of rules that don't apply to our everyday lives. Books like this remind me of watching SOA. SOA/biker books are as far from my reality and that's why I love to just be absorbed in all craziness.


Reaper's Property (Reapers MC, #1) by Joanna Wylde Reaper's Legacy (Reapers MC, #2) by Joanna Wylde Devil's Game (Reapers MC, #3) by Joanna Wylde
Book 1 - Horse | Book 2 - Ruger | Book 3 - Hunter
Profile Image for Ingie.
1,405 reviews168 followers
March 11, 2015
Written September 28, 2014

4 1/2 Stars - Without a doubt; a fantastic amusing story.
Who doesn't need a hard sexy MC knight sometimes?

Book #2

Undoubtedly a series I want to read more from. This author makes it so d@mn good. Not a boring minute. I like her style.
A touch of good classical Kristen Ashley story-setting. Smexy romantic fictional stories that also are about ordinary human people. Characters (a big bunch) to love and feel for.


This was a m/f romance I really looked forward to read listening to (..even in my deepest "narrow-minded" M/M binge).
The first book —Reaper's Property (4 stars from me), Marie & Horse's amazing love-tale— was a huge (partly shocking scary) surprise. I read "wide-eyed"and stunned back then in January 2013.

A place and a way of life you both want and don't want to be involved in

There are stuff and moments in this MC club life I for sure don't like that much.

This second book, however, felt less crude in those parts. —Or maybe I've gotten used to kink and tough topics, hundreds of read romances later?— This time, there were instead, others (intensely exciting) events and parts that made me to nervous gasp and hold my breath.
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

‘Ruger was over six feet tall, roped with muscle and annoyingly handsome in an I’m-probably-a-murderer-but-I’ve-got-dimples-and-a-tight-ass-so-you’ll-still-lust-after-me kind of way.’

Morally and good from a feminist (gender) approach or not: I'm curious and embarrassing fascinated by this and just want to know, and be there, more. Reading're learning, right?

~ This Big Bad Boy "thing" in this second installment, with Ruger, was as "interesting" and smutastic good, as with the adorable hero Horse in the fist book. ~ I rubbed my hands! Yummy, yummy nice "reading". ~


Sophie Williams (~24) became a mum as a very young 17 year old girl. Her own parents failed completely, the boyfriend (Zach) turned out to be a useless crappy guy. Eight years later is her life still a tough-single-mother-everyday mess.

Zach's older stepbrother, a steely-muscled, tattooed biker named 'Ruger' (aka Jesse Gray ~30), caught his younger brother and 16 years old girlfriend in their first love-act. A peep show of Sophie he's never forgotten. ~ Later he also "helped" a newborn little boy to this Earth. ~ Two events that are etched deeply in our tough bad boy.

Ruger really loves his nephew and try to check on Sophie and Noah and visit them in Seattle now and then. When he -after an devastating babysitter incident- discovers Sophie and his nephew living in near poverty, he takes matters into his own hands.

With the help of biker friends, and their old ladies (wifes), in the Reapers Motorcycle Club he'll try to give them a better life. ~ This love-of-my-life story maybe not in fact actually "starts" when Ruger takes Sophie and her (by now 7 years old) son with him home to his own new house in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, - but, it is at that time this book begin.
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“You’re in my dreams every night. I wake up in the morning and all I think about is you in my house, you and Noah finally mine. My family. It’s even better than ridin’ my bike. I’m crazy for you, Soph.”

Living with outlaw bikers isn't Sophie's plan for her and her son Noah. Nor to have a relationship that requires complete fidelity from her but full (f@ck) freedom for him. Humpback!! ~ Pull back the fly and use the brain instead.

I really liked Sophie. She wasn't an annoying big-eyed young silly girl that Ruger could simply manage from his own baton. (Or run over completely with his bad alpha male manners.) She had pride, pretty mature manners and was actually quite wise. She forced this tough biker guy to think once again, and in the end to behave more like a honorable man. Applause and girlish joy-sighing!

Ruger? ~ **fanning** gorgeous.
‘I could spend a year trying to describe him, but you still wouldn't fully appreciate his unique appeal until your panties spontaneously combusted the first time he smiled at you.’


The Reaper's Legacy audiobook is narrated by two voices. One very enjoyable female when it was Sophie's chapters, by Tatiana Sokolov. Another, male voice, by Todd Haberkorn when it was Ruger's (less often) chapters. This arrangement with varying narrators worked great for me. It made it so clearly from whose point of view the story was told. They both did this excellent. I'll look for Ms. Sokolov "books" in the future.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Reaper's Legacy a VERY good and amusing romance.
Slightly tantalizing hot and in big parts a cheeky contemporary romance. I see it as a book for most CR readers. Admittedly, is this MC world tough and unsympathetic often, but the people there are usually absolutely gorgeous. These men are yummy cozy and their alpha male style is fun in book form. These women are sweet sassy Chicks. I loved them all.

Feel already the "need" to read or listening to book #3 - Devil's Game soon.

Read and enjoy. Or why not listen? This was superb audiobook ENTERTAINMENT - Performed with best finesse.

I LIKE - hello and whoops, this was "bare shoulders" listening

Four by now known "stand-alone" book-parts so far in the Reaper's MC series:

Reaper's Property (Reapers MC, #1) by Joanna Wylde Reaper's Legacy (Reapers MC, #2) by Joanna Wylde Devil's Game (Reapers MC, #3) by Joanna Wylde ...and later Reaper's Stand (Reapers MC, #4) by Joanna Wylde
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,277 followers
June 20, 2020
4 Sly, Pierced, Frustrating, Smart Stars
* * * * Warning A Long Review
This was my second time reading Joanna Wylde. Her Reaper's Property introduced me to this tribe, this club, and all its inhabitants.

In the first book, I met Horse and Marie. I truly loved Horse and had issues with Marie. What made the book enjoyable, though, was how humor and comments were laced throughout, giving some spark to enhance the story. We met a full range of characters and Horse's best brother in the club was Ruger.

Ruger is cut from the classic mold... big, burly, tatted and pierced. Fierce eyes, fierce demeanor.... just plain ole fierce, period.

The story is based on his love of a child and his mother.
Sounds simple but not really. Sophie fell for Ruger's younger half brother, unfortunately not smart, she gives her Vcard to him with the icky factor of 5000 as Ruger walks in as it is just over...

Eight months later Sophie and Ruger have another defining moment by the side of the road. She needed him to help her get to the hospital as Zach was drunk and passed out. As Sophie sees she is not going to make it to the hospital, she gets Ruger to pull over.

There, together with the help of 911, Ruger delivers and holds Noah first. With that moment etched in his heart and brain, he will always be there for them, no matter what.

Seven years go by, lots of water under the bridge and we find Sophie struggling to do her best as a single mom. She has learned a lot since being 17 with her son. She has done everything as best she could with what she had...A deadbeat abusive dad in Zach who hasn't been paying squat to support his son. She has been doing it on her own and trying to just make it day after day.

But the day has come when everything has gone to shit. Her babysitters, all of them have this flu which was going around and so in order to do her shift, she ask the neighbor across the hall to watch Noah. She hasn't seen anything bad with the girl, she really needs the job, so she is stuck with what she has to do. Noah stays across the hall and trouble comes knocking.

The great news is Noah has been taught how to use the phone. He takes the neighbor's phone when he starts seeing the boyfriend is not a good guy and is trying to get weird with him; calls his mom and gets voice mail and leaves her a message; then calls Ruger. He tells Noah to hide, he is on his way.

Sophie gets the message, gets Noah, and is back in her apartment settling all of this in her head... How she is moving out of the dump she is in, how she has to get another job as they told her to not come back if she left to get Noah, and how exhausted she was and so angry that all of this happened. She has a serious dose of guilt, too.

She wakes with Ruger's hand clamped over her mouth showing her how unsafe her place is and him being crazed by what happened with Noah. He accuses her of blowing child support and doesn't understand how she can live this way. She lashes back telling him how Zach hasn't paid for a year and she hasn't been able to afford anything better...that she has done everything she could with the system trying to get her support from him with nothing coming of it.

Ruger sees Noah come out of bed and tells his "little man" to go and get his rest as they are going to his house to live. This sets Sophie off and Ruger explains that is the way it is. That the boy was his from the moment he was born and he would never let anything happen to him. After some back and forth...Sophie sees this is for the best.

We go on this journey of push and pull between Ruger and Sophie. They have huge history together and both are wanting each other. She has been attracted to him for years, yet things have happened to make it difficult for her to be around him at times. But through every situation, he has been the only male figure for Noah. Ruger has looked out for him, taken him under his care and always, always bailed out Sophie whenever she has called. Because whether Ruger knows it or not, he loves her. He has always loved her and his head just needs to catch up with his heart.

Ruger's character is very easy to like and I did big time because even when he may have been demanding or controlling, he was honest in everything. He never would promise Sophie he could do something unless he thought he would and that was a lot of their issues. They both really did care for each other, no doubt, but Sophie did not want to be his...and him messing with the "sweet butts or club whores" and he couldn't promise he wouldn't. He wasn't going to put his dick on a leash... so they were at odds...

Sophie's character was a complex one for me... yes, she was a very strong, caring mother. Disowned by her own family, she left to raise Noah almost alone with very little assistance. She grew up fast; unfortunately, Zach was not the prince charming she thought he was through her 16-year-old eyes. She had a difficult life and was doing the best she could. Yet, she was presented with a man who was devoted to her son, who housed them and in his way, told her he cared for her... only to fight it every step of the way.

Saying no Ruger the minute he came close and in her personal space was impossible. Sex between them was amazing and both were consumed by it. Yet she didn't understand the MC life or more likely didn't want to and would push Ruger's buttons many times in knee jerk reactions doing exactly what he asked her not to do.

As I read this book I started to see recurrences of the humor and sly inserting of biker information by our author. It was there in the explanation of things; it was there when she did parallel parties with the club versus the straight set. She showed how cutting and cruel people can be while judging others and used Sophie as the vehicle to give us messages.

Joanna Wylde has created an MC world from research and care. She has a very sly way of setting up the humor in an environment which can sometimes go ugly. Her characters have heart, grace and MC charm which caused this reader to show patience when sometimes frustrated.

The best, though, is she is consistent in her love of her subject matter and it translates in her prose. When she had Ruger explain to Sophie what being his property meant... I felt Ruger was baring his soul and all he was... and I got it... and wanted Sophie to finally get it too.

I am firmly entrenched and want to follow this franchise; look to see what happens next... it looks like the president's daughter Em is going to have her story told and I can't wait to see who she chooses...

Reaper's Property (Reapers MC, #1) by Joanna Wylde Reaper's Property (Reapers MC, #1)
Reaper's Legacy (Reapers MC, #2) by Joanna WyldeReaper's Legacy (Reapers MC, #2)
Devil's Game (Reapers MC, #3) by Joanna Wylde Devil's Game (Reapers MC, #3)
Reaper's Stand (Reapers MC, #4) by Joanna Wylde Reaper's Stand (Reapers MC, #4)
Reapers and Bastards Anthology (Silver Valley #1.5; Reapers MC #4.5) by Joanna Wylde Reapers and Bastards Anthology (#4.5)
Reaper's Fall (Reapers MC, #5) by Joanna Wylde Reapers Fall (Reapers MC, #5)
Reaper's Fire (Reapers MC, #6) by Joanna WyldeReaper's Fire (Reapers MC, #6)
Shade's Lady (Reapers MC #6.5; 1001 Dark Nights #55) by Joanna Wylde Shade's Lady (Reapers MC, #6.5)
Rome's Chance (Reapers MC, #6.6; 1001 Dark Nights, #79) by Joanna Wylde Rome's Chance (Reapers MC, #6.6)
Eli's Triumph (Reapers MC, #6.7) by Joanna WyldeEli's Triumph (Reapers MC, #6.7)

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews675 followers
September 20, 2014

♥♥♥ 4.5 HOT BIKER STARS ♥♥♥

So I had read the first book the the Reapers Legacy a long while back. Like maybe a little over a year ago back...yeah, I know. I loved the first book, so I finally decided to give book two a try. I cannot believe I had not read this one sooner. This was so good!! It did not dissapoint at all.

The book starts with Sophie finally giving up her virginity to her high school boyfriend Zach. After a disappointing and embarrassing first time, things couldn't get any worse. But then it does. Not only were they caught by Zach's older step brother, but Zach's condom broke. One good thing did come out of it in the end, her son Noah. Time moves on to eight years later. Sophie is a single mother, trying to support her son and herself on a waitress's salary. Things are not going too well for them, but at least she has a roof over their head and food to eat. Zach turned out to be a terrible father who doesn't even pay child support. The only person she can seem to rely on is the one person she is slightly scared of, but also thinks is beautiful, Zach's older step brother Ruger. What she doesn't know is that the attraction is mutual and that Ruger would do anything to keep Sophie and Noah safe.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

“You’re in my dreams every night. I wake up in the morning and all I think about is you in my house, you and Noah finally mine. My family. It’s even better than ridin’ my bike. I’m crazy for you, Soph.”

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

I really liked Sophie. She wasn't perfect and she did have her moments where she slightly annoyed me, but I liked her confidence. I loved how she cared for her son to the best of her abilities. I loved that she was tough and strong when she needed to be. She could challenge Ruger, and that was really entertaining to read. She also went for what she wanted without shame. They both don't want to mess things up for Noah's sake, but it's really hard to resist the sexy Ruger.

Ruger was amazing!! Yes he was a total jackass at times, and even slightly annoying too, but, he was also so freaking delicious!! He was total alpha, domineering and possessive. I loved him! He surprised me with how sweet he could actually be at times. I loved how deeply he cared for Noah as if he were his own son. But nothing melted me more or made my ovaries combust like his dirty mouth did. That, and his piercings. *sigh* By the end, I didn't even care about the little things that bothered me. The good things overshadowed it.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

“When a man takes a woman as his property, it’s not about owning her,” he continued, eyes searching my face. ��It’s about trusting her. This is my life I’m handing you, Sophie.”

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

This isn't your typical romance novel. There is some raw and gritty action in here from all the Motorcycle Club drama. The steam was through the roof hot. I felt myself almost die from the tension Sophie and Ruger shared. I was really happy that I was able to feel that chemistry. I enjoyed seeing the secondary characters of this series again and learning more about them. Oh, how I had missed Horse. Everything about this book had me hooked to it from pretty much start to finish. The ending was just perfect for them. I was really happy with it. It was a really great second novel in the series. I can't wait to continue on to Em's story.

Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,044 followers
July 29, 2016
4 stars
”… deep down in my heart, in my guts, in my fuckin’ DNA, I’m a Reaper”

The night Sophie first laid eyes on Ruger, was the night her life changed, seventeen years old and saddled with a baby with a pain of the ass dead beat father. There was only one man who she could count on, Ruger, no matter what time or day, he is always there for them one way or another, taking care of her dirty work. The bad ass alpha biker proved to be more of a man than his douche-bag of a step brother, making her realize she picked the wrong brother. Still the life Ruger lives is not a life she wishes her son to grow up in, and when shit hits the fan, she is left with no choice but to follow and obey.
"he may not be my son, but he’s definitely my kid. I claimed him the minute he was born, and you damned well know it’s true."

Sophie’s 8 year infatuation with Ruger is definitely one sided, to him she is nothing more than the mother of his “kid” and a piece of furniture. Living with is gonna test her control, it’s been a long long time since she’s had anyone in her bed and damn the man if he doesn’t get off on turning her on. "The man was like heroin— seductive, addictive, and a damned good way to wake up dead" and the way he is with Noah just makes him even sexier. She knows better than to give him to her lust, Ruger and her is all the family Noah has and one night of passion isn’t worth ruining what they have going on.
“We don’t do what we’re supposed to. We take what we want. And me? I want all kinds of things. First I want to tie you up in my bed with my belt. Then I want to cut off your clothes and fuck you in every hole you have. I also want to come on you and rub it into your skin and lick your pussy until you scream at me to stop because if you come one more time you’ll die. Then I want to do it again. I want to own you, Sophie.”

Ruger enjoys his women and his freedom, but when put to the test of staking claim on Sophie or letting his brothers have a go, he finally takes his property. Sophie has no clue what it takes to be an Old Lady, but if he thinks that he can have her and still have the freedom of having some pussy on the side, he is in for a rude awakening. Ruger wants to show Sophie what being a part of the MC is all about, it’s not always as crazy as she thinks it is, especially when it's been a long time since shes had any family or support other than him and his mom. Ruger is having a hard to prove when they got club business coming down on them.
“...everything’s changed now. It doesn’t matter how you make me feel or how nice you are. Your club is dangerous, and I don’t want anything to do with any of you. Noah and I, we can’t afford that.”

Reaper’s Legacy has a very yummy alpha biker, who has all the piercings and tattoos in all the right places, and a heroine who is almost real with her reactions. It was really weird there was a part of me, that just wishes she accept everything with no drama so we can get more of Ruger’s umm…skills, and then the part where I felt like, okay she is totally thinking of her kid’s safety. The first half of the book, just solidified why I love bikers, they are just larger than life, and completely utterly delicious, and the second half took on a different tone, adapting and accepting the lifestyle. It was still a great read, but I really wish I had more of his dirty mouth. Can’t wait to get Em’s book, after being teased with all that is Hunter, I'm ready for more, god damn that man is HOT!
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