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Anjou Trilogy #1

Кралица на четири кралства

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Една невероятна история, която ще ви върне през вековете и ще ви плени.

Стогодишната война бушува в Европа. Френското кралство се топи като сняг под силните лъчи на слънцето, кралят е луд, кралицата – напълно неспособна да управлява, благородниците водят братоубийствени войни, а бургундците клонят към съюз с Англия. Младият и войнствен крал на Англия, Хенри V, всеки момент може да присъедини към своите владения и последните френски земи. За Франция сякаш няма надежда.
Тогава една деветнайсетгодишна принцеса, родена в Арагон, встъпва в династичен брак с херцога на Анжу. Целта на този съюз е да прекрати постоянните вражди между двете династии за арагонския престол. Но бракът по сметка изненадващо поставя началото на една голяма любов, а появата на Йоланда Арагонска неочаквано спасява загиващата Франция.
Смела, проницателна, далновидна, Йоланда, която става кралица на Сицилия и Неапол, Кипър, Арагон и Йерусалим, се превръща в основна фигура на политическата карта на Европа – нейни агенти следят събитията навсякъде в Европа, тя вярва в силата на новата класа – търговци и граждани, бори се за обединение на враждуващите френски благородници, тя е онази, която отвежда в двора на пасивния, жалък Шарл VII една скромна селска девойка от Лотарингия, която с помощта на Йоланда ще се прочуе под името Жана д’Арк, Орлеанската дева…
Романът „Кралица на четири кралства” разказва епичната, разтърсваща история на английското нашествие във Франция през XV-ти век. Излязла изпод перото на принцесата на Кент, самата тя потомка на кралица Йоланда, книгата е още едно доказателство как една интелигентна, смела и обаятелна жена успява да ръководи мъжете още дори в тъмното Средновековие.

480 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2013

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About the author

Princess Michael of Kent

8 books49 followers
Princess Michael of Kent (Marie Christine; née Baroness Marie Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz, 15 January 1945), is a German-Born member of the British Royal Family. She is married to Prince Michael of Kent, who is a grandson of King George V.

Princess Michael is an author, and has published several books on the royal families of Europe. She also undertakes lecture tours, and supports her husband in his public work. The Kents do not officially carry out royal duties, although they have on occasion represented Queen Elizabeth II at functions abroad.

Princess Michael of Kent was born on 15 January 1945, in Karlovy Vary (formerly Carlsbad), in then-German-populated Sudetenland, in what is now the Czech Republic, near the family estates of her Austrian maternal grandmother, Princess Hedwig Windisch-Graetz, prior to the defeat and the end of Nazi Germany and of World War II in Europe, and the following expulsion of the German population later that year. Princess Michael is the only daughter of Baron Günther Hubertus von Reibnitz (of German descent) and his Austro-Hungarian wife, Countess Maria Anna Carolina Franziska Walpurga Bernadette Szapáry von Muraszombath, Széchysziget und Szapár, a daughter of Count Friedrich Szapáry von Muraszombath, Széchysziget und Szapár, an Austro-Hungarian diplomat, who served as Ambassador at St. Petersburg at the outbreak of World War I. The Princess's father also had a daughter named Margarita, born on 18 January 1924, from his first marriage to Margherita, Countess von Seherr-Thoß.

Through her mother, the Princess is a descendant of Diane de Poitiers, mistress of Henry II of France, and Catherine de' Medici, Queen of France (his wife), and also of painter Peter Paul Rubens. After her parents' divorce, her father, a Nazi party member who had held the rank of Sturmbannführer or “Assault (or Storm) Unit Leader” in the SS during the Second World War[4], moved to Maforga, Mozambique. Marie Christine, her mother, and her brother, Baron Friedrich (Fred) von Reibnitz (now living in Canberra), moved to Australia, where her mother ran a beauty salon. Friedrich became an Australian Government official. He has a daughter, Princess Michael's niece Maya Scott, born 1978 in Canberra to a fellow civil servant, Mary Scott. Maya Scott is a photographer and artist based in Western Australia.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews
Profile Image for B the BookAddict.
300 reviews756 followers
April 7, 2016

The Queen Of Four Kingdoms is a detailed and insightful account of the life of Yolande, 1384-1442, daughter of King of Aragon. Betrothed Louis II Duke of Anjou, their marriage and surprisingly joyful love story lays the foundation for events that change the course of history.

The Queen of Aragon, Cyprus, Jerusalem, and Sicily, Yolande will have to helplessly watch her husband’s continued fight for the elusive Crown of Naples, something he feels is rightfully his. Friend of King Charles VI, latterly known as the Charles the Mad, she witnesses the mayhem at the French court caused by fighting between rival factions as the monarch descends into episodic madness. The mother of five children, ‘bonne mere’ of the dauphin Charles and widowed at thirty-three, she lives through the consequences of that most terrible defeat of France at Agincourt. Cleverly using emissaries, her beauty, grace and resourcefulness, she becomes the saviour of Anjou and it’s territories. By being the instrumental mentor of Jeane d’Arc, she ultimately saves France itself.

Already a successful history lecturer, HRH Princess Michael of Kent is a purposeful researcher and excellent storyteller as she continues to pursue a career as an author of Historical Faction. Never dreary or dull, this novel is studious as it follows historical events and the true character of a fascinating monarch. HRH is not fast and loose with the facts as are quite a few authors of Historical Fiction and she deliver a readable story all the while educating by way of osmosis. Recommended reading for both general and historical readers. 4★
1 review
June 23, 2014
The premise of the book sounded interesting especially since there does not seem to be that many books on medieval France. But damn was this book a struggle to get through all I can say is that the author is lucky to have been born a princess because her writing is not engaging in the least. Its only two stars because as I said it was about a period of history that i never really heard about and semi interesting although I found it hard to truly fall in love with any of the characters. One problem is that she constantly explains how amazing and whatnot Yolanda is without explaining why AND SHE REPEATS THE SAME PHRASE OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Like jeez i get she is 'an imperious beauty' or everyone admired her intelligence (the particulars behind the basis of this I vaguely only understood). And the speech between the lovers was omg not exactly lighting any fires but you know I could be wrong because the author constantly wrote of there passion and love blah blah. Now considering my rating of two stars I somehow think I'm just rewarding myself for finishing the damn book than for any actual enjoyment. And this was supposed to be the beginning of a trilogy...umm no thank you.
Profile Image for Kaya Dimitrova.
330 reviews72 followers
September 9, 2017
Ревю => http://justonebooklover.blogspot.bg/2...
~ ~ ~
"Кралица на четири кралства" ме спечели още с първите си страници. Интригуващо написан, този исторически роман успя да ме пренесе във времето на Стогодишната война и да разкаже за вълнуващия живот на Йоланда Арагонска - целеустремената, остроумна и проницателна кралица на четири кралства, обединителка на династиите Арагон и Анжу. А ако сте почитатели на Филипа Грегъри, несъмнено смятам, че тази книга ще ви допадне, тъй като Нейно Кралско Височество принцесата на Кент се беше постарала да я напише в приятен, лек, грабващ и пристрастяващ стил, който свързвам именно с историческите романи на Грегъри.
Profile Image for Деница Райкова.
Author 84 books228 followers
March 3, 2017
Преди малко дочетох тази прелест - 'The Queen of Four Kingdoms".
И като казвам "прелест", го мисля наистина. Много приятен исторически роман, увлекателно написана и вълнуваща история. Няма посочена библиография, но според бележката накрая в по-голямата си част книгата е достоверна и всички основни действащи лица са действително съществували личности. Действието се развива през 15 в. във Франция и обхваща доста голям период от време - по мои сметки, около 50 години. В книгата има от всичко по /не чак толкова/ малко - любов, война, борба за наследство, драматични, но и прекрасни събития. Историята увлича. Много. И накрая чак не ти се вярва, че е свършила.
Както казах, книгата е исторически роман, но особено в някои моменти има една романтична и почти приказна атмосфера. С тези си качества ми напомняше донякъде за "Бялата кралица" на Филипа Грегъри. Основната героиня, Йоланде, е едновременно силна и нежна жена, преминала през много бури и битки, за да се помири накрая със себе си и със света. За себе си мога да кажа, че тази книга ми запълни доста празнини в познанията ми за френската история, и е едно от най-хубавите неща, които съм чела напоследък. След няколко месеца идва на български.
Profile Image for Meg - A Bookish Affair.
2,469 reviews204 followers
October 22, 2014
"The Queen of Four Kingdoms" is a historical fiction look at Yolande of Aragon, who, like many aristocratic women of her age is sent off to become the consort to Louis, the Duke of Anjou. Luckily for Yolande, her match actually becomes a great love. Unlike many other women of the time, Yolande actually rules her lands as the Duke keeps going to Italy in order to fight tooth and nail for the Kingdom of Naples. This book is all about how Yolande copes with balancing family (she and the Duke have a lot of children) and duty. The Kingdoms of Anjou and Aragon seem to be only mildly assuaged by Yolande and the Duke's match.

In this book, you have a fabulous main character to read about. Yolande definitely kept me reading. I really enjoyed this story. Yolande is a really interesting figure and I did not know much about her. I am not certain as to whether or not that I've read much about her in historical fiction before. I really liked reading about everything she was able to do while her husband was away. It was so interesting to me how much power she was able to have and how she was able to walk the line between caring for her children and ruling a kingdom. I also really liked the appearance of Jeanne d'Arc in this book. She is one of my favorite historical figures to read about. What a life! It was really interesting to see Yolande's take on what Jeanne did and was able to accomplish and also how her life was ended.

Overall, the writing of this book is really good. I found it enjoyable. The writing style is interesting. The book was written in third person present tense. I think I probably say this every time I read a book in that tense (it is just so different to me) but, it did take me awhile to get used to and drew my attention away at first. Slowly I warmed up to it and it really helped me to get into the story eventually. It was an interesting choice but in the end, I think that the author succeeded.

I would be remiss if I didn't draw attention to the author. The author is Princess Michael of Kent, the wife of Queen Elizabeth II's cousin. She also came from an aristocratic family. This gives her a very unique resume. Prior to this, she had written a couple books and the foreword in this book makes it sound like she will write more (Yay!).
Profile Image for Melinda.
650 reviews10 followers
October 7, 2014
I received an ARC through Library Things.
I absolutely adore historical romantic fictions. However, this book turned out to be a slight letdown as it wasn't what I had expected.

While Yolande lead an extremely fascinating life, as did numerous leading female rulers around that time period, she barely stood out until the whole Joan of Arc period, which is much later in the book. It was rather fascinating to read about Joan of Arc, told through a different perspective.

To be honest, nearly all the characters in the book were so one dimensional and they completely fell flat. They were forgettable and boring, which they completely aren't because they are fascinating, living people from history who played a significant role in history and in the royal courts. Like the Battle of Agincourt, the rise of Henry V, the fall of Louis D'Orleans, the horrendous end of the Duke of Burgundy, and so much more. This is an extremely fascinating period, pity this version of that period fell a little flat.

I didn't like how inconsistent some of the writing was. There were a few sections where there was nearly duplicate writing within a few paragraphs of each other, but with a few more details added or changed. And it kept switching between calling Yolande "Dowager Queen" and the "Old Queen of Sicily". Also I don't like how some random English word was thrown in, words that aren't commonly used, it was like the words were there to make the book seem smarter than it really is.

While some parts of the book were extremely descriptive (like the design of the royal banners, etc), some of it was extremely repetitive! I grew tired of hearing the description of the crown of Sicily and what Yolande did with it over and over again. Enough! We know she had a crown, why didn't we hear about the crown of France or crown of England?
Profile Image for Laura.
72 reviews1 follower
May 20, 2014
Okay this book is so poorly written that I only read less than 50 pages before I decided I simply couldn't read this badly written story. I don't know why, I love historical fiction but in my opinion no one writes it like Philippa Gregory does.

I say don't buy it or even rent it, it's not written well.
Profile Image for Emmalee.
301 reviews1 follower
April 26, 2015
This is a well researched novel, but there is a lot of time compression, and I just can't get over the "everything is okay, we're happy as a couple, we love each other so much!" super romance that the HRH puts on everything.

I just could not connect with the characters after 70 some pages and there are other books out there that I'd rather read.

Profile Image for Krystina.
237 reviews10 followers
February 2, 2022
Unfortunately a Did Not Finish. The blurb sounded great and held the promise of an interesting story of a time period I don't know much about but the writing was horrific. It's childlike and just a series of sentences of "and she did this and then this and she thought that and then he did.." it was not what I'd hoped and It's a shame because it sounded interesting.
278 reviews2 followers
February 27, 2018
Although I found the history I was reading of interest I did not like the style of the writing, it felt jarring to read. At times I found the actions of the characters unbelievable, for example, a spy for Yolande gets behind the English lines to send her an account of the battle of Agincourt but goes to all the trouble of giving details of how the English long bow men are trained and how the arrows are made. I felt this detail was put in either because the author felt the need to give her readers a direct history lesson or to show off her research. At other times events seem to come from nowhere that should have had a build up or at least a mention. I will not be reading any more of the series.
Profile Image for Alice.
10 reviews
December 6, 2014
An interesting historical story marred by awful writing. Some historical inaccuracies (no marriage ceremony at the level of the Duke of Anjou's would have ended without one of those embarrassing bedding episodes), but mostly just horrible, sugary dialogue. Yolande deserves better.
Profile Image for Jeanette.
3,596 reviews703 followers
April 23, 2015
If Hillary Mantel is the gold standard, P. Gregory somewhere between the silver and the bronze- than this is the brass level of royal biography. It reads like a history book and is quite interesting, but you never get the guts of the individuals. Yolande seems carved in ivory; she's impervious and stolid in all adversity as an iconic, but often heroic statue. The reality of the trusts encompassed, or the loyalty of the courts' followings- all the subtle connections to the deep economic "whys" of competitions- they are all nearly entirely unexpressed. Missing but to the facts of occurrence.

It doesn't read like fiction, more like a lengthy progression of non-fictional dueling dukedoms and kingdoms for that particular century. Yolande has core input supports but you really never know her, her husband, or her children in any real personal sense. You do get the feel of that particular time quite well. The time before solidification to a much greater extent for the chief European nations from prior "city" states monarchies. It did, for me, put down a conceptual stage in which a Joan of Arc could appear to solidify French nationwide identity.
Profile Image for Emily-Jane Orford.
Author 32 books353 followers
April 6, 2014
I enjoyed this book. It was a good lesson in history. I wasn't sure if the author was trying to write historical fiction or creative nonfiction or memoir. It seemed to fluctuate between the styles. I found the present tense difficult at times, especially when the author suddenly switched to past tense. The map at the back was marginally helpful in placing different settings in the book, but not all of the places were positioned on the map, sadly. Same with the family tree which seemed incomplete in many parts and didn't effectively connect all of the main characters. As I said, it was a good history lesson and an interesting read. Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford, award-winning author of "The Whistling Bishop" and "F-Stop: A Life in Pictures".
Profile Image for Emily.
127 reviews
March 15, 2016
Princess Michael of Kent is no writer of fiction; however, she must be praised for highlighting the intriguing story of Yolande aka The Queen of Four Kingdoms. The plot is fascinating and I have left the novel with a true insight into a part of history I knew very little about. Despite this, the writing plods along at a snails pace in parts. Characters seem to have little depth of emotion and the level of details about clothing etc just too much. In fact there are times when she appears to have moved one section of detail with another, but left both bits in - or maybe this is to remind you of what she has said before, like on TV programmes when they recap after the ad break.

This is the first in a series of three and it sadly would make me reluctant to embark on the following two.
Profile Image for Jackie G.
326 reviews3 followers
April 8, 2014
While I thought the writing was a bit stilted and the flow of the story repetitive, I did enjoy the plot and the history behind the fiction. My mom got this for me for Christmas and I can see why she thought I would enjoy it.
22 reviews
April 20, 2020
At the age of 19, Yolande, daughter of King of Aragon is sent away from her family, her friend and everything she knows to marry the young Duke Louis II of Anjou, first cousin of King of France There marriage has been arranged to bring an end to a generation of bitter conflict between Aragon and Anjou for possession of the kingdom of Naples and Sicily and inheritance they both claim. Despite waiting 9 years for her fiance to return to France from Naples, to Yolande's surprise, their union becomes not only a great love story, but also sets in motion events which will change the course of history.

I have never read a book from this period as usually read about the Tudors in England, but this book intrigued me. I didnt really notice the author to be honest but was keen to see how these period links in. Whilst HRH Princess Michael of Kent has written books before and lectures on historical topics, I found this book to be well written and full of detail and charm. Ok it may not be in the same league as some other historical fictional writers but as its been said before the story of Yolande has seldom been written about. This is not just a love story and I dont believe it has been written as one, but you can feel the love between the characters and the understanding the author has for them.

Yolande leaves everything she knows at 19 and marries a duke she has never met, which wasnt uncommon but their love was true and you could feel that in the writing, her struggles of being a woman in power and then having to play the politics around the countries with various factors against her. Yolande seemed to be a strong woman who was very intelligent, well respected, loved and trusted across all the different kingdoms.
Yes I found it hard going to start with and did put it down a couple of times, but I ended up reading Part 2 - Part 4 within a few days. This book had some hard hitting descriptive pages along with some very emotional scenes.

I did enjoy this book and will be reading the other 2 in the trilogy I will also be looking at the other books that have been written by HRH Princess Michael of Kent as well as books from this era.
43 reviews2 followers
March 15, 2022
Recommend if you ❤ historical fiction novels 4 time period there's not many goodies!

Good novel, a couple critisisms, O felt more introductions to certain characters would have made this bool 5 stars for me, otherwise very factually, historically well done. Loved the main character, really got a sense of her, and character descriptions & the setting is well done as well. I enjoyed it & can't wait to start the next!! Thank you! What I loved is that I've not read many books from this time period, I've read some of Catherine-Henry the V's Queen, & have been unsuccessful for anything else for this time period in the Kingdoms of Europe. If you love to read historical fiction about the Queens (&kings) then you will very much enjoy this!! Thank You HRH Princess Michael of Kent!!
Profile Image for Rebecca Walker.
17 reviews
February 23, 2018
A very interesting novel about a woman who made a huge difference to the history of her country. However, despite the fact that the novel is interesting; I feel more like I received a history lesson rather than being immersed in the events as so many other novels achieve. I could not make myself care about the characters and that is a very new feeling for me, as usually I become very attached. I think it is evident that HRH is used to writing history books compared to novels.
In a genre that is filled with so many other captivating novels, I feel that this book is not quite up to their standard and therefore will probably not be picking up the sequel.
January 1, 2023
Another great Historical novel about a great woman!

Having read so much about English history and being a big fan of Phillipa Gregory I was pleased to learn more about French history and an amazing woman I’d never heard of! Well written, well edited and extremely entertaining as well as educational. Characters are brought to life in a believable and realistic way. Events such as Joan of Arc explained in understandable detail. Can’t wait to read the next volume. And I will look for more of her work.
June 1, 2020
This is a Period of time in French history that I hadn’t read much about. It was interesting in so far as working out how all the French aristocracy were related and I interlaced and the story was interesting. However, the style of prose was pedestrian and repetitive. There was not much sparkle in this story.
Not sure if I’ll read the next two in the trilogy.
194 reviews1 follower
November 7, 2019
Yolande of Aragon marries Louis of Anjou and becomes a powerful force in mediaeval France, through the hundred years’ war and the reigns of Charles vi and VII, the defeat at agincours, the humiliation of the treaty of Troyes and the amazing actions of Joan of Arc.
Profile Image for Bec.
63 reviews
June 10, 2023
This book is a phenomenal read which highlights the constraints of women as well as showing how they were able to be the foundations of a family. This is a story of women's ability to guide her family and shape a king.
Profile Image for JJ.
4 reviews
July 5, 2020
Great historical value and easy to follow. Lots of curious facts about the France of 15th century.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews

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