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After We Fall #2

After We Fall

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Jack Valentini isn’t my type. 

Sexy, brooding cowboys are fine in the movies, but in real life, I prefer a suit and tie. Proper manners. A close shave.

Jack might be gorgeous, but he’s also scruffy, rugged, and rude. He wants nothing to do with a “rich city girl” like me, and he isn’t afraid to say so.

But I’ve got a PR job to do for his family’s farm, so he’s stuck with me and I’m stuck with him. His glares. His moods. His tight jeans. His muscles.

His huge, hard muscles.

Pretty soon there’s a whole different kind of tension between us, the kind that has me misbehaving in barns, trees, and pickup trucks. I’ve never done anything so out of character—but it feels too good to stop.

And the more I learn about the grieving ex-Army sergeant, the better I understand him. Losing his wife left him broken and bitter and blaming himself. He doesn’t think he deserves a second chance at happiness.

But he’s wrong.

I don’t need to be his first love. If only he’d let me be his last.

355 pages, ebook

First published November 26, 2016

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About the author

Melanie Harlow

58 books19k followers
USA Today bestselling author of sweet and sexy romance. Lover of cocktails, high heels, and history with the naughty bits left in. Michigan girl. INTJ. Always seeking ginspiration...

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Only You (One and Only, # 1) by Melanie Harlow Only Him (One and Only, #2) by Melanie Harlow Only Love (One and Only, #3) by Melanie Harlow

Man Candy (After We Fall, #1) by Melanie Harlow After We Fall (After We Fall, #2) by Melanie Harlow If You Were Mine (After We Fall #3) by Melanie Harlow From This Moment (After We Fall, #4) by Melanie Harlow

Frenched (Frenched, #1) by Melanie Harlow Yanked (Frenched, #1.5) by Melanie Harlow Forked (Frenched, #2) by Melanie Harlow Floored (Frenched, #3) by Melanie Harlow

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Profile Image for Karen Mc .
1,001 reviews754 followers
March 5, 2018
What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly? ~Erin Hansen

I fell in love with Melanie Harlow’s latest sensation, After We Fall, by just reading the synopsis. I had not even sunk myself into story and I KNEW it would be a heart-thrashing hit. Cowboy…OH YES for this Southern gal. Ex-Army soldier…DOUBLE YES for this Army wife. Brooding, hot, muscular, rugged alpha…YES, YES, YES! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD!

After We Fall held me in its clutches, quickly captivating and claiming me in one utterly UNPUTDOWNABLE tale. I was at this story's mercy, needing to sink myself so deeply into After We Fall that I never wanted to surface for air. This heartbreaking yet heartwarming story stole my breath where I was drowning to breathe.

My emotions were engulfed by this beautiful yet broken book, feels flowing all over the pages. Chills ran through me. My breaths were bated. My pulse raced. My heart shattered. I felt every word I read. After We Fall was my adrenaline...my anguish...my ache...my addiction. I WAS ALL IN.

Gorgeous and brooding cowboy, Jack Valentini, wants nothing to do with the beautiful blonde and blue-eyed Margot 'Barbie' Lewiston who is bringing some much-needed PR expertise to his family's struggling farm. This rich gal is an annoyance and he doesn't want any more changes in his already devastating life.

"I'd already met the love of my life...I'd married her, and I'd lost her...There was no second chance."

I wanted to wrap up Jack in a huge hug. My heart bled for this cowboy who suffered a great loss and is still stuck in the darkness. The closed-off alpha reveals a peek of his big heart and Margot can't help but become enamored by this complex cowboy.

"Someone who loved like that had to have a big heart, even if it was buried beneath prickly layers of grief and bitterness. I'd give him another chance."

Margot is smart, funny, and beautiful inside and out...I loved her! The sweet and sassy woman wants to get to know the gorgeous, annoying, and tender-hearted man who gets under her skin.

Jack wants to ignore the first woman since his late wife to invade his head and heat his body that's been in hibernation for three years but the magnetic force between Margot and him is too powerful to ignore.

"I knew what I was going to do before I did it. I knew it was a bad idea. I knew I'd regret it. And I still did it...I kissed her...Our tongues met and I tasted her hungrily, like I'd never get enough...sweet and forbidden."

The chemistry burns bright between Margot and Jack, a forbidden flame that fights to ignite, so hard to resist. Oh did I love their angst that bled all over the pages!

"He was kissing me like I'd never been kissed before. Like he was going to war."

Margot awakened a sleeping bear in Jack that had been hibernating too long, years since a mere kiss.

"Her lips on mine felt like rain after a drought."

The beauty bathed in heat in these words that melted me to molten lava, my feels flowing all over the pages. Swoon and sadness sent me over the edge. The passion poured off the pages, the pent-up tension a dam ready to burst. I was that dam too, my feelings bursting and bleeding too.

This country boy made me swoon! His sexy, seductive, sad, and soul-filled words made me sink under his spell. This tender and troubled, and soulful and swoony alpha held my heart in his hands. Oh did I love Cowboy Jack! PURE PERFECTION.

"I wanted to admit my guilt. Open my wounds. Bleed for her."

Margot is the beautiful angel who brings light to this broken and handsome cowboy. They are the perfect mix of dark and light, heat and cold, and city gal and country guy. Opposites attract but the storm of the past may be a stronger force than love.

"Everything was bare to her now, all my secrets, all my suffering, all my scars. And she still wanted me. I felt myself falling...I had no right. No right."

After We Fall is not simply a broken and beautiful romance; it’s a story about heartbreak, hope, and happiness. It’s a story about LIFE AND LIVING. It’s about overcoming tragedy…taking that leap of faith...living for the moment...living life now.

The inner dialogue that is a consistent Harlow fixture in all of this author's work is the icing on the cake in her creations, bringing realism and depth to already amazing stories. With every tale that Melanie Harlow writes, there is more heart and soul poured into each one…more emotion…more everything. EVERY WORD MEANT EVERYTHING that Melanie Harlow penned to life in After We Fall, Harlow’s most heartfelt masterpiece and BEST BOOK EVER.

This magical mix of heart, heat, and humor in After We Fall, this shattering and soul-searing story of love and loss, was my EVERYTHING!!! Oh did I FALL HARD for After We Fall, this breathtakingly beautiful tale of hard-fought love that rendered me breathless. After We Fall BLEW ME AWAY with more heart, more tears, more sorrow, and the most love I’ve had for any Melanie Harlow romance…ever. After We Fall is one of those books that OWNS MY HEART AND SOUL FOR LIFE. I want to bask in the glow of this Harlow hangover a little longer.

★★★★★ ‘hard not to fall’ stars
Profile Image for Candi~Dirty Laundry Review.
122 reviews241 followers
November 27, 2016
After I finish a book by Melanie Harlow, I fall more and more in love with her. I didn't think that was even possible. But it is. And do you know why?? Because she is one of the most talented and brilliant writers that I know. She takes real life issues — sad and heartbreaking situations — and turns them into something beautiful and meaningful. While still adding her signature Harlow humor.

We have two characters, Jack and Margot. Two beautiful souls wanting to break free of their pasts. Jack has many demons, he's suffered loss and pain and tragedy. My heart broke for him. So many times. But he always made my heart race. Jack is a starved man, wanting love, affection, comfort. It's been too long for any human to go without any of these things.

Margot has also suffered loss. Not the same as Jack, but still feels broken and is trying to find her way back. She is a strong and feisty lady, tired of being told how to act and behave. Thurber women are proper. And Margot has a whole lot of bad wanting to come out. And Jack and Margot together . . . are so damn hot!!

What will happen when the farmer and the city girl collide?? Will these two be able to teach each other new ways of living? Will they be able to keep their hands off each other? The saying "opposites attract" has never been more true than in After We Fall.

Melanie Harlow is one of my absolute favorite authors. I know when I open a books of hers, it will make me feel every single emotion. It's a smorgasbord of feelings!!! And she makes me laugh like no other. This book deserves all the stars!! It's a definite MUST READ!!
Profile Image for Margaret.
124 reviews36 followers
November 18, 2016
"Life isn't about waiting for the Storm to pass...
It's learning to Dance in the Rain"

When you are beyond grief after a devastating loss,
it is unimaginable that life goes on or that you can
truly love again. Melanie gave us a story that is
beyond amazing at learning how to push forward,
find hope and be able to open your heart and find
happiness again.

After We Fall is a journey with chapters that you will
laugh, cry, melt and just completely fall in love with.
You meet brooding Jack and the strong determined

Margot is a PR agent and heads to the farm
owned by Jack and his family. Margot jumps
in head first to learn the business and to market
the farm, the products and to build it up more
than it is. She is willing to learn all aspects of
farming and is determined to help Jack open
his heart and accept to love again.

Jack does not like change or Margot at all.
Margot is tenacious and does not give up.
She puts her fancy clothes aside, puts up
with Jacks moods and gives 100 % of her
skills and her heart.

I love when an author does research on
the story and Melanie dove in and gave
us insight on PTSD and organic farming, and
research of places that are real and that
you can actually visit.

I LOVED this book!!!! It has everything that I
look for. When an author can feed into every
emotion...Sadness, Laughter, Characters that
are real, the love of family and friends.
You are frowning one minute and than you
are smiling the next. You are consumed in
the words and chapters that are written so
incredibly well. You are fanning yourself
with the heat factor that Melanie writes
with her descriptive imagination.

"I'd already met the love of my life; I'd known
her since were were kids. I'd married her, and
I'd lost her. There was no reprieve from that. There
was no redemption. There was no second chance."

" That's going to take a while, Sconewall Jackson."

God, his laughter made me so happy. I wanted to
roll around in it, get it all over me like a pig in mud.

"You don't have to let go of your past-it will always
be part of who you are but you don't have to let it
shackle you, or prevent you from moving on."

Melanie, thank you for Jack and Margot and
this beautiful story and teaching us how to
dance in the rain and to love again.

Profile Image for Shayna.
1,813 reviews613 followers
November 24, 2016
I swooned and I fell...HARD! You know what makes a great romance author? When they are able to make me experience EVERY EMOTION POSSIBLE with only their words. An instant re-read! An instant favorite! A second chance at love...a second chance at hope...a second chance to FEEL! Nobody gets me out of my own head like Melanie Harlow. AFTER WE FALL was just...PHENOMENAL!

I don't know if you guys are getting sick of me saying this but every book that Melanie Harlow releases is better than the last! How is that possible? I have no freaking idea! But it's true. AFTER WE FALL is classic Harlow, leaving me in a big pile of feels, with tear tracks down my cheeks and a heart bursting with hope and love. I know I was expecting to love this, but that doesn't seem like it's big enough for what I feel for this book and these amazing characters.

Jack Valentini is my kind of hero. Brooding, broken, and stubborn. You know what goes great with that? A sassy, bubbly, and beautiful heroine to put him in his place. And that is just what we get with Margot Lewiston. These two are oil and water, but that doesn't stop the flame from rising. The chemistry is heavy, intense, and promising. When Jack and Margot first meet, I found myself rubbing my hands together nervously, wanting so desperately for them to like each other. I rooted for these two from the very beginning, but I knew they had a lot of work to do.

How do you make a man fall in love with you, when he is still in love with a ghost? How do you chase away his demons, when he feels like he deserves said demons? How do you heal a man who doesn't want to be healed?

OMG! My heart is breaking all over again just thinking about these two. Fans of Melanie Harlow will absolutely SWOON HARD over these amazing characters. Not only is there EXPLOSIVE sex scenes in AFTER WE FALL, but there are so many sweet, tender moments as well. It will just make your heart melt. The perfect mix of heavy and light. Just when the story gets deep, Harlow throws in some comic relief that only she can get away with. It was just PERFECTION! The minute I read the last page, I wanted to experience it all over again.

after we fall teaser

Profile Image for Jaime Fiction Fangirls.
1,627 reviews154 followers
December 2, 2016
I'm a long time fangirl of Melanie Harlow and I've never hesitated to one-click her because I always know I'll get a well-written, sexy, fun book out of it. But this book....this book is her best yet (Sorry Sebastian).

Sure you get the sexy, steamy scenes she writes so perfectly and the funny moments you're used to from her, but you also get an emotional, heartbreaking story about love and loss, of moving forward and letting go.

I think that Melanie did a terrific job of developing Jack's character through his past and how he deals with it. The pain and guilt he feels from his time in the Army and loss of his wife and the way he punishes himself for it broke me, but only because she so flawlessly nailed the struggles of PTSD and grief.

The opposites attract banter between Jack and Margot was perfection. Jack and his broody, closed-off attitude combined with Margot's polite, sunny optimism made for a great sort of tension and connection between them. I couldn't stop reading to find out how they finally broke and gave into their feelings.

Again, I fully expected to enjoy this book and fall in love with the characters, as she did, but I didn't expect for her to break me into pieces at the same time. She truly outdid herself with this book and I'm in more awe of her because of it.

If you've never read a Melanie Harlow book (for reasons I can't begin to understand) then I highly suggest you make this one your first.

*I received an early copy for voluntary review
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,577 followers
November 28, 2016
4.5 Stars!!


I love Melanie Harlow’s books. Fun and sexy or sweet and emotional, her books are always so well written and delightful and her characters are always so endearing and relatable. Her feel-good romances always made me smile and swoon and I always relate with her characters in one way or another. While I enjoyed every single one of Melanie’s books I’ve read in the past, I have to say 'After We Fall' was my favorite book from her and in my humble opinion her best work to date. 'After We Fall' was pure and simply awesome from the beginning until the end and I truly enjoyed every minute of it. It was sweet, it was sexy, it was emotional, it was everything I love in a good-feel romance.

Margot and one of her best friend, Jaime work together at Shine PR, a marketing and public relations company they had started together just a year ago. Her business is great, but unfortunately she’s not so lucky when it comes to relationships, finding ‘the one’ and obviously settle down. When her ex-boyfriend shows up at her door, in the middle of the night only to propose to her, she’s more than shocked. Margot’s life is turned upside down next day, when she finds out her ex is just a scumbag liar. To escape everyone and also the gossip, Margot decides it’s the perfect time for a change of scenery. A new client needs some help with a small family farm, so the countryside starts to sound more and more appealing for Margot.

Jack and his brother need some serious help with their farm. At least Jack’s brothers do since he’s convinced they don’t need some stranger tell them how to do their job. He doesn’t like change…in any aspect of his life, so he’s not very open to his brothers’ idea of hiring some PR agency. An ex-soldier, Jack is still grieving after his ex-wife. He’s lonely and unhappy and all he wants is to be left alone – by everyone in town, by his family and definitely by Margot, whom from the very first moment he lays his eyes on her, he feels a strong, strange attraction. Despite his attraction towards Margot, Jack is rude, moody and defensive and tries to avoid her at any cost. But Margot has other plans. She’s sweet and determined to find more about the farm and also about Jack, because she’s drawn to the grouchy, ill-mannered farmer like never before. But Jack had walls up around himself. He believes he doesn’t deserve to be happy, to have a second chance at love, so he pushes Margot away with every opportunity. Will Margot make Jack realize they are perfect together and that all she needs and wants is not to be his first love, but his last?

Like I mentioned above, I loved everything about this story. I said this before and I will say this again – in my eyes a contemporary romance that has a little bit of everything is perfection. And 'After We Fall' certainly had…and was. Melanie Harlow’s newest release was wonderfully written, a sweet, fun, sexy emotional story about loss, healing and second chances that really warmed my heart. I loved how the author perfectly balanced every aspect of this story. It had the perfect amount of everything, which I really loved.

The two main characters, Margot and Jack, were opposite in every single way, but they were so good together, so perfect for each other, they complementing each other in such a fantastic way. Margot was a fun, endearing and even relatable character I connected with and liked from the moment she was introduced. She was beautiful, smart, sincere and kind and I loved the fact that she wasn’t a snob. She stood up for herself, she spoke her mind and she didn’t hold back at all. I absolutely loved how understanding she was with our hero. She was sweet, thoughtful and considerate and I’m pretty sure every reader will love her warm heart.

Jack was grouchy, yet very endearing in his own way. His past was heartbreaking and I really felt how lost and lonely he was and as the story progressed, how hard he struggled to accept that he has the right to be happy. His character development was fantastically done, IMO better than Margot’s, his character having so much depth. He was a moody bastard, but he was also a sweet, caring, protective man who just needs to be reminded how to be happy.

I loved everything about these two characters’ relationship – the animosity between them in the beginning, the transition from frenemies to lovers and of course their romantic relationship. Like I said earlier, these two were really awesome together. They felt good together in every single way and their chemistry…OMG…it was of the charts! So fantastically done…one of the best I’ve read in a while. These two were sweet together, but they were also hot. Soo damn hot! And the sexy scenes between them? Simply smocking!

Overall, a wonderful read!

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Profile Image for Dena.
477 reviews111 followers
November 28, 2016
THIS! This is exactly why I love to blog. I'm screaming this...YES Shouting. YOU MUST READ AFTER WE FALL!!!! I'd give this 100 STARS if I could!

Margot is a rich city girl who is still single and childless, about to turn 30 years old while all alone. What she never expects is her asshole ex to suddenly propose to her out of nowhere in the middle of the night. Now she finds herself in the country, a few hours away from home for work while also getting away from home. Margot is in the country to help some folks with PR for their farm, what she doesn’t expect is to see a sexy, hot farmer that really makes her want to climb him and fuck him on the spot. What Margot never expects is to see how utterly broken the sexy and delicious farmer is. How will Margot handle the instant attraction and magical spark with the closed off Jack? There’s only one way to find out ladies. GET.THIS.NOW!

"I want to see him get hard. I want to touch him. I want my mouth on him. I want to watch him touch himself. Damn, he’s huge. I want to be fucked with a cock like that. I bet it could tear me apart. Christ, he could probably fuck me from clear over there."

I'm a complete mess! This book has wrecked me. My heart is shattered. I love Jack so much but I hate him just as much. After We Fall is Beautiful, it's Heart-Breaking, it's Sad, It's SEXY, it's Sweet, it's Addicting, it's PERFECTION! Melanie Harlow has truly outdone herself. When I say it's a MUST READ...I mean it! This is definitely in my Top 5 of 2016!

“You don’t have to let go of your past—it will always be part of who you are. But you don’t have to let it shackle you, or prevent you from moving on.”

I can't even fully describe the emotions I felt, the tears I cried, the love I have for this book, for these characters. Margot and Jack are everything I want to read about and fall in love with. My heart is full, my smile is wide and I want to re-read it again right away! After We Fall is Ms. Harlow’s best book to date, that’s saying a lot considering I’ve loved all her other stories. Trust me on this, you will not be able to put Jack down once you start. Jack will be in my heart for a long time to come. 5 Fallen Head Over Heels Stars for this heart warming story.
Profile Image for EpicRomanceReviews.
749 reviews137 followers
February 8, 2017
OH MY HEART!!! I’m not sure how Melanie Harlow does it, but every time I read a book of hers, I fall so head over heels, madly and passionately in love with her characters, I just want to crawl inside the pages and never ever leave!!!

Granted, every novel penned by this luminously talented author is dazzling in its own right--and always hits my “sweet spot.” No matter what deeply emotional journey she takes her characters on, there is always a sense of joie de vivre to her writing that I inevitably find myself giggling like a schoolgirl, fanning myself off or swooning in pleasure. But HOLY. WOW!!! After We Fall, in my humble opinion, is Melanie Harlow’s crowning achievement.

So if you are just expecting a warm fuzzy read with oodles of laughter and smoldering hot sex you may be in for a bit of a surprise. While this novel has all of the qualities that we have come to ADORE from Ms. Harlow’s books (we still get plenty of PANTY MELTING interludes and hysterically funny moments, no worries!) this emotionally wrenching second chance at love novel goes WAY BEYOND that. It is so beautiful and bittersweet, raw and palpable and ACHINGLY real, I basked in every single glorious “heart-pounding, gut-clenching, blood-rushing” feeling that poured from each page. And yes, I am STILL wiping away the tears. Of sadness. Of joy. Of heartache. Of sweet exaltation!!!

In a nutshell, this is the second chance at love story about Moody Broody Military Vet Jack Valentini who's merely going through the motions, trying to SURVIVE each day, until Sunshiny City Girl Margot Lewiston bursts uninvited into his dark, lonely world. To say that Jack is stubbornly set in his ways and resistant to the pretty PR consultant’s cutting edge ideas to increase brand awareness and help put the Valentini Brothers farm on the map, is a gross understatement! At first those two are like OIL AND WATER. I mean holy smokes…talk about polar opposites! If you want to draw comparisons, Margot's coolly elegant Grace Kelley to Jack's roughhewn Clint Eastwood!

But that’s where the stereotypes end. Margot is far from your typical snobby, spoiled rotten rich girl—she is warm and loving, smart and funny and hardworking in her own right...and more than willing to get her hands dirty! She's been burnt in love and at an emotional crossroads in her life, and is looking at this temporary stint on the farm as a hiatus from the day to day pressures living under the microscope of her highbrow family, hoping to gain fresh perspective and figure out what will truly make her happy and fulfilled.

And Jack…oh what can I say about Jack! He is a big, brawny, tough-as-nails ex-soldier who emanates such PURE ALPHA MALE HOTNESS and raw masculinity he makes your toes curl! And sighhhhh! I melted into a puddle during the precious exchanges with his beloved nephew Cooper. If anyone has daddy potential written all over him, it’s Jack Valentini!

However, he’s FAR from perfect. Jack’s stubborn and grouchy and ill-mannered, and has such a tortured soul you can’t help but want to wrap him up in your arms and breathe in his earthy male scent even when you want to smack him upside the head for being such an incorrigible jerk! He is just so hollow inside, so bereft and sad my heart bled for him!!

But, keeping it real, Margot is a saint to put up with this guy’s constant scowls, erratic mood swings and downright boorish behavior! Of course being the sweet compassionate soul that she is, she saw the beautiful, broken man hiding behind the angry bluster and yearned to do everything in her power to bring happiness back into his life, to make him feel a little less alone, to hear him laugh again. And believe it or not there WAS a true gentleman lurking inside that rough, scruffy exterior and over time she brought out the sweet, doting, fierce protector—and DOMINANTLY SEXY lover--in him. In fact, the chemistry between Margo and Jack was so rough and carnal and deliciously dirty it made my toes curl!

"He was kissing me like I’d never been kissed before. Like he was going to war. Like he didn’t care about breathing. Like something in him needed something in me so desperately, he had to find it or die trying."

Although I know some readers are wary of the dead spouse trope, I am not—I say "BRING ON THE ANGST!"--one of the things that I really have to give this author props for is her realistic depiction of an ex-Army Sergeant who is still suffering the residual effects of PTSD and so deeply in love with his wife’s memory that he is emotionally shackled, a man “torn between the past and the future, between two lives, between two selves.”

Farmer Jack's journey to healing was long and arduous and at times so painful it made my chest ACHE, but it was honest and unflinchingly real. I also appreciate that Ms. Harlow did not sugarcoat Jack’s inner struggle, or shortchange the love he shared with his late wife to cast his current love interest in a more favorable light. Ms. Harlow honored the deep, abiding love he shared with Steph while also beautifully depicting the highs and lows, triumphs and soul-crushing guilt of falling in love a second time. He so desperately wanted to emerge from the cold, lonely darkness and bask in Margot’s light, but moving on was HARD WORK!

"Her lips were warm and soft and tasted like lavender, and I wanted nothing more than to live in that kiss with her forever, to trap it in glass and stay safely inside, cut off from memories that haunted me…”

But Margot, who longs for a real love connection and is powerfully drawn to the grieving widower, was never one to shy away from a challenge. She fell for him hard and fast...even though he made no promises and their time together had an expiration date. I just adored how the bubbly, blond-haired “Barbie” with her “perfect, perfumed, pearl-necklace sweetness” never gave up on Jack yet at the same time afforded him the space he so desperately needed. And slowly but surely she chipped away at his steely defenses, stripped his soul bare, and brought him back to life again.

However, this romance was far from once sided. Jack challenged Margot at every turn, and opened her beautiful blue eyes to the true wonders of the world as well. Her time spent with Jack and his family inspired her to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and make some mighty big changes to make a positive mark in the world, to stop bowing down to others' lofty expectations and to finally embrace the life she wanted.

So in closing, the age-old question remains…can these polar opposites make a go of it? Heck yeah! “Farmer Frownypants” and “Gogo” fit together like two jigsaw pieces--her silky smooth refinement to his hard and rough edges. But fair warning: Just when you think you’ve got no more tears left to shed, prepare for a couple more, because their HEA ending was so swoon-worthy, it gave me warm, mushy, heart happy FEELS and turned me into a blubbery mess!!!! So do yourself a favor and stock up on tissues and prepare to bask in the splendor of this beautiful, heartwarming, LIFE-AFFIRMING novel!

Profile Image for Ginny Rose.
544 reviews30 followers
November 22, 2016
It never fails. Once you open a Harlow novel prepare to be enchanted. Prepare for the words to lure you in. Expect to connect with the characters and their emotions. This continues to be true, especially with After We Fall.

Jack Valentini. From the moment he's introduced, my heart was wrapped around this man. Is it possible to connect this deeply with a fictional character? He proved you can. Actually, describing this man will do justice to him or his story. You NEED to read who Jack is.

Margot we met in Man Candy as one of Jamie's close friends. The trust fund, city gal who's never had to struggle in life. Never. She's lived a life of luxury, traditions, and expectations. Then she meets Jack. Don't assume she miraculously change. That's not what happens. Who she is and what he needs is the core of their story.

There's no question I HIGHLY recommend this story. The story is both sexy and sentimental. Then again, Melanie Harlow has a way of balancing it all when she does a story. After We Fall has my favorite three H's:
But she added a new H to the mix. She gave this story a home. A home in your heart.
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.1k followers
December 10, 2016
*****FIVE STARS*****
{ARC Generously Provided by Author}

We had nothing to worry about, no relationship drama, no complications. But we did have a deadline. An expiration date. In a week, this thing between us would be over. I looked over at him, and my stomach flipped. What if I didn’t want it to end?

 photo CityGirl_zpsnkakmubz.jpg

You know the old saying – ”never judge a book by its cover”??? Well, let me just say, this story more than lived up to its cover!! When I saw the book, I was instantly mesmerized! So much that I signed up for it in a heartbeat! I had read one book by Melanie Harlow and really enjoyed it but I think this one is my favorite by the author! This is a story that completely consumed me. I love a story with a beautiful but broken Hero. Jack Valentini was rough around the edges but when his story of loss and guilt is revealed, my heart was melting for this man! Margot started off being a questionable heroine for me. I was worried that she was going to be a vapid prim and proper socialite but as soon as the scones started to fly, I started to love the heroine.

Margot Thurber Lewiston is a City Girl who takes off for the country after causing a scene at a charity dinner that involved her hurling blueberry scones at her ex. She’s normally mindful of her behavior and spends too much time obsessing over how she is perceived by everyone but her ex -boyfriend's douchebag behavior has her seeing red. Margot decides to leave town for a while for a business trip. She’s been hired as a Marketing Manager for an Organic Farm that is in need of a little jump start to boost their business. Margot’s excited to learn about organic farming, but even more intrigued to meet the HOT Valentini brother, Jack.

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Jack Valentini is an ex -Army Sergeant, who enlisted after 911 and ended up going to Afghanistan. Like so many soldiers that have gone off to war, Jack has been severely traumatized by a tragic incident and suffers from PTSD. When he returned home, it was his childhood friend turned Sweetheart, that was able to bring him back and who gave him the feelings of calm that he needed. They ended up marrying but then several short years later, his love is taken from him when she is hit by a reckless driver. Jack spends all his time working on the family farm and keeps himself closed off from everyone else. He barely lets his brothers in as well. Jack is more than a little pissed off when he learns that his brothers have hired Margot to develop a marketing plan for their farm.

When Jack and Margot first meet, it definitely does not go down the way Margot had envisioned it to. She meets a very hostile, rude, and extremely gorgeous man with the most sinfully beautiful body. She’s just a little taken aback by his prickly demeanor but she also can’t help but feel a little angered by his ill-mannered behavior as well. This man is pushing all of her buttons and unleashing her inner tigress. Once she learns of Jack’s tragic past, her heart can’t help but melt for him. And she’ll go out of her way to break through his defenses.

Jack’s first impression of Margot is that she’s a spoiled rich city girl who has no business telling him how to run his business. He also finds it hard to deny the strong attraction he feels towards her. It makes him feel as if he’s being unfaithful to the memory of his deceased wife which in turn causes him to be even more of a bastard towards Margot. As they start spending more time together Jack is unable to fight his desire for Margot and the raw, passionate chemistry that these two share will end up completely consuming them.

But this thing they’ve started has a time limit. Margot is only in town for ten days and then she heads back to her “City Girl” life, and maybe a no strings relationship with a fast approaching expiration date is just what the doctor ordered. Or is it? What happens when two hearts become entangled but one of them isn’t open to let love in?

AFTER WE FALL had a sweet and sassy heroine and a delicious hero! It’s packed with some scorching hot steam, laugh out loud moments, and I may have even shed a tear or two. If you’re looking for a story to get completely lost in then look no further. One-click this amazing story today!!

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2fCkHxU
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2gN23sa
iBooks: http://apple.co/2g8oepo
Nook: http://bit.ly/2gvsWRW

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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,484 reviews5,321 followers
December 1, 2016
4.5 ~ 5 Stars

”I know I could love you…”


Melanie Harlow delivers on so many fantastic levels with this story! There’s humor, combustible chemistry, a tortured hero, heartache, and love. I truly enjoyed this story and I’m not even a big fan of hero’s who cling to the ‘love of their life’ long after they have left this world. However, Jack Valentini is my exception to this book type he was so tortured by his his military past, the loss of his wife, and his pain was a tangible thing.

”It was my pain. I’d earn it. I guarded it closely.”


Our heroine, Margot works for a PR firm and is hired to help the Valentini brothers’ farm. Margot is a fabulous heroine and her sense of humor, her heart, and her fall for Jack is pretty fabulous. However, Jack is against any changes to his farm and vision. He’s broody and difficult yet he’s crazy attracted to her.


The pull between Jack and Margot and the way they both try to fight is perfectly written. Don’t even get me started on how hot they were once they let loose with one another…

”He’d seriously fucked me right out of my Jack Rogers. And tree bark had probably torn up the back of my Lilly Pulitzer shift. But damn, that was good. Rough. Messy. Frantic. Totally un-Margot, yet I’d loved every second.”


Poor Jack feels the connection he has with Margot yet he feels tied to his pain and doesn't believe he deserves a life with after his wife lost hers.

”It was like standing at a fork in the road-one path went nowhere, simply circled back upon itself in a never-ending spiral of solitude and sameness. The other went forward, and while I couldn’t see what was at the end of that road, I knew it offered the possibility of being happy again. But what would it take for me to feel I deserved a second chance?”


The story is based mainly with a farm atmosphere once Margot arrives to help the business. Jack’s pov was pretty on point though I had a love-hate issue with his love of his dead wife, it definitely worked for this story. I would love to go back to this group on the farm if the author gets inspired to write more about the Valentini guys.

”Now let yourself fall.”



Profile Image for KAS.
317 reviews3,126 followers
July 26, 2018
Well ... I am no longer a Melanie Harlow virgin ;)

And, I will admit to sometimes skimming the smokin’ hot sex scenes with one eye closed. Whew!!

I very much enjoyed the characters and this second chance storyline. Sweet and sad. Funny and frustrating. Macho and mushy. Great romantic combos in my book. Humor was also dispersed throughout.

Margot couldn’t have been any feistier or funnier, and Jack, well Jack just about broke my heart.

From the minute the two met they got on each other’s nerves. She, trying to develop plans to expand the family’s business, and he, not wanting her help at all. Sparks of irritation flared up, along with raw lust and passion fueling the flames.

Margot wiggled her way under Jack’s tough exterior, but too much has happened in his past. He was emotionally unavailable and knew he didn’t deserve to be happy.

I could have loved her.

 I could have left her love me. I could have been a father. I could have been happy.

 Instead, I was alone. But at least it had been my choice.

BIG plus ... told in dual POV narrative.

BIGGER plus ... Jack is a military veteran, alpha to the hilt, gorgeous to the nines and broody as the dickens!!
Profile Image for Luna Sol.
410 reviews65 followers
November 28, 2016
This story was captivating and deeply emotional. I can't help it to love a broken hero. Jack Valentini won my heart from the beginning. I know when i connect deeply with the characters I read because I become obsessed in seeing them happy. This is how I felt about Jack and Margot. There was a lot of healing and learning to do and do it all with a lot patience. Melanie Harlow's words to this story were of the highest calibre, making you feel every single agony, every single heartbeat, every single butterfly...and they were many. This is a story of hope and healing and with a powerful message to every reader. Congratulations, Melanie Harlow!
Profile Image for LeAnn.
8 reviews4 followers
November 27, 2016
There are books that I know will stick with me no matter how much time passes, After We Fall is without a doubt, one of those books. Melanie Harlow writes characters that I am drawn to, but she's outdone herself with Jack and Margaret. Jack's past is just heartbreaking, he's so hurt and confused, it'll bring a tear to your eye (or if you're like me, you'll bawl your eyes out!), but under it all, he is a man that is so worthy of love. Margot has a heart of gold, she's been put through the ringer in her past relationships and is trying to be her own person in a world where everyone expects perfection. Their story is a beautiful one, full of emotional turmoil, laughter and heat. I loved this book, it's easily one of my favorite books of 2016.
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
December 12, 2016

“I’m not asking for a promise. I’m asking for a chance. That’s all. A chance.”

SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! This was such a wonderful book!! It genuinely warmed my heart and left me feeling so happy. It was an incredibly well balanced story — it will make you laugh out loud in one scene, break your heart in the next, and then have you fanning yourself with how HOT it is!! The hero was former soldier who tragically lost his beloved wife and just never recovered from the loss. The heroine was his complete opposite, a city girl hired to help his business. When they first met, he was grouchy, grumpy, and wanted nothing to do with her -- still lost in his grief -- but the more they worked together, they were both unable to deny their chemistry... This book truly had it all -- HEALING, HOTNESS, and an ADDICTIVE romance!! I seriously LOVED the story and highly recommend it!!

Jack Valentini isn’t my type.

Sexy, brooding cowboys are fine in the movies, but in real life, I prefer a suit and tie. Proper manners. A close shave. Jack might be gorgeous, but he’s also scruffy, rugged, and rude. He wants nothing to do with a “rich city girl” like me, and he isn’t afraid to say so. But I’ve got a PR job to do for his family’s farm, so he’s stuck with me and I’m stuck with him. His glares. His moods. His tight jeans. His muscles. His huge, hard muscles.

Pretty soon there’s a whole different kind of tension between us, the kind that has me misbehaving in barns, trees, and pickup trucks. I’ve never done anything so out of character—but it feels too good to stop. And the more I learn about the grieving ex-Army sergeant, the better I understand him. Losing his wife left him broken and bitter and blaming himself. He doesn’t think he deserves a second chance at happiness.

But he’s wrong.

I don’t need to be his first love. If only he’d let me be his last.

Now usually I'm rooting for the main couple as soon as I know who they are but in this case, Jack had been so crazy in love with his wife that even though we'd never met her within the story, we got to see her through his memories and I honestly wasn't sure I was ready yet for him to move on (weird as that might sound) so I really genuinely appreciated how open Margot was to speaking about Steph and asking him about her, remembering her, not trying to replace her in any way but just exploring this new thing they had between them. This element of the story was very well done. And I just want to say that the 'cemetery scene' especially was SO WELL WRITTEN! I don't want to give any spoilers about it but I just really felt like everything about the characters came together in such a pivotal way in that scene. It was beautiful!

“Is it strange?” she asked.
I looked over at her. “Is what strange?”
“Being in bed with someone else.”
Returning my eyes to the ceiling, I put my hands behind my head. “Yeah. It is.”
She turned onto her side to face me, tucking her hands beneath her cheek. “I’m glad you didn’t lie and say it wasn’t.”
I focused on her again. “I won’t lie to you. I promise.”

Tortured heroes have always been my favorite and poor Jack was a complete wreck. Between PSTD from his years serving in the military and suffering the devastating loss of the one person he loved more than life itself, he was so far from happiness that he didn't think he ever deserved to find it again. And yet this unexpected city girl came to his farm and shook up his whole life, made him crave things he didn’t think he wanted, was sure he didn’t deserve, and yet neither of them could stay away from the other no matter how hard they tried...

“So you were looking for a bathroom in the woods?”
“Well, yes.” She swallowed. “Sort of. But then I heard a splash and saw you…” Her cheeks were practically purple now.
I played dumb. “Saw me what?”
“Saw you naked, OK?” she blurted, throwing her hands up. “I admit it—I saw you naked.”
I had no hang-ups about nudity, but I was damn serious about my privacy, and about people sneaking up on me. But her embarrassment was funny. The two times I’d seen her before, she’d been so polished and poised. It felt good to put her in her place a little. “So you climbed a tree for a better view, is that it?”

I read this book in one sitting and didn't want to put it down. It's a standalone Adult romance told in alternating first person POVs between Jack and Margot. It's a full length novel but a fast read because there are just no good stopping points. And for those of you who love epilogues as much as me, you'll be very pleased with the one in this book! It's beautiful, heart-warming, and the perfect ending to this story!

“I know I can’t be your first love, but — “
“Shh.” He put a finger over my lips. “I’m not looking for my first love. I’m looking for my last.”

Equal parts humorous, romantic, heart breaking and sexy, this is a well-written, addictive read you won’t want to put down. I highly recommend it as one of my favorites of the year!

Rating: 4.5 stars. Standalone Adult Contemporary Romance.

Buy AFTER WE FALL (Kindle)
Buy AFTER WE FALL (Paperback)


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Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,277 followers
June 3, 2020
4.5 It's OK to Love Again Stars
* * * *1/2 Spoiler Free
How do I start this review...Do I sing the praises of Melanie Harlow... Do I let you know how this book has so many fantastic moments... Funny, Sexy, and downright laugh out loud... Or do I start by letting you know how well Harlow approached the pain our returning Vets face every day...
For me, this spotlight on a serious subject more and more common was the heart and soul of this piece.

Oh, there were other issues to tackle... like when a woman has been conditioned to believe her life is supposed to be a certain way from birth...And it can happen from either extreme...You could have a family deep into the drug environment, skating on the edges of society... with all the negative nonsense drilled into a young girl's head...telling her she was nothing and would never amount to anything...

Or you could have what we had here in this story... a Well to Do Political family... with a young woman who has been conditioned, taught and guided to never Make a Scene, Never think about Real Passion or Love, Always Behave and Be Polite.

That was the life path Margot was on. Her mother was also a Margaret but called Muffy and this woman ruled the way things were to happen in the house with a hard line...just like how she was raised and how generations before her. This was the country club set. These were the donors to charities because actually getting their hands dirty by doing was not done.

For years, Margot was a conservative thinker like her family... she did do more, though... she would participate with the charities, not just write checks and when she discovered her longtime ex playing hide the salami with another...she cut him out of her life. It was hard but she did it.

She also made other changes... She took the leap and went into business with her dear friend Jamie. They created Shine PR and it started to really take off. Margot had a knack with photography and social media branding. She could take a company and grow its business by leaps and bounds with the right website, placements and media chatter. She loved doing it and it was all hers.

It is through Jamie's meeting of a couple during a visit at the local farmer's market which has Margot planning a trek out of the city. It is perfect timing too...because Margot did something which is causing the need for her to leave town...

What you may ask...
Well, let's just say...Asshat Ex did more than Drunk Dial Margot after their being over for more than a year...And then let's just mention at a family political function, said Asshat proved how much of an Asshat he was in front of everyone...And then to make matters worse... he had no shame in his Asshat game...

Well, that was the straw which broke all the pent up anger and self-doubt regarding Asshat...and Margot did the unthinkable...

Yes, She Created a Scene!

So the only answer was to lay low until another of the family's social set cause a scene taking Margot out of the gossip cycle. By going to this farm and discussing what the family could do to improve their visibility and place in the growing sustainable, organic food market it got her away from wagging tongues. This Farm needed major help... and Margot and Jamie were the answer. Jamie arranged the interview and visit of the farm. Margot leased a cottage up in the area for a few weeks to ride out her being "personae non-gratae" at home.

Margot did her research; checked out the website...looked at the family picture posted and saw there were 3 brothers and a wife...One of the brothers was a looker...

That looker was Jack... And in person, he was even better than anything a romance model could pretend...His body had been honed from being in the Army, then also farming...everything about him was authentic.

Even the pain and distance in his eyes. For Jack carried burdens...those from the time in service...and most recently, the loss of his wife. Although it had been 3 years since her accident, Jack was still in the limbo cycle of pain and regret...This couple was everything; young love, her healing love for him and wish fulfillment...they were this couple that everyone knew. People could see how perfectly they were joined...and it was hard for those who cared for both of them to accept the loss.

The only salvation for Jack was the family farm. The brothers lost their dad too soon...and Jack had already started with his wife to work the land in the way of organic farming. It is harder, more costly, and taxing .... but that was his wife's dream and Jack wanted to make it happen for her...even if she was no longer here with him.

The brothers joined Jack with the farm even though they had other dreams...They believed in what he was doing and saw his vision take hold. But it was hard...and the way they farmed made beautiful food... needing more customers than just the farmers' markets in the area. That was why they decided to hear what Margot had to say... Jack was not on board...Jack did not want anything to change...AT ALL.

We are there when this meeting takes place at the farmhouse. The brothers and wife are friendly to Margot and are presenting a meal all made from what has been grown on the farm, mouth-watering. Everything is pleasant and positive... until Jack arrives...

Rain cloud...anyone...Negative Ozone Layer...
Yup Jack, as handsome and brooding as he was... was not very friendly at all. Margot got the tingles...which was weird... and Jack couldn't understand why his manly parts woke up with the sight of this Rich Barbie doll with hypnotic pearls around her throat...

Well, Margot was not about to let a little push backstop her...She did her homework on all of the information she learned from the meeting and became obsessed with all sorts of Food Movements. She even decided to work with these up and coming groups to educate others about the importance of the food we eat every day. Oh, the things she could do for this family and farm...If they would let her.

She called Jamie to let off a little steam about the meeting and Jack...Jamie was so happy to hear her friend stepping out of her bubble... and encouraged her to see where this was going to take her...

Now I am not going to go into much more detail about the coupling part because,People, the way these two combust every time they are together is something to experience... it is Marlow perfect. All of it works. Promise.

She also created a woman in Margot who had the heart of an angel... she was human but also so very aware of what Jack needed without even thinking about it ... it came naturally. She also learned what she needed and stuck to her understanding of what she wanted... it was so important that she held strong.

What I do want to address, though, is Jack. This is a man who I think represents so many of our young people back from war. We send these young men and women out into an unknown...Yes, they are trained well and have the backing of our military. But no matter how well one can be trained and prepared, the acts necessary in war...are not easily erased. The residual thoughts, emotions, and feelings of what happened continue long after these brave warriors have returned home. There are those who have deep cracks in their souls... needing our understanding, patience, and guidance to get the help they need. It is never a matter of not being strong enough to fight these demons...All are strong and have fought...It is more a matter of understanding and accepting that asking and using the help offered is an action of strength and courage...and allowed.

Jack battles these types of feelings and his wife had helped him. He was on the path to getting the necessary guidance through the professionals available. Unfortunately, when he lost his wife... Jack fell prey to a demon he never shared with anyone...not even his wife. It is this part of the story which I admire the most and commend Ms. Harlow in addressing.

Melanie Harlow created a story that tackled many different issues in life...Learning who you are and taking risks... being open to ask for help when you need it. ...And Allowing yourself to love again.

This is a stand-alone.
However, if you have read Man Candy, then you met Jamie and Quinn...who are referenced in this book. You do not need to know them... however, they are Harlow creations... which means their story is fantastic as well.

With Harlow's active imagination, I cannot wait to see where she takes me next...

Man Candy (After We Fall, #1) by Melanie Harlow Man Candy (After We Fall, #1)
After We Fall (After We Fall, #2) by Melanie Harlow After We Fall (After We Fall, #2)
If You Were Mine (After We Fall, #3) by Melanie Harlow If You Were Mine (After We Fall, #3)
From This Moment (After We Fall, #4) by Melanie Harlow From This Moment (After We Fall #4)

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
Tucking in for my early Thanksgiving Treat!
Melanie Harlow has taken me all around the world...
She has given me experiences in France...
And in the Major Cities of the USA...
Now she is giving me something I have a weakness for...

A Rugged, Well Muscled, Brooding Cowboy...
A man who doesn't "Cotton" to Rich City Gals....

Well, from what I can tell...
The City Gal in question and this Rough and Tumble Man...
Seem to be having all sorts of "Confrontations" all over the Farm...
In barns, trees, and pickup trucks...

Melanie Harlow...I am ready when you are...
Give me my Cowboy fix....

After We Fall-November 28th 2016

For more Reviews, Free E-books and Giveaways
342 reviews168 followers
November 29, 2016

Every time I pick up a Melanie Harlow book I know I’m going to get a unique love story - something that could happen in real life but is blessed with Melanie's touch of humor. Her portrayal of Margot was absolutely spot on! I loved how she blended her character to have this sort of stuffy, aristocratic, prim and proper side but deep down she’s just a girl who wants to have her mouth so full of cock that she can’t breath. I can kind of relate to her. Don’t tell anyone I said that. :)

And Jack… Well Jack is my kinda man! Yes, he’s got his issues… Yes, he’s a bit broken… But holy hot damn does he have a dirty mouth on him!

And I quote … “Open your mouth.” She widened her lips, and I pushed inside, as deep as I could go. “I want your mouth so full of my cock you can’t breathe.” #chokingblowjobforthefuckingwin

Need I say more? Okay, I probably do… But seriously, if that dirty quote doesn’t do it for you then I don’t know what will… As always Mel’s writing is outstanding. I love her characters, their friendships, how this story, like her others, always make me FEEL something. In this case I laughed, I cried, and I panted...just a little. Okay fine, a lot! But isn’t that what you want in a story - something that takes you to another place, makes you think and feel…

The witty banter, the opposites attract, the heartbreaking issues that these two face… it’s all put together in a beautiful package that equates to one of Melanie’s best books to date. And speaking of packages… That cover is SMOKIN’ hot!
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,118 followers
November 28, 2016
4.5 stars!

This has got to be my favorite Melanie Harlow book to date!

After We Fall is an emotionally charged, heart-stopping romance between a broken man who feels his chance at love has passed and a woman determined to prove him wrong.

After a humiliating experience with her ex at a charity event, Margot is need of a break. An out-of-town client of their PR firm provided Margot a chance to get away for awhile. The job was simple: help a family owned farm get their branding and web presence off the ground and help boost their profit. But things start to get complicated fast when Margot meets one of the owners, Jack Valintini.

Jack is the grumpy, hot-as-hell brother who is convinced that this new endeavor is a waste of time and money. He's not that all impressed with Margot either even though he finds himself thinking more and more about her.

The banter between Jack and Margot is tinged with sexual tension from the get go, and when they eventually got together, it was sooo hot and so rewarding to read. I loved it. Loved the chemistry between them.

I also adored Melanie Harlow's cheeky humor shining through the pages with this book. I found myself snort-laughing many, many times while reading the book.

And while humor has always been a staple in Ms. Harlow's previous books, After the Fall shows us another side to her writing. This book was emotionally nuanced and mature. It doesn't rely on emotional manipulation or unnecessary drama in order to wring out an emotional reaction from the reader. It comes from the character themselves.

Jack's experience made him bitter and closed off. Without knowing it, it's slowly suffocating his relationship with his brothers and his business. Margot tempers her emotion because it is what is expected of her. Her emotional outburst at the beginning of the book was a turning point for her. As much as I love the romance in this book, I fell in love with each of the character's individual journey as well.

As for the dead ex trope which tends turn some romance readers off, I felt that Ms. Harlow handled it beautifully. And what I really, really love about it is she did without doing the cop out "the first wife is a bitch and evil therefore, the heroine is the hero's real love and I should root for her" or something. She didn't take the easy way out by saying "Oh, the hero wasn't really in love with his first wife at all so his love for the heroine is the only thing that matters," just to prove that the love between the hero and the heroine is real.

Nope. She managed to do it without sabotaging the other relationship or doing any type of character assassination. She crafted Jack and Margot's relationship in such a way that leaves no doubt in my mind that they're together and they're happy and their love would last. Their HEA is hard-fought and real.

So bravo Ms. Harlow for another amazing book. I can't wait for you to wow me again.

ARC provided for review purposes
Profile Image for Cristiina♡Reads.
579 reviews3,444 followers
February 9, 2017
A story filled with passion, second chances, and most of all, adapting the idea of love never dying for anyone...

This was such a sweet read, and honestly Melanie never senses to disappoint with her writing that brings tears to my eyes and an open heart to my soul! This is a story filled with love and passion that brings the reader to understand a higher attention towards what love truly is and what it means to us...

A story filled with regrets...



And most of all, patience towards a greater good of a person who has struggled through a lot in their life.

I highly recommend this story to anyone who is looking for a second-chance love story!

Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews890 followers
December 1, 2016
4.5 Chicken Coop and City Girl Stars

Review @ Vanilla & Spice Books

A hot tortured farmer? A city girl teaching him how to love again? Sign me up!

Margot has a late visitor. Her ex wants to get back together and proposes to her. If that doesn't smell fishy...yet she considers it. The next day at a fundraiser he presents his "new fiancé". Only...it isn't her. She's had enough, something's gotta give. After throwing a tray of scones at her ex-jerk she decides to go out of town to get away from the gossip. She takes on a new client on behalf of her and her best friend's PR agency, a small family farm whose owners focus on sustainable agriculture.

Jack's and his brothers' farm is struggling a little bit. They need to grow brand awareness, stand out from the multitude of farms but Jack doesn't like change. And the barbie doll who is supposed to show him his own business? No way is he on board with the plans she has for the Valentini Brothers Farm. Add to that the feelings this woman awakes in him, feelings he doesn't want and deserve...he needs to get rid of her and fast.

Jack and Margot couldn't be any more different. He is an ex soldier now farmer with a traumatic past who lost his anchor when his wife died. Grouchy, ill-mannered, downright rude. Margot is a city girl, used to luxury and abundance. Yet something ties them together. They have an insane chemistry and although Jack is volatile and puts up walls within seconds, her big heart and easy smiles make them weaker and wear him down, little by little. She knows how to treat him, to push and prod when he needs it and to leave him be when he doesn't.

Careful, city girl. I'll want to keep you." She laughed as I let her go. But the scary thing was, I was only half joking.

Soon he finds himself seeing more in her than the spoiled city girl he thought her to be. She is strong-willed and doesn't let him roll over her like a bulldozer which I loved. Jack needed somebody who stood up for herself. But she is also incredibly forgiving, because she knows that behind all those walls is a good man and while she didn't leave him hanging for too long his grovelling was delicious and sweet.

Jack's heart is so broken and shattered that it feels like it will never heal. The way he holds on to the past and thinks that he doesn't deserve anything good in his life is painful and so misguided. He lashes out when he feels cornered and hurts Margot almost to a point where you can't fix what's broken. But there is also a sweet side to him and one that can see what he is doing despite his inability to actually DO something about it. Both of them reflect a lot about themselves, Margot probably even more so than Jack.

How could I compare my situation, which was probably just boredom, to his tragic loss? What a spoiled brat I was, complaining about "something missing" from my life. I'd never wanted for anything.

Their whirlwind romance develops fast but even though they give in to their building desire for one another quickly it doesn't feel insta because Jack keeps pushing her away. And anyway was the push and pull in this story an emotional roller coaster.

But forgiving myself would mean giving myself permission to move on, to be happy when I didn't deserve it. I'd never make that mistake again.

My heart broke for these two a thousand times over and when the story came to a conclusion the epilogue was well deserved and beautiful. I left them in a place I felt comfortable with and confident that their future would be bright. It's a story about healing and filling a void they both feel with love.

One more thing I want to mention is their chemistry. God were they hot together. Jack was quite the dirty talker and if he doesn't make your girly parts tingle then I don't know what will!

She wrapped her fingers around my shaft again and looked up at me expectantly.

"Good Girl. Now listen to me. I want you to stop being so fucking polite. Use your hands. Get messy. Make noise. Forget about being queen of the prom and suck me off like the greedy little slut under the bleachers. Got it?"

I have had a lot of firsts this year. This is another new to me author and I know it won't be my last book by her. Melanie Harlow's combination of humor and heartbreak has made me an instant fan. I can't wait to read more of her!

I'd never been so aware of my body or felt so driven by its need. Never experienced hunger or thirst or exhaustion to the point where my body craved food, water or sleep the way it craved to be filled by this man. Connected to him. Anchored to him.

Profile Image for Jen .
804 reviews603 followers
November 30, 2016
4.5 Stars

In ten days, I’d be back in my world, and this would just be that craziest-thing-I’ve-ever-done story I looked back on and laughed about.
Or cried about. One of the two.

Since this is my third attempt at this review (Goodreads and sneaky book reviews during work hours do NOT make an ideal combo. Lesson learned.) I've decided to just let it all out and ramble a bit. Bear with me now.

Stuff I freaking loved:
Absolutely everything! From the pissed off first meeting to the eventual coming together to the underlying humor, it all worked for me. Jack and Margot were terrific together regardless of how they spent their time, but I have to say the intense sexy stuff will always hold a certain place in my heart. As an added bonus, the angst level was juuust right. Enough to give me a nice case of the feels but nothing over the top.

Stuff I could do without:
Absolutely nothing! Okay, if I'm being honest I found it a touch slow during a portion in the middle. You know what? I'm good with it.

Melanie Harlow has officially made my autobuy list. In case you didn't gleen the 411 from my review, I really enjoyed this one. Claire's story is up next (fingers crossed!) And I can't wait. I think there was some mention of a hockey player?

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,110 followers
November 28, 2016
Live Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N473791/...

4.5 STARS <3

After We Fall is an emotional, super hot and sweet story. With a hero who will make you swoon!


Jack has lost his wife and now he has many issues. He is broken and he pushes everyone who love him away! Margot is a city girl who can get whatever she needs but if you look deeper you can understand that something is missing. She needs to live for a little and the opportunity is coming with a new job at the Valentini brothers farm. There she meets Jack and even though in the beginning he was distant things change...

"She had no idea that she was part of what was making me feel so unsteady."

Margot and Jack were intense and passionate. I loved them together and it was nice having their POVs learning what they were thinking!

"It was a mystery to me,too,this explosive chemistry between a beautiful,sophisticated city girl and a rough-around-the-edges country guy like me."

After We Fall was a beautiful and emotional story.


Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
992 reviews1,151 followers
December 2, 2016
⭐⭐⭐⭐4 Stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

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You know what I love more than a forbidden romance? A tortured hero. Melanie Harlow made two of the most unlikely characters have something in common and through that, they created an unbreakable bond. This was not your ordinary couple and I loved the fact that not only they were different, but realistic.

Being a city girl and coming from a wealthy family, Margot has everything she could ever want. Nice car, comfortable town house, you name it and she has it. But getting a phone call from your ex at 2am that has nothing to do with a booty call, is something she does NOT want. Having being the good girl all her life, she decides that she’s now entitled to do something for her and whether it’s done publicly or not, could make her care less.

Being part owner of a PR company with her best friend and knowing that the business is doing well, has certainly put Margot at ease but she’s in desperate need of a change of scenery. So when the opportunity to meet with a new client arises, she takes it with full force even though that new change is on a farm. What could possibly go wrong?

“I’d already met the love of my life; I’d known her since we were kids.
I’d married her, and I’d lost her. There was no reprieve from that. There was no redemption. There was no second chance. I didn’t even want one.”

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Jack Valentini has been in mourning for the past three years. Losing his wife hasn’t been easy for him and trying to manage the most simplest thing has been a struggle. They say time heals all wounds but for Jack, time is the enemy. Minutes are painful reminders that she’s no longer there and hours are a constant reminder that with every tick of the clock, the life that he had before is now gone.

Having a family farm with his brothers is the only that’s keeping him busy so when they call in help for their marketing brand, to say he’s not a happy camper is putting it mildly. Enter one spoiled city girl and you get a pissed off farmer.

I have to say that I wasn’t expecting to love this one as much as I did but Jack and Margot won me over with their banter and their intensity. I FELT what they were feeling and that is something I crave when I’m reading a story and I’m so glad I got to experience that.

Jack certainly tested my patience and there were times my stabby meter went through the roof with this guy, but he made up for it with his sincerity and his love for everyone around him. Margo and Jack’s journey to happiness certainly came with a lot of hurdles but with that, their passion for each never wavered and I admired and envied their intensity.

If you’re looking for hot sexy read with a little bit of angst, this is YOU’RE book.

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February 1, 2021
5 Farmer Frowny-pants stars

OMG I loved this book. Anyone who is familiar with my reviews knows I have a huge thing for Military veterans. I also have a thing for broken, damaged men. There is something in me that just wants to fix it and make it all better. After We Fall gave me what I crave it gave me Jack. He was so damn yummy. He was an ex Army sergeant, he was damaged from the war and from the death of his wife. He was grumpy and sexy, and hard, and in so much pain. My heart melted for Jack and I fell hard for him.

In the first book I thought Margot was okay. I liked her but I was more interested in Claire. I ended up loving Margot in this book. She really shined. She was smart, fun, sweet and had a authentic personality. I thought she was perfect for Jack. I loved their explosive chemistry. It jumped off the pages. Then there was Jack with his nephew. I love big strong men taking care of small children so sexy. The way he sang to the baby omg my heart couldn't handle all that cuteness.

I felt like this book had more depth then the first book. I felt I got to know both Jack and Margot more then I did Quinn and Jaime. Don't get me wrong I liked Jaime and Quinn but Jack and Margot were more heartfelt, passionate, and deep. I was more invested in their love. I was rooting for them. My heart ached for their pain, and I was happy when they got their HEA. This book had me in my feelings and I enjoyed the ride. Though this book was heavy at times it was funny too. I laughed a ton. I can't wait to read the next book.
Profile Image for Melanie Harlow.
Author 58 books19k followers
December 11, 2016
Have you taken the fall yet? Discover the book all your friends are talking about.

AFTER WE FALL, an all new second chance STANDALONE romance is available now!
Amazon ➜ http://amzn.to/2g05BlN
iBooks ➜ http://apple.co/2fofGgG
Nook ➜ http://bit.ly/2eK64ZV

Jack Valentini isn’t my type.

Sexy, brooding cowboys are fine in the movies, but in real life, I prefer a suit and tie. Proper manners. A close shave.

Jack might be gorgeous, but he’s also scruffy, rugged, and rude. He wants nothing to do with a “rich city girl” like me, and he isn’t afraid to say so.

But I’ve got a PR job to do for his family’s farm, so he’s stuck with me and I’m stuck with him. His glares. His moods. His tight jeans. His muscles.

His huge, hard muscles.

Pretty soon there’s a whole different kind of tension between us, the kind that has me misbehaving in barns, trees, and pickup trucks. I’ve never done anything so out of character—but it feels too good to stop.

And the more I learn about the grieving ex-Army sergeant, the better I understand him. Losing his wife left him broken and bitter and blaming himself. He doesn’t think he deserves a second chance at happiness.

But he’s wrong.

I don’t need to be his first love. If only he’d let me be his last.
Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews743 followers
December 7, 2016
I really loved this book. It hit all the key points in a wonderful and well written story. The author has a method of writing in where you get sucked into the story right away. Brooding, loner farmer Jack doesn’t want romance - he’s a widower and has loved and lost enough for a lifetime. When he meets Margot, the sweet, gentle, rich city girl, who comes to help promote his agritourism business, his peace and quiet are in serious jeopardy. Things start to heat up for the two, soon. Wary Jack is breathtakingly sexy and as tempting as sin, and the passion sizzling between them is undeniable. The trouble with this cowboy is that he might just be exactly what she needs.

I really enjoyed seeing both of them open their hearts to the possibilities of a future together. And, I liked how the book took place at the countryside away from the rules and ways of the city. Margot and Jack are too cute together! There were plenty of sweet scenes to satisfy the romantic heart. The steam was awesome when it happened!! Things happen at the perfect pace in this book that have you both laughing and crying. The seduction and build up were awesome. I read it in one sitting and I’ll definitely be passing the title of this one onto all my friends. Excellent!!

In short:
Hero 5/5 | Heroine 5/5 | Plot (Point, Originality) 4/5 | Writing Style 5/5 | Steam 4/5 | Romance 5/5 | Angst-Suspense 3/5 | Darkness 0/5 | Humor 4/5 | Secondary Characters 4/5 | Drama-Conflict 5/5 | Mystery 0/5 | Twists 4/5 | Pacing Fast | Action 3/5
Profile Image for Book-Bosomed  blog.
516 reviews248 followers
November 23, 2016
Margot Thurber Lewiston, 29, is a trust fund baby running her own PR firm. She comes from old money and travels in social circles limited to the pretentious upper class. Jack Valentini, 33, is an ex-military man helping run his family’s organic farm.

The story opens with Margot and Jack in their own very separate worlds. Some readers will feel the opening scenes make for a compelling story, others like myself will find it counterproductive to connecting with the intended romantic couple—Jack and Margot. Though justified in her anger towards her douchebag ex, Margot’s handling of that situation makes her look immature and jealous. Rather than use the upper hand and expose him for the tool Trip is, she goes about things in an ineffective manner. Meanwhile, Jack closes his first chapter with “I’d already met the love of my life…” Except he’s not talking about Margot! Jack is still grieving the loss of his wife three years prior to the point he still has her clothes in the closet. None of this endeared me to either of the characters or gave me fuzzy feelings about their potential romance.

The story is told by their dual first person POV and alternates between scenes of humor and scenes of emotional distress providing an ever shifting mood, which perhaps mirrors Jack’s character. He’s grumpy and brooding with a big chip on his shoulder and distain for change. He truly needs to return to therapy long before he actually does. While it’s established that he’s quite physically good looking, it’s also established that some of these less than desirable personality traits aren’t new. I started to feel bad for his deceased wife for putting up with him. And it was hard to forget about her; Stef is repeatedly thrown in the readers’ faces at all the major moments when Jack and Margot make any kind of romantic connection.

I think full enjoyment of this story is going depend a lot on reading preferences. If you want a story about emotional growth and moving on from lost love, then this one is probably for you. However, if you prefer your heroes and heroines to be soul mates or simply the only people for each other, this one likely won’t be fulfilling enough.

It was clear their life and love experiences were unbalanced. Margot’s never experienced true love and longs for marriage; Jack’s already been married and is still in love. Margot knows she needs to move on; Jack doesn’t want to. The loss of his wife is not simply back-story; it’s a major internal conflict of the plot. While the pair share some new experiences and eventually build up chemistry as the story progressed, there were just too many instances where Jack’s dead wife felt like the third person in this romance in order for me to enjoy the romantic angle.

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Diana.
584 reviews18 followers
December 20, 2016
4.5 Sconehenge Stars

After We Fall,by Melanie Harlow, is a sweet story about learning to take a second chance and being brave enough to fight for a life that you always dreamed about.

Margo Thurber Lewiston has to lay low for a while. After fighting and throwing scones at her ex-boyfriend while attending a party thrown by donor’s for her father’s Senatorial campaign, the gossip is flying, so leaving town was a good choice. She takes a mini working vacation to help the Valentini Brothers Farm with their public relations. What she didn’t expect was meeting the gorgeous yet cranky ass, Jack Valentini.

Jack Valenitni is struggling to get over the death of his wife as well as his haunted past in the military. He definitely didn’t need a city girl trying to weasel her way onto his farm as well as his heart.

What I wanted was one thing; what I was capable of was another.~Jack

It was like standing at a fork in the road-one path went nowhere, simply circled back upon itself in a never ending spiral of solitude and sameness. The other went forward, and while I couldn’t see what was at the end of that road, I knew it offered the possibility of being happy again~Jack

There were a few situations that irked me that I felt like I had to take a ½ star off, but otherwise it was a heartwarming story that I highly recommend.

Profile Image for Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog••.
987 reviews1,927 followers
February 6, 2017
I have always enjoyed Melanie Harlow's books, loved them actually. Definitely adding After We Fall to the list. This book captured my attention from the beginning. I wanted to see Margot get her HEA, as well for Jack finding his after losing the love of his life in a tragic accident. Would they find their other half to their puzzled lives or need to keep looking??
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This book pulled on my emotions throughout it. Will Jack finally cave and let go of the past or will he not, and be sad, depressed, and lonely for the rest of his life?? It was torture at times to see how he was, how he would push Margot away, yet pull her back in. I felt bad for her. She was weak, never stood up for herself. She was constantly being pushed and pulled by Jack, doing what he wanted and only what he wanted. By the end of the book, I was super happy to see that Margot finally started sticking up for herself and putting her feelings first and foremost. Definitely a book I'd recommend to those looking for something sweet with some angst and lots of sexy assness
My Jack
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My Margot
[image error]
Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,277 reviews477 followers
December 9, 2016
This is a great book, well written, super angsty, funny at times with an amazing heroine that stole by heart, hence the 4 stars. I also loved the secondary characters, the city girl/country boy trope and the whole farm setting.

But...but...but, this is me and not the book. I'm just not a fan of the hero that is still hung up on someone else, dead or alive and this hero was soooo hung up on his dead ex wife I had an extremely hard time believing he was in love with the heroine. Second best is one of my biggest peeves and this one was so clear. This hero was so not ready to move on and basically had to ask the dead wife permission to move on, which is also one of the things I hate the most in books. I'm not heartless and I'm not talking about forgetting your poor dead wife, it's just I can't deal with heroes being in love with someone else (while sleeping with the heroine) the entire book, I just can't. Kudos to Margot, the heroine for being amazing and standing her ground even if it hurt. I did love the epilogue, a lot.

In the future I think I'll just stay away from this trope. But again, overall this is an awesome book, and if you're not bothered by the same things I am, then you'll probably love it!
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