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Alternate cover edition of ASIN B0722YH8B6

It is a common truth in my life that when it rains, it pours.

The killings that once plagued New Orleans are cropping up again in Seattle. The local office is stumped. I’m called out to lend a fresh set of eyes, and my unique magical touch.

It’s only when I get there that I realize the Seattle office isn’t stumped at all.

They’re being silenced by the Mages’ Guild, a corrupt magical institution that doesn't want word to get out of what is plaguing the city. Worse, news of my magic might’ve slipped down to the underworld, hitting the ears of some extremely powerful demons.

What I thought was a routine murder investigation turns into a fight for my life. With the help of Darius, my stalker elder vampire, and my dual-mage side kicks, I somehow have to dodge the Guild in order to stop one of the most powerful demons I’ve ever encountered. If I don’t? It’ll escape back down below with proof of what I really am.

My life hangs in the balance, and this time, I can't see a way out.

432 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 16, 2017

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About the author

K.F. Breene

110 books12.1k followers
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K.F. Breene is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, Amazon Most Sold Charts and #1 Kindle Store bestselling author of paranormal romance, urban fantasy and fantasy novels. With over three million books sold, when she's not penning stories about magic and what goes bump in the night, she's sipping wine and planning shenanigans. She lives in Northern California with her husband, two children and out of work treadmill.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 916 reviews
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,079 reviews2,950 followers
September 22, 2023
✅ Magic and supernatural beings
✅ Sexual tension and banter
✅ Plot
✅ Pace
✅🆗 Characters / Badass MC
🆗 Romance / Love-interest

3.5 stars

This book was better than the first one. The plot felt more coherent in this book compared to the first book. There is one big mystery to solve and pieces of information are not just thrown around randomly.

I don’t know what you are, Reagan Somerset, but I know it’s more than a leather-clad woman with a fanny pack and no eyebrows.”
I groaned. “For the last time, it is a pouch, not a fanny pack. How come no one sees the difference?”
“There is no difference. That’s why no one can see it.(...)”

Reagan is still a nice main character. She is sassy and has a good sense of humor, she is also a badass and always runs headfirst into danger, but it creates great action and fighting scenes and she does not endanger other people with her recklessness because her friends are as tough and badass as her so I don't mind the recklessness.

“For some reason I can’t identify, I feel an overwhelming need to protect you. The primal side of me views you as mine, solely. I cannot pinpoint when this need took hold, just that it continues to grow stronger. I crave you constantly. I dream of you when I haven’t dreamed in over five hundred years. I take blood from others, but nothing quenches my insufferable thirst. We are not tied through blood, and even if we were, the bond shouldn’t be this consuming. Yet I am powerless to absolve my desire for you. In addition—”
“Oh good, there’s more. I was worried the crazy was about to end.”

I am not sure if I find Darius's behavior cute or creepy honestly. I'm all for a strong and protective love interest, but the way he would just barge into Reagan's life and home and would not listen to her when she asked him to leave her alone and to stop mingling in her life. He would just answer "don't be absurd" and continue whatever he was doing or saying. I was also expecting Reagan to remain stronger when she said that she wouldn't get involved with Darius...

“She doesn’t like vampires,” I said when she bustled away. “Did you catch that? She was not excited about a nice girl such as myself being mixed up with riffraff like you.”
“You are wearing a leather outfit with a sword, gun, and fanny pack strapped to your person. What about that look says nice girl?”

On the other hand, I like the sexual tension and banter between Reagan and Darius and I like where their relationship is going... At least I think I like where this is going, there is a line between protective and controlling and he crossed the line many times and that bugs me so while a part of me wants them to be together, another part wants to hit Darius in the face (or in the balls) and have a good talk with him about boundaries. Also, the fact that vampire blood is similar to a drug makes me question the whole consent part of this relationship.

What is this hold you have on me, Reagan?”
“No hold. I’m a naked chick and you’re a creepy dude. Your reaction is pretty standard.”

That about sums it up. He's being creepy and she's letting him be creepy.

“People won’t work with me because I tell them when they’re being idiots. In our circle, that happens more often than not.”
“How was Lorraine supposed to know that an Irish coffee wasn’t made with vodka?”
“Because of the word Irish. Had I said a Russian coffee, sure, I’d get the confusion. But Irish? C’mon! Everyone knows they drink whiskey. Or beer. Had she used beer—”
“You still would’ve called her an idiot,” I said. “No one in their right mind would put beer in coffee.”
“You’d be surprised,” Callie muttered.

Callie snorted and pushed me again, bustling me into the car without a word. The woman had skills. She turned to tell Dizzy to hurry up, and I saw the word Bounce written across the butt of her velvet orange sweats.
“It’s just not right to put those sayings on girls’ butts,” I said, wisely not attaching an age to that pronouncement.
“Why? I got bounce yet.” Thankfully, Callie didn’t prove it.

Callie and Dizzy are still part of the crew, and Callie made me smile many times. She is like the cool auntie or young grandma that everyone dreams of having. She's still wearing her matching velvet outfits, still telling Reagan when she's stupid, and still being sassy, but I love her and I really hope that she will also be there in the third book.

Born in Fire ⭐⭐⭐

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349 reviews23 followers
March 12, 2020
Not a fan of book 2

I was disappointed in this book. The plot was ok, but the love story is too rushed. The heroine is basically drugged into sex, which makes her consent very suspect. For someone supposedly self sufficient she is dumb. She needs constant saving (by her stalker vampire) and spends enough time saying no that you don't expect sex to happen and one bite later she's on her back. It just feels so...false and disrespectful. No means no and coercing her to have sex was wrong. Apparently she's just fine being manipulated, though. I might have bought into it if the emotions hadn't been flat.

I would have respected this book more if Reagan had remained true to herself instead of turning into an incompetent idiot in need of constant rescuing by men. I am honestly shocked K. F. Breene wrote this book as Reagan is unlike the independent and focused females of the author's other series. They found love just fine without losing brain cells. This book feels like 99% of the other series out there with a supposedly strong female lead who becomes a blubbering idiot over abs and a pretty face. So disappointing. If I continue this series, it will be because I want to meet the king of hell. I can only hope the romance ends so that Reagan is back to kicking butt.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ira.
1,104 reviews113 followers
August 5, 2017
3.75 stars.

Well, I know there is not much romance in this series, I'm okay with that but with that little romance we've got, I was expecting Reagan to be slightly mature and less juvenile in term of her relationship with Darius, and we didn't get that, sigh.

But the action still awesome!:)
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,160 reviews1,875 followers
March 12, 2020
This is second in a UF series, so it definitely benefits to read in order.

Since you've read the first, you know mostly what you're getting with this one. Two of my favorite parts of the first were muted in this one, though. We don't get much of the New Orleans setting and maybe half the book actually takes place in Seattle. And the secondary characters weren't as strong, their personalities seemed sometimes rote, like if the joke had played out and we're left with the occasional catch-phrase. Which is a little unfair because the real problem is that the core plot didn't have a natural space for the two mages who make up the bulk of secondary character interactions.

I'm still not sure about the romance between Reagan and Darius, though. We get definite forward momentum there and that's good. But it seems to be mostly one-way, really.

I also didn't care as much about the central plot, and that isn't helped by having sections of PoV from the Earthbound demon. Villain PoVs are almost never a go for me, so that's not a shocker. Even worse was the section from Vlad, the main vampire dude, at the end. Seriously, we didn't need that in the first place and it made for a particularly bad end-note as an epilogue.

Anyway, I end up with this around 3½ stars that I'll round to four. I still liked Reagan very much and the worldbuilding continues interesting. I'm not sure if I'll bother with the third right away, though. I seem to be falling out of the mood that had me gulping down UFs, lately. Which might also explain the drop in rating, now I consider that some...

A note about Steamy: The relationship with Darius progresses to the intimacy stage in this story and there's explicit sex. It's the kind with magical overdrive, so it isn't very satisfying (to me, Reagan was super-satisfied!). It's the low end of my steam tolerance because there's pretty much just the one scene. But that scene had enough heft that it was approaching the middle of that range all on its own.
Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
1,829 reviews407 followers
January 25, 2020
Spoilers ahead, 2.5*

This author is really good at fantasy and action but her romance leaves a lot to be desired
The h wasn't as badass as book 1 which was disappointing but I still liked her
She lost some cool points by giving in to Darius so easily and mooning after him
The plot and action were really well done
The H was basically stalking the h, feeling a primal and possessive urge towards her, having her home cleaned and things provided for her.......yet he's feeding and presumably having sex with others????? Wtf!!!
So he finally bites her and that's it all the delicious chemistry flies out the window in the face of a lackluster sex scene
Then things are wrapped up as they save the day and he confesses to falling in love with her but when she mentions monogamy he says as long as she's available to him he has no problem with it??!! I mean seriously???????
And Reagan knew he was feeding from others yet never asks about the sex???? Enquiring minds wanna know!!!!
H/h finally get together here and the story continues to the next book

Based on the romance 1 star
Based on the plot 3 stars
400 reviews44 followers
June 15, 2022
An easy four stars because I had lots of fun reading this, with its intense magical action building to three major climaxes, so long as I didn't insist too hard on clarity! The unusual main character with the unusual name Reagan Somerset does the first-person narration for most of the chapters and for the publisher's blurb, which is reprinted at the head of this Goodreads page and reveals a good deal of the plot. So probably the best way to do this review is via commentary on that.

Chapter one, however, is third-person narration from the point of view of Agnon, a Level Five demon that had been "sent topside" to check out a rumor that
the Great Master finally had an heir, a daughter powerful enough to rule the vast kingdom of the underworld in his stead--and if Agnon succeeded in validating the rumor, its superior would bestow a higher level of power unto it.
So Agnon first summons an aswang to find Reagan Somerset and infect her with its evil; if it succeeds, she is an ordinary human, but if it fails, it would be the first sign that Reagan is the Great Master's successor.

Then Reagan takes over the narration until chapter nine, where details of Agnon that go beyond the blurb must rank as spoilers. Needless to say, Reagan defeats the aswang when it confronts her in New Orleans. We know that Reagan goes to Seattle to help local police investigate some horrific murders; she winds up working with Detective Oscar Allen of the regular force because the Magical Law Enforcement (MLE) branch and the mages' guild in Seattle are hopelessly corrupt .

So the stage is set for Reagan vs Agnon. Reagan's powerful fire magic defeats any Level Four demon but she fears it's not strong enough for a Level Five, and as she says in the blurb, she must
stop one of the most powerful demons I've ever encountered. If I don't? It'll escape back down below with proof of what I really am. My life hangs in the balance, and this time, I can't see a way out.
It was much clearer toward the end of book #1 why Reagan is so desperate to keep her existence a secret from the underworld--if she is ever installed as its (eternal) ruler, she loses all her personal freedom, and that's what she values most in life. This comes out emphatically in the present book in her complicated relationship with the wealthy elder vampire Darius, whose lavish generosity to Reagan is spoiled by his controlling behavior. He urges a vampire bond on her, wanting to rule together over his vampiric domain, and that's another threat to her freedom--a serious one because she can't suppress her passion for him.

The lovable older mage couple, Cassie and Dizzy, and several of Reagan's co-workers and neighbors in New Orleans provide touches of humor that somewhat lighten this intense adventure. Darius, Cassie, and Dizzy accompany Reagan in Seattle--Darius provides the private plane and luxury lodgings--and some unpleasant mages and shifters in both cities keep the action hopping in between the major magical combat scenes. Reagan grapples with a new source of magic, perhaps the "ice" of the series name? She doesn't know how to handle it, and it tends to diminish her fire magic, so her warrior nature is mixed with a good deal of fear.

So although there was confusion for me at a number of points I thought this was well worth reading.
Profile Image for Meg (booksandwinewithmeg.blog).
390 reviews7 followers
July 10, 2017
5 Kick Ass Stars!
I know I have said this before, but Reagan’s internal dialogue and witty comments are what dreams are made of.
When someone said it was their last piece of gum, how often was that legit? Rarely.

“Is that a trick question? Because I feel like you should know the answer to that based on my personality…”

“Show me your tits,” he yelled. I punched him in the throat.

“Come. I will take you to my—” “Leader? Please say leader.”

The entire kicking door’s in while at the MLE office was hysterical! I literally envision this entire scene in my head! “Damn it, captain. Good call on this door.” ! HAHAHAHA
I was also pleasantly surprised with the whole Darius thing I honestly thought she would drag out that little morsel to the very end. I will admit I am still on the fence about Darius. He is this bad ass powerful elder vampire, and then he says stuff like “Relaxing and exhilarating at the same time. I miss you when you aren’t near.” … Mushy love ew… there is a time and place people A time and place!
I Feel like my lady bits are slightly confused…. I Love Lust, sexy Darius but I don’t thoroughly enjoy cheesy Darius. You know what I mean, I enjoy a gentleman tremendously, and trust me when I say there is a huge difference. Just don’t get weird, because then I start to feel uncomfortable.
I do not even know how I stumbled across this author, I should probably give a shout out to Kindle Unlimited It seriously is the best monthly subscription I have ever purchased. I have made it worth it after the first few books! So far all of her books are on there, and if they are anything like this book I will have my Read Next shelf occupied for the near future.

And then we have Vlad. Why Reagan announced that Darius looks bland compared to him I will never know, but this is what I think of:
I vant to suck your blood! Yeah yeah, I am still undecided if I like him or not. I understand he is super old and you do not stay that way by being selfless, but depending on his motives I will cross the do-we-like-Vlad-bridge when we get there.
The vampires in this novel however are so unlike anything I have ever read. They have a true form. A form that basically is 10x more powerful and stronger they can battle with high level demons.
Cassie & Dizzy are the SHIT. I LOVE THEM! Small disclaimer: If at any point of this series they come to harm I will be angry. Angry people equals bad reviews. Just sayin
All in all the writing is fantastically written, the characters are amazing and the plot is catching. Sometimes when I read books, I find myself reading over parts but not grasping them. Like I read over them for the sake of reading. This author hit the nail on the head with this series! Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,629 reviews919 followers
April 30, 2023
Raised In Fire is book two in the Fire and Ice Trilogy by K.F. Breene. It’s another amazing action-packed read.

We’re treated to a smart sassy and powerful heroine, fantastic secondary characters, and a sexy hero.

I was on the edge of my seat and fully engrossed. We get a few more secrets revealed and a new gift comes out to play.

I adore Callie and Dizzy. They are just a hoot. Such fun secondary characters.

Reagan and Darius romance is slowly building. They are relying on each other more and more as time passes and Darius is showing a more softer side. I like the sexual tension and banter between Reagan and Darius.

Raised In Fire is full of magic, vampires, shifters, and so much more. If your an urban fantasy fan then I recommend this series.

Rated: 4 Stars

Profile Image for Mikky.
825 reviews225 followers
December 30, 2019
Originally posted at:

I wasn't expecting much from this book, yet it still managed to kind of bore me. The first 4 hours or so of this novel almost had me DNFing it. I'm glad I pushed through but I'm not sure I care enough about the characters to move onto the third and last book of this trilogy.

Reagan was only okay this time around. I still find myself liking her sense of humor but it's too played up and in your face. It's like she's waiting for a camera close up after a punchline in a sitcom so she can wink and the audience can laugh. She was as kick*ss as ever in this novel which is what keeps the story trudging along.

Darius is getting creepier and creepier with every novel that's gone by. He inserted himself in Reagan's life without her consent and even after she's told him to stop he's still in the same exact place. He a master at building these very perilous circumstances to pressure her into giving in to him or something bad with happen to both of them by external forces. He still rubs me the wrong way and I can't really defend him at this point.

The epilogue was eye-opening and intriguing but, like I've mentioned, I don't know if I'm invested enough in everything to pick up the next book. Only time will tell...

The Audio Book:

I adore Nicole Poole's narrations! She has an amazing vocal range for male and female voices with and without accents.
Profile Image for Lyndi W..
2,043 reviews199 followers
June 13, 2017
This was a freaking roller coaster with highs and lows of my loving it and hating it and loop-the-loops of what-the-fuckery. Also, why the fuck did I think it was "loopty loops"...? Moving on!

I almost DNF'd this a few times in the beginning because Reagan was doing too much stupid shit. Also, I kinda got sick of the "I must resist Darius! I can't resist Darius! We mustn't! Oh, but we are - ten times in one night!" Like, I don't really care either way, but make up your goddamn mind already.

I take that back - I do care. I really didn't like Darius in this book. The author made him go way overboard into stalker territory and even though it pissed Reagan off, she just let it slide and continued to gripe about it. So no, I didn't really want them to get together in this book. I think he needed to learn his lesson and back off a little bit for this book. And then bring them together near the start of the next and final book. I felt like Darius basically beat Reagan down and that she gave in too easily.

At the same freaking time... I was pleased with Reagan's ability to bend and compromise in all other aspects of her life. She chose responsibly, even if it caused her to lose face. It's a nice balance to the Reagan that kicks down doors and accidentally on purpose kills a lot of people.

I really enjoyed her show of powers and the way they're developing. And I thought Callie and Dizzy were wonderful as the angel and devil on Reagan's shoulders. The amount of page time they got was perfect. I really hope the same crew will get together for the big showdown in the next book - the four, maybe five, of them worked so well together. Their characters played off each other nicely.

Speaking of the big showdown... no spoilers. But the epilogue is a segue into the next book and I'm kinda bummed the author is going in that direction. Dealing with that in the next book will be interesting, but also a bit depressing. I hate depressing.

So I hated and loved some things. I'm glad the series is only a trilogy because I like my stories to have endings, but also because this author seems to be really good at hooking me deep with a series debut and then taking the story in a direction I dislike immediately after. I figure if I almost DNF'd this one, the next one is gonna drive me nuts.
Profile Image for Lillian ☁ Cloud 9 Books ☁.
573 reviews345 followers
November 27, 2018
***** 4.5 Stars *****

Cannot be read as a standalone.

I'm addicted to this series. Loved the steamy romance, action, and memorable characters.

Reagan’s life is becoming more complicated by the minute. Demons finding her identity, vampires playing politics, evil mages, and unknown powers coming to light.

A must read!

description description description description description

Profile Image for A little birdie told me....
627 reviews30 followers
June 6, 2017
Whoa. I've read few sequels that were better than the first book. This one was more thought out than the first and less confusing, but that may be because I was used to the author's style by now.

I loved the slow burn of the emerging relationship between Reagan and Darius. I can't wait to see where it leads. I loved the polite vampire so much, especially his protective yet encouraging demeanor towards Reagan. He goes against his instincts to protect to allow Reagan to flourish in her new power. He is supportive, only stepping in when she asks or when he sees that she can't ask. Jeez, I loved it.

I am excited to see the final installment of this trilogy. I hope these two survive, both physically and relationship wise.
Profile Image for Theresa .
1,567 reviews76 followers
January 24, 2020
4.5 Stars... The second half of this book pushed my rating up that half star... The storyline felt like it took shape and gained momentum in the second half... Reagan’s abilities are growing and intensifying adding to her mystery... We also witness a deeper connection with Darius and watch their challenging relationship morph into something more... The secondary characters continue to play a vital role in the development of the story as we are also given hints as to Penny’s abilities knowing she is the MC in the spin-off series... Looking forward to how this storyline progresses and ultimately concludes as Reagan confronts her past and her lineage:)
Profile Image for Tracy D..
365 reviews51 followers
May 27, 2017
5 Stars!

I loved it, loved it, loved it! Reagan is coming into her power, her relationship with Darius (who is absolutely smokin') is deepening, and the power play for control over the heir to the throne of hell is afoot! Holey moley was this book good! Lots of laughs and feels, too! Must read K.F. Breene's Fire and Ice Trilogy if you like strong female leads, action, and PNR!
Profile Image for T00zday.
578 reviews123 followers
May 21, 2017
2nd book in a trilogy. SO good!
I really enjoy KF Breene's heroines. Strong, smart-mouthed ass-kickers with a secret past or power.

I've re-read this one several times so far.

I purchased, but I think it's available Kindle Unlimited.
Absolutely recommended!
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,940 reviews1,515 followers
February 27, 2020
4.5 I really like this series stars

I kind of wish there was more than 3 books in this series. I was really nervous reading the second book only because I had high expectations, but lucky me, they were met.

I liked the pace and the story of book 2. A demon is skinning humans alive and Regan is on the case! I like reading about Reagan and her adventures, especially now she has friends and it’s a team of misfits. It’s adorable.

Like the last book, the relationship between Darius and Reagan isn’t really the main story, but the little bits we get is really nice. I don’t mind this at all because a lot of paranormal books have this kind of pace.

I love Darius he’s the kind of Hero / Alpha / Vampire I love to read in a book. First off, I love it when the Hero chases after the Heroine and second off, I love that he is possessive, aggressive and protective of Regan. It’s cute. He has his minions go into her house and stock her house with food regularly. I love the banter between Reagan and Darius, I could read hundreds of pages of it.

We get some back story of what’s happening with the Vampire politics and of course, Reagan’s daddy. I’m curious to see where everything will go!

Profile Image for Eve Reads.
192 reviews179 followers
November 27, 2021
"What is this hold you have on me Reagan?"

"No hold. I'm a naked chick and you're a creepy dude. Your reaction is pretty standard."

Oh my god, this is SO much better than book one! I don't know if it's because the world has been set up nicely now but everything just seemed so much more natural. I was thoroughly entertained between Reagan's one-liners, the constant action, the great characters, the impressive displays of magic, and the chemistry between her and Darius. The book gets better and better as it goes along. I genuinely cannot wait to pick up the next one ❤️❤️

"I don't know what you are, Reagan Somerset, but I know it's more than a leather-clad woman with a fanny pack and no eyebrows."

The start was really... confusing... and weird... but stick with it! It really does get better! The only problem I had was with the extreme differences between the social classes e.g., Posh Darius versus Poor Smokey. I feel like the poorer neighborhood where Reagan lives and its inhabitants are exaggerated way too much. It's very stereotypical and it just doesn't sit right with me. But hey, maybe I'm wrong and it's just me that thinks that.

Also... do not read this when you are nauseous. I was sick at the time and the graphic description of a certain monster's appetite really did not help 🤢
Profile Image for Nekeisha Ryce.
645 reviews20 followers
May 19, 2017
Loved! Loved! Loved this book! Reagan is a kick ass heroine and Darius is protective and scrumptious!!! I love Callie and Dizzy too. This book was magnificent and just keeps getting better!!!! Can't wait for the next one!!!!!
Profile Image for Kat T..
237 reviews10 followers
July 19, 2017
Okay. 2.5 stars.

Things I'm not convinced about:
-Darius and Reagan's relationship
-Darius ang his questionable compliments
-Darius and his half-assed French
-Darius and his suspicious "charm"
-Darius being the lead male protag

I vote for Dizzy to replace this guy.

Profile Image for Kimi.
440 reviews
January 30, 2021
4 Stars

Overall Rating ★★★★
Plot ★★★★
Humor ★★★★
Characters & Character Development ★★★★
Narration ★★★★★

Story: I love that this MC is a bad ass and she’s funny.

Darius is stalkerish... But I still half like him.

Narration: Amazing narration.

Incomplete Review
Profile Image for Jessica Frances.
Author 26 books400 followers
March 6, 2019
Raised In Fire was an excellent continuation to Reagan's story. She stayed just as strong, stubborn, kickass, and hilarious as she was in the first book. In this book we see another threat to her and her secret. Everyone pitches in to make sure that threat is no longer, and they all go on one hell of an adventure to ensure this. I really liked the progression of the relationship between Reagan and Darius. I look forward to seeing what happens for them in the final book. Vlad made an interesting appearance here and I cannot wait to see how that will all play out. Over all I really enjoyed this one. If you like your heroine's snarky and with some serious attitude, then I wholeheartedly recommend this series to you. Onto the next one!
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,853 reviews1 follower
May 29, 2021

“You are wearing a leather outfit with a sword, gun, and fanny pack strapped to your person. What about that look says nice girl?”

So this time around Reagan is enjoying the fruits of her labor from the last book- mainly a newly (and considerably less burnt) house with amazing furnishings, and finally a legit spot in the Magical unit-but...she's bored out of her mind.

Mostly because her house is courtesy of the vamps who just let themselves in without notice or permission, and her co-workers are annoying her + the oh so hated rules she has to follow.


So what does she do when Darius tries to take over her work life as well? She quits. However, a new demon sighting has popped up in connecting with the human skinning mage in the last book and Reagan is tasked with going to Seattle to fight the good fight.

Does this mean she gets a break from nosey supes trying to get in her business or Darius trying to get into her pants? Nope. With as much tact as he's shown in the past he just bullies his way into everything and inserts himself into this investigation as well.


Can you tell I don't like him? Yeah cause I find him annoying and a creep- but I digress. Looks like Raegan's actions recently have brought her to attention of power hungry demons, and while in Seattle she not only has to deal with murderous mages but a high level demon wanting to suss out her power levels by throwing all kinds of challenges her way.

Can Raegan, the Elder vamp, and two elderly (but still kick ass) mages be enough to root out the high powered baddies and Demon before he escapes back to the Underworld?


So little has changed character wise- Raegan is still snarky, arrogant, and cocky about pretty much everything and the leap before you look method is still her number one game plan. Darius is still a stalkery creep, and his actions are still pushy and full of sexual harassment.


Honestly I really hate it when guys are all "you'll change your mind eventually and give me what I want" or "I know your saying no now...but we'll discuss this later- then do what I want anyways" Which sadly did happen in this book as Raegan wish washed on knowing he was bad for her but ended up falling for his craptastic charm anyways.

Will probably read the next book because why the heck not...I guess I just like to torture myself with getting peeved at fictional characters actions.
Profile Image for Tiera McMillian.
1,160 reviews41 followers
July 31, 2018
This is great! My little Reagan is finally growing into her powers! Penny has popped up again, to help bring down the baddies but her other half has been missing not sure where in Penny's story this is taking place its a little vague. Reagan while trying to take down this new demon, has made even more enemies surprise surprise. We are left with the demon telling Reagan her powers aren't yet fused, whatever that means. Now I am wondering what would be so bad about Reagan's father knowing about her existence. I like the feel of this book. It has a detective/mystery solver vibe. Im hoping to see way more in the upcoming books
Profile Image for JadeShea.
3,161 reviews61 followers
November 20, 2018
Reagan is out of a job, and has a stalker in the form of Darius, the elder vampire. She doesn't really know what to do now, but when she gets a call for help in Seattle, she decides to fly out asap. But, someone crashes her party, and now she will have to deal with her friends and Darius during this investigation.

This one was really good! I enjoyed the store line, and I really enjoyed Darius and Reagan together. They were great, and also that ending was awesome! I'm super excited for the next book.
Profile Image for Sweet and Salty Reviews by DD.
604 reviews210 followers
May 5, 2021
This is such an amazing series!!

Actin packed! Hot sexy MC! Smart asses powerful FMC! Fantastic secondary characters! Top notch storyline!

Breene continues to kill it with book 2. To was on the edge of my seat and couple not flip the pages fast enough. I easily became obsessed with where she was as taking me. Exhilarating read!

The sexy rears it’s head in book two and it was worth the wait. The perfect lead up to a climatic (pun intended) bond. MC and FMC could not be more perfect!

If you haven’t read this you are missing out!!

Happy reading,
DD 💕
Profile Image for Larissa.
1,297 reviews79 followers
May 12, 2018
Love this series!

I love books with kickass sarcastic heroines who are more than what they seem. I am definitely looking forward to reading the next book but sad that this is only a trilogy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 916 reviews

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