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Scars of My Past

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My life was one of those teen angst rom-coms where the ugly high school student transforms herself into the beauty queen. Except there was no cute guy helping me along, no series of makeover shots with fun background music, no scene where I walked into the room and all heads turned to look at me while wind blew through my hair. I was the ugly high school student, and I did transform, but it wasn’t all peaches and cream.

Bullied so badly in high school that it ruined my life, I spent my senior year in therapy. It was there that I transformed – not just physically, but mentally as well. I wanted a fresh start and going to college across the country was my ticket to that. It was a whole new world, and things were great …

… and then came the blast from my past.

And he didn’t recognize me. What was a girl to do? Revenge, of course! My plan was to make him fall for me and then break his heart.

Sounds simple, right? Wrong. If only revenge was black and white … too bad a lot of gray was in the mix. But one thing was for sure – I needed a way to heal the scars from my past. I just hoped I could.

Published June 19, 2017

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About the author

D.C. Renee

33 books1,345 followers
DC Renee is a contemporary romance fiction author who tends to write stand alone novels that always shock you with a twist. She's been writing all her life. It started with adorable rhyming poems as a kid for anniversary and birthday presents, moved onto monologues and short stories as a teen, then transitioned to fan fictions before she found the courage to publish a book.

DC lives in sunny and (mostly) warm Los Angeles with her husband and their two toddlers - a girl and boy that want to "work just like mama," often climbing in her lap and "writing" on her computer. She's very close with her entire family - extended included, and her sister is her muse.

When she's not working, writing, and spending time with the family, she loves watching mindless TV, tinkering with diy projects, and of course, reading.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews
Profile Image for Alex ♈.
1,568 reviews1,314 followers
July 13, 2017
DNF at 54%


She was bullied at high school, she attempted suicide.
Then he changed his name and they didn't recognize each other only a couple years later...


I felt sorry for his horrible situation at home. No one should live through such horror.
But it didn't justify BULLYING!

And nothing could justify any romance, love or friendship with the bully!

He maybe deserved redemption after many years of suffering, but he didn't deserve any chance with a girl whom he bullied!

Even if I break to romance level, I don't see any romance.
He continued to sleep with OWs even after he realized he liked her. And she was of course a virgin.

What is a message of this book?
Bullying deserves forgiveness?
Tortured past/present gives a person right to bully the others?
What if she died? What if she succeeded the suicide?
What if it's your daughter/sister/friend who suffers from bullying?

I NEVER accept any forgiveness for a person who ruined lives.

Nothing can justify bullying!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for D.C. Renee.
Author 33 books1,345 followers
June 26, 2017
I hope you all fall in love reading this story the way I fell in love writing it!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,034 reviews92 followers
June 19, 2017
* A review copy was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review *

~ 5 Redemption Stars ~

“ Sometimes things happen in life that change the person you were; things mold you into someone else or steer you in a different direction.”….Genevieve

This quote truly sums up this emotional charged love story. This was so much more than just a New Adult romance. It was a story about redeeming yourself and finding love in the most unexpected place.

Scars of My Past is a standalone novel told in Dual POV and both past and present time. I thought the way the author laid out this story to us was interesting and I thought it worked well with this storyline and characters. I thought the pace and flow of this story was well written and excellently executed.

I will warn readers though, this book covers a very tough subject for some. She talks about the effects of both abuse and bullying and what happens to the victims and the person who is doing the bullying. What I loved was the message she was trying to get across to her readers. That is that even if you are being bullied, there are people there to help and not to give up. Also we have to look at what or why that person is bullying another. It isn’t always so straightforward. No I am not condoning Bullying what so ever, but sometimes there are other reasons for it. Please just read the book and see for yourself what I am poorly trying to explain.

“ Physical wounds healed. Emotional ones left a scar on your heart.”….Genevieve

I don’t want to go into detail about the storyline, except that it is one that at times will be hard to read. My heart broke on so many occasions while reading this story. Not only for Genevieve, but also for Cameron. I will say that the first half of this book is slightly predictable, but the author kept things interesting enough to keep the reader turning the pages. So was also able to take me by surprise toward the end of the story. Something is revealed that I didn’t see coming. But I loved what it meant. I loved both characters she gave us in this story. Genevieve was such a strong survivor. What she had to endure was horrible, but I loved that she came out stronger in the end.

“ I was beautiful, I was Strong, and I’d survived.”…..Genevieve

Cameron….I don’t know how to describe him. Just that I loved him and by the end my heart went out to him. He was such a broken soul and all he wanted was to feel true love from someone. I loved watching his transformation. He is one character you will want to meet.

I would 100% recommend this book to anyone who likes a Mature YA/ New Adult romance story. Just know this isn’t a light and fluffy read and it will pull on your heartstrings. I know this book and these characters will live on in my mind for some time to come.

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Profile Image for Shelly Wygant.
1,286 reviews22 followers
May 19, 2017
In true Ms. Renee fashion she wrote a story with all the feels. It was so emotionally charged. This story opens with Genevieve being bullied at her high school. She carries the scars that he caused around her heart and on her wrists But she rises from the ashes to become a better person. When in college she meets Cam. Cam has some secrets that will cause devastation in their relationship. He is blast from the past. I am not going to give anything else away. You need to read this story.

Two broken people in a relationship. They need to learn to love themselves, leave the past in the past and mend each other. This was a wild ride in a relationship but it portrays that true love can rise. Towards the end there was a wild twist (which is true Ms. Renee fashion also) that throws you for a loop and this one made me cry. I also loved the epilogue that let us see far into the future.

This is an emotional read with a tough subject but was so well written.

I read and advanced copy of this book.
Profile Image for Ursula.
601 reviews160 followers
Shelved as 'will-never-ever-read'
March 16, 2024
Why won’t I read it? Because a bully can never be a hero in a romance. I can understand peer pressure that might have teens not stepping in when bullying happens, but actively bullying a fellow student indicates an aspect of a personality that will never change. Once a bully, always a bully. Cowardly behaviour will never make a hero. And don’t get me started on the weird “bully romance” genre. Written for doormats, probably! Many of these authors are mums. Is that the relationship experience they want for their daughters? Can’t. Even.
Profile Image for Pam.
377 reviews32 followers
July 16, 2017
What a different type of story! I really liked Gen and I loved Cam. My heart really hurt when the Author took us to Cam's past and the things he went through and had to endure. There's just too much of that in the real world and that stinks! The ending was beautiful.
May 19, 2017
I fell in love with DC Renee's work from the very first book I got my hands on. To say her writing is anything less than addicting is a major understatement. Her style has such an easy flow to it, all the while building up to a mind blowing climax that will tear your heart out and then like magic she places it right back safe and sound. Scars of My Past definitely didn't disappoint in that.
Hurt people, hurt people. There's two sides to every story, and you never know what the next person is going through. And with love and understanding, scars can be healed. Cameron and Gen's story is a perfect portrayal of just that. This story shows us that you can still find beauty in the ugliest situations in life, and that letting go is an important part of surviving.
July 6, 2017
Another amazing story from DC!! There's no surprise that she likes to throw in a twist, and since I was expecting one I started trying to figure out what it was. The characters couldn't have been more interconnected and it was interesting seeing it all unravel. Emotions were all over the place, but I couldn't be happier with the ending! I really want a story featuring those that we got to see in the end...😄
Profile Image for bibliophile.
398 reviews1 follower
October 29, 2018
2.8 stars

Honestly it’s boring and way to bland for me, there’s no ups and downs, it way to long for such a short flat plot

As for the characters they are both weird and cheesy because both the hero and heroine happened to have different names and both of them don’t recognize one another in just 5 years, I mean for Gen? Sure she changed her looks, but Cam or Taylor I should say!!! How come she didn’t know him?! Until she saw the tattoo!!!!

I don’t know what to say but all of it is unrealistic, and I hate the back and forth between past and present and it was a lot like literally every 7-9 pages, and then the ending was super rushed like the author skipped from 1 year to 8 to 12 years, WHOA, calm down sister

I skipped all of the “past” chunk of the book because it was a waste of time, and it didn’t justify enough of the hero’s behavior, and it shocks me how the heroines are always weak and easy to forgive, I hate heroines with no backbone, PERIOD...

1.8 stars for effort
Profile Image for Laurie Beemer.
679 reviews28 followers
October 6, 2017
This was the first book that I have read by this author and I am upset that I waited this long to read one. This book from the very beginning pulled me in to the lives of Tyler and Genevieve, from their immature teenage years until they meet again. Throughout this book there were times that I both loved and hated both of the main characters, but as teenagers just how smart are they do they really have any idea how words and actions affect others? This book has so many emotional scenes and the author did an amazing job describing Gen's strength within herself; happiness and forgiveness become a very important equation that has to be answered in order for truth and happiness to prevail. I cannot wait to continue reading books by this author. Thank you for letting me read this book and write a honest review.
February 15, 2018
Wow this book was a difficult read. It was heartbreaking, hard to read at times and yet gives you insight. Not everything is as it seems. There is never reason to bully someone else regardless what's going on in your life. Life is precious and so many forget that and you can feel that from the characters in this story. This book has a wonderful meaning within its words and the epilogue was absolutely PERFECT!!!
Profile Image for Theresa Alberts.
838 reviews6 followers
June 15, 2017
WOW! Scars of My past by D.C. Renee was more than I anticipated and the powerful message woven throughout this story pulled at my heartstrings and has stayed with me long after turning the final page. In fact, once I finished reading, I was so moved by the story that I couldn't begin another book.

Cameron Dents is a starting college quarterback with a past he is desperately trying to forget and move on from. Genevieve Breitling is a girl who survived her past with a constant reminder that she is strong, loved and a survivor.

Cam saves Genevieve from the unwanted advances of a classmate who couldn't take a hint and with the two sharing a class, they become friends. Cam reminds Genevieve of someone from her past, someone who ruined her self esteem and drove her to things that she never imagined. But the boy Genevieve knew had a different name. As a friendship continues to develop between these two, feelings of more than friendship begin. But its then that Genevieve realizes that the boy who ruined her high school years actually is the same person that she spends all her time with today. The difference in character and attitude between the two is unfathomable to her.

As Genevieve struggles with what to do about her feelings toward Cam and her hatred for who he was in high school, Cam slowly reveals the details of his past, a past that was so hidden from the world that no one knew or could have guessed the struggles and defeat he faced each and every day. As each layer of Cam's childhood is revealed to the reader, your heart breaks for him a little more for what he endured while hoping that Genevieve can see past his actions to the person he has become today, despite everything from his past.

This book is a must read!!

4 stars
Profile Image for dreamerinexile.
737 reviews4 followers
June 30, 2017
Past vs Future 5 stars

Wow. Just wow. I felt my heart break for Gen and then it got pulverized thanks to Cam. Life isn't a bed of roses and it sure as hell not fun. You don't just get to walk away from your past without some souvenirs. And both Gen and Cam had it in spades.

DC Renee has yet again captured my heart with this heartbreaking story about a young bullied teen and the boy who changed her world. The boy who seemingly didn't see her as a person but used her as his personal punching bag.

Gen worked hard to be the girl she is today and that changes when her past walks back into her life. Cam made me swoon and sigh and Tyler did the opposite. I loved Cam as much as I hated Tyler, until everything came to a halting stop. Will Cam be able to help Gen move forward or will Tyler win by claiming his victim.

There are scars that never heal, yet there are souls that can sooth them. If we have the strength and courage to forgive. Will Gen love again or will she leave her future behind because she is unable to forget her past. Find out by 1-clicking this heartbreaking story of young bullied girl.
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,614 reviews422 followers
July 11, 2017
Review by Jen Skewes

This is my first book by this author and it will not be my last. When I first read the blurb I knew this was something that I had to read. If there is one thing that I love in a book it is a hero and heroine with a past that has left them broken, especially when it is the hero. This book is one of those stories that will make you feel everything. The pain, the hurt, the anger and frustration, but also the moments that will make your heart happy.

Gen had a good family life growing up but it was her high school years that caused her to suffer. Being bullied so bad that you just didn’t want to go on any more. But Gen survived that part of her past and it now trying to move on. The past still haunts her, she still has reminders of what it did to her and how bad it affected her, but she is away at college and in a new town and trying to live her life. She meets Cam, who is this gorgeous boy who seems to be there to save her whenever she needed saving. But he looks oddly familiar to her. He reminds her of the boy that tormented her through high school and made her life hell. But at the same time he is nothing like him. When she finds out who he really is she sets a plan in motion, to let him know what its like to be hurt. Time goes on and Gen finds herself torn between the boy that she has become best friends with and the boy that put her through hell. Can she go on with her plan or will she fall for the boy who she is supposed to hate?

I loved Cam. He was a really good guy despite who he was in the past. For a good portion of the book we see the past from Cam’s point of view. We see what his childhood was like, the pain he went through and why he was that person who made Gen’s life miserable. But it was seeing all of his past that made me understand so much of who he was. He really was a sweet and caring person who was trying so hard to move on from his horrible past. At times I felt so bad for him and my heart just hurt, from his past but also in the present. The way he loved and cared for Gen just melted my heart.

I loved Gen but at times she completely frustrated me. Bullying is never right but I felt like she was so stuck in the past that she was so unwilling to see what was right in front of her in the present. She was not willing to give it a chance and try to actually understand what happened, try to see what made Cam the kid he as back then.

This is the story of two broken people who are still tormented from their pasts. Despite trying to move on they are still living in the past, it is still affecting them today in a way that it makes it so hard to move on. There is a very slow build up to that moment when the truth comes out. At times I felt it was a little too slow for me but when it got to that point I was so engrossed in this story that I did not want to put the book down. Ms. Renee threw a twist in there that I did not see coming and one that made me truly hurt for them. I loved how everything came together, how the truth came out, the explanations of the past. My heart broke over and over again from that moment on but Ms. Renee managed to piece it all back together.
Profile Image for KatyaRath .
369 reviews20 followers
November 9, 2017
Everyone has scars. Some are just easier to see than others. Gen has scars both inside and out, constant reminders of the year in high school that one boy went out of his way to bully her past the point of no return. Gen has recovered, but the past still stings.
Especially when she realizes that the nice boy who saved the day at the start of the semester is the same boy. He seems completely different than he was back in high school, so much so that it’s nearly impossible to comprehend. And he doesn’t seem to recognize her, either. Which isn’t so surprising, really, since Gen’s completely made herself over and moved all the way across the country in an effort to start over.
But when he inadvertently pokes at a wound that’s still healing, she comes up with a plan for vengeance. It seems perfect, at first. But he has scars, too. And secrets that might just change everything.
I loved this. It’s an emotional roller coaster told in dual POV, alternating through past and present. There’s plenty of times when DC Renee delivers heart-wrenching scenes and others that are sure to reduce you to tears, but the end is worth the effort it takes to follow the journey of the scarred girl and the boy who’s done his best to erase his past. Because sometimes the only way to heal what can’t be seen is to expose it to the light and share the burden with someone who just might understand. As my first foray into DC’s work, I can tell you that this book has won her a new fan who’ll come back for more!
Profile Image for Sassy Southern Book Blog.
4,671 reviews258 followers
June 19, 2017
Holy emotional rollercoaster Batman! Can two people leave the past in the past and learn to love? You'll find out in this emotionally charged novel. Without giving too much away this novel is a must read.
When we first meet Gwen she is riddled with scars. Scars in her mind, her heart, her soul and worst of all on her person. All due to years of bullying. But don't let this blemish in her beauty fool you. She is fighter and she is a survivor down to her very core. Cam, not only does he come with a past he also comes with secrets he is trying to run from. Hoping beyond hope these secrets stay hidden.
When Cam and Gwen meet in College Gwen is trying to overcome her past. To Gwen, Cam is somewhat familiar to her. He reminds her of the past she is trying to overcome. Leaving what I can only imagine as a sickening feeling in the very pits of her stomach.
When Cam's secrets come out of hiding will it be too much for Gwen to bear? Will these secrets make the feeling they have for each other null in void?
These two face issues only too familiar for a lot of young adults today. The way the author write the story makes you feel like you are with the characters on their journey. You don't feel like you are a reader you feel like you are a bystander. - By Vanessa
Profile Image for Emily Goodman.
1,070 reviews37 followers
June 19, 2017
DC Renee continues to floor me with her well developed and thought out stories. The Scars of our Past was an exceptional story that was so much more than your average romance. Instead of writing your run of the mill romance, Renee choose to tackle the topic of bullying with so much depth, tact and grace it left me deep in thought long after reading.

Cam and Gen are two bullied and broken individuals who find their way to each other. Each with their own tormented past, Cam and Gen find happiness in each other slowly building a strong relationship built on friendship. As a lover of all things Friends to Lovers, I can tell you Renee writes with just enough angst, sexual tension and mixed signals to send you in a frenzy trying to read fast to find out what happens.

From the moment I began this book, I found it hard to step away. Then again, that’s how it always is when you pick up one of Renee’s books. They are a single binge read waiting to happen every time.
Profile Image for Cassy .
128 reviews11 followers
June 20, 2017
Copy of book received in exchange for an honest review.

D.C. Renee is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. With every book I read of hers, I grow even more enthralled with her writing. She has a way of writing well developed stories that pull at your heartstings and leave you begging for more.

Gen was bullied all through high school, to the point that she required therapy. When she went to college, things were supposed to be different. She was supposed to build a new life for herself and leave her past behind. She was supposed to be able to heal. But what happens when a blast from her past walks smack dab into her life? Sometimes you have to give people a taste of their own medicine, right? If only it were that easy.

I LOVED THIS BOOK. The characters were well developed. The writing draws you in and doesn't let go until you've turned the last page. 5 stars from me!
379 reviews5 followers
October 6, 2017
I absolutely love Scars of my Past. This is my first read by D.C. and I'm definitely a fan now. Gen and Cam's story had me crying then laughing. My heart breaking then feeling joy, just to rip it apart again. My heart broke learning about their past's and their struggle's. You feel their every emotion and you feel your own heart cracking right along with their's. I love how strong they are and how their both so loving. Cam, he's truly and utterly amazing. I totally lost my heart to him. Gen is an amazing person inside and out. So very caring about everyone. She was absolutely perfect for Cam. I really can't explain how I feel. I loved the last parts. They had me laughing so hard. But I'm still an emotional mess from the book. I definitely recommend this book. Your going to love it!

I received a Advanced readers copy and I'm leaving a voluntary review
Profile Image for Linnea Valle.
Author 4 books184 followers
December 6, 2018
Wow, just wow!

Every time I contemplate starting another book by D.C. Renee, I know I'm in for an emotional ride. I love the way she weaves her stories and sucks you into her characters.

This book was no exception! I couldn't put it down. She had me hooked from the very first pages and didn't let me go till "The End."

Emotional, heart wrenching and real! The story takes the reader through a gamut of emotions and back again. If you're a book crier, be prepared with the tissues, because you'll need them.

Congratulations DC Renee on a wonderful story and an honest portrayal of the scars bullying can create as well as a look into possible reasons for that type of behavior, despite it being inexcusable and hope for healing the scars of the past! <3
Profile Image for Sarah O'Kelly.
114 reviews
June 19, 2017
This is the first book by DC Renae that I have read, and what a book to start with!

Right from the beginning I could see that this book was going to be an emotional roller coaster with how Genevieve had been treated in the past by Tyler. But when you really got into the detail of the book it showed you that all is not what it seems.

The book was so well written and the pace was great, I felt that I couldn't put it down and wanted to get to the bottom of the story!

I loved how the whole book came full circle and the epilogue left me with a huge grin on my face.

I would definitely recommend this book it was a beautifully written well thought out book.
Profile Image for Melissa Schaub.
1,582 reviews
July 1, 2017
5 Stars *****

This book had me freaking out. I literally stalled reading it because I didn’t want to get to the bad parts. We got to see things from both of their POV but Gen did not know everything we did regarding Cam and vice versa, so I didn’t not want to see the fall out. I have now finished and I loved the ending. I loved how we got to see into the future and how their life turned out. I hated all the pain that they both suffered but to me it was all worth it in the end. I highly recommend that you pick up this book and start reading now. I can’t wait to read more from this amazing author!
Profile Image for Meli.
144 reviews2 followers
August 23, 2017
The story is well written and hits close to home as it takes place at my school (USC).

This would have been a solid 4.5 stars from me if it wasn't for the fact that there are some inconsistencies throughout the book. I am very detail oriented so when I read and I notice facts aren't consistent throughout, it bothers the hell out of me. Example, physical description; Gen described herself with hazel eyes and brown hair and Cam says she has green eyes with dirty blonde hair. There were a few more....

Anyway, it was a good read and touches on topics such as bullying, abuse, etc. I would recommend it.
Profile Image for Mrgent.
2 reviews
September 8, 2020
WARNING: Spoilers ahead

I was going to rate this with 3 stars until I read that she knew EVERYTHING his stepfather did to him and yet she still wanted to hurt him. WTF? She knew all the time that his stepfather abused him, beat him AND raped him!! I mean, I understand that his words hurt her, but it doesn't compare with the hell Cam had to went through. That ruined all the book for me.
I liked him. I dislike her at first and hated her in the end.
After all, I think the plot was interesting, but I didn't like how everything was executed.
(Sorry if any of this doesn't make sense, English isn't my first language).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for T.J. West.
Author 17 books271 followers
July 13, 2017
DC Renee always ALWAYS throws me in for a loop. Her stories are gut-wrenching, heartfelt, so deep. I could go on and on. She takes you to a place that you never would ever think possible. Scars of My Past is brilliant like so many of her other books. Bullying, suicide, and abuse all take place in this story. You felt so much for each character and wanted them to heal. At times I disliked Gen because of how she "played" Cam, but she redeems herself and allows herself to feel the love without question.
Thank you, DC for another amazing read. I'm addicted to your stories.
Profile Image for Crystal N.
329 reviews23 followers
July 22, 2017

One of the most convincing novels using the victim falls for bully trope and probably the most thoughtful one. I've read a few of these (Including the novel "Bully"), but this one really takes the time to help me understand why a bully and victim could fall for eachother without the romance being marred with bullying in the relationship proper. I think the long epilogue actually detracted from the piece somewhat. I love an epilogue as much as anyone, but I think it got a bit cheesy there at the end.
Profile Image for Brandie Breaux.
112 reviews
September 25, 2017
This story was phenomenal! Such a unique story. I loved the internal battle Genevieve had on whether to exact her revenge or admit that she'd fallen for her tormentor. Cam was a great hero with a troubled past. His love for Gen was everything in this book. I loved the development of Cam from his high school tormentor to the college sweetheart he was. Gen was a strong heroine.

This story just made me feel for both characters. I had a hard time putting it down and finished it in one late night.
135 reviews
December 22, 2018
I finished because I pd for it but

Finishing this was brutal!
What an awful h! She goes on for weeks with her whining. Which meant I had to read hours of her whining. She come to terms with her past. Then. No. She had to whine some more. And what could have shortened all these hours of torture? Simply talking. I can handle a little of this avoidance stuff, but this is a no based entirely on avoidance and drama. I felt the H could do better. Actually no. I felt I could do better if I had chosen wiser.
Profile Image for Lisa Guzman.
1,297 reviews6 followers
June 21, 2017
When I read the blurb for this book I knew I had to buy it. This story was not heading in the direction I thought. This was like an onion. Peeling back so many layers to get to the heart of the story. Loved how the author went from past to present. Normally I'm not a fan of storytelling that way but for this it worked. The past was mainly Cameron's POV and it was good too because it gave a better picture of why is feels the way he does now especially with Gen. Definitely a great read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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