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The Masks of Under #1

King of Flames

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Everything about my life has been pretty normal working as a forensic autopsy technician. Until the day I woke up with a mysterious symbol tattooed on my arm.

Suddenly normal no longer existed. The barrier between Earth and a world called Under, dissolved...

Now I’m trapped with dozens of other people. Held prisoner by the creators of myths and legends, where the realm is ruled by two masked kings who want to turn us into creatures like them.

But even though I didn’t choose to be here, this new world manages to pull me deeper, affecting me differently than other humans. Unfortunately King Edu, also known as the King of Flames, notices this and I’m now considered a threat.

If I want to survive King Edu and the dangers of Under, I need to escape. The only problem is, there’s another masked king who seems to have an interest in me. Aon, the King of Shadows, wants me here in this world, and he wants me alive.

I just need to figure out why.

270 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 5, 2019

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About the author

Kathryn Ann Kingsley

57 books2,001 followers
Kat has always been a storyteller.

With ten years in script-writing for performances on both the stage and for tourism, she has always been writing in one form or another. When she isn’t penning down fiction, she works as Creative Director for a company that designs and builds large-scale interactive adventure games. There, she is the lead concept designer, handling everything from game and set design, to audio and lighting, to illustration and script writing. Also on her list of skills are artistic direction, scenic painting and props, special effects, and electronics. A graduate of Boston University with a BFA in Theatre Design, she has a passion for unique, creative, and unconventional experiences. In her spare time, she builds animatronics and takes trapeze classes.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 233 reviews
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,639 reviews2,799 followers
February 26, 2019
descriptionSo this book was a little outside of the normal genre I tend to read, but I like to step out of my box once in a while. Kathryn Ann Kingsley was also a new "to me" author, so combine those two and I wasn't really sure what to expect. However, I lucked out because CHRIST ON A CRACKER it blew me away with how fantastic this book turned out to be. The writing was phenomenal. It was well paced. The plot was SO very engaging. The world building excellent. It had a bit of a steam punk feel to it which I loved. The characters were intriguing and well developed. I adored Lydia. She is (and I imagine will continue to be) a kicka$$ heroine. There is a plethora of fascinating secondary characters I can't wait to learn more about. I especially want to know what is going on with Nick, a shapeshifter...yay!

There isn't any romance in this first book, just a lot of setting the stage and character introductions. At this point I am not sure if this is heading in a love triangle direction of not. "I" don't "think" it is. I think Lydia and Aon will be a thing, but I can't rule out King Edu. So needless to say there wasn't any sex except for a brief mention of King Edu getting serviced (he is a serious whore) (lol). I feel like Aon has some serious kink in him though. However that may just be my dark freak loving heart making a wish. Last, it all wraps up on a cliffhanger and book two is out at the end of March. I for one CANNOT wait...



Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,184 reviews1,444 followers
March 10, 2019

thumbnail_King of Flames Banner

Wow just wow!!
I read a lot and King Of Flames (The Masks of Under Book 1) most certainly stood out from the crowd in terms of content and uniqueness, in fact, I would go as far as to say that this was my stand out read for this year it was just that good folks.
This absolutely knocked my socks off and I am now gagging for the next fascinating instalment to hit my kindle and I so need it like now.
So yeh My first read by this author but I am now most definitely a new fan of this talented writer's fantastical imaginings.
This was really unusual and imaginative with an almost steampunk fantasy vibe to it: the world building here was exceptional really setting the bar high in terms of its descriptive realism.
Its been a while since I was this excited over a newly discovered author and series but this is a shiny new star in a sea of fiction.
So half the time I was reading here I had no idea what the crack was, but did I care? hell no I just couldn't put this enthralling and addictive new story down it was like it was surgically attached to my hand until that final dramatic curtain.
I can honestly say I have never read anything quite like this before its just that unique.
So the main characters themselves my thoughts: Lydia I adored she just had so much gumption and really wasn't afraid to push the envelope and question things.
I also really appreciated her sense of humour and ability to see the funny in the most unusual places it was almost an added coping mechanism that really benefited Lydia's mindset and mental health: it was also a really refreshing quality of hers.
Nick was also a really likeable individual and the friendship between him and Lydia felt authentic and genuine despite there current dire situation.
The world of Under itself is also something that I am extremely intrigued by it employs a hierarchy system on its inhabitants and I can't wait to learn and experience more of it all and explore Under itself in much greater depth.
So the two main kings themselves and the current conflict between the two is so fascinating.
Edu, the King of Flames and Aon, the King of Shadows: Lydia seems almost a pawn caught between these two powerful figures.
I am also hopefully detecting a hint of sexual tension between Lydia and Aon so I will watch this space gleefully I am keeping my fingers crossed as I am really digging The king of shadows delicious and devilish vibe.
Also, the finale here was so good, tantalising and teasing my senses.
I as such am now really looking forward to that next delicious instalment here really can’t wait.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of King Of Flames (The Masks of Under Book 1).
All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.


Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,564 reviews474 followers
June 15, 2019

Re-read 13th - 15th June 2019.

With the release of books 3 and 4 (out in 4 days) I decided to do a re-read. I have to say I enjoyed this more the second time. I appreciated the writing and the amazing world that’s been created so much more.
I still think it was wrong to cut the first book and end it like it does. I nearly didn’t continue on to the second book. And that would have been a huge mistake on my part.

If you’ve read this and you’re wondering if it’s worth continuing on. It is. Take my advice and pick up the next book now.

Original review.

This book has so many amazing reviews. It appears most readers absolutely love it.

And while there’s a lot here to like I’m not quite as enthralled.

The world building is ambitious and fabulous. I’m not sure how many books are in this series but I would imagine it’s quite a few since the set-up takes up most of the book.

This started really well.

Lydia is a forensic autopsy technician. She is for the most part a great female character. She’s intelligent and level headed. She watches a lot of horror movies which will certainly help her in her future endeavours.
She wakes up one morning with what looks like a tattoo on her arm. There’s no way she could possible have a tattoo just appear. And life from here just gets weirder.

There’s a scene I found very hard to read. Now it’s true that I’m more than a bit squeamish. When it comes to TV I can look away. It’s slightly more difficult when reading.

So we have a strong female, a mystery and a complete new world.

So what didn’t I like?

I just felt something was missing. It didn’t completely grip me. And while I liked Aon I didn’t like how cruel he seemed. But I’m intrigued by him and that’s what’s keeping me reading.

This series has so much potential. I’m moving straight onto the next book now.
Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews771 followers
April 21, 2019
My first book by the author and I had a blast.

If you are looking for a sensible heroine, search no further Lydia is the answer. I absolutely loved her. She was so believable, I connected with her.

The writing was good. even though there was not enough information for me to know what is going on it was still a very interesting book.

There is no romance in this book but I really hope the next one brings a little bit of it. I'd like Lydia to mess up head a little bit if possible.
Profile Image for Annika.
461 reviews115 followers
June 11, 2019

Oh. My. God.
That was freaking spectacular!

I do not trust books by new authors I've never heard about that have such high ratings, such glowing reviews, but I can tell you that every single one of those 5 star ratings is completely deserved.

This story follows our heroine, Lydia, an ordinary young woman who one day wakes up with a strange symbol tattooed on her forearm. From then on, everything seems to get out of hand as monsters start showing up, chasing her around, and finally whisk her away to the World of Under, a dark place full of dark, blood-thirsty creatures, ruled by powerful, ancient beings.
The World of Under is slowly dying out, so in order to ensure its existence, fresh blood in the form of unsuspecting humans needs to be brought in to join their ranks of supernatural creatures.
Too bad being the special snowflake isn't always what it's cracked up to be, as Lydia soon finds herself the center of attention when things don't go as they should.

To be honest, I regretted requesting this book on NetGalley the minute I got approved. Why? Because I'm not good with fantasy stuff. I like Urban Fantasy with easy, undemanding worldbuilding that doesn't require much imagination on my part. I'm a total lowbrow when it comes to intricate, lavish worldbuilding, and high fantasy, for me, is the stuff of nightmares.
So when I re-read the blurb after downloading this book, my first thought was: "What the hell have I done?!" ... Realms? World of Under? Kings of Fires and Shadows? Masks? Creatures? Ugh.
HOWEVER! I. Freaking. Loved. It. Not because the worldbuilding is undemanding and unimaginative, but because Kingley's way of explaining, of showing her world to me was just perfect. There was no info-dumping, no leaving the readers to figure it out for themselves, but a gentle introduction, alongside Lydia, to this complex new world the author has created.
Lydia sighed and hung her head, looking down at the fork and knife in her hand. She was standing against a world filled with monsters with nothing more than dinnerware. It was so stupid it almost made her laugh.

Speaking of Lydia... I may have a new girl-crush. She was so relatable. Not your typical Urban Fantasy badass heroine, but a smart, spirited, ressourceful young woman with an amazing deadpan kind of humor. I loved how her reactions to all that's been happening to her felt so real and reasonable, and that she didn't lose her will to fight no matter how dire the situation.
Then there was Aon, the King of Shadows, a sadistic and inscrutable SOB who may either turn out to be the love interest or the main villain of this story. I'd be fine with either. I really shouldn't have the hots for him, but hoo boy... it's hard. He's intriguing as hell and I can't wait to find out more about him.
But then again, I loved all the characters. Nick, Lydia's best friend who got abducted right along with her. Lyon, the ancient, weirdly compassionate "vampire" who keeps popping up and kind of saving Lydia from herself. King Edu, Under's current ruler who I, again, can't seem to decide if he's going to be the villain or some sort of anti-hero. And so many more.

This first book in the The Masks of Under series was a riveting, unique and intense ride, a little gory, a little funny and hella amazing.
Welcome to my sacred love-love-love shelf, my little friend. You certainly earned it.

To all the fantasy fans out there: read it. Like now.

ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Lina.
190 reviews160 followers
February 5, 2021
4.5 STARS ⭐️


Hello and welcome back to one of my reviews.
I am going to start off by saying that I honestly didn't expect to love this as much as I did. Actually, I picked this book up because I really wasn't in any mood to read something from my TBR and I just wanted to read something new and refreshing, so really it was almost random. And I certainly didn't expect this. If I had to say which book this one reminded me the most of, I would definitely say "A Court of Thorns and Roses" but with a little old-fashioned twist (kind of reminded me of YA 90s written book), which I absolutely loved and I know that ACOTAR fans will hate me for this. But, if I had to choose between this series and ACOTAR, I would definitely choose this one. There's something about it, that I really love and I don't know if it's the characters or the plot, but there's definitely a magnetic pull to this book that just pulls the reader in and it makes you want to read through the very end.
Another thing I wanted to discuss is the genre of this book. I know it's classified as an Adult fiction, but really it's very suitable for YA/NA audience, and it feels like an YA book too. So everyone can pick this up and read it, no problem.


Everything about my life has been pretty normal working as a forensic autopsy technician. Until the day I woke up with a mysterious symbol tattooed on my arm.

Suddenly normal no longer existed. The barrier between Earth and a world called Under, dissolved...

Now I’m trapped with dozens of other people. Held prisoner by the creators of myths and legends, where the realm is ruled by two masked kings who want to turn us into creatures like them.
But even though I didn’t choose to be here, this new world manages to pull me deeper, affecting me differently than other humans. Unfortunately King Edu, also known as the King of Flames, notices this and I’m now considered a threat.
If I want to survive King Edu and the dangers of Under, I need to escape. The only problem is, there’s another masked king who seems to have an interest in me. Aon, the King of Shadows, wants me here in this world, and he wants me alive.

I just need to figure out why.


Lydia was a very refreshing character. I would be lying if I said I didn't like her. The girl was strong, smart, very funny at many times while I was reading from her POV. And a very different kind of a protagonist where she surprises you in a very positive way through out the whole book. It was fun reading from her POV.

Lydia sighed and hung her head, looking down at the fork and knife in her hand. She was standing against a world filled with monsters with nothing more than dinnerware. It was so stupid it almost made her laugh.


The book starts with Lydia waking up and seeing a mysterious tattoo on her left hand. From that moment on, everything changes for her because she didn't remember how she got the tattoo and was quite certain that she wasn't drinking or doing anything out of the ordinary the day before so she gets freaked about it and decides that is better for her to figure it out first than panic later. But the day goes even worse for her, when she arrives at her workplace. Lydia didn't have an easy job. She worked as an forensic autopsy technician, so she has seen and dealt with death a lot of times. Her dark humor and her love for horror movies was how she coped up working with the deceased. But that changed, when one of the dead bodies who was assigned to her came back to life and scared the crap out of her. From then and on, the whole saga begins.
Like a character, as I said about Lydia. I really enjoyed reading from her POV. In Under you can see her struggle and desperation to come back to Earth and her determination to get out of the monstrous place. But what made the job more difficult for her were both the kings of Under, Edu and Aon. One wanted her dead and the other one had his own agenda. However on the positive note, I really liked that she met some people there that supported her in their own way like Lyon who had almost lived a lifetime, and was one of the people that Lydia could confide in. Overall, I loved the character development, she went from being totally lost in Under to making grand escape plans and I look forward to her next adventures.



Edu was a character I really really had a big dislike for. In very simple words, he was Tamlin (ACOTAR) but a more dumber version if that's even possible.

I should kill her before he has a chance


Like I said, I disliked the guy because he was a huge egomaniac who was used to everyone obeying his every command just because he was king of the House of Flames. It was tiring and frustrating honestly whenever he was mentioned or had a scene. He was a baboon and I don't know how Ylena dealt with him. Ylena was an empath and she was connected to Edu in a way where she felt everything he did and basically was his voice since he hasn't spoken in a very long time. Honestly I was very intrigued by Ylena, and I really do hope we find much more about her and how she came to Edu's side and what will be her role in the next books. By the way, Edu and Aon both wear metal kind of masks, but as soon as I saw these pictures I was instantly reminded of them and I had to put them here for the aesthetic of the book, because they do wear some kind of masks which by the way you will find out their meaning while reading the book of course.
On the other note, what I really am glad though is that Lydia never once gave up during the time she was Edu's prisoner and never obeyed his commands which were very absurd. I am glad she kicked ass and hopefully again his in the next book.



Aon was a character that I saved for the last because he was absolutely my favorite. Now don't get me wrong, I have to tell you guys he wasn't Rhysand (ACOTAR), but he shared many qualities with him and what made him very different from Rhys was his insanity.

"Aon, let me go.
No, I fear that is one thing I have neither the power nor the desire to grant.
Oh, what a glorious fun you will be"


Not only Aon was insane, but he was also a sadist who loved to torment Lydia via her dreams. Which made him the perfect anti-hero. He was mysterious with his own agenda, it was clear that he loved playing the villain, and he tortured Lydia in ways that went from seducing her to hurting her in some way (he enjoyed that too). He had many moments when he went from sensual to a madman in a millisecond, which made him even a more intriguing character for the reader to analyze. Definitely a character you hate to love or love to hate.
As Edu was the king of the House of Flames, Aon was his opposite, he was the king of the House of Shadows. His powers are yet to be discovered by the reader and honestly I am really looking forward to see more of him in the books. Hopefully together with Lydia because aside from the fact that he tormented her in her dreams, Lydia fought twice as back and never once gave up, which resulted in them having tons of banters and a chemistry that went off the charts. So you really end up here with a dilemma that will hopefully will be solved in the next couple of books.


Profile Image for Kate.
2,173 reviews340 followers
March 18, 2019
Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.

I have read a lot of fantasy, urban fantasy and paranormal romance in my life some has been fantastic, others have been bloody awful, and King of Flames is somewhere in the middle for me or upper scale.

I didn’t know what to expect and it was difficult to get into the book at the beginning, but this book is unique, and with the author’s idea she has truly put her book in a league of her own. I find her writing similar to but that was the vibe I was getting here. The good was I had no clue where we were going to go with this book and that is exactly what I needed there was also zilch in love interest and sex which is refreshing so you had to focus on the plot and there was no room for error here but the author did a fantastic job and I can’t really pinpoint why I can’t give it 5 stars or even 4 stars and quite frankly that irks me a lot. I fekt that the author could have maybe given more in fleshing out the world of under? It was like we just touched the surface but take my review here with a pinch of salt.

What do you do when you wake up with a tattoo you didn’t have the night before?

Well that happens to Lydia and whereas she is a bit of an oddball what happens to her is even out of her realm of possibility. Until her and a bunch of people throughout the world are teleported to under. Where every so often the worlds between earth and under align and where no souls are born in under the realm still needs to keep living.

The Fallen with the help of the ancients decides who becomes what. Be it a monster or something else completely.

Turns out I’m not immune to everything. Someone pulling off their skin? Yeah not my thing, kind of made me want to puke

Kings, Flames, Shadows, Elders and Ancients is worth a read.

 photo New ARC_zpsdpyxs3wn.jpg
Profile Image for Saint Fitz.
271 reviews
December 14, 2019
This book hit all the right spots for me. 4.5 stars, only because it was a bit stilted at the beginning (of all times in the plot, the beginning should absolutely grab me!). It also, quite unexpectedly ended, so I feel the first and second book could have been combined into one.

A few things I’m loving: Lydia and her attitude. She’s spunky and dark. But still *real*. She has breakdowns. She compartmentalizes and then has a good cry. I can get behind that.

And of course AAAOOONNN. Oh, delicious Aon. You are the villain I needed in so many other books. I am midway through the second book and it’s only getting better. He’s so evil and I am rooting for him.
Profile Image for Christa.
892 reviews75 followers
April 6, 2019
It’s a bad day for Lydia when she wakes up with a tattoo she doesn’t remember getting and then the cadaver she was working on comes back to life and attacks her.

She’s rightfully spooked.

After defending herself and running away, and shooting a second attacker point blank in the head, she is captured and taken to the land of Under.

Under is a dying place, where Earth intersects with it every few years, and the people of under claim (kidnap) their new citizens from earth.

There’s a ceremony, and the newcomers are thrown into the lake of the Ancients and are transformed into their new selves. They are then claimed by different houses - some are shifters, vampires, witches, warriors, etc. But when Lydia is thrown in, she is rejected by the ancients and stays human. This abnormality causes the current king Edu to fear her, but also draws the attention of the sleeping king Aon.

Looking back, there’s a lot of character development and world building but not a lot of plot. It’s paced very well. The author has done a great job building a unique world. It’s a spooky world, it reminded me a little of The Call. Lydia is a strong main character, and I really liked her friend Nick. I would like to note this is not a YA fantasy- the main character is in her late twenties.

If you are looking for a unique and slightly unsettling fantasy with a strong heroine and the hints of enemies to lovers romance to come, you may want to give this book a try.

I received this arc in exchange for a honest review. This book is already released and free on kindle unlimited.
Profile Image for Claudie ☾.
547 reviews167 followers
February 26, 2023
This is KAK’s debut series, and unfortunately, it reads like one. Compared to her later books, I found the writing basic and even a little childish at times. Lydia’s inner monologue was repetitive and tried too hard to be snarky. I’m not sure I like her as a heroine.

I liked the worldbuilding, even if it got info-dumpy sometimes, especially in the beginning. I wouldn’t call it ‘dark,’ though. I don’t know about the rest of this series, but this first book gave off very strong paranormal YA vibes, complete with a few (dozen) eye rolls from yours truly at some of the ridiculous situations/reactions/dialogue.

I’ll read the next one because Kingsley writes great villains, and I’m too curious about Aon to stop after just a glimpse. 🙈

Will it get darker? Will the writing improve? Will Lydia get less annoying? 🤞🤞🤞
Profile Image for Louise.
1,213 reviews41 followers
June 23, 2019
3.5/4 stars

It's been a long time since I've had to squint at an entire scene in a book.
A long, long time.
And I've read some weird, gross, super-detailed violent shit in my time.
But King of Flames just had to go "there".
Had to force my very visual brain to endure at least three pages of home self-surgery.
I audibly retched.
A lot.

It's a running joke in my family that they find it fucking bizarre that I will happily watch any number of supernatural gore-fests and not even flinch.
Rip someone's heart out? No biggie.
Messily fang some throats for an afternoon snack? Meh.
Slurp down some long pig? As long as you keep your mouth shut while you eat, we're cool.
But ask me to watch a medical drama with full on graphic human surgery and I may as well leave the room because you won't be hearing the show.
Oh no, all you'll be hearing is my vomitus rendition of O Fortuna .
You'll be lucky if I don't actually barf on you.
Fucking no!
If I see a scalpel in any fucker's hands, then you are immediately dead to me.

Not cool, Kingsley.
Not cool at all.

The rest of the KoF though?
Pretty fucking cool.
If a little short.
And underdeveloped.
But the world-building was interesting and the villains are actually... *pause for shock* ... villainous.
And the heroine was suitably kick ass and... *pause for more shock* ... not a goddamned teenager.
28 years old, my peoples.
Practically an old lady in Fantasy years.
(Excuse me while I sit and blow one endless raspberry at Fantasy writers who think if you're not a fucking teenager you can't Fantasy the fuck out everything that moves ... BOO, HISS - still waiting on a middle-aged female Fantasy badass, however...)
And she was cool as fuck.
With a smart mouth.
Zero fucks to give.
(Which really means a whole lot of fucks but she'll suppress that shit down to survive whatever fuckery she's been dropped into aka. my kinda woman)
And told both handsy villains to back the fuck off without even a flush of "unwanted" arousal.
(That trope only works sometimes, authors. FFS, your misogyny boner's showing)
I will totally be reading the next in the series.
But, Kingsley?
Could we not with the body horror?
I don't want to puke on my books.
It's impolite.
And messy.
And it stains, man.
Profile Image for Tammy.
1,987 reviews77 followers
October 10, 2020
King of Flames is an introduction to the world called Under and the beginning of Lydia's journey as our MC. Fun plot, interesting characters, and an interesting world building made the book entertaining. I'm giving 3.9 stars because while the writing was solid there were many times the details and pieces of information were redundant due to the author's attempt to explain and visualize as much as possible about the complication and uniqueness of Under. I admitted of skimming several times toward the end because I want to know what's next than trying to visualize monsters in details.
This book ended with a cliffhanger that didn't feel that hanging, to me. I mean, it's easy to predict that once Lydia is in Under she has to face with a lot of interesting players, monster and their politic so I'm not dying to know what else except just curious about some characters, that's all.
Profile Image for Cranky - The Book Curmudgeon.
2,091 reviews153 followers
March 11, 2019
5 Cranky Stars

Lydia is your typical forensic autopsy technician until one day she wakes up with a surprise tattoo. You know her life is about to take a drastic turn. She is drawn to the world of Under where two kings (you know this is about to be good) rule.

I really enjoyed the unique blending of genres. Suspense, sci-fi, and a bit of steampunk fantasy blended together, and you get this amazing read. I really liked the fact that Lydia is a strong female character. She didn’t lose her edge at all. I cannot wait to read more from Kathryn Ann Kingsley. She definitely has a fan for life in me.

I will definitely recommend this story to others.
November 27, 2020
4 Stars

I've only read a couple books by this author, a duet, and rated the first book 5 stars, and the second 3 stars, so I'm really hoping this series is gonna be a hit for me this time because I LOVED this book. Super entertaining, even with the multiple POVs, I love the uniqueness and the vibes, and this author can really write an anti- hero. I'm loving Aon, but I'm also loving the slow burn, so I really hope when they get together it will be amazing. The only reason I rated it 4 stars is because of the slow start, some of the dialogue is off, and the whole orgy scene, which is always annoying when authors add that in, but even more so because one of the reasons I rated the 3 star in the other book was because of all the side character sex. So here's to hoping this series is better and doesn't have all the over sexualized characters *crosses fingers*.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Denisa.
1,295 reviews313 followers
May 26, 2022
3.5 (4 stars for the new-ness of the world)

A lot of reviews for this book/series, so I'll keep it short-ish.

Conclusion of the review: try this series.

Actual review:
It's not the most amazing read ever, but I absolutely love the idea, the plot, the otherness of it all. It was a completely new idea, and it's so rare to find something new. This series is worth a try just to see something different in the UF world.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews57 followers
July 11, 2019
Lydia wakes up one morning with a strange tattoo. Later that day, what appears to be a vampire attacks her at work, only to be followed up in the evening by a warrior clad in armor trying to kidnap her. Lydia discovers that the tattoo means that she has been chosen to join the population of Under, only her initiation doesn't quite go to plan.

It took me a little while to get into this book, which was strange because it is action packed from the start. I think the problem was that there was a lot of action, but the information about the world of Under was extremely slow to trickle in. Once Lydia started learning about what was going on, I perked right up. I feel like this is a pretty unique plot, so the intrigue level is high. I still don't feel like I really know what is going on, but I know enough to be hooked. I've also got a little theory about Aon's character that I am hoping/wishing/please pretty please comes true, so I got to find out if I'm right.
Profile Image for Lisa.
744 reviews27 followers
May 14, 2020
I'm not quite sure

This was well written and the world building was brilliant. Characters are weird and exciting. There is some truly wacko creatures in this and Under sounds terrifying to me. This has to be one of the most unique books I've read. In all this, it feels as this was all just set up and I think that while this checked all the boxes of everything I love, something was missing and I cannot put my finger on it, it's making me crazy. I even went to read the other reviews to see if I could find why and still I can't wrap my brain around it. I did read that if I wasn't sure about continiung that readers most definitely should, so I think I'm going to.
Profile Image for Stephaniec.
799 reviews16 followers
May 12, 2019
The beginning was a bit slow and it was a bit short - this being the first book in the series it could have used a few more pages. A little more on the characters and world would have helped flesh everything out but I enjoyed the h she was strong without being stupid and handled her circumstances well (very relatable)
Will move on to book 2
Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
795 reviews188 followers
June 18, 2019
This was an interesting and rather unique book. My main gripes are that it was slightly disjointed and felt more like a prequel, but the world and characets have huge potential to be awesome.

Off to read the second one...
Profile Image for Jazzy.
336 reviews8 followers
September 2, 2021
Revieuw for the entire series:
4.5 stars - this was one hell of a ride. An emotional roller coaster, I tell you. The plot was so unique and gripping and it just went in directions I did not see coming. This series can be split up in two parts. The first 4 books were cute but I rated them all 4 stars because they didn’t grab me as much as I wanted them to (but every ending did, pushing me to grab the next book). The last 2 books, however.... damn. That was amazing. Betrayal, ANGST, painnnnnn. I cried multiple times :,). If you pick this series up, please keep on reading because it just keeps getting better and it’s worth it.

• lovers to enemies/lovers (it’s complicated)
• I will burn down the world for you / I will die for you type of love
• strong fmc

• characters: 4.5/5
• plot: 4.5/5
• romance: 4/5
• angst scale: 4.5/5
• spice scale: 0.5/5
Profile Image for Tiera McMillian.
1,160 reviews41 followers
July 13, 2019
3.5 stars. This was a super interesting start to the series. I'm thoroughly intrigued by everything here. I almost went ahead and rounded up to four stars because I felt like the author did an amazingly creative job building this world. We have an entirely new concept here and yet I didn't ever feel like I was getting fact dumped on really. Eerie is the best way to describe the feel of what we have so far in book 1. I think the world building, while currently still ongoing, is being done really well. I was instantly absorbed and had no problem picturing the scenes even with monsters I'd never heard of before. I am loving all the concepts here. I just feel like everything barely started by the time book 1 ended. It wasn't enough. The FMC seems to be on her way to a good Arc character wise but we just need more before I can really tell.

FMC Lydia wakes up one day with an odd tattoo on her arm and no idea how or when it got there. And thats just the start of the most disturbing day ever. At her job as a mortician the dead guy she is examining turns out to be not so dead and tries to attack her. She barely makes her escape only to find out one of her friends from work also has this weird tattoo. Turns out they are being hunted.. but she isn't going without a fight. But even fighting wont save her from her fate.. Kidnapped and taken to an alternative dimension called the "under" where nightmares are literally born. Lydia finds out she and the humans like her with the mark have been chosen by the ancients to become new creatures here in Under. Only something goes terribly wrong during Lydia's birth.. just her luck... and the ancients reject her. Also she is having terrifying dreams that seem more and more real. Now sentenced to death by one king of under and promised torture by another Lydia has no choice but to run for survival.. and yet how is she supposed to survive in a land with unknown beasts and being hunted by rival kings...

So much has happened and yet I still don't know near enough. I'm still a little lost. I think I was expecting some sort of romance between the kings in the beginning but now I don't really know what to think as neither are really the endearing type and thats putting it oh so mildly. I wish I knew what was going on!! I'm definitely excited to see where this series is headed.
Profile Image for Queen Cronut.
183 reviews37 followers
October 26, 2019
This was a surprisingly really good book- I was hooked from the first few pages.

The plot was engaging and I appreciated well-paced scenes that kept me interested. The worldbuilding was fantastic- complex but easy to understand so that you aren't hung over on minute details. The fantasy aspect was well written and was well developed.

I loved the protagonist, Lydia, a forensic autopsy technician with an introverted life being thrust in the magical world of Under. She was the perfect combination of snarky, hilarious and fierce without suffering from special snowflake syndrome- I can't wait to read more about her in the next book. Additionally, I appreciated that romance wasn't a prominent feature in this book although there is hinted to be a romantic subplot in the next installment. Also, so many side characters to like- I can't wait to learn more about Nick, King Edu and Aon.

Can't wait to read King of Shadows because of the epic cliffhanger.

*Thank you to NetGalley and publishers for providing a free ARC*
Profile Image for Natalia.
1,108 reviews82 followers
March 21, 2019
3,5 ★
This book is written in 3th person and normally it's not my jam, but I kept reading! Maybe that little thing didn't let me enjoy the book in his fullest!
First thing first: The spoiler of the characters in the beginning… In my opinion that makes the reader lazy! The Explanation about the house I get it and it was useful!
For me, the first 45%-60% were a struggle!
The pace was slow, to much detail that added nothing to the story (all the fuss and detail about being interrogated by the police for nothing)
Things pickup once they cross “Under”!
Lydia was hot and cold! She goes from running around like a chicken without head to grow a pair of lady balls in a snap!
Edu was a douchebag!
Aon was my favorite but dark and problematic are my Thang!

Will read the second book just to see what Aon is up to!
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews25 followers
Want to read
May 17, 2019
🎁 FREE on Amazon today (5/17/2019)! 🎁
Profile Image for Karen  ⚜Mess⚜.
829 reviews61 followers
March 14, 2019
Addictively terrifying

I’m slapping a 5 on this. Kingsley truly deserves recognition.

When a dead man says, “Don’t run” what do you do? RUN! Image result for terminator 2 run

Not only did this book give me the creepers it scared the snot out of me. Kingsley has created a mind-blowing world. A unique, horror world filled with nightmare creatures.

It starts off with adrenaline pumping, running for your life. Once the story gets to Under that’s where Kingsley is in her element and the story takes on a whole new life. So addictive, I couldn’t put it down. I need book 2!!

I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book, so I could give an honest review.

Profile Image for Marianne.
1,306 reviews155 followers
August 7, 2021
DNF - at least for now. I might revisit this world at some point since I’m so clearly in the minority here. While I wouldn’t call it bad, it was probably just a bad fit for me personally and I couldn’t get into it. Something about the masks, the Victorian type era rubbed me the wrong way. May come back to it at some point, but I’m not sold on the mask thing (And since you might be wondering: my anti-mask sentiment doesn’t not include medical masks that help reduce the spread of Covid. Get the shot, wear a mask if necessary! #TeamModerna.)
Profile Image for Jypsy .
1,524 reviews56 followers
March 29, 2019
King of Flames is an okay read. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. It's an interesting and unique fantasy story, but I didn't connect with it enough to care what happened in the end. Maybe just not my type of story. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 233 reviews

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