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Best Friends' Bakery #4

Пекарна "Захар и канела": Рождени дни и бисквити

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Hannah und ihre beste Freundin Mia lieben Backen einfach über alles. Kein Wunder, dass die Zimt-und-Zucker-Bäckerei von Hannahs Mama ihr liebster Ort auf der ganzen Welt ist. Als dem benachbarten Tierheim das Geld ausgeht, droht ihrem zweitliebsten Ort die Schließung. Das wollen Hannah und Mia auf jeden Fall verhindern. Im Nu trommeln sie einen Rettungstrupp für die kleinen Vierbeiner zusammen und planen die größte Party aller Zeiten, um Spendengelder zu sammeln. Natürlich ist da auch das Team von "Zimt und Zucker" mit am Start. Und wer kann schon zuckersüßen Törtchen und Cupcakes widerstehen? Genau, niemand. Die Kasse wird ganz bestimmt klingeln und all die niedlichen Hunde und Hundebabys behalten ihr Zuhause. So jedenfalls ist der Plan …

168 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2015

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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews
126 reviews4 followers
June 4, 2021
Book 4, the final in the Best Friends Bakery series and it doesn't disappoint! Hannah and her best friend Mia are on a mission to raise to funds for the local dog rescue centre, getting local businesses including Hannah's Mums' bakery and Georges Mums' new beauty business to take part with stalls and raffles to raise money. Can the dog rescue centre be saved? A wonderful ending to the series of 4 books with recipes and illustrations in the books along the way.
Profile Image for Zelika Kartik.
48 reviews1 follower
March 30, 2018
Akhirnya buku terakhir. Masih dengan beberapa kata yang salah. Setelah dibaca-baca ternyata agak datar, karna konfliknya ya gampang terlihat penyelesaiannya, ya gitu aja.

Mia diceritakan seorang pemalu di awal, tapi belakangan dia gapang berkomunikasi (mau ikut lomba baking pdhl sdh pasti tampil di tv, berbicara akrab dgn Abi pdhl baru ktemu) sesungguhnya org pemalu ga gampang merubah kebiasaan malunya itu.
Sepertinya ramalannya selalu benar dan tidak pernah salah,banyak bagusnya.
Bisa dibilang hidup Hannah selalu lancar (bakery sukses, acara sukses, berteman sukses,etc).
Hannah terlalu pintar untuk usianya, terlalu dewasa. Menciptakan resepnya sendiri, memikirkan ide2 yg terlalu 'berat'.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for elaaa.
41 reviews
February 11, 2021
Ini seri terakhir nya pokoknya yg ini bagus bgt, tenang Ada versi Bahasa Indonesia nya kok. Jd ceritanya ky mrk jualan kue buat nolongin tempat penampungan hewan (anjing) yg udh mau tutup/bangkrut gara2 uangnya tidak cukup buat memenuhi kebutuhan para anjing jd ditolongin sm Hana & temen2 nya ibu nya Hana jg ikut nolong.
Profile Image for lis.
68 reviews
January 6, 2023
finished this in two sittings. this book has been accompanying me since 2019 and to know that this is the last book of the series really makes me sad though i can always reread it. all 4 books have been a warm reading experience to me and i will always hold this series close to my heart ❤️❤️
Profile Image for annieee.
20 reviews
July 9, 2021
Again, this book makes me want to spend more time with my friends, sadly, i read it when there's corona virus and i have to stay at home. But when i read this book, i didn't felt lonely at all!
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews

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