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Come Closer

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Sometimes appearances deceive. Take me, for instance. I look like a respectable doctor with his shit together, but the rural Montana mental hospital I work at is actually a sanctuary from my demons. At just thirty-five years old, I’ve already failed on an epic scale. Treating patients at Hawthorne Hill is part of my atonement.
I’ve found peace when a new patient turns me inside out. Allison Cole is a beautiful, haunted survivor who fell into silence after witnessing a murder. But even without words, I’m drawn to her. The closer we get, the more I’m tempted to cross my professional boundaries and give in to my desire.
Soon I find myself in a desperate race to put the pieces of Allison’s silence together. Her life becomes inextricably entwined with mine as I fight to save the second chance I never thought I’d have. I’ll break whatever rules I have to in order to protect this woman who’s been to hell and back. For her, I’ll do harm.

226 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 7, 2017

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About the author

Brenda Rothert

77 books2,174 followers
Brenda Rothert is the author of more than thirty Contemporary Romance novels. You can learn more about her books at her website, www.brendarothert.com, which features teasers, excerpts and trailers for her books. Follow her here:

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 307 reviews
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
February 12, 2017
I just finished reading this new FORBIDDEN ROMANCE between a tattooed, former military doctor with a tortured past fighting an attraction to the one woman he can't have — a beautiful new patient committed to his mental hospital. I loved the sexy slow burn of their relationship and the way they had to keep their feelings hidden from everyone around them... forbidden desire, when written well as it was in this book, can be SO HOT!!! The story also a suspenseful twist to it that throws them both in danger and left it up to him to put everything he'd built on the line to protect her... This was a really great read!! Sexy, suspenseful, and romantic!!

Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,677 reviews2,302 followers
February 12, 2017

Daniel Delgado works at a mental hospital as a physician, and he loves his work. More than that, he feels like this is where he should be to keep his own demons away. But when Allison Cole comes in as a patient after seeing her sister murdered in cold blood, work becomes much harder for him. She's his patient and that means he can't have feelings for her as more than her Doctor, except his heart is telling him something much different.

I honestly wasn't sure about this book when I was starting because I didn't know how I would feel about the whole Doctor/patient thing, but I'm extremely happy I didn't let that deter me from reading this. The forbidden connection Daniel and Allison shared was brilliantly addicting and I loved seeing them together. The small caresses and secret glances was enticing, and I loved it.

Brenda Rothert also portrayed these characters amazingly well and I loved that there were many different characters featured. It wasn't so many that you got annoyed, but there were a lot of secondary characters that added to the story. And the added suspense was beyond perfect. I won't say more than that, though.

Bottom line, do yourself a favor and read this book. These characters will have you falling in love and their story will make your heart pound. More than a recommend from me, imagine me screaming at you to read this book.
Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews744 followers
February 10, 2017
**4.5 stars**

I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It surely is a sensual and emotional delight! I kinda was in the mood for a HOT doctor, and boy, did I get one.

Dr. Daniel Delgado is a force to be reckoned with, going after what he wants in a charming alpha male way but having a tragic past which develops such an attractive vulnerability about him. He is sexy, compassionate and caring. He has his own mystery past burdened with guilt and demons. He’s a mental therapist who treats many different patients at Hawthorne Hill. Allison is his new patient. Having witnessed the violent murder of her twin sister, she’s found solace in silence.

So what happens when you become attracted to a patient you’re treating? Daniel is incredibly emotionally, psychologically, but, also, sexually attracted to Allison. During the therapeutic process, he gets to know her so deeply that many connections arise. And it’s undeniable that as much as he tries to be professional, he develops a genuine caring for Allison.

A wave of guilt sweeps through me for having these thoughts about a patient. And not just any patient, but one I’m treating at a mental hospital after she experienced severe trauma. ~ Daniel

He tries hard to fight and deny his feelings of attraction toward her and remain professional. But, the more time they spend together the closer they become. When they eventually end up in bed together, their connection is so intense and emotionally charged. Things unfold more in this story and more mysteries come to light. There are so many more twists and turns and the heat rises even more.

We’re both survivors, she and I. I survived my own mistakes and their fallout, and she survived a deep, violent loss. But pain doesn’t care about fault. It seeps into our bones and becomes a part of us whether we want it to or not. Whether we deserve it or not. Whether we feel strong enough to handle it or not. ~ Daniel

This book is suspense packed. It has everything…sexual chemistry, and love, and betrayal… You will want to experience all the highs and lows, and twists and turns as you come upon them. You are going to love this one!!

In short:
Hero 5/5 | Heroine 5/5 | Plot (Point, Originality) 5/5 | Writing Style 4/5 | Steam 3/5 | Romance 4/5 | Angst-Suspense 5/5 | Darkness 3/5 | Humor 3/5 | Secondary Characters 4/5 | Drama-Conflict 5/5 | Mystery 4/5 | Twists 5/5 | Pacing Steady | Action 5/5
Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,277 reviews477 followers
February 8, 2017
4.5 Stars!!

This was a fantastic read. It captivated me from beginning to end I was totally hooked. This was suspenseful, emotional, intriguing, mysterious, forbidden and extremely sexy. I loved every second of it. I’m a huge fan of Brenda’s books, but most of the books I’ve read of her have been sports romance so this one is a departure from that. And what a departure it was!

I love that this was different than your typical romance and that in delved into complex territory. I love that Brenda was able to develop this story with such easy that the reader can feel that they’re part of the story. I also love books that develop around the medical field, especially psychiatry and unfortunately I haven’t read many of those lately. SO as soon as I saw the blurb, I knew I had to read it.

Dr. Daniel Delgado works at a mental facility in a remote part of Montana. From the get go you can tell he has some demons of his own and that is one of the reasons work basically consumes his entire life. He is also extremely caring with his patients. They love him and you can truly see he’s making a difference in their lives. My God, I loved him, as a hero he was superb, so caring and sexy at the same time. Simply charming. And what about that hot last name! (I might or might not be married to a Mr. Delgado IRL J ) Anyway, I was instantly in love with him since Chapter 1.


Allison Cole is Daniel’s new patient. She survived a brutal attack in which her twin sister was also murdered. The attack left her mute and as a result she was sent to the mental hospital to recover from the trauma. But she was so much more than that. I loved being in her POV. She was smart, sassy and caring. She was definitely a great heroine and if you’ve read my reviews you know I think a good heroine can make or break a book for me. Well, she was fantastic. I simply loved her.

“Alive and healthy are two things I don't want to be anymore. The flashbacks are merciless, and they never stop, even when I'm asleep. I can't escape my own head as long as I'm alive.”

From their first interaction, Daniel and Allison had this amazing and undeniable chemistry. It’s definitely a tricky situation since Allison is Daniel’s patient and they both also have a lot of demons to battle. I loved how Daniel understood her from the first moment. And without any spoilers, the way they communicated was simply swoon-worthy.

“There's something much more than that between us. This yearning doesn't come so much from my body as from my soul. No man has ever looked at me this way—with such deep longing to have me just as I am. Even when I had a lot more going for me, I never felt as worthy as I do with Daniel.”

“Daniel knows what I need without words, because that's how he got to know me. He cared enough to learn my signals and read me.”

Teaser 1 copy

This book is amazingly written, the characters are complex but well developed, and the pacing was phenomenal. I loved the way the story developed and the slow burn when it comes to the romance.

“"Someday," I say in a low tone. "In another time and place, Allison. I promise you, someday we'll have more than this."”


So I totally loved the romance aspect of this story, but this story is also super intriguing and suspenseful! What happened to Allison? Who killed her sister? Is everyone who they say they are? Is she in danger? Ahhh! I won’t spoil that for you, but I was extremely surprised. The twist and turns were awesome; I didn’t see any of them coming. It’s very hard to surprise me, I tend to guess what’s going on early on, but I definitely was surprised.

So if you’re looking for something sexy but mysterious, with awesome complex characters, this is definitely the book for you. I absolutely recommend it and I can’t wait for whatever Brenda will bring next!

“We're both survivors, she and I. I survived my own mistakes and their fallout, and she survived a deep, violent loss. But pain doesn't care about fault. It seeps into our bones and becomes a part of us whether we want it to or not. Whether we deserve it or not. Whether we feel strong enough to handle it or not.”

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Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,339 followers
February 7, 2017
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review

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Come Closer by Brenda Rothert is a heartrendingly beautiful poignant romantic suspense that takes readers on the cusp of an unexplainable tangible connection of two strangers in search of truth, redemption, and justice. In this newest sensation, Rothert sophisticatedly guides her readers into a whole new literary world where she beautifully blends romance with a touch of mystery and suspense. As she tackles this new direction, she brings forth a new light and style that begs readers to indeed Come Closer and fall in love with her words and emotionally flawed characters.


Daniel Delgado is a physician, who happens to work in a mental hospital. Daniel has decided that working in the institution in the outskirts of rural Montana is his repentance and a way to keep his demons at bay. There in Montana, work and his patients have always been his number one priority. His life has this routine that is until he meets a new patient that stirs something in Daniel.

Allison Cole is a survivor after witnessing the brutal murder of her twin sister. Shocked, scared and traumatized, Allison is admitted into a mental hospital in order to help her cope with her emotions. Her silence is a curse and blessing. But what happens when her silence forces her to come closer to the truth that she can’t escape that harrowing night? Will Allison find herself staying in the hospital permanently or will Dr. Delgado be the key to unlocking her silence?

The chemistry and connection between Daniel and Allison is indescribable. It is a magnetic pull between doctor and patient. Lines are crossed but when it comes to the matters of the heart, isn’t love worth the risk? Will Daniel find himself risking his job? His heart? His life for a patient that crashed into his life in just a few weeks?


Come Closer is a detailed slow burn romance that ignites all the feels as Rothert delicately tackles these sensitive subject matters of mental health, vulnerability, and raw emotions in a manner that was done in a heartfelt way. There was no judgement and label. Rothert allowed readers to see these people as human beings who deserves every respect, attention, compassion and care. And in the case of her hero, Daniel Delgado, he didn’t see a broken and damaged woman. He saw a woman worth rescuing and saving. So if you are looking for a romance that was a symphony of truth, magnetic chemistry, and suspense then I urge you to read Come Closer. Get lost in Rothert’s prose as she makes you fall in love with a forbidden romance that was sprinkled depth, mystery, steam, and beauty.

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Profile Image for Kate.
2,171 reviews339 followers
June 25, 2017
Absolute Perfection – A spoiler free review

A touch of the forbidden. A doctor/patient romance. It is epic and yes I am fangirling.

This has everything that I love in a read. Romance, suspense, chemistry, banter and an exceptional plot with in-depth characters you are rooting for every step of the way. With a very unique setting taking place in Hawthorne a mental institution.

Expect the unexpected with this book.

The heroine fighter and survivor. After witnessing the murder of her twin sister, Allison is at a loss. She might not talk but she is mentally all there. Her Aunt thought it was wise to give her the treatment that she apparently needs or not.

The tortured Knight in tarnished armor. Dr. Daniel Delgado, Dr. Lumberjack is doing his best to redeem himself. As a former alcoholic and a loss he blames himself for as doctors are not meant to do harm. He failed and lives his life in a self-imposed isolation. He holds back from living until he meets Allison.

Forbidden romance a touch here, a look there, a camping trip that turns to a kiss. Notes exchanged with books that bring them closer together. I felt spooked when I read the scenes at night with Allison – nice touch there Ms. Rothert.

I feel deeply in love with both MC of the book as well as the secondary characters of this book as well. There are so many twists and turns to the plot in this book and I was surprised to the revelation of what is going on.

I definitely recommend this book and it is worth a reread for me in the future.

Review can be found @ http://jerisbookattic-reviewblog.blog...

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Profile Image for Bev .
2,044 reviews453 followers
December 4, 2017
I really enjoyed this one and got way more than I expected. There was no angst, no miscommunication, no push and pull, no ex drama, no TSTL bitches, no insta love/lust, although there was definitely a strong connection between them from early on that was totally believable.

There was also a canny little twist halfway through that I didn't see coming, where the story kicked up a notch and the suspense came in. The book is not heavy on suspense, more on them building their relationship, albeit a forbidden on due to him being her doctor.

Loved both characters, seeing their association build from one of doctor/patient to one of friendship to one of being gone for each other. It was paced really well, the love bit didn't come in to play too early on for which I was thankful. It wouldn't have worked if that had been rushed.

4.5 stars for a sweet and easy read.
Profile Image for Melanie A. (on hiatus).
1,158 reviews488 followers
May 27, 2019
3.5 STARS!
I didn't think I'd ever find a life I wanted to live again.
I enjoyed this one, especially the first half which had me completely caught up in the main characters and their problems.

The story in a nutshell: Daniel is the chief of medicine at Hawthorne Hill Mental Hospital where Allison ends up as a patient after witnessing the violent murder of her sister.

I know the premise sounds taboo - and it was - but there was nothing dark or manipulative about Daniel and Allison's relationship. I actually thought the way the author handled the situation was really classy.
The yearning doesn't come so much from my body as from my soul.
It was sweet and it definitely held my attention. I also appreciated the way mental illness and its treatment were portrayed, with compassion instead of judgment.

Unfortunately, the second half of the story veered away from Allison and Daniel to focus on the mystery surrounding the murder of Allison's sister. At this point, there were a few plot holes and I hate it when both the reader and the characters KNOW key pieces of information but they're conveniently ignored to further the plot.

Anyway, I'm rounding up on the strength of the romance in the first 50%. Plus, there were a few decent twists and turns that I didn't see coming.

This was my first read by this author and I would definitely consider reading more in the future.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,182 reviews933 followers
April 18, 2019
I love this sweer little gem. This is my first read by Miss Rothert. I get used to romamce book full of alpha possesive male and damsel in distress heroine. A lot fo sex. But this book is different. Daniel is the sweetest hero. I am so in love with him. Heck i dont mind being in mental institute if the doctor is as sweet as Daniel. It is very refreshing to have hero that is sweet and honest.

This book has suspense aspect on it. Murder mystery. I try to guess who is the bad guy and with that twist i never see it coming.

It is a very satisfy reading for my long holiday weekend.

5 stars
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,531 followers
June 28, 2020
Actually, the book has an interesting plot and with better writing, it could have been a great book but unfortunately the plain and dull writing causes it to fail - at least for me, this is what happened.

As for the suspense part of the book, the plot twists are fine, not mind-blowing but fine. However, the resolution is absurd. The probability of it happening in real life is too low. A drug lord living in a simple apartment with no big garden and fences and bodyguards is not usual. Him opening the door to whoever comes is too careless and I do not believe that any drug lord would live so unprotected. That’s why the ending was ridiculous and not convincing.


As for the romance part, I never felt their chemistry. I never believed in their love. He saw her and thought she was beautiful. A few days later, he thought he had feelings for her. She saw him and in all her PTSD, she thought he was hot. She developed feelings for him in a few days, too.

And they just said it in their mind.

That’s not how you make your readers believe it. I don’t feel it when you just write they are having feelings for someone. Make me believe it, feel it and burn with it!

Read a romance book from J. T. Geissinger, for example, and see how she makes us feel whatever the characters feel. The plain dull writing in this book didn’t make me feel anything, I felt neither the fear nor the sadness of the characters but most importantly, I did not feel their love and chemistry.

Sorry, but when the hero, who is supposedly in love with the heroine, thinks that she rode him like a f*cking porn star, it doesn’t make me feel that their attraction or chemistry is very strong.


I read a similar book between a doctor and his patient, another forbidden romance: “Medicine Man” by Saffron A. Kent. I once read "Unrequited" from this writer and I didn’t like that book at all. I DNF’ed another book from that writer. Obviously, she is not my favorite writer but her book “Medicine Man” was a success in my opinion.

There are things happening in that book that I would never condone in real life. The book has all kinds of wrong in it and I judged many of the things they have done because they are really really wrong, immoral and unprofessional. However, the writer writes it in such a passionate way that you feel what they feel. You definitely believe in their attraction. You believe in their chemistry. You believe in their feelings. You feel whatever they feel. You suffer with them, you burn with them. And in the end, you root for their happiness. The writer makes you accept them as a couple despite all the odds. That is “good writing”. Although I hated many things in that book, I felt it all and it made the book a good one.

Here in this book, “Come Closer”, I was just disinterested all the time, not feeling anything. I tried to feel invested in their story but I just couldn’t. Also, I didn’t like the characters much. He is an alcoholic, who has been sober for the past 2 years but every now and then, he feels the pull of the drinks. She was a bit selfish and careless, which, in the end, causes her sister to die. So, I never liked any of the characters.
Profile Image for Mandy.
1,530 reviews226 followers
February 12, 2017
I'm a sucker for a good forbidden romance and this one was fantastic. I loved the chemistry between these characters almost from the moment they meet. This was a unique story and there was a little mystery and suspense with a twist I wasn't expecting. This is the type of book that you want to read all in one sitting because it's fast paced and you can't wait to find out how everything will work out. I really loved this book and I can't wait to read more by this author.
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,325 reviews1,432 followers
May 24, 2019
Well I was looking for something a bit different and this fit the bill. Usually I'm not into doctors as the hero, but this wasn't just any old doctor. No, Dr. Daniel Delgado, the flannel shirt wearing, six feet five inches of hulking muscle was affectionately known as Dr. Lumberjack. Alrighty...

Daniel is the physician in charge at a remote Montana mental hospital. He likes the idea of being far removed from any big cities because he's battling some demons and temptations from his past. Daniel is well respected by his peers and the patients at the hospital because he knows his stuff, puts in a lot of time there, and he cares.

He meets a new patient (Allison) who catches his eye. Not only because she's a pretty brunette, but because she's been through something hellish--she's witnessed a murder and nearly died herself. Allison won't speak, and since she can't/won't speak, the police can't solve the case. Daniel is patient and kind with her, and eventually he wins her trust. They try to deny their feelings for each other--there is no way this can work, thinks Daniel--but in another place at another time...

But when Allison's life is threatened, Daniel is ready to risk it all--no one is going to hurt Allison on his watch! Can Daniel protect her from a dangerous enemy? Can their forbidden love cost him his job and the peaceful life he's built for himself in Montana? Can Allison get past the trauma she experienced and learn to be happy again?

I really enjoyed this story. It came at a time when I was reading too much of the same kind of plot and this shook things up a bit. It was unusual to read a romance set in a mental hospital (of all places) but it worked. It had some nice twists and turns (one that I didn't see coming) and the characters were well defined and likable. There was just enough suspense and heat too...All in all a quick read that was hard to put down.
4 1/2 stars
Profile Image for My Own Bookshelves.
691 reviews126 followers
February 10, 2017
Buy the Book.
Inhale the book.
Then walk around your reading space to pick up the pieces of your brain.
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If you are a fan of Brenda Rothert, this book is NOTHING like she's written before and you will be amazed by her storytelling like never ever before. If you've not read Ms. Rothert and you love a book that will keep you on your toes, it will blow your mind because just when you THINK you have it figured out, you really don't. Trust me: I fucked up those theories and lost.

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5+++ stars out of 5 stars. More to come later once my brain is put back together.

Okay so my brain is STILL all over the carpet. But I did put a somewhat more wordy review together:
Here is me: "Oh look Brenda Rothert has a new book. She's a favorite. I love her storytelling.Jake and Miranda from Hooked are a big favorite. This will be nice. The H and h are a little bit broken. Oh, the H is sexy in a manly, outdoorsy way. Let's read..."
-Kindle left hook to the temple-
"Okay, that was unexpected. Maybe I should re-read those paragraphs..."
-Kindle right hook to the opposite temple-
"HOLD UP! What did I just read?"
-insert evil author laugh and Kindle for the upper cut-

See the grey matter all over the floor? That's my brain because Brenda Rothert has just...


I absolutely love Ms Rothert's storytelling. I know when I One Click on her books I will be entertained. But what I love more is when authors I adore flip me on my head and take me to unexpected places.
That's all I can tell you about it, It's a tight lipped journey that I will bully all my book buddies into reading because if I could give this more stars I would. Read this because you need to get out of your tightly held contemporary romance box, and sleeping is highly overrated as you WILL finish this in one sitting.
Profile Image for Shayna.
1,813 reviews613 followers
February 7, 2017
Sexy, suspenseful, and intriguing with a twist you WILL NOT see coming! COME CLOSER by Brenda Rothert had me captivated from the very beginning, with a unique romance between two characters you will FALL FOR instantly!

"Someday," I say in a low tone. "In another time and place, Allison. I promise you, someday we'll have more than this."

Daniel and Allison's story is so full of mystery, passion, and complexity. Rothert does a tremendous job of guiding her readers through this new world she has put together. She's created such a deep connection between the two main characters, that it's almost tangible. A dash of the forbidden becomes the ultimate love story in COME CLOSER. It's an alluring story line that will demand your full attention. Full of beautiful angst and thrilling romance, you can't go wrong with Ms. Rothert's latest gem!

come closer teaser

Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews885 followers
February 11, 2017
Come Closer by Brenda Rothert was an extremely unique romance!

Cole works at a private mental hospital in rural Montana when a new patient arrives. After experiencing the trauma of witnessing her sister’s murder and narrowing escaping her own death, Allison crawls inside her own head, unwilling to speak.

Cole isn’t quite sure if her silence is by choice but what he can’t deny is the attraction he feels. An attraction he shouldn’t be feeling for his patient. Through a series of encounters he draws out Allison, giving her a different way to voice her struggle all while knowing what he’s doing is wrong.

But when dreams blur into reality, Allison turns to Cole as the only man she can trust and he’s willing to protect her at all costs.

This was such a different romance. A touch of forbidden due to the doctor/patient roles, but also a bit of a suspense, given the nature of the murder and that Allison survived – having witnessed the entire event. But I think what I loved the most was that even without a ‘voice,’ Allison spoke so loudly. It takes a lot to keep things going when only one character is the one actually speaking. And I was chomping at the bit to get the next piece to the puzzle.

A unique, romantic-suspense filled with sexual tension that will tug on all your emotions!

Profile Image for TereseDK.
474 reviews14 followers
April 12, 2017
4 stars - who doesn't love a lumberjack doctor??!! Just sayin'...

This was a surprisingly good read. I read the sample and actually thought ".. eh... maybe, I'll give it a go when I finish this other book I've got lined up"... but then I slept on it, and found myself wondering about the characters the next day..

Come Closer is heavy on the mystery/suspense, almost more than it's a romance story, and that was fine with me. It's a short story but it packs a punch. There are no boring moments, the development of this forbidden relationship felt natural and organic, despite the fast pace. All in all this was a solid 4 star read.

One thing though... and this is a note to the author.. why the lame titles? "Come Closer"? This title says absolutely nothing about the story, the feel of the book.. anything. It's the most bland title ever.. and the sad part is that it's definitely not the only lameass title she's come up with..
Here's some examples: Come Closer, His, Bound, Deep Down, In Deep, Hooked, Blown Away...ZzzzZZzzz
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,158 reviews770 followers
February 10, 2017
4 Stars

Well, this book was good and I enjoyed it. There were some awesome characters. This book is worth every sec of your time.

Daniel works in a Mental Hospital. Allison is his patient. She witnessed her twin sister’s murder and after that she doesn’t speak with anyone. She has nightmares and flashbacks day in day out. Daniel made some mistakes in the past, so he uses work to avoid confronting his mistakes. They can’t have relationship but every day that he spends with her, he more drawn to her. she is his salvation.

The story is beautifully written and mysterious but in some points it was a little predictable.
Profile Image for AC Book Blog .
981 reviews130 followers
February 7, 2017
HOLY HELL!!! Any fans of romantic suspense out there??? You have got to read this book. Thanks to Brenda Rothert, I got a whole 3 hrs. of sleep and my manicured nails are all gone ... this book is SO GOOD. It’s best you go into it blind so don’t read any spoilers because it will ruin your whole experience.

In a nutshell, the heroine suffers from PTSD -- she has not uttered a word since witnessing a murder. She is beautiful, sad, haunted and deeply disturbed by the horrific memory she can’t seem to escape. The hero is her treating physician at the mental hospital – young, sexy and talented so what is he doing at a mental hospital in nowhere rural Montana? The hero is running from his own demons. From the first time Daniel meets Allison he is drawn to her – he wants to help her with the grief, protect her, and break down her walls. To do that he has to slowly earn her trust. Daniel and Allison bond over a mutual love for books, innocent messages exchanged, a few slight brushes of the hands, and one camping night away … Daniel has Allison’s best interests at heart but is it too tempting for Daniel to cross professional boundaries and give in to the desire they both have for each other?

Come Closer is captivating, sexy, unique, exhilarating. The author’s ability for storytelling just amazed me. Beautifully written with a unique plot and a perfect blend of mystery and romance – this book is a total page turner. The author’s outdone herself with Come Closer – this is my favorite book of hers to date!!!
An unsolved murder with a HUGE freaking twist.
Absolute MUST READ romantic suspense guys
Profile Image for Denise - Shh Mom's Reading®.
959 reviews394 followers
February 10, 2017
http://amzn.to/2ibv4e5 4.5 stars

I am may struggling to put this one into words, but I want to start with it was truly a powerful read. I know I am going to have to fight to stay on track as this book my heart and dealt with a clause that resides deep in my soul.
As many who know me personally and many who have witnessed the amazing support of the book community know, I lost my brother and only sibling Keith to suicide 12 years ago, he was bipolar.

The opening setting of this story, the physician Dr Deldago is, the amazing place the Hawthorne is, at all had my soul wishing this was real life and not fiction. I mind just keep thinking why can’t this be real, and this is about more than a book boyfriend who wish was real, this is about wanting their to help for those who desperately need it. Ms Rothert’s beautiful use of language to describe the wide range of mental illnesses that can affect people put a lump in my throat and brought me to my knees. I can’t remember the last time I read scenes to deeply moving.

When I first started Come Comes I struggling…why??? Because it is so real…and my heart was breaking as I wished there really was a place Hawthrone; the place filled patients Dr Delgado is so devoted to.
Mental health facilities is our county are so abysmal. There are so many people who could use the help, guidance and compassion of Dr Delgado.

Daniel Delgado is such a well crafted male lead. His character was complex, layered with an intriguing backstory and this inner turmoil as this forbidden attraction bleed of the pages as did why this was so different for him.

The female lead in this book was so also outstanding. Her pain was tangible, her struggle one that grabbed my heart. The reason she is at Hawthrone blended to create a story line that was a combination of love, mystery, intrigue and in the end finding a forever you never even imagined. A forever that did return her spirit and one that allows her prior ambition to blend with everything anew.

You can feel the attraction these two share even before they speak words to each other (this is more this trust me it works, read the book) and once they start to communicate the bond develops even further.

Though I would love to share more about my love for this story, I really don’t want to give anything away. So I highly recommend you 1-click, and live for a few hours in this masterfully woven tapestry that is a very unique love story!
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews160 followers
February 6, 2017
Daniel is a very confident man, “no. You’re mine now. Nothing to be jealous of. I’m just wondering. Have you been with a man like me before?” I devoured this book from beginning to end I loved Daniel that man had everything going for him, he was a doctor, had tattoos, he was kind, caring and patient, he really was the type of man every woman dreams about at night.
Profile Image for Siobhan Davis.
Author 107 books8,953 followers
February 7, 2017
Actual: 3.5 stars.

Brenda Rothert is one of my fav authors and I was really looking forward to getting stuck into this book as I knew it was a new departure for her and a change from her usual genre. I enjoy romantic suspense and I've read plenty of books in this genre so I was practically salivating when this one landed on my Kindle.

Both Dr. Delgado and Allison were superbly crafted mains with plenty of flaws and I always love a romance where the H and H support one another on a journey of self-discovery. Together, our couple were a perfect match and I loved watching their romance develop.

But, this book is much more than just a romance. Allison is running scared and when it becomes obvious that she's no longer safe in Hawthorne, Daniel is her rock, her knight in shining armor.

The first half of this story dragged for me and it took way too long to get to the meat of the main plot. Once that kicked in it was great and there were a couple of twists I didn't see coming. However, I guessed a lot of it which took some of the enjoyment away. I also felt there could've been more tension and conflict in some of the scenes, particularly at the end of the book, where it felt a bit rushed and a bit too convenient. It lacked substance and some of the minor details aggravated me because it wasn't realistic.

I really loved the setting and the world building was great. The romance and sexy times were well written and the writing style is great, as I've come to expect from Brenda. Character development is strong - both with the mains and secondary characters.

Overall, this is a decent read - it just didn't blow my mind in the way Brenda's books usually do. If you are a fan of hers you will most likely really enjoy this one.

Thanks to the author and Insklinger PR for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. This review will appear on my blog in due course: http://myyanabookobsession.com

Oh, and that cover is beautiful. It really captures the mood/tone and the characters are well depicted.
Profile Image for Erin.
394 reviews56 followers
February 17, 2017
After writing this review I realized this is a 3 star for me (maybe 3.5) and not a 4. Sometimes I think I'm too generous.

Hero: 3.5 stars. So I really don't have a lot to say about the H. He's a big, tall, and handsome guy who is a little broken. He has made mistakes in his past and now he's trying to make up for it by being a workaholic and a caregiver of sorts to a population that he does care a lot about. I did love his passion for the patients.

Heroine: 3.5 stars. I don't dislike her but I'm not in love with her. She's strong, vulnerable, and grieving. She really isn't mentally unstable but does have PTSD. She is put in the mental hospital because she has become mute and is not dealing with her sisters death well.

**I found the connection between the heroine and hero lacking. They have a taboo relationship of doctor/patient, but you don't really feel that lovely taboo-ness in the writing. One minute they had a normal doctor/patient and then the next there is all this "taboo attraction" that I kind of felt came out of nowhere.

Plot 4 stars. The concept of this story is what I loved. The suspense, mystery, and overall plot was well thought out and written.

Sex Scenes: 3 stars. This isn't a steamy book but only a couple scenes, but with the story it kinda fits. Since this isn't a steamy book, it also lessens the taboo-ness further.

What I loved: The plot. The concept.

What I disliked: The lack of connection between the MCs.

Will I read this author again? Yes. Just not sure when.

Safety shit:
Profile Image for Darlene Avery.
953 reviews4 followers
February 7, 2017
Come Closer by Brenda Rothert is beyond phenomenal. It is phenomenal times a thousand. I am seriously in awe of the mastermind and wordsmith that defines Rothert's creation. For Come Closer is truly a creation beyond all my expectations.

Rothert creates a storyline that focuses on characters that are flawed and yet beautiful all within the same breath. She relays these characters to her reader with such force and emotion, that you will find yourself completely captivated.

I wish I could give Come Closer a thousand stars, but I will settle with the max 5, and know that everyone who reads this book will be forever touched by its power, rawness, and beauty. Because love will always trumps evil.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,469 reviews13 followers
February 11, 2017
This read caught me off guard. I really enjoyed the subtle build and slow burn of their romance. There’s no insta-love here. I think it’s the held back desire, the hidden glances and touches, the thrill of secrecy, and the way that even the smallest of moments can mean so much, definitely held my attention. It’s a sexy, suspenseful, and romantic forbidden love story between a tattooed, former military doctor and broken woman (patient) who's trying to forget her sadly tortured past. Ms. Rothert did an excellent job in detailing a slow burn romance that ignites all the feels. As well as, delicately tackles sensitive subject matter of mental health, vulnerability, and raw emotions in a manner that was done in a heartfelt way. The only reason I didn't give it a 5 rating is due to its rushed ending. I just wanted more:). Anyway, so if you’re looking for a sexy, suspenseful, and romantic new book, definitely try this one!
Profile Image for Dominika.
307 reviews63 followers
February 11, 2017
This book disappointed me a little.
First half was very good and it even had some interesting twists but the second half was rushed.
Profile Image for My Pink Fairytales.
595 reviews81 followers
August 21, 2018
Every fucking time!!! Whenever i pick the book i think i’ll like the least from by tbr list, i get a huge slap in my face, because it turns out to be amazing! I found this one on KU and i borrowed it a very long time ago, and i ignored it as long as i could.

I don’t even know how to review it. Our heroine has witnessed her twin sister being murdered and now she’s a patient in a mental hospital, where our hero is a doctor there. She refuses to speak or communicate with anyone, but falling in love and starting to trust Daniel, turns her life around.
The story is full of surprises and things you won’t see coming. The suspense was killing me! I had to read it in one sitting, since it’s not the kind of book you’ll be able to put down.

727 reviews40 followers
August 26, 2017
I DNF this book at twenty pages. I skimmed forward for a few pages, but it didn't get any better. I think the writing just didn't click for me. As for the twist, (about the sisters) i think if you read enough books you can guess these things from a mile away. It seemed to be just too convoluted and jumbled with any thing that the writer has gathered through the years and wished to one day put in a book. Not pleasant at all.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 307 reviews

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