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To become undone.
To take apart.
To destroy.

I thought I had it all with my well-respected job, Hollywood boyfriend, and glamorous lifestyle. Until the truth revealed a different story. In one day, after a single word, my carefully constructed life was obliterated.

But it’s only the beginning of my spiral. There’s much further to fall.

Then I meet him. He's the perfect man at the most imperfect time. It's only meant to be a one night stand. A last fling before my new reality sets in. But he has different ideas. Because he doesn’t know the truth. Once he finds out, I'm convinced he’ll realize this is too much for a new relationship. He’s sure to cut and run. It's for the best really.

After all, how can I possibly fall in love when I’m falling apart?

Kindle Edition

First published May 17, 2019

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Aubrey Bondurant

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Aubrey Bondurant is a working mom who loves to write, read and travel.

She describes her writing style as: "Adult Contemporary Erotic Romantic Comedy," which is just another way of saying she likes her characters funny, her bedroom scenes hot, and her romances with a happy ending.

When Aubrey isn't working her day job, or spending time with her family, she's on her laptop typing away on her next story. She only wishes there were more hours of the day!

She's a former member of the military and passionate about veteran charities and giving back to the community. She loves a big drooly dog, a fantastic margarita, and football.

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Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews14.9k followers
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May 17, 2019


To become undone.
To take apart.
To destroy.
I thought I had it all with my well-respected job, Hollywood boyfriend, and glamorous lifestyle. Until the truth revealed a different story. In one day, after a single word, my carefully constructed life was obliterated.
But it’s only the beginning of my spiral. There’s much further to fall.
Then I meet him. He's the perfect man at the most imperfect time. It's only meant to be a one night stand. A last fling before my new reality sets in. But he has different ideas. Because he doesn’t know the truth. Once he finds out, I'm convinced he’ll realize this is too much for a new relationship. He’s sure to cut and run. It's for the best really.
After all, how can I possibly fall in love when I’m falling apart?

Profile Image for Alex ♈.
1,568 reviews1,315 followers
May 24, 2019
5+ stars

One of the best books I read last years.

Amazing characters - strong heroine, absolutely incredible hero (I would marry him tomorrow 😍).

Poignant, deep story written without farce and unnecessary OTT drama.

It shows women their strength; it teaches women not to give up. To fight for life, for love, for themselves.

Respect to the author for dealing with such sensitive topic with thoughtfulness and giving her readers a good message.

Extra thanks from me for avoiding cheap cliches like friend's sister 'overprotective' crap, slut-shaming, and trashing side characters (even 'villains' were treated with courtesy).

"Because this wasn’t a story about cancer, dammit. This was our love story. And I was determined to get our happily ever after."
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,141 followers
May 17, 2019
****Get your tissues ready, Unraveled IS ALIVE!!!****

What would it take to change your path?

Geez, my life is hectic at the moment. At times, I wonder why I do it to myself and I’m concerned that we as a family have taken on too much. Then, I look around and realise I have it pretty damn easy. My kids are fairly well balanced and mostly polite and respectful individuals. I have a partner in my husband, and we share our family responsibilities and make our decisions together. I will always have his back and I know he will always have mine. I love that I can count on hubby in thick and in thin.

But, what if my life or his life unraveled?

Can I guarantee that I’ll be strong when he needs me? Will I let him be the strong one when I need him?

Can I watch him suffer, or let him watch me suffer?

Will I forgive or will he forgive me when the pressure becomes too much?

These are all the questions that floated around in my head as I read…and blubbered through reading Unraveled. If I’m questioning our staying power after 22 years of being happily married, how would a young couple deal after knowing each other ONE WEEK?!?!

I absolutely LOVED reading Unraveled but admit to being emotionally exhausted by the end. This story has a sexy, sweet and devoted hero, a strong and independent heroine, heart-pounding emotions that jumped off the pages and a storyline that kept my attention from start to finish. I was satisfied with their sigh-worthy romance, but I was devastated with the battle the characters faced in their journey to happiness.

The fancy clothes, amazing social life and a glamorous job soon lose their appeal when Layla has the worst day of her life. This day changes everything. In one day…the shoes become uncomfortable, going out all the time is exhausting, and Layla’s boss becomes intolerable. Don’t even get me started on Layla’s poor excuse of a boyfriend. This was the wake-up call that Layla needed to make changes to her path. The first step is to surround herself with people she knows she can count on…family.

Kellan is hanging out with his best friend when an ex decides she doesn’t want to be an ex anymore. His best friend, Russ, comes up with the best idea to call up his sister, Layla, to play his fake girlfriend. With one look at the beautiful woman who walks in to save the day, Kellan realises his path has changed and he doesn’t care how bumpy it will be…he wants to be on her path.

Honestly, Kellan and Layla’s story was AMAZING!! I’ve tried to be as vague as possible because I don’t want to give away spoilers. I will warn you though, this story will make you CRY!! My tears were of frustration, from devastation, in sympathy, and while my heart was breaking. But I read this story with a little flicker of hope. I hoped things would work out ok in the end. I hoped their connection would survive the journey. I hoped with each page that the characters still had hope.

While there was a lot of sadness, there were also a few laughs and a lot of sigh-worthy moments. Kellan is one of those heroes that come into your reading life where you wished there were more men like him in the world. He was not perfect, but his flaws were so minimal, I was over them by the turn of the page. Kellan is the full package…and I’m glad he was smart enough to recognise his “one” and do whatever it took to love and keep her forever.

If you don’t mind a wee bit of an emotional journey to your happy ever after, I highly recommend giving Unraveled a try.

Stacey is Sassy, received an advanced copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.
Profile Image for Becky .
239 reviews288 followers
November 12, 2020


- No double standards, both had active sex lives before. She actually had a boyfriend before meeting him and they had a healthy sex live while the hero is not a manwhore but hasn’t had a serious relationship has been six years and he doesn’t date during the week days because he is a workaholic, he had some ONS but it wasn’t many

- Both have been cheated on by their exes.

- His ex that cheated on him with his cousin six years ago was at the picture but I wouldn’t say she caused drama for the couple because hero was adamant to never be with her again and he clearly is totally gone for the heroine.

- No one after meeting each other, fucking finally a story that portraits two realistic adults. She owns her sexuality and is not some shy virgin at 30. He wants to be successful and thanks god while he is a workaholic he suddenly doesn’t find the time to spend every night at a sex club like some authors like to portrait their heroes.

- He is celibate for months and since he moved to Seattle a couple months before the book started there wasn’t any woman which I fucking loved because the heroine was the first and only to ever been at his house.

- She broke up a few weeks before they met (less than a month)

I really love this book. He is one of the best heroes I have ever read about. A total book boyfriend, she pushed away but it was totally believable because cmon she is fighting cancer and they have met has been only a week.

Reading about how she was fighting cancer, the insecurities, the uncertainty, the double mastectomy and the loss of her was really hard. I liked how her nurse helped her being strong. Reading woman supporting others is amazing. Her family was great too, he was the absolute best and she was awesome. A book that goes beyond a romance and a story about cancer, it is also about a strong woman surround by truly good people supporting her and showing their love the best what they know how.

I love them together, they have a healthy relationship. I believe being an alpha man means loving their partner, supporting her, respecting her, be totally faithful and fucking fighting for the relationship. He did all that, when she was desperate and tried to break up, he did something amazing and refuse to let her go. He was always not only saying she was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen but he truly thinks it. I love their love, he is a real man and she is a real woman. She is strong as fuck and so is he.

It’s so beautiful seeing how he always try to be strong for her when she is insecure.

I was irritated about her relationship with her mother and at the same time I was tired of her complaining about her mom I was also mad with the mother. So I really liked how their issues were slowly being solved. They truly love each other.

Her brother is fucking amazing, he is no player, he supports her and wants her to be happy. The best part? The hero is his friend first but thanks to god like a decent human being the brother doesn’t think the hero doesn’t deserve her sister because what’s the point of being friends with a man you don’t think respects women?
Her brother supports their relationship and really wishes they are happy together. I love that he says her sister and her friend are two of the people he loved the most so of course he wants them to be happy.
What was also amazing is that it was never an issue for her the fact he was her brother friend. She is a grown up woman who doesn’t need to give satisfaction to anyone. So if she wants to have a ONS with him this is their business. The author truly respects her heroine because she is not her brother possessions for him to try to dictate any aspect of her life.

One thing that bothered me was how his ex girlfriend cheated on him with his cousin/best friend was the bike being who acted destroying their relationship. He was more betrayed by his cousin than his girlfriend, he didn’t talk to him for six years and he blame both for cheating. But when they started reconnecting his cousin says he hates the girlfriend as mush as the hero hates her for what she did. But hey man you did it too. He is super sorry and his lame excuse that he admits is lame as fuck is that he had broken up with his girlfriend and was drunk when he woke up with her at his lap, he as not thing king straight and believe she was actually his ex until it was too late (hero caught them fucking at the couch). So, I was thinking if it was the other way around and a man fucked a woman drunk when she is thinking he is someone else this would be rape. But there are no details about their sex act so I can’t call it rape because I don’t know how it truly happened and the author never addresses it as abuse so I will stick to the cheating. I didn’t like how later the hero also says something about his ex acting like the one that ruined his relationship with his best friend/cousin but again, she didn’t do it alone. His cousin however was not a saint, everyone knew he was wrong and I could understand the hero forgiving him to fully move on with his life without any bitter feelings.

Later the hero and the cousin started working together like it was their plan since college and I was also okay with that only because he had more time to live his life with the heroine. He was trying to start his own business and worked too much. So now he has more time to truly enjoy life.

Heroine is a strong woman who had a successful career, his ex cheated but she wasn’t in a abusive relationship and as soon as she caught him cheating she blame him not the other woman and she left his ass for good. She is sexy and she knows it.

The author rocket it showing how the heroine associate her self value with her looks and sexuality and how she truly is much more than that and how the hero makes it a point to prove to her how she is way more than that also. He is not a horny dog lead by his dick, he thinks of her healthy and physical and mental well being before anything else.

I love it. A true romance portraying a couple falling in love. The book also shows a woman’s struggle fighting breast cancer and it was important to me as a woman reading about her struggle. It made me empathize more with the fight many people face against that decease.

It is such a great book that I obviously wasn’t satisfied with their epilogue, I wanted more but only because I love them so much I didn’t want to say good bye.
Profile Image for Julia.
623 reviews607 followers
June 2, 2019
3 indifferent shrug stars

I'm such a Debbie Downer. I can write a long ass review about how most fictional romance Hero's dont deserve to be called 'hero,' but when I finally do get to a book with an amazing male MC, I'm still unsatisfied.

He was a little too perfect, if you know what I mean. Would drop everythign to be with his h, possessive, and in love with her 100%... and yet.....

I just needed a bit more angst with this one. It wasnt bad, but I need just a little bit of drama/internal struggle that wasnt just on the heroines side.
Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
1,815 reviews408 followers
June 22, 2019
Spoilers ahead 3.5*

h goes in for a mammogram and is told she has cancer, she leaves the doctor's and goes to her boyfriend's apartment where she meets him cheating on her, she offers the woman a ride home and then realizes her boss is an ass and doesn't care about her medical troubles.....with that triple disaster she moves to be closer to her family. When her bro invites her out to "rescue" one of his friends she meets the H. Thinking to have her last hurrah before heading in for treatment she has what was supposed to be a ONS with the H. He however can't get enough and one night turns to two, then three then a heartbreaking journey to their hea.

One can't help but admire the h, she had moments where she broke down but she really showed tremendous strength. Her brother was another if my favorite persons in this book!

I've never read a book where anyone has cancer and I'm not sure if this was from the author's personal experience but it was so we'll written I felt everything the h went through. It seemed to be a truthful account of the stages of cancer and it's effects. I teared up, outright cried and giggled at some of the moments in this book. It was a truly emotional read.

I do admit to a couple of peeves, even though the H was completely uninterested in his ex it irked me that she was around for almost the entire book as he worked on her parents house, and though the H was seemingly too perfect I loved how absolutely devoted he was to the h so much so that at times I had to remind myself of all she'd been through which were the reasons she sometimes pushed him away. These are however my issues and while I can't say this is a topic I'd seek out in a romance it worked well here.

Greedy reader that I am I'd have preferred to actually see babies being born but all in all I enjoyed this one.
Profile Image for Catherine Russell.
109 reviews276 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
November 10, 2020
Book: Unraveled
Author: Aubrey Bondurant
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person - Dual
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Rating: DNF

Age: Layla - 29; Kellan - 27/28?.

DNF at 35%.

I know 'Unraveled' deals with a heavy subject. So many women lose their lives fighting against breast cancer. I have the highest respect for them. But the heavy topic isn't why I DNF'd this book. That was solely for the characters. Especially Kellan. There were just no connection. No goddamn feels for his character, his life or even his insta-love/lust for Layla. The prologue was so damn intriguing. I really wanted to know how Layla copes with her situation, her thoughts, her doubts, her insecurities at the beginning, and hell, even her first thoughts about Kellan, their first kiss, their first time. But NO. I don't get any of that. Because apart from the prologue, all these chapters were from Kellan's perspective. And for what? We already know Layla has breast cancer, we already know she would have to get double mastectomies. So it doesn't make any sense to maintain this 'mystery' that she was about to have a surgery and start chemo. This just made me lose interest in them.

But hey, those are just my ramblings. Don't knock it off till you try it. Maybe you'll enjoy it because the writing was fantastic. The secondary characters were fascinating too, especially Russell, Layla's brother.

Profile Image for My Pink Fairytales.
595 reviews81 followers
May 22, 2019
5 REAL ⭐️

Am I made of stone if I didn’t cry while reading this? I got a little teary one time, towards the end, but that’s it. But every book is super personal to its readers and they touch you differently.

It starts with our heroine finding out she’s got an aggressive type of breast cancer, while her boyfriend was cheating on her and her boss finding out her shocking news about her health, not only didn’t he show any compassion, but replied with “Darling. It’s nothing personal. It’s business.” 😑

I won’t share anything else about the plot, because it will ruin your experience, but i will tell you this. There’s only one word to describe this story: REAL! I think it’s the most real fairy tale I’ve ever read, even if it’s pink for other reasons. It’s pink like the Breast Cancer ribbon. It felt real because of the emotions, the no BS situations and how the heroine dealt with everything, including finding her own HEA. It was as real as this horrible disease is. I admired her a lot! I will remember her forever as that badass one, funny, smart, strong and beautiful, even bald or without breasts, the one who found the most perfect guy anyone could dream of.

I feel like this is a must read, especially if you know someone going through a battle like this. It will make it easier to understand what they’re going through and how you can show your support.

It would be an absolute honor to have you as my guest on my blog too. Stop by anytime you want :)
Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,029 reviews578 followers
May 20, 2019
3 💖💔💖🌟s

A story full of strength, bravery, hope and love. The topics brought up were very sensitive and the characters supported them with success.
However, I wasn’t emotionally charged as I expected.
Profile Image for Emma.
905 reviews58 followers
June 21, 2019
An excellent book - 4.5*

The blurb did not draw me in at all but my friend Alex's review did. Still after the few pages I was really unsure if I had it in me to read it. I mean a romance book with cancer as the main theme? I persevered and I am so glad I did. The cancer is not some ploy of the author's to have the hero save the day, or make the reader weep, or any other manipulative things authors try to do. It was not a melodrama. What it was was authentic. Cancer takes over because that is what cancer does. But it is not angtsy at all.

This has many of the normal trappings of a contemporary romance. They are both sinfully attractive. They meet and have hot monkey sex. It turns into another night and then another. We have near insta-love, at least on his part. He really is almost too perfect. She refuses to continue the relationship but when he finds out about the diagnosis he is all in. And I found that surprisingly well done and believable. This is where it is good we have his POV. We can see he has insecurities, doubts, and fears. But for the most part he hides those from her because she does not need that in her life. We also get two worthless exes but they thankfully were not overly present.

My one issue was that there is a moment where the author tries to make us think Layla has died. Page count alone would make it obviously not true. It was done in an annoying and cliche way. However I am still rounding up because Layla is just so strong and capable. Her dealings with her ex on the day she got her diagnosis were perfect and she kept that personality throughout.

Because this is about as unsexy as it gets. And having you witness it—” I searched for the right words. “Leaves you feeling vulnerable?” he finished. My head nodded yes. “It’s too much reality.” I didn’t expect him to flash me a slow, lazy, panty-dropping grin. “Don’t you know reality is where the good stuff is?
Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,912 reviews16 followers
May 14, 2019
Unraveled by Aubrey Bondurant is the story of Layla and Kellan.
Kellan has returned to Seattle to get his construction business off the ground but then his Ex shows up. Layla's brother suggest that she be the pretend girlfriend to keep the Ex at bay. Layla who is a event planner has returned home due to a health issue that she is having to deal with and of course needs to be close to the family. This book takes you through some emotional turns but also has some humor in their story.
Overall really enjoyed this book and hope to read more from Ms. Bondurant.

Profile Image for Anna.
1,094 reviews7 followers
November 22, 2020
The best book of this year so far! And i have read about 70 books till now.
Cancer survivors, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Great books, delicious writing, thoughtful fierce characters, relationship that took from ONS and developed to strong marriage “till death do us part”. Kleenex may be needed.
Heroine: strong, quirky, beautiful in and out.
Hero: tender, thoughtful, caring, strong, a bit possessive, charming
Sweet romance (not CHEESY!!), dont like it. He was right dose of humor, hotness, gentleman, rogue. He was stubborn, and i LOVe the way he fought for his woman!
There wasnt any “she is my best friend’s sister”- and i love it!
Thank you, Aubrey Bondurant, this was the first book from this author, and i already reading another one!
Profile Image for Red Cheeks Reads.
2,213 reviews374 followers
May 17, 2019

I’m sitting here, having just finished reading Unraveled by Aubrey Bondurant, and I am shook. I’m utterly gobsmacked, my head is spinning, and I’ve been run through the ringer. Let me backpedal a second here. I’ve read every one of Aubrey Bondurant’s books, and I’ve loved them all. I have yet to read one of her books where I did not get completely wrapped up in her writing and the story. She writes truly captivating stories, ones that I didn’t want to put down—and that I was left still thinking about long after I did. Unraveled had the same effect on me, however, this book was vastly different from Bondurant’s previous works.

I really don’t want to spoil a single word of this compelling, consuming and complex story because it’s the kind of story that a reader should go into not knowing what to expect so that they can feel the full impact of author’s words and experience this story as it unfolds organically. This story begins with a lightning strike of instant attraction that sparks some seriously smoking hot chemistry. Like a storm whipping in off the ocean, this couple was swept right up into the moment. As fate would have it, though, their journey to happily ever after was the absolute hardest road to travel. Gut-wrenching, heart-aching, I was up and pacing my floors at certain points. The sheer emotion of this couple’s experience was gripping and riveting, and I simply couldn’t put this book down.

I truly believe that the most beautiful love stories are usually the ones that are the most difficult to tell. Bondurant proves my belief with the raw reality of this couple’s story. At times exhilarating while utterly devasting at others, Unraveled was an enthralling, entrancing tale of what it truly means to love another. Brilliant, memorable, unforgettable, Unraveled by Aubrey Bondurant is a top favorite of 2019. Five smooches from me.
~Danielle Palumbo

June 14, 2019
Pretty good! 3.5 stars

This was my first read by this author, and probably won't be my last! This was actually a really good book, and the writing was superb! I love a good emotional book with mental or physical illnesses or diseases, and although this book didn't hit right on the mark of my favorites, it still kept my attention, and broke my DNF streak. Now were a couple things that i disliked about, not made it horrible, but took that last star away.
This books was VERY telling. Normally i like books with a lot of dialogue, but this book had TOO much, or it wouldnt have been as much as a problem if there was more thoughts going on... I learned more of how they were feeling when they told people. I felt like i didnt even know they were there yet, because we hardly get any real emotion or thoughts. I knew she was sad because she started crying, not because she explained why she was sad or how she was feeling. So that was all over the place.
I know this is a cancer book, but when you're reading, you notice certain words a lot, especially when they are being repeated. This book repeated a couple that kind of bothered me, such as breasts, mastectomy, and cancer. Again i know that this is a cancer book, but there are other words to use to explain how one is feeling or what they are going through, and cancer was used especially so much, that it definetely started bothering me a lot.
There are a couple more smaller reasons, but the last bigger one is the secondary characters. This entire book, there are only a couple conversations and meeting with other people (that it shows) outside of talking to Russ, which still wasn't a lot. There wasnt a lot of development with other characters besides the 2 which bored me a little, and all events having to do with other people were skipped, sadly because they could have made the book better. Overall, I would recommend, though it wasnt my favorite, it was still interestingly good, and kept me reading.
Profile Image for Vinny Thadani.
47 reviews8 followers
May 23, 2021
4.5 ⭐️s for this Emotional Roller Coaster... It would have been a solid 5 had it not been for the mild OW drama that wasn’t actually relevant to the storyline at all... I rounded it UP because of Aubrey Bondurant’s BRILLIANT writing!

This book should come with some serious trigger warnings... While it is about Layla and Kellan’s “love story” it focuses a lot on their journey as Layla battles an agressive form of cancer, with Kellan’s support!

Layla and Kellan are amazing main characters, with Kellan being almost “too good to be true”! I loved all the secondary characters too, especially Russell, Layla’s brother!

Safe - No Cheating/ No others after meeting

Mild OW drama - Kellan’s ex from college tries to get him back and is around for most of the book, while making only 2 or 3 appearances on page. Right at the start, Kellan turns her down, thinking he has too much self respect to go back to her after she cheated on him.

No OM Drama - Kellan just feels a bit insecure knowing that Layla broke up with her ex just a month before meeting him...

2 Epilogues and I still wanted more! HEA...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for A Book Lover's Emporium Book Blog.
2,814 reviews165 followers
May 13, 2019
The first chapter of Unraveled had me hooked. I was immediately drawn to Layla and her story.

Layla has a moment of clarity; she evaluates her life and those in it and finds she needs to make some changes. I really connected with this character. I found that her thoughts and the decisions she makes align with what I would do her situation. This realism of character makes Unraveled feel more like a story based on someone's life, rather than a work of fiction.

Kellan is the perfect romantic hero. He has kindness and patience, yet his take charge attitude in the bedroom makes him hot AF.

Unraveled had the potential to be a heavy and emotionally draining story due to the content. I, however, found that although emotional, there was an overwhelming sentiment of hope and determination in Unraveled. This made it a compelling and highly recommended read.
Profile Image for Lori R..
1,343 reviews68 followers
May 16, 2019
This book is more than a beautiful love story.
It’s an emotional journey about pain, heartbreak, fear, trust, strength, forgiveness, and most of all...hope.

The author covers a sensitive topic with honesty and realness...the good, the bad, the ugly. Yet with tenderness and care to try and protect the reader’s heart.

Priorities are re-organized after Layla’s life changes for the worse. Things that seemed so significant before, don’t really top the list of importance any longer.

Kellan, who also has hurdles in life to get over, was the perfect match for her. He’s kind, thoughtful, charming, sexy, and a genuinely good-hearted person.

But a relationship is the last thing Layla wants or needs in her life right now. It’s also the last thing Kellan wanted. But circumstances led them to each other and proved to them they needed each other.

Their meet-cute was clever and adorable...and hot... and from then on, their relationship pulled me in and kept me turning those pages, craving more.

The chemistry and the bond between these two had me thinking about them when I wasn’t reading and rooting for them when I was.

This story squeezed my heart, sometimes in a good way, sometimes painfully. It made me cry, yet made me smile...a lot... and left my heart feeling full.
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
4,946 reviews180 followers
May 12, 2019
5 star Review Unraveled by Aubrey Bondurant
Aubrey Bondurant is a new author to me and why that is I have absolutely no idea.

I’m not sure where to start with this book. I do know that my review will be brief, for no other reason than I do not want to spoil this story for you.

Unraveled was one heck of an emotional roller coaster of a read. This was one of those books that really got to me on numerous levels. There were moments of humour that brought a smile to my face and yet there was angst but throughout the story, it felt real.

This is Layla and Kellan’s story, a story that will burrow down and get to you, it did me. What a path they have to work, the chemistry between Layla and Kellan is intense.

I really loved Layla, she is such an amazing character that I found I could relate to with ease. Kellan was an alpha but one who shows his vulnerability with his care for Layla; I fell hard and fast for him.

Unraveled is an emotional, heart warming love story which was beautifully written.
Profile Image for Lisa Marie ~ Words We Love By.
998 reviews64 followers
May 13, 2019
I was in the mood to read, something good with a sexy alpha hero and strong heroine. Nothing angsty.  Aubrey Bondurant's Unraveled was on my reading list and since I know she is always a great choice for a fun story, I dove in.  The first page in and BLAM! Two by four to the forehead ~ the heroine is diagnosed with breast cancer.  So much for my good time read.

See what most people in my book world don't know is that I  just finished up my own bout of breast cancer.  Still in the healing stages of surgery, in fact.   For a few minutes, I considered putting this down and starting something else but with a review due, I soldiered on. 

Layla is 29 years old, an event planner in L.A. and has just been hit with the news that cancer has invaded her life.  I'm not going to say what else goes on that day but suffice to say ~ it ain't good. With decisions and plans to be made, she returns to Seattle to start her treatments close to family. Kellen has returned to the area from Boston and is ready to start his remodeling/construction business in the area.  When Kellen's ex shows up their fantasy football draft, Russell (Laya's brother) comes up with the perfect solution ~ pretend girlfriend Layla to the rescue.  What comes after is an impactful, very true to life tale of having hope while drowning in fears and doubts. Of learning to trust, when even your own body has betrayed you and finding love all while fighting a nasty battle for life.

Ms. Bondurant's has written a story that is so very real, so very accurate and wrapped around a wonderful love story.  She takes what most assume is a single focus battle and gave it a true light.  Aubrey takes you through Layla's journey goes through surgery, chemo and all the oh so lovely side effects that go with them while she also begins a relationship with Kellen because, yes, she is fighting cancer but she still has to live.  Layla is strong in a way that many are; quietly, self-effacingly, and with moments when that strength is buried under her harsh reality.  She has to learn to rely on others, accept support that her independent self just isn't used to doing.  

Written extremely well also, Kellen isn't a superhero. He is a guy who takes the hit of learning the woman he is falling for has cancer but not without his own misgivings.  He makes mistakes dealing with the ups and downs the situation brings.  A truly good guy who is willing to go the distance for the love of a woman who is worth every mile.

Told in alternating POVs, the story takes you through the fight, the fears, the doubts and humiliations that cancer hands you along with the hope, the successes, the humor (cause if you don't hold onto your humor, you've lost half the battle before even starting) in such a way that I found myself nodding and even smiling at situations that were so true.   Ms. Bondurant will have you laughing at Layla's reaction to her overbearing mother one moment, crying along with her character amidst clumps of hair on the bathroom floor, swooning at the sexy scenes between Kellen and Layla, and tearing through the pages to find out how it all turns out. 

Unraveled travels the full spectrum of emotions, giving readers a story that is as breathtakingly painful and honest as it is beautiful. Turn off the phone. Grab the tissues and find a comfy spot.  This is an absolute leave me alone, I have to get to the end read that no one should miss. 
Profile Image for Lisa.
248 reviews27 followers
May 28, 2019
This book took you through the ringer. If you had to reset and put life in perspective because you only had one chance to make it count, what to you do? You pull out the bucket list and get busy. I generally do not enjoy books with health issues because it’s always so heavy, however, the author took such a serious and heavy topic and somehow found a way to make me enjoy the journey without being so weighed down. I laughed, I cried, I absorbed and appreciated their experience but really, I smiled because I loved Kellan and Layla so much. It’s always so easy to make this type of story the driver to draw out sympathy, but the characters personalities and life experiences really come through and the choices and hard decisions made sense. They were thoughtful, brave and logical — and lots of love throughout. But overwhelmingly, there was lots of honesty from the characters, the story, the situation. It felt real and true to life. Can I just say I love the term modern jackassing lol. Bravo!

I wavered on the rating because as much as I loved the characters and story, it wasn’t a slam dunk but was very enjoyable enough to recommend it.
Profile Image for Kimberly / Love Notes Book Blog.
2,445 reviews143 followers
October 2, 2019
3.75-4 stars. Quickie review: Aww, this was a really good. I very much enjoyed this sweet, sexy, emotional read and loved the HEA. It was not overly emotional, but had a perfect balance with the romance. I really liked Kellen and Layla together and felt the love and connection between them.
Profile Image for Denise.
1,395 reviews40 followers
May 6, 2019
5 Stars *** 2019 Top Favorite ***

This story....gah! I finished this book a few days ago and it is still with me. After reading the prologue, I knew I had to get comfortable, grab the tissues and get ready for a emotional ride.

This is more a story of Layla and her journey through something that many of us have either faced personally or know of someone who is/has. In an effort to not give anything away, I will leave it at that. Kellan....oh, Kellan...there needs to be more men like him. He was just the right amount of sweet and alpha...not too much of either. The epilogues...they wrapped up Layla & Kellan's story perfectly and had me closing my kindle with a smile on my face.

I've been a fan of Aubrey's for a few years now and have to say this is, hands down, my favorite book by her and a top 2019 Favorite read for me. Also, the cover....once you read the book...you will see that it fits the story perfectly.
Profile Image for Rhonda Ziglar.
3,982 reviews41 followers
November 22, 2019
5 BEAUTIFUL UNRAVELED STARS!! This book had all the feels and beautifully written. Kellan is beautiful inside and out.....he is PERFECTION....Layla is beautiful and strong.....These two will leave a lasting impression on your heart. This is my first book by this author and I can't wait to read more by her.
Profile Image for heareads (Debbie).
703 reviews56 followers
May 17, 2019
I don’t even know how to start this review. This book, the story, Kellan & Layla, it was everything, truly phenomenal.

Layla has just had some devastating news and returns to tell her boyfriend, except she catches him cheating on her. After her big wake up call she moves back home, where she meets Kellan.

They have instant chemistry and a pretty hot one night stand. Kellan wants to see more of her but she can only give him a week before she has to dedicate some time for herself. Needless to say, Kellan doesn’t want to let her go and convinces her to give them a shot.

I don’t want to give too much away about what goes on. But this is one emotional read. Really hard hitting and truly shows that true love no matter what else is going on will stand the test of time, regardless of what’s thrown at it.

Here’s my favourite quote from the book;

“self-doubt becomes the killer of hope. And hope is what will get you through even while your body is letting you down.” ❤️

Kellan is the perfect hero. A true gentleman who loves with all his heart. He has his flaws but I don’t think I’ve read hero as perfect in a long time, I loved how at ease he made Layla feel with his little jokes.

Layla, she was strong and confident but when things were falling apart she had doubt, but she still wanted to try.

I loved that their relationship wasn’t about the physical, although there are pretty hot moments, but it was the deep emotional partnership that got me. I truly loved every minute of this book, I laughed, I cried, I had all the feels.

Beware, this book will make you cry, it’s raw and emotional with a sensitive subject and writing that is so honest and heartfelt. It’s been a while since a book has made me think about life and how precious it is. I’m going to be suggesting this book to anyone that will listen!

*Copy received for an honest review*
Overall Ratings;⁣
First Sex Scene @ 12%
Hero - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Heroine - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Story - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Angst - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Steam - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Chemistry - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
July 26, 2021
And the award for the book to make me cry the most in 2019 is???? Unraveled! Holy cripes! This book it worth ALL THE STARS! I cried all the ugly tears, both happy and sad ones. Aubrey took me on a ride with this story! The characters are lovable and relatable from the very beginning. Kellen is one of the swooniest men ever! OMG could he get any sweeter? And Layla is so freaking feisty! I love them together! This is one of those stories that I know will be staying with me for a long time! The subject was real and very raw. The emotions that were coming out of this book were so prominent that I can not even imagine the emotion it took to write it. I have read other books by Aubrey Bondurant (Tell Me Something is still one of my top 20 of all time faves!) but this one.... this one got me in the heart! I have loved her other books, but this one totally showcased her ability to write something that was more! It was heartbeakingly beautiful in so many ways. The 2 points of view were so welcomed. As a reader I was completely grateful that you could get in the mind of both sides! Their love is EPIC! In my opinion this book was totally on par with some of the books written by Nicholas Sparks that are so well loved! If ever there were a book that deserved more that stars it is Unraveled! I would easily give it 20 🌟 if I could. If you want to read a beautiful story that will help you clean out your tear ducts RUN to get this book NOW! You will note regret it! It was worth every single shed tear and weird look my husband gave me!
Profile Image for thebooksmicaelareads.
81 reviews3 followers
May 25, 2019
You can’t give it any less than three starts because of what Layla went through, but the book was an okay read I found it slow, it took me a few days to finish it because I would find any excuse not to read it.

So many things happen in the first few
chapters which made me think it would be a fast paced book but it slowed down after 40% and to be honest I would’ve liked the rest of the book to have been at the same pace.

Layla lived in Los Angeles, had a actor boyfriend and a successful career as a event planner, unfortunately she receives some bad news which is set to change her life, on the same day she also finds her boyfriend cheating on her.

She decided to leave LA behind and start fresh in Seattle where her family lives. One night while out at the bar she meets Kellan and they have the best one night stand.

Layla is obviously keeping something from Kellan but she eventually reveals her secret and he stills wants be with her. Kellan was the perfect hero in this book.

After all that happens at the beginning, for the rest of the 60% of the book I felt like I was reading the same thing over and over again.

I was happy on how it ended it was cute and romantic, I think I was expecting more because I recently read “My life in Shambles” and it also deals with something similar and that was one of my top reads for the year so far, so I felt like I was comparing the two a lot and this fell a little bit short.

Plot: 3
Heroine: 4
Hero: 4.5
Steam factor: 4

Displaying 1 - 30 of 130 reviews

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