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Midnight Valentine

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Alternate cover edition of ASIN B077CR2BK1

A hauntingly powerful love story in the tradition of The Notebook and The Time Traveler’s Wife.

True love never dies.

Megan and Cassidy were childhood sweethearts who thought they would be together forever. Fate had other plans. Soon after they were married, Cass’s life was tragically cut short. Still grieving her soul mate five years later, Megan moves to the small town of Seaside, Oregon, hoping to rebuild her life.

Her first night there, she meets the town recluse, Theo. Withdrawn, guarded, and mysteriously silent since a terrible accident left him scarred, Theo takes an instant and inexplicable dislike to Megan. But as their paths cross again and again, Megan becomes convinced there’s more to Theo than meets the eye. When she discovers the reason for his silence, his nightmares, and especially his pointed dislike, Megan becomes convinced of something far more astonishing.

Is a second chance at a once-in-a-lifetime love possible, or is a broken heart the cruelest kind of liar?

316 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 6, 2018

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About the author

J.T. Geissinger

39 books16.3k followers
J.T. Geissinger is a #1 international and Amazon Charts bestselling author of thirty-one novels. Ranging from funny, feisty romcoms to intense erotic thrillers, her books have sold over fifteen million copies and been translated into more than twenty languages.

She is a three-time nominee in both contemporary and paranormal romance for the RITA® Award, the highest distinction in romance fiction from the Romance Writers of America®. She is also a recipient of the Prism Award for Best First Book, the Golden Quill Award for Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, and the HOLT Medallion for Best Erotic Romance.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,383 reviews
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,629 reviews25.1k followers
February 11, 2018
Image result for midnight valentine j.t. geissinger

“How can you remember someone you’ve never met?”

Midnight Valentine is by J.T. Geissinger. This is my second book by J.T. Midnight Valentine is one of those rare books you come across that just leaves you breathless, that the characters become a part of you. That the maximum five star rating is not nearly enough!

Image result for midnight valentine j.t. geissinger

Megan Dunn had the perfect life. She was married to the love of her life, her sweetheart since she was six years old, Cass. But, he was tragically taken from her much too soon. They’d barely had time to start their lives. This story begins five years after the death of Cass. Megan is broken. She hasn’t gotten over the death of her husband. She has endured years of therapy but it doesn’t help.

“No matter how much you might want to, you can’t help someone who’s already dead.”

Megan and Cass had had a dream, to leave Phoenix and buy an old Victorian Bed and Breakfast in Seaside, Oregon. They had been looking at it and making plans for years. But before they could move forward, Cass was gone. Now Megan is going to fulfill that dream for Cass. She bought The Buttercup Inn in Seaside, is moving there, and is going to renovate it and restore it to it’s original glory.

“I’ve died a thousand deaths since the day I lost Cass. People say time heals all wounds, but that’s a lie. Grief is a chronic disease. The pain just keeps on coming”

bed and breakfast on the coast

On Megan’s first night in town at the local diner, she first sees him. He is back in a corner booth and seems to be staring daggers at her, like he hates her before they’ve even met. When Megan gets a recommendation for the best contractor in town to work on her Inn, she is dismayed that the owner of Hillside Construction is none other than that same man who hates her guts for some reason, Theo Valentine.

Image result for midnight valentine j.t. geissinger

Megan and Theo try to keep their distance from each other but fate has other plans. As much as Megan wants to dislike Theo, she is drawn to him. Theo doesn’t speak. She has no idea if the reason is physical or mental. But as she gets to know Theo, strange little details start to stack up, little similarities from her previous life in Phoenix. Are they just coincidences? Or is she going crazy?

“He’s so beautiful, it breaks my heart.”

Keanu Reeves on a m;otorcycle

This book wove a spell that I didn’t want to end. It was beautiful and heart breaking all at once. These two withstood so much pain. My heart ached for them both. The entire book is told from Meagan’s point of view. But, the epilogue is finally Theo. And what an epilogue it was. J.T. Geissinger, I read the acknowledgements, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for not going the way you originally intended to go. I don’t think I could have survived that. The ending was perfect.

Purple Sweet Peas

All I can say in closing is that you NEED to read this book. It’s just amazing. Thank you so much to this author for giving it to us.

“The thing that breaks you is the only thing that can put you back together.”

Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,562 reviews52.2k followers
February 26, 2022
I’m speechless so I shut my mouth and start to type my feelings about this amazing book. When I was reading I wrote that “it is sooo sooo good” now I’m saying that “ this is absolutely definitely totally excellent book”
Let me start from characters. I loved Megan, she suffered a lot but she is still standing. I loved her sense of humor and her sarcastic comments which helps her crack the walls of our hero.
And of course Theo. He is broken but he is tough. He’s burned but he’s still compassionate. He’s haunted but he’s so lovable.
I adored the way of their connection. I love the idea that your true love finds you back no matter what the difficulties you need to face and fight with all obstacles to turn back to you.
I loved it toooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!
Let me finish with those epic words from the book: “Love isn’t born of the flesh.It’s born of the spirit, so can transcend the bonds of flesh , and life and time.”
Rumi said: “Anything you lose comes around in another form”
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,933 reviews33k followers
February 18, 2022
Full review now posted

4 Stars

I really liked this one. When reading the blurb, I thought the whole reincarnation angle sounded pretty cool (enough to override my usual "avoid the dead ex books like the plague" mentality I usually adhere to, which says a lot)...I mean, who doesn't love the idea of soul mates always finding their way back to each other?

Theo was delicious. My favorite kind of asshole lead. And he and Megan had really great chemistry - that alone is always worth a star or two for me. I mean, no matter how great a romance/smut book is overall...if I feel like there is no chemistry between the two main leads, the whole book feels like a dud, in my opinion. Luckily, such was not the case here. These two were like magnets and I flew thorough this book.

So why not five stars?

While I did like Megan for the most part...the "not like other girls" vibe was strong. She was very wears no makeup, displays no filter, dons all the quirky David Bowie shirts (and of course refuses to dress up), and drinks all the whiskey and bacon...and yet still manages to look like hot chick Barbie. I mean, not to nitpick...I still liked her. I just feel like this has become a token character at this point.

But I digress.

My main reason for not loving this more is that I don't feel like enough was done to fully flesh out Theo and Megan's relationship in the NOW...independent of the reincarnation angle. I would have liked a little more relationship development between the two of them which was wholly separate from that.

But regardless. I really enjoyed this book and it came at the right time for me. Definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,288 reviews40 followers
January 12, 2020
Thanks to JTG for refraining from writing the ending she thought this book needed (you saved me from having an ugly-cry meltdown). Additional thanks for such an emotional, gripping story.
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,531 followers
December 6, 2022

This is a book about a love that transcends time. It is about reincarnation; you understand it at the very beginning because the book begins with this awesome poem!

Megan lost her husband, the love of her life, her soul mate 5 years ago and she is still grieving for it.

Theo had an accident 5 years ago and he has been mute since then; no one knows why.

When Theo and Megan meet for the first time, it is like a thunderstorm…

He is wild, actually both pissed and anguished. She doesn’t understand why.

Although he seems he cannot stand being near her, he can’t stand being away, either.

They start to correspond by writing and I must say he doesn’t speak for like %80 of the book.

I loved Theo so much. I wanted to insert myself into the pages of the book and hug him, saying it will be OK in the end.

And Megan is a heroine of my own heart. I loved her really so much. She is sassy, strong and she is funny even in desperate situations.

Here is her sass and here is her sarcasm:

“I suppose the good citizens of Seaside are all shocked to see you out of your coffin during the daytime, Dracula. Oh, wait, there’s one guy over there who isn’t staring at us. Must be a tourist.”


“C’mon, Sunshine, you’re gonna give me a bad reputation in this town, and I only just moved here. The way you’re acting, people will start a rumor that I made you cry over breakfast .”
He turns his head a fraction, peeking out at me from between his fingers. I send him a big smile. “I usually don’t make men cry until lunch.”


“God. You could make a nun want to commit murder. You ever think about, I don’t know, being pleasant every once in a while? Or would that clash with the whole Mr. Tall, Dark, and Broody thing you’ve got going on ?”


I’m tumbling down a rabbit hole, one I’m afraid I’ll never climb out of. I’m Alice, only this isn’t Wonderland. This is Crazyville, and I’ve just elected myself mayor.

The book is told by Megan only except for the Epilogue, which is told by Theo. That’s why, I sometimes needed to be in Theo’s head, too. I would have liked more chapters by him.

I ached for her the way the desert aches for rain. Longing was something I’d never felt before, but it inhabited me so completely, I almost couldn’t function. Then, one rainy night, she appeared.

Their story deeply touched my heart, I just couldn’t drop the book. It made me FEEL a lot. It is emotional, heart-breaking, funny, interesting, hot and captivating, all at the same time.


Megan met the love of her life when she was 6 years old. There was no one but him for her. That’s why, her pain is endless.

How long will it be until I can no longer remember the sound of his voice? How many years does it take to forget the love of your life? Will I wake up one day and the memory of his kiss will have vanished, trampled to dust by the relentless forward march of time?


“I still feel married. I am still married. My husband just happens to be dead.”

When she meets Theo, it is the first time in 5 years that she feels she is strangely attracted and drawn to a person. She wants to solve the puzzle of this mysterious man but he is scared as hell to talk about it.

In my experience, men are generally much simpler creatures than women, but this particular man is more complex than a Rubik’s cube.


I want you to like me, but you shouldn’t. I’m not stable. I’m not even sure if I’m sane. You said something in the car about that moment in a romantic comedy where everything could be solved if the people having problems just talked, but what I’d have to say if we talked about the problem wouldn’t be romantic, or funny.
It would be scary as hell.


He looks at me as if I’m torturing him with my touch. As if the mere laying of a few fingers on his clothed arm has caused him such misery, he might not be able to stand upright much longer. The rawness, the palpable realness of his pain is astonishing.


It’s not exactly attraction. It feels darker than that. More dangerous. Like I’m standing barefoot in a shallow pool of water and he’s the live wire sparking mere inches away.


“Text me if you need anything.”
“What I need can’t be put into a text.”

I close my eyes, filled with dread at the distinct possibility that the question of what exactly Theo Valentine needs will grow like a cancer in my mind until it consumes me.


There is someone who wants to date her and she tries to go on a date with him just in case she can get her mind away from Theo but she cannot!

I tuck a stray lock of hair behind my left ear, silently cursing myself for thinking about Theo. It’s like he’s taken up residence in my head and is just lounging around in there, waiting for random opportunities to shout, Hey, think about me!

There are a few events that feel like magical coincidences… Those events gave me the chills and at the same time, they made me feel how strongly they are connected.

Lightning wants to ground itself. It wants to terminate its powerful electrical discharge in a physical object, namely the earth.

The book deals with a delicate topic and I have read some unsuccessful examples of it and that’s why, while reading, I said to myself: “Well, that’s how you do it, kudos to Ms. Geissinger.” The book makes you believe it even if you normally don’t believe in it. It is just beautiful and I am happy I gave this book a chance despite my fears.

I gave my heart away a long time ago. Since then, I’ve realized that some doors, once opened, can never be shut. And the doors that won’t open aren’t meant for me to walk through.


My husband used to say, “If you’re going through hell, keep on going.” I think he meant keep going until you see the light on the other side. I’d like to believe there’s a light, but I’m finding that almost impossible. Hell is so damn big.


“All I know is that the thing that breaks you is the only thing that can put you back together.”

“Love isn’t born of the flesh. It’s born of the spirit, and so can transcend the bonds of flesh, and life, and time. The poet Rumi said, ‘Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes around in another form.”

The ending:

I must say the book was 10 stars or more for me till %80, but then came a very unnecessary drama, in my opinion, which irritated the sh*t out of me. Thank God, the writer changed her mind and didn’t write the ending the way she had initially planned but I must say she should have changed the whole thing, the last drama, I mean. She should have erased it entirely when she decided not to write that ending. Instead of it, I would have preferred more time with them as a couple when they actually speak to each other, trying to discover hows and whys of their situation, assessing their feelings etc. Anyways, despite this last part I didn’t like that much, the book as a whole is awesome and I am deducting only 0.5 point for this last part and still giving it 5 stars out of 4,5 because it really deserves a high rating.

WARNING: There are times Megan has lost her faith in God and she talks about how she doesn’t believe in God or love him anymore. Let me just put this info here if you are sensitive about lines like the ones below:

“I wanted to see if you’d like to go to church with me .”
She laughs. “You want to think about that for half a millisecond?”
“God and I have our differences.” It’s impossible to stay friends with someone after he kills the love of your life.


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Profile Image for Alex ♈.
1,568 reviews1,314 followers
December 13, 2018
5 💝 you make all my broken parts bleed 💝 stars!

Books like this is a main reason I love reading.

There are books and there are Books. This one was The Book.

A perfect (and sometimes even weird) mix of pain and grief, but at the same time humor and light.
Beautifully written. Deep, raw, sincere, tragic, happy – real.


I floved this woman. MY kind of a heroine. Strong, sassy, sarcastic, but also vulnerable, kind and feminine.

She not only spoke cool lines, she lived them!

"I’m not the girl who wilts when confronted with awkward or potentially dangerous situations. I’m the girl who bares her teeth and growls."

I want to have her as my BFF!!!

"Why is it that when a woman’s been through a lot, she’s expected to handle it gracefully with fake smiles and a stiff backbone, but when a man’s been through a lot, he’s given full license to storm around like a giant baby throwing a tantrum?"

The most honest and true words I read this year!!!

"I’m not the kind of woman who thinks surliness is charming. All these alpha-holes from romance novels have given women the wrong idea that bad manners are attractive."

I may go on and on and on *lol*

I’m just so overexcited to read about a strong intelligent and sensual woman. One of the best heroines I ever read. Loved her!!!

The story itself had a very heavy spiritual aspect. I wouldn’t call it paranormal, but it was definitely mystic.

This book has some triggers, which didn’t bother me, but I mention them for all my dear friends:

I won’t spoil the story.
Thanks God the author didn’t write the alternative ending!!! I could have died…
I wished for longer epilogue. I need it!!!

I call this love epic!

“Death doesn’t end a relationship. Only a life.”

Profile Image for KAS.
317 reviews3,126 followers
February 20, 2018
5 There Are No Coincidences!! Stars

Well, daggum! What a way for me to be introduced to a new author! This book is Amazing and so is Ms. Geissinger's writing abilities.

She pulled off heartache, humor, and a beautiful, unexpected love story in one page turning read. Destiny and fate take center stage in this alluring plotline which instantly pulls you in. The characters are so raw, so real, so remarkable.

I simply could not get enough of this story ...... could not get enough of Megan and Theo. Oh my gosh, Theo! My heart is still pitter-pattering!!

Come back, Theo. If I’m the reason you left, come back. A wise man recently told me that the thing that breaks you is the only thing that can put you back together. If we’re each other’s hammers, maybe we’re also each other’s glue.

Have mercy ..... that about wrecked me!

My emotions were all over the place from one scene to the next. I went from barely being able to swallow and tears starting to form, to laughing out loud in mere moments.

I will be adding to my all-time faves list of books!

When he turns and looks toward the house, it’s like he knew exactly where I was standing. Our eyes meet with the sensation of a key fitting into a lock: a smooth, inevitable click.

 A tremor runs through me, something close to fear but more primal, a pulse of restless energy that makes me want to break into a run.

 I’ve never met anyone with more naked emotion in his eyes. His face is stony, but his eyes burn with a thousand unspoken things, all of which are dark.

 I resist the urge to step back. We stare at each other until it becomes uncomfortable. I move first, turning to head to the front door, taking deep breaths to calm the sudden throbbing of my heart.

I am really glad I went in blind without any preconceived notions!

P.S. This is not a "Valentine's Day" story. Valentine is Theo’s last name! A Valentine you'll likely never, ever forget! I know I won’t ;)
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,484 reviews5,321 followers
February 24, 2018
4.25 Stars

"No amount of logic in the world can explain your connection with Theo Valentine."

J.T. Geissinger delivers a VERY entertaining and well written story. I was anxious while reading it trying to figure out what is the handyman in this beautiful seaside town's deal. Getting to the whys was the best part of the story for me. I truly loved the journey!


"I loved her long before we met."

However, the whys just didn't wow or work for me...

I found this story a hard book to put down and when I did I was thinking about all the directions the author could take me. I thought the heroine was perfect and I LOVED Susanne (hint hint)!

"One lifetime wasn't enough to love you."
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,146 reviews13.2k followers
May 11, 2019
People say time heals all wounds, but that’s a lie. Grief is a chronic disease. The pain just keeps on coming.

Wow. WOW. Just WOW. What an incredibly powerful, unique, and utterly unforgettable story. I've been a long time fan of Geissinger, but after this book? I'm a die hard. Ride or die. I'm talking rabid fangirl here, people!!!

First of all, you need to experience this book blind. Don't read spoilers. Try to read as few reviews as possible as not to ruin even the smallest detail for yourself. All you need to know is that you're in for one rollercoaster of emotion.

If there's one thing I love about J.T.'s books, it's her heroines. The woman knows how to write some of the best, strong yet vulnerable, sassy yet not overboard sort of females. Megan was EVERYTHING I love in a heroine and yet so much more!
I’m not the kind of woman who thinks surliness is charming. All these alpha-holes from romance novels have given women the wrong idea that bad manners are attractive.

This is woman that lost her childhood sweetheart and the love of her life and is still dealing with the never ending grief of that loss. She may be a grief-riddled widow, but that's not all she is. There's this spark to Megan that you can't help but feel right away. This is a woman that's tough as nails and isn't afraid to cut anyone to size. She moves to a small Oregon town in order to fulfill a long time dream that she had with her late husband. And even though he's no longer with her, it doesn't mean that she can't do what they both hoped to; remodel a cute yet debilitated house into a beautiful inn.
I kiss him again. I have to. There is no choice. His mouth is the oxygen I need to survive, and I no longer care about anything else but this

The relationship between Megan and Theo is anything but an easy one. The man seems to hate her on site. He's the town mystery. He also doesn't speak. But his eyes seems to speak a thousand words when it comes to Megan. The romance is a sizzling sort of slow burn. And what I loved the most is never once does it diminish the connection that Megan once had with her husband. She still loves him, but the connection that she has with Theo is undeniable.
He fucks me like he owns me, body and soul. And he does. But I own him too. Every look and touch is evidence of his total surrender. Every kiss is one more link added to the chain.

There are so many twists and turns that are to be discovered in this story. But the romance? Oh my heart! THE ROMANCE. It was everything. EVERYTHING.

I fell so hard for these two characters that I couldn't bear to put this book down for even a second. It was beautiful, emotional, incredibly powerful. It was utterly hypnotizing. I loved it so hard!!

If you're looking for something truly unique and unlike anything you've ever read before, you need to experience Midnight Valentine.

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Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews81.9k followers
November 24, 2020
3.5 stars rounded to 4

Favorite Quotes:

"There are truths too painful to be spoken aloud. Some demons should be left to rot in the dark forever."

"Because no matter how much you might want to, Dr. Singer, you can't help someone who's already dead."

"Why is it that when a woman's been through a lot, she's expected to handle it gracefully with fake smiles and a stiff backbone, but when a man's been through a lot, he's given full license to storm around like a giant baby throwing a tantrum?"

"Because you make all my broken parts bleed."

"Desire has a particular flavor that, once tasted, can never be forgotten."

"If the good memories outweigh the bad, you shouldn't want to forget the past."
Profile Image for Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog••.
987 reviews1,928 followers
March 7, 2018
New author that I can not wait to try again. Her writing, absolutely loved it.

I don’t believe in reincarnation.
Nope. I just don’t.
I loved that Megan found love again, BUT I wish Megan would see Theo as Theo and not her dead husband..... In saying this, I dream the ending in a different way because, as I said, this couple could have been everything =))

If you enjoy or dream of reincarnation, I'm sure you'd enjoy this....

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This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,253 reviews693 followers
February 14, 2018

I'm deeply touched by this story...

"Death doesn't end a relationship. Only a life."

Megan Dunn has lost the love of her life five years ago and has been actively in therapy for the last two, yet she still lingers on to her lost love, re-living the very tragic moment through the "survival guilt". She leaves Phoenix and moves to Seaside, a small coast town buying a house The Buttercup Inn that has been a long awaiting dream place of hers and her late husband. The residence is in bad shape and in need of a substantial repair and the "best" contractor is a broody, intimidating yet reclusive Theo Valentine who doesn't speak after a horrible car accident he survived five years ago.

Their encounter starts off on bad terms, Theo shows extreme disliking towards Megan, and she is not a person that will stand for the assholery attitude and brushes him off, refusing his business proposition at first, but when all other offers fall through, she reluctantly accepts the deal of Theo's company doing the renovation on the Buttercup Inn.

Being in each other's proximity, they can't avoid interaction, even if it's dismissive in tone, they slowly see each other differently, and through exchanging emails as a communication, and notes Theo leaves for her, they both reach inside their scarred and broken souls to find compassion, understanding, solace through out fears, demons of the past, and guilt...cause not only do they try fighting off the undeniable connection they can't either ignore nor explain...cause what Megan sees in Theo shakes her already shattered ground and stirs all that she ever thought as solid, reasonable, explainable...and yet the similarities are there...present, lingering, tempting, hurting and reviving...
I gave my heart away a long time ago. Since then, I've realized that some doors, once opened, can never be shut. And the doors that won't open aren't meant for me to walk through.

Theo Valentine is a door that's going to stay forever closed.

BUT neither of them can bear the distance, dealing with the ghosts of the past, they are drawn towards each other and inspite the lingering feeling that something greater then themselves is putting them slowly together...
The thing that breaks you is the only thing that can put you back together

when they let go and feel the need for closeness for one another and faced with this somewhat frightening notion, there will be one more moment of pushing boundaries of acceptance cause fate will take her part in these intertwined lives leaving them both with only one thing left to do - have faith and believe... in love and miracle

Oh God, I have a nagging feeling that I haven't done this book justice. *sigh*
It's really hard to review a story that goes beyond words with the message that it provides, without spoiling it or giving it all away on a platter.

all I can say is that this is a beautiful story that deals with the lingering grief and coping with the crippling emotions that stay behind, it's a story of finding hope and strength to let go without leaving the memories behind, leaving the fears of being incomplete and the sense of incompetence to move on and embrace the possibility of a second chance.

and yet, the intertwined thoughts through out the main storyline give a different undertone of something etherical, poised, spiritual and religiously empowered, if you believe...if you don't, it makes no difference, cause it still gives you the notion of that invisible force of energy, and the persistant mystical existence of it all around us, you just need to keep an open mind.

One of the best, insightful and emotionally powerful books I have read this year.
Profile Image for Dri ✰.
693 reviews231 followers
February 7, 2018
★ 5 Unique & Wonderful stars!!! ★

“Loneliness recognizes loneliness, like the howl of a solitary wolf rising to meet the distant cry of another on a cold winter’s night.”

E a felicidade de encontrar mais um favoritíssimo esse ano?
História única e tão envolvente, com personagens fascinantes!
A Megan com certeza é a melhor mocinha de 2018 até agora! O seu humor, a sua força e o sarcasmo que ela muitas vezes usa como armadura totalmente me ganharam, rs. Mocinha foda e que não leva desaforo pra casa! E o Theo? Vontade de pegar no colo e cuidar! Eu tenho uma queda ENORME por mocinhos desse tipo! É amor na certa!
Dois corações quebrados que carregam tantas dores, angústias e sofrimentos.

“Death doesn’t end a relationship. Only a life.”

A princípio, alguns elementos me fizeram lembrar de um outro livro famoso e que eu amo, no entanto, afirmo que não é nada parecido.
O enredo aqui tomou um rumo bem diferente, um “mistério” interessante que me fez ficar grudada a cada página e sentir cada emoção de forma intensa.
E apesar de prever alguns acontecimentos, isso não afetou ou fez com que a história perdesse seu brilho e beleza... eu amei tudo, tudo mesmo! Acredito muito no que foi abordado.

“How can you remember someone you’ve never met?”

A sensibilidade da autora em construir cada personagem, assim como a trama merece grande destaque! Porque eu como leitora, espero sempre encontrar histórias únicas e marcantes, aquelas que me façam sentir tudo ao mesmo tempo. E foi exatamente isso que encontrei em “Midnight Valentine”.
Borboletas na barriga durante toda a leitura e eu não poderia pedir nada melhor, porque esse sentimento é maravilhoso e raramente vivencio!

“The thing that breaks you is the only thing that can put you back together.”
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,790 reviews727 followers
February 7, 2018
You kill me JT Geissinger! What an emotional journey you just took me on. I’m not sure my heart could have taken much more and I regret nothing. Incredible! A truly beautiful story about a love that will never die.

Midnight Valentine is about a girl who grows up with a boy, marries boy, then loses boy. How do you survive the death of the other half of your soul? This is what Megan has been trying to learn for the past five years. When therapist don’t help, she decides it’s time to start over and she has the perfect place in mind. The Buttercup In. It was a dream of her husband to own the Buttercup Inn one day and Megan decides to make it happen. What she wasn’t expecting was to find a man so tortured by his own demons that she was inexplicably drawn too and who eerily reminded her of her dead husband. As pieces come together, has Megan finally lost all sanity or has the impossible happened?

What a roller coaster of a story. It was tragic, it was funny, it was electric and it was heartbreaking. Every emotion you can think of will be pulled out of you for this beautiful book and you’ll love every minute of it. I can’t recommend it enough. This is one I’ll remember for a long time! ARC provided by author.
Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews744 followers
February 3, 2018
***A solid 5 star read!!***

"Whatever happens, she’s the true north my soul will always point to."

My first read by J.T. Geissinger really blew me away! This is truly a unique romance story. It deals with reincarnation and eternity loves. A little of everything to keep the reader fully engaged until the last word is uttered.

“One lifetime wasn’t enough to love you."

Megan is a woman pushed beyond her limits, and I ached for her as she experiences her own torment. She does have a vulnerability to her that really drives people to want to protect and care for her. The very moment she meets dark and mysterious Theo, her connection to him is electrifying-literally. Megan doesn’t like Theo; He stares at her like there is something wrong with her; like he hates everything she is. Things get a little weirder when Megan realizes that Theo reminds her of her dead husband. It’s when too many unbelievable coincidences pile up leaving her with so many questions!

"I’ve never met anyone with more naked emotion in his eyes. His face is stony, but his eyes burn with a thousand unspoken things, all of which are dark."

This book has a swoon-worthy and heart-wrenching romance, as well as a heap of mystery/suspense. It’s beautifully written, the characters are deep and you really root for love. I'll be sure to look for more works by this author.

In short:
Hero 5/5 | Heroine 5/5 | Plot (Point, Originality) 5/5 | Writing Style 4/5 | Steam 3/5 | Romance 5/5 | Angst-Suspense 4/5 | Darkness 3/5 | Humor 2/5 | Secondary Characters 5/5 | Drama-Conflict 5/5 | Mystery 5/5 | Twists 5/5 | Pace Steady | Action 3/5

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Profile Image for Mandy.
1,530 reviews225 followers
February 14, 2018
I am so torn on this book. The writing is really good but I absolutely hated the plot. Theo Valentine - who is he? We don't really get to know him at all through the whole story. I felt sad that this poor guy had a really bad accident and woke up with someone else's memories - it was just so depressing because what about the real Theo? It reminds me of that show ghost whisperer when the main characters husband dies but he's not ready to let go so he basically steals some other guys body. Like, how unfair is that to poor Theo? I know I'm taking this way to seriously but I read this book over the last 3 days and it pissed me off. Megan was obsessed with her dead husband and never loved Theo, she loved his "Cass" memories. Poor Theo and anyone who loved him as he was before the accident. This book left me super depressed and angry which is why I gave it two stars.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Carol.
1,348 reviews250 followers
August 21, 2022
Reread 08/19 - 08/20/2022
Probably my favorite book by this author along with "Rules of Engagement" another fabulous and more lighthearted read.
5 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Emotional and poignant romance.
Do you believe in life after death?
J.T. Geissenger writes a deeply emotional, thoughtful book that has more than it's share of sadness and heartbreak.
I was very touched by this story.
Recommended read.👍👍👍👍👍
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,186 reviews812 followers
February 6, 2018
There are just no words to explain how I’m feeling right now after closing the last page of this book. No words. It was so much more than what I was expecting. The romance was exceptional but the true heart of this story left me feeling wrung out and my mind all awhirl.

Meagan’s husband, Cass, died five years ago after a tragic accident. She has not moved on. She has grieved but it has not brought healing. He was the love of her life. She lost so much the day she lost him but one thing she still has is the hope to fulfill a dream they had together. So, moving from her home in Phoenix to Seaside, she sets out to renovate an old Victorian B&B.


Her first hurdle is to find a contractor. Despite the fact that everyone recommends Theo, she refuses to do so. Their interactions have been volatile and uncomfortable and it’s obvious that he hates her, without ever saying a word…because Theo doesn’t talk. When the condition of her home becomes dangerous, she has no choice but to turn to him.


Theo and Meagan’s relationship is not the stuff of lighthearted rom-coms. It is heavy and angsty and both of them are running from it for their own reasons. However, this isn’t your typical push and pull romance. Both of these characters are damaged and as the reader you will understand the reasoning behind their actions.


Written in Meagan’s point of view, with just the epilogue in Theo’s, you will experience all the love, pain and loss she feels as well at the awakening and the miracle of love reborn. I felt her struggle as well as her hope even as they blended together.


I went into this book with nothing more than the blurb to lead me and I strongly suggest you do the same. J.T. Geissinger’s talent truly knows no bounds and nothing proves it more than Theo and Meagan’s story.

Advanced reader copy provided by the author and this is my honest and heartfelt review.

Mostly heroine’s POV with epilogue being the hero’s
Safe – no ow drama; some om drama when she’s on date and hero shows up
Possible triggers – no abuse, rape, drug use -
February 10, 2018
3-3.5- stars????


I tried to like it and even though I very much liked the heroine she wasn't the problem. If she was the only character in this book then I would have rated it 5 stars.
The hero? I couldn't connect with him. Maybe because I didn't get his POV, it would've helped a lot if I read his thoughts. I didn't actually feel any chemistry or connection between them two.
Also the ex fiancé is still living in the same town they are living in. Talk about awkward.
Doesn't matter that she's pregnant with a cheater bastard's kid but up until that point she wasn't able to move on because she thought the hero would return to her.
Suzanne (heroine's friend) it's a irresponsible woman who drove with the heroine in the car while she was intoxicated. She could have killed the heroine and she could have killed other people too.
Back to the hero and heroine... There wasn't enough couple time IMO, how did the author expected me to buy their endless "love" with them not spending that much time together during the whole book? The ending was rushed too. So no I don't buy their endless love now or ever.
Yeah I know my review doesn't make any sense. So sorry!!
Profile Image for Malene.
1,263 reviews710 followers
February 15, 2018
3.5-4 Stars

J.T. Geissinger can write. No question about that. I enjoyed Midnight Valentine. I’m fascinated with religious, supernatural and paranormal topics so when reincarnation was introduced in this story I was intrigued. Especially when you incorporate it with a strong love story. Megan and Theo’s story was great and I thought their road towards acknowledging the impossible was angsty and emotional as hell. For some reason I felt the story was lacking something. Megan was a feisty and funny woman. I loved her sarcasm and her beliefs. The only POV from Theo was in the epilogue and it was not merely enough. He was an intriguing man and I needed more of his POV. Overall a strong and intense love story.

3.5-4 BadAssDirtySweetPeaStars
Profile Image for Rain.
1,976 reviews28 followers
February 28, 2021
"Love isn't born of the flesh. It's born of the spirit, and so can transcend the bonds of flesh, and life and time."

Have you ever read a book that touched you so deeply you were almost afraid to keep reading in the worry that the author would somehow stop writing gold, and disappoint you? My only complaint is that I craved a few more chapters.

All the stars.
Profile Image for Dísir.
1,677 reviews179 followers
April 12, 2018
The allure of reincarnation for some, is that there is a true love that never dies, that lovers can always find themselves lovers again in some other lifetime, reborn in different bodies—that bit I can understand.

‘Midnight Valentine’ however, takes this in a direction that doesn’t sit at all well with me and I’ll say from the start that there isn't anything wrong with the engaging writing, or the snarky personality of Megan that I love but that I had some serious, personal issues with the entire premise of how the pairing was actually written.

But as it became evident that J.T. Geissinger began nudging the reader towards the idea that Megan’s dead husband had been reincarnated in another man’s body (a living, breathing man who’d had another life, another personality before his accident), I found myself disliking this more and more. That Cass’s personality and history could inhabit or rather possess someone else to the point, filled him with the sense of pre-cognition where it drove Theo near insane with anguish (where he actually had to check himself into a mental hospital) made me highly uncomfortable, not only because it felt violently invasive, but that it also inherently refused Megan the opportunity to move on from her loss.

For Geissinger, through a series of creepy coincidences—some of which are too incredible to be true—to call this love spanning the test of time is simply an idea here that I can’t help but wholeheartedly reject.

I finished ‘Midnight Valentine’ very, very disturbed, needless to say, wishing almost that I could scrub this particular story from my mind.
Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,098 reviews2,553 followers
February 5, 2018

Midnight Valentine by JT Geissenger is breathtakingly and hauntingly PERFECT! It’s my favorite book of the year thus far. This book was completely unexpected and stole my heart.

Theo and Megan are the most intriguing characters I’ve ever read. The story is absolutely amazing—beautiful, smart, and dazzling. The intricacies of the plot and characters has completely blown me away. This is the type of book that will stay with me ALWAYS. It’s profoundly moving! I’m in awe of the masterful way JT Geissenger has written this thouroughly impactful and beautiful story of love that transcends all things.

It’s a story of love and loss so profound it left me breathless! Theo and Megan are amazing characters. The pain and anguish they experience throughout the course of novel is so palpable. My heart broke for them on nearly every page. I’m blown away by this most beautiful and ingenious novel. JT Geissenger absolutely stuns. Highly recommended!

For more of my reviews:
My Blog: Book Twins Reviews
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Profile Image for Stacie.
2,214 reviews253 followers
April 13, 2022
5 "Come back to me." Stars

"Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there. I did not die." ~ Mary Elizabeth Frye

“How can you remember someone you’ve never met?”~ Theo

I loved this story!! It was sad, intense, romantic, funny, (actually hilarious) sweet, joyous, just a bit angsty; just a bit supernatural. It had two really great main characters. Megan is going on the Favorite Leading Ladies list. I really, really liked her. She carried the story for me. Theo was just... ahhh... le sigh. He made my heart go pitter-patter. There were good side characters that added to the story. All the things I love in my love stories. The writing was great with no editing issues. The only problem with this book was that it had to end. I just wanted more Theo and Megan. I'm so happy I read this one. Highly recommended. Happy reading!
Profile Image for Mo.
1,382 reviews2 followers
March 15, 2020
I was going to say I haven't read this author before but that would be a lie ... I did start Rules of Engagement but sort of gave up on it. It just wasn't doing anything for me. Not even sure how I picked this one up but I am glad I did. I really enjoyed it.

I have always loved that poem so when I see it in a book, it sort of tears at the heartstrings.

I don't have time for an asshole with attitude problems ...

Ah, yes, my beloved asshole hero - how do I love you, let me count the ways! Although, to be honest, Theo wasn't really that much of an asshole.

Our eyes meet with the sensation of a key fitting into a lock; a smooth inevitable click ...

OK, it might have been a bit predictable at times but sometimes you need that.


Don't ask.
Don't tell.

I know I am not saying much about the storyline ... the blurb gives you the synopsis and I just read that but not really many reviews ...

Hazy rays of light filter through cracks in the wood roof,
lending the interior an otherwordly air.

Time stops ...

... all the clocks in the world stop ticking.

Profile Image for Princess under cover.
614 reviews303 followers
May 12, 2019
I'm a little torn about this novel. It could have been AWESOME, and yet it felt somehow less than what I was hoping for.

I do love stories about reincarnation - fate, destiny, endless love. This is one of those. On top of which there's a scarred, mute man - I just love these types of silent, intense, brooding, deep-feeling men...

BUT. In order to tell you about my BUT, I have to back up and tell you about the book.

So, Megan was in love, always in love with a boy since she was 6, married at 24 to this true love of hers, only had 3 happy years together before he was killed in a car crash.

Theo was dating his sweetheart, local football hero, charmer, etc., until his life totally changed by a car accident, and he woke up scarred and mute. (He chose to be mute, nothing wrong with his vocal cords).

Megan goes to rehabilitate the dream house that her dead husband and her had always imagined, and Theo turns out to be her contractor.

They fall in love, etc.

So... my issue was mainly 1) what happened to the man Theo used to be? Does he still exist somewhere in that body or did Cass (Megan's husband) totally overtake the body?? Because it seemed like part of the reason Theo is "broken" inside is that he's 2 people struggling to make sense of why he's so drawn to Cass. Why he dreams of her and why he's loved the same woman for 5 years before he even met her. That struggle is what made me ache for him.

But the ending seemed like Cass totally took over Theo. Seemed like there was no more Theo at all, after that confrontation with Megan. And that made me both sad and mad. Esp. the scene where he shouts "do you want me because of your dead husband!"

It seems to me like Megan broke Theo's heart in that moment. He ran out, got drunk and almost got himself killed again! And maybe he did die. Maybe Theo died so that Cass could totally have his body. Which makes me really really sad. Because I felt like Theo also fell in love with Megan. And he was heartbroken that she didn't love him really, but only the part of him that was her husband.

So... 3.5 stars, rounded down. Theo got a raw deal.
Profile Image for Ira.
1,104 reviews112 followers
May 20, 2020
I like this story.
A touch of PNR made this is a very interesting read.
But, I think this story would be much better if it's been told from the hero POV.
That'll become a perfect story!:)

Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,027 reviews577 followers
February 5, 2020
4 💖💖💖💖🌈🌈🌟🌟🌟🌟s❣️❣️❣️❣️

It was one if these books that you wonder why it took you so long to read!!!

Midnight Valentine was such an emotional, beautiful and solid romance read❣️
Megan and Theo were amazing characters and they shared a powerful connection. The author’s writing was skilful and full of sentiment.
I liked the concept as well as the storyline, it was a distinct love story.

“ One lifetime wasn’t enough to love you.” Theo

I needed more information about Theo and his pov, as well as a more extensive epilogue.
Profile Image for Alba and Her Secrets..♥.
865 reviews1,149 followers
February 5, 2023
4 'Love of a lifetime' Stars!

After reading Pen Pal last year, I wanted to check out more of J.T. Geissinger's standalones and boy, did I find another mindblowing love story? I finished reading Midnight Valentine a few days ago and it sure was a roller coaster of emotions! Because this book deals with themes such us reincarnation and once in a lifetime love. Sounds unique, right? And it sure was!

This novel was a breath of fresh air, it was mysterious, it was suspenseful, it was beautiful and heartbreaking. Also steamy, of course (we are talking about J.T. Geissinger here). I loved Megan and Theo, I loved the development of this story and how it took me on a journey I did not expect. So, if you still haven't read this one and you want a unique, unforgettable romance, make sure to check it out!!
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