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Bedroom Secrets #1

His Five Night Stand

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Five scorching nights, two fragile hearts, one broken rule...
Five nights of hot sex will make Callie forget her ex forever, at least that is the promise.
Love has brought Theo to his knees before. He knows how to make Callie leave her heartache behind and give voice to her deepest desires.
But what happens if Callie asks for more? Will Theo break his only rule…no falling in love?

“Then his mouth was against my ear, his voice low and calm. He whispered, “Tell me what you want.” Theo

“Do you want to find out what makes a woman moan? Do you want to take a chance with a beautiful stranger?”
“Yes,” I said, taking a breath. “Yes.” Callie

200 pages, Paperback

First published October 20, 2015

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About the author

Emma Thorne

14 books65 followers
Emma Thorne writes romance, SEXY+FUN=HAPPILY EVER AFTER ROMANCE. She has been reading and writing love stories for as long as she can remember and believes that falling in love is the ultimate storyline. A few years ago, Emma married her smoking hot husband, Mr. X. They now live in greater Seattle with their two darling children, a small superhero of a boy and an adorable baby girl.

Emma LOVES hearing from her readers. She responds to every email personally when the darling children allow.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 83 reviews
Profile Image for Laura.
784 reviews30 followers
September 26, 2016
Free on Amazon UK

This is a short, sexy read. Callie's boyfriend of 5 years has ended their relationship and on the spur of the moment, Callie decides to move in to a new apartment building that seems to be full of beautiful people. She meets Theo (who is supposedly British but I couldn't tell) and at first thinks he is in a relationship with his flatmate but it turns out he isn't as his flatmate has him lined up to help Callie get over her ex. Theo often gives women 5 nights of sex as he doesn't want to commit. After his first night with Callie, it becomes apparent that Theo is already deviating from his usual rules.

I'm not a fan of insta love but in this book, it was insta, insta love! It would have worked better as a full length novel but because it's a short story, it seemed they fell in love after a day! The sex scenes were well written. There are other books in the series about the other couples.

Not a bad read for a free download.
Profile Image for maria.g.
223 reviews36 followers
June 6, 2020
The book was a short read.it was sexy and sweet at the same time.
At the beginning I thought it was a bit slow but that only lasted for a very little time the story picks up pace very quickly.Callie was fresh out of a toxic relationship.she had loved him but had her heart broken by him.

"How had I spent so much time with a man who basically told me it was acceptable to be treated like a doormat?"

Moving out of their shared apartment she finds a new place.Where all her neighbors are awesome.One neighbor she can't help but like is Theo.

"When your heart is broken, take it and gift it to someone else. Be vulnerable. Be beautiful. Be strong. Let your body remind you of your power. Embrace yourself.”

The plot was quiet cliche but believable and enjoyable.The empowerment of Callie throughout the book is also worth mentioning.

I had wanted so badly to be chosen by him, but what I realized now is that I needed to choose myself.
Profile Image for Lorraine Finn.
5 reviews
October 11, 2016
A change of pace

This was a nice story with the woman learning how to empower herself, however, the ending seemed to come along far to quickly and predictable end to a romance story. Did leave me wondering what happened to the other people in the story so I may buy the other books
Profile Image for Beth.
500 reviews21 followers
November 8, 2015
I was impressed with the turn that the main couple took from the title. I liked Callie and Theo together. I enjoyed the book very much, looking forward to reading the next one or the rest in the series. It was simple to follow (meaning not too many characters or events to overwhelm) it was heartfelt and so healing for the characters. I thank you very much Emma Thorne for allowing me this opportunity to read one of your books and look forward to reading more from you.

I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. I give this book an A-, there was a slight need for tissues, and there were tons of smiles. THANK YOU!
1 review
October 31, 2015
It was a slow start at first, but once I got into it, it was wonderful! The sex scenes were hot and spicy and the story made me laugh, made me cry and it was a wonderfully warm and fuzzy "happily ever after" that made me want to read more from this author and in this series! I would highly recommend this book to anyone who truly enjoys a "believable" love story!
I received a copy of this book in exchange for a review
Profile Image for Kathy.
1,507 reviews12 followers
December 7, 2016
Good Read

They say the best way to get over someone is getting under someone else and if that someone is Theo Manhattan let the panty melting begin. This is a good story about rediscovery after a break up, the heat between Callie and Theo is scorching and supporting characters have just enough crazy.
3 reviews1 follower
October 31, 2015
Not a bad read. A little slow at first but really enjoyed one story progressed. Spicy!
Rec'd this book in exchange for review
3 reviews
November 9, 2015
the book was slow for the first chapter. then the story got really hot. i couldnt stop reading the book. i would recommendend to my friends. i am doing this for the exchange for the book.
Profile Image for Anij.
1,084 reviews10 followers
March 25, 2024
"I've been told that five nights with me will heal a broken heart."

This book was very good but it should have been great. The set up is interesting. The main characters, as well as the secondary characters are all fantastic. Callie was likeable, vulnerable and aching to have someone live her the way she deserved. Theo was about as wonderful as a man could be. Except for his commitment issue he's pretty much the definition of perfect. They had amazing chemistry and something really special growing between them.

So why do I say it wasn't great? I'll explain. To begin with we got nothing from Theo's pov. I felt strongly that we were only seeing half the story. I understand that Emma wanted Theo's secrets to be a big suprise but I think it didn’t need to be. I wanted to see and understand everything Theo was feeling and thinking. Watch as he confronted not just his own sad story but as he healed. I'm sure he fought and resisted his growing feelings for Callie and I feel cheated we weren't able to experience all of this.

I also think the story ended too abruptly. I'm like, what happens next? They never even got to "I love you". Even an epilogue would help.

So, there's my review. Four stars that should have been five. I guess I'm going to have to read Odessa's book next just to find out what happens to Callie and Theo. I mean, I have to know that they are truly living a hea.
97 reviews1 follower
April 12, 2024
Never Be Afraid To Ask

Out of Theo’s sorrow he gave women with broken hearts and spirits the confidence to tell the world what they wanted and the courage to pursue it. But the walls around his heart kept his grief in and the possibility of love out.
Callie had lived her life not really knowing what she wanted from it and the last five years being told by her boyfriend that she should stay in the background and let others take credit for her talent. Little did Callie realize that the day he tossed her out of his life was the first day of a promising life. Then almost as if fate stepped in she saw a vacancy sign in an apartment building filled with beautiful, self confident women who welcomed her. But more importantly when Callie heard a rich male voice with a British accent behind her she turned and gazed into pale blue eyes of the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. When Theo smiled at her Callie felt a warmth inside she’d never experienced. You will NOT be able to put this book down!
Profile Image for Debbie.
22 reviews
September 11, 2017
Book review for His Five Night Stand (Bedroom Secrets Series Book 1)

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The main female character, Callie, is a woman who has had her heart broken by a man. A man she thought loved her. She does what every woman does, she leaves him.
Which is good. Or she may not have found the apartment where she ended up in. She makes friends with her neighbors.
She also has to decide if she wants to stay in a crappy job she has or break out on her own.
She is introduced to one neighbor, Theo, who happens to live next door.
They like each other...
Read the book to find out what happens next.
The book is very enjoyable to read. You will fall in love with the two main characters.
Please keep writing!!
Profile Image for Contina.
949 reviews4 followers
April 20, 2024
Totally Didn't Read The Title...

I honestly thought the book was a collection of 5 stories. Don't ask me why, but I really enjoyed the story. Heartbreak is difficult especially when you realize that you are the main cause of it all. What you allowed someone to do in the name of love, so you won't be alone or for the sake of saying you have a partner is what many have experienced. When Theo encouraged Callie to center herself in their five night stand, a spark really ignited in her. This book was so eye opening to me and really appreciated how the two characters healed each other. It wasn't overly romantic but it had romance.
Profile Image for Georgina Parkin.
2,250 reviews57 followers
August 21, 2020
I didn’t like this. I didn’t like the writing, the characters talked super stilted and awkward at times, and it wasn’t really romantic to me? The romance comes in about 80% the rest felt more like a women’s fiction book about finding yourself. The erotic content was ok but also nothing stood out and wowed me. I also thought it was a little creepy to masturbate to the sounds of your new neighbours fucking.., multiple times.
Profile Image for Lisa.
872 reviews7 followers
August 23, 2017

She's been dumped and now being forced to move to the city but once she passes apartments she can't help things will be for the better eventually. Her new neighbors seem friendly and things begin to change what will she do when she accepts a 5 night stand. Will it end up being more or will she go back to the dumb ex who dumped her to begin with.
Profile Image for Amber .:★Wild Heart Reviews★:..
554 reviews46 followers
March 11, 2018
I'm going to be honest here, I didn't have high expectations going into this book, but I've been wanting to try new authors and sometimes I just wing it and pick a book. I was pleasantly surprised and freely admit that I really liked the characters in this book. Not just the main characters, but the side characters too. I'll probably read there rest in the series at some point.
50 reviews
December 5, 2018
Great Read

I like how the heroine of the story didn’t loose her cool upon realizing she had been betrayed by her boyfriend; especially how she turned the worse thing that ever happened to her into the best thing that ever happened to her. Sometimes life has a way of shaking things up in order to get us right where we need to be. And that a perfect example of that.
Profile Image for Adrianna Hill.
3 reviews1 follower
December 31, 2018
It was so thrilling and very sexy. Once you begin reading, you can't stop.. I loved it. I can't wait to read the next installment to this saga. The sexual connotation is just right. It's the sexy vibes that keep me coming back.

It was very sexy . The characters were very believable. The sexy scenes just keeps you coming back. It's awesome.
527 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2019
His Five Night Stand

I loved this book!!! The characters were fun, and fascinating. The protagonists evolved into a great match naturally. The sex was SO HOT!!!! Although our lovers had some healing to
do, it was done in the process of falling for each other.. Thank God,this girl was not a mental health like others I have read.!
Profile Image for Karen ♐.
506 reviews47 followers
December 20, 2020
This was a good story. Callie gets dumped by her boyfriend/almost fiancee of 5 years and ends up living in a fun complex. Her neighbor sets her up with Theo for "five nights" which is his rule. Callie not only starts to fall for Theo but starts to believe in her own self worth. This is a new author for me but I will be reading more of her books.
2 reviews
October 26, 2016
Great read. Hot, sexy and uninhibited bringing clarity into believing in your abilities and not relying on anyone else to provide your happiness. Also how change can be a good thing even when it's unexpected
Profile Image for Frances Davey.
68 reviews1 follower
October 13, 2018
Callie & Theo

All the characters are intriguing at The Holiday!! After Callie’s 5 yr relationship ends, she makes a new start. A different kind of start to a romance with these two, but still an attention grabber with the way things are happening!! Loved this HOT romantic story!!
Profile Image for Tuakana Toka.
364 reviews2 followers
October 20, 2018
Sizzling Nights

Oh wow so hot!!! Each moment, each page from beginning to end had me salivating. Callie and Theo chemistry literally scorched my fingers and burned my eyes. Just wow!!!
554 reviews
November 1, 2018
Engery connection

This book was interesting, this was the first book I have read where the author discussed engery and feeling that magnetic chemistry two people have for each other, instead of the woman running the guy who only does five nights was running away! A must read
Profile Image for Debra McEathron.
1,477 reviews2 followers
June 13, 2019
Reaching for what you want

Callie is able to come to terms with her breakup to Henry and learn how to ask and receive what she really wants. She helps Theo open up about his secrets too. This is a very erotic story that is about loss and love.
1,212 reviews4 followers
October 17, 2019
I want!

What an alternative insight! For all you have suffered heart break 💔 learning to voice what you want can help with that process. Well done. Overall quality of writing was really good! No cheating or cliffhanger and you get a happy ending. Enjoy!
Profile Image for Line  Dark.
99 reviews
February 13, 2024
This book shows Callie going from a broken heart to finding her own voice. I like that it focuses on the importance of speaking up and knowing yourself.

The Insta Love can be cute, but here it did go a little too fast for my liking, but it is a sweet short read.
480 reviews
March 12, 2024
Good read

The story has some very intense moments and was not my usual genre but I found myself totally fascinating in each page turn ! The characters are each unique in themselves and it adds to the mystery of who are they really and what is their true desires?
Profile Image for Paige Whitecotton.
2,221 reviews8 followers
March 17, 2024

Sometimes life needs to flip things up a bit. That’s what happened to Callie. Theo just needed to realize he could love again. They certainly had what the other needed. Great read n
244 reviews2 followers
April 23, 2024
Five nights

This story was so different from what I expected. I was amazed at the level of sorry s person can bear but when that person can find a love so deep & true its miraculous. I love this story. Thank you.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 83 reviews

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