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Hellions of Halstead Hall #2

A Hellion in Her Bed

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Furious at his grandmother's ultimatum to marry or lose his inheritance, Lord Jarret Sharpe wagers his luck--and his heart--at the card table against a most unlikely opponent.

Mired in scandal after his parents' mysterious deaths, notorious gambler Lord Jarret Sharpe agrees to tamely run the family brewery for a year if his Machiavellian grandmother rescinds her ultimatum that he marry. But the gambler in him can't resist when beguiling Annabel Lake proposes a wager. If she wins their card game, he must help save her family's foundering brewery. But if he wins, she must spend a night in his bed. The outcome sets off a chain of events that threatens to destroy all his plans . . . and unveils the secret Annabel has held for so long. When Jarret discovers the darker reason behind her wager, he forces her into another one--and this time he intends to win not just her body, but her heart.

354 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published September 21, 2010

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About the author

Sabrina Jeffries

69 books4,610 followers
Sabrina Jeffries is the NYT bestselling author of over 50 novels and works of short fiction (some written under the pseudonyms Deborah Martin and Deborah Nicholas). Whatever time not spent writing in a coffee-fueled haze of dreams and madness is spent traveling with her husband and adult autistic son or indulging in one of her passions—jigsaw puzzles, chocolate, and music. With over 9 million books in print in 22 different languages, the North Carolina author never regrets tossing aside a budding career in academics for the sheer joy of writing fun fiction, and hopes that one day a book of hers will end up saving the world.

She always dreams big.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 440 reviews
September 7, 2020

İlk kitaba göre bir tık sıkıldım. 🤷🏼‍♀️Aslında konu çok güzeldi ama nasıl desem... biraz fazla yavaştı. Kitabın yarısını yollarda kaybettik. Daha gürültü şamata beklerdim. Ayrıca ben historical kitaplarda okuyucunun bilmediği arka planda saklanan sır ve entrikaları seviyorum. Bu kitapta her şeyi biliyorduk!😐 İşin süprizi yoktu yani. Sadece Jarret ne zaman öğrenecek diye bekledik durduk. Pfft. Ama karakterleri özellikle Annabel’i çok sevdim.💙 O ayrı.👻
Profile Image for Angelc.
422 reviews52 followers
September 21, 2010
Annabel Lake was taking the last desperate steps to save her family brewery from ruin. Her brother was too drunk to take care of the business anymore. Annabel took her best ale to Plumtree Brewery to propose a partnership. She knew the woman in charge would look at her as an equal. However, she didn't expect to find the woman's grandson in charge instead. Jarett Sharpe had the reputation of a wastrel gambler, could she trust him to save her brewery? Or more importantly, could she trust him with her heart?

I thought the brewery storyline was very interesting and new. I liked the author's note that many women really were brewers at that time, when most women weren't really accepted in most jobs.

I loved that Jarrett always treated Annabel as an equal in business. He never condescended her or made less of her business decisions because she was a woman. This was probably because he was used to his grandmother running his family's brewery. It was very refreshing to see the man and woman on equal footing in the workplace, something that's difficult to achieve even now.

I didn't enjoy this book as much as Jeffries' other novels, but it was still a fun story. I liked Jarret, but I didn't love hi. I like a guy who tells his lady how he feels instead of hiding it all the time. I liked that Jarett was a gambler, but his wagers with Annabel were a little predictable in the direction that they took.

Annabel was a little too martyr-ish for me. Giving up all of her happiness because of one mistake a long time ago when she was very young, when there were ways to overcome the obstacle and family more than willing to help her balance everything.

My favorite part of the book was when Jarrett was stying with Annabel and her family, and they convinced him to sing. His singing voice was terrible and he hadn't sung anything since his family told him he was awful. But with Annabel's family, he was comfortable enough to be himself, even showing his less than likeable traits.

"Hellion in Her Bed" is a fun historical romance, and I really liked the unique brewery setting and the equal business partnership that the main characters had.

ARC sent for review by publicist

reviewed for http://inthehammockblog.blogspot.com

Profile Image for &#x1f41d; Shaz &#x1f41d; .
481 reviews29 followers
June 8, 2023
An enjoyable read with some good characters.
Grandmother demands all her grandchildren marry within the next year .
Her Gambler grandson meets a spinster with a proposal to work together, so she can save her family business. He make a wager. He will help her if she wins , or she will spend one night in his bed if she looses.
Profile Image for kris.
958 reviews205 followers
March 2, 2018
Annabel Lake makes beer and an awkward aunt. Lord Jarret Stane makes wagers and bones barmaids. So when Annabel challenges him to a game of cards for Important Stakes, Jarret is, much like Little Caesars, HOT AND READY. They bond over a mutual attraction and eventually their boners turn into love. CHEERS.

1. Also much like Little Caesars: just how goddamned cheesy this thing was holy jesus. I mean, they refer to their climaxes as "reaching heaven" and he calls her "dearling" and "minx" and he's just so afraid of love and she's such a pure, maternal light in his cold dark life and I AM TOO OLD AND TOO BITTER FOR THIS NONSENSE.

2. Also nonsense: that epilogue omg.


4. ALSO HE GOES DOWN ON HER IN A BARN LOFT? I am mostly listing this because it sounds semi-dangerous like can you imagine a vagina full of straw? HOW ITCHY??? Romances will try to convince you that doing it Wherever and Whenever is just FINE AND DANDY but they are LIARS WHO DO NOT CARE ABOUT HYGIENE OR ITCHINESS OR ANYTHING.


6. Again: this thing just wasn't...done. It wasn't developed. Annabel is an interesting idea: she escaped scandal but has built herself into a lonely corner. Jarret was far less interesting: a boy that learns to gamble and never grows up. And, IDK, it just needed more to make things matter instead of being so thinly sketched.

Profile Image for Viri.
1,205 reviews437 followers
November 2, 2017
No puedo explicar la ansiedad que tenía por leer este libro. Tengo años esperando leerlo porque el anterior me encantó y dejó el "secreto" más cerca de revelarse.

Así que comprenderán mis altas expectativas. Lamentablemente no se han cumplido.

La historia es normalita, no hay tanta intriga como hubiera esperado. Ni siquiera hay momentos divertidos o tristes. No hay profundidad.

Ni en la historia, ni en la narrativa, ni en los personajes.

Ella me gustó pero algunas veces me desesperaba. Él no me enamoró.
Los personajes secundarios no me emocionaron tampoco.

Siento como que en este libro todo fue más bien INDIFERENTE.

No es malo, pero no pude conectar con los protagonistas. Es entretenido pero vacío. No sé cómo más explicarlo. Creo que esa sería la palabra indicada. Vacío.
Profile Image for Cherry's Books.
281 reviews63 followers
December 12, 2017
¡Me ha encantado volver con la familia Sharpe! Esta serie sigue tan bien como empezó, me alegro muchísimo de haber encontrado una traducción. Jarret y Annabel son una pareja genial, ahora a por el resto, que Minerva y Masters pintan tener mucho salseo oioioioioiiii

Reseña completa muy pronto en el blog: https://misscherrybooks.blogspot.com.es
Profile Image for Monique Takens.
560 reviews9 followers
May 4, 2020
Ik heb de Nederlands talige uitgave gelezen : Vertrouw op het geluk - Candlelight Historische roman 970 .
Deel 2 in de serie over de broers en zussen Sharpe die allen binnen één jaar moeten trouwen want anders raken zij de o zo nodige inkomsten kwijt uit hun grootmoeders brouwerij .
Jarret Sharpe wordt benadert door Annabel Lake , haar broer is de eigenaar van de Lake brouwerij maar door het wegvallen van de Russische markt is het bedrijf in financiele nood gekomen en is hij aan de drank geraakt ( bah zwak hoor ! ) waardoor Annabel al een jaar de running van het bedrijf heeft . Jarret heeft de leiding over zijn grootmoeders bedrijf sinds zij ziek is en Annabel probeert hem te interesseren voor een zakelijke overeenkomst die voor hen beiden winstgevend zal zijn . Natuurlijk raken zij beide in iets meer geinteresseerd dan alleen een zakelijke overeenkomst .
Profile Image for Insh.
213 reviews74 followers
July 17, 2017
“It can’t work. We want different things. You want to fol ow the wind where it leads, and I want to dig my roots deep.
You’re a river, and I’m a tree. The tree can never fol ow the river, and the river can never stay with the tree.”
Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,491 reviews146 followers
April 20, 2020
** 4.5 stars **

This was as good as the first novel. Both MCs were strong willed, smart and contributed to relationship in equal measure. There was no damsel in distress here, the damsel in question Annabel managed everything on her own without seeming to be a harpy, living her life with quiet dignity after what happened to her and turned everything on its head. I liked her sass, dedication and knowledge of family business and gumption to implement the plan the way she did.

Jarret, the second son of the Marquis, is a professional gambler. Once upon a time he loved the family brewery and wanted to make it his life's work but was ruthlessly denied. Now he is in dire straights - marry or go broke. But Lady Luck smiles on him again, and he gets a chance to outwit his Gran and get back into family business. Annabel and Jarret's mutual passion about brewery and love for their families is what gets them into each others orbit at first, but Jarret being the roguishly handsome Devil that he is and Annabel being the temptation with sharp tongue for the said Devil, make the sparks fly, and both MCs, although fight and argue their feelings, can not resist falling for each other.

Th brewery business was interesting and the numerous information about it didn't over shadow the story. I liked that the author gave a chance for a woman to be in charge, made her knowledgeable about the process and the business side of things. From the second book it looks to me that each sibling has things that they regret, things about their parents they remember differently. I wonder if the "accident" was all that simple. We will see. One thing that I wish was different was that some secrets were not secrets throughout the book. I wish they were concealed or at least were hinted on only and were not out in the open. I enjoyed the story nonetheless.
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,359 reviews526 followers
March 20, 2017
Such a lovely book.
Jarret is the second son of the Halstead family, who during his teen years is banished to school from his first love, brewing ale with his grandmother.
Years later when the matriarch falls sick, he decided to take the reigns back if she promises to get him out of the marriage contact.
Promising to manage the business for an year, he meets Anabelle, who is there to save her own brewery and wants the Lord's help.
Soon they make a wager and things change.
Very rarely in historical romances do we see a non virgin heroine and this was a refreshing read. The side characters from Geordie, Sissy to Hugh and Giles to Pinter- all added to the story and make you eager to read about the next sibling.
The secrets of the parents' deaths are delved into, and Anabelle's past adds to the intrigue of the main leads. Both are well written multidimensional characters.
Really passionate love scenes! I adore when historical authors do it naughty.
Amazing epilogue too!
Profile Image for Angela Reads Romance.
586 reviews255 followers
July 18, 2022
You know a book is doomed when the two MCs kiss for the first time and your thought is, “Oh lord, why?”

I didn’t get the connection with these two from the start. It didn’t make sense why Jarret wouldn’t dismiss Annabel immediately from his office. And then when she follows him like a creep and shows up at a tavern that he’s at with friends, he decides to wager a card game to either help her with her business at the possible ruination and destruction of his own OR bed her for one night. Why would he make this wager?! The entire premise of this book hung on that wager and IT MADE NO SENSE! Why wouldn’t he just be like “Deals off, weirdo, get out of here and stop following me!” It reminded me too much of No Man’s Mistress where the hero HAS PROOF OF OWNING THE HEROINE’S HOME but instead says, “Hey let’s wager that you can’t seduce me this week and if I lose I’ll just give you the house!” Like. Why. Why are these men making these terrible bets? The only good bet is that Eloisa James book that I loved and can’t remember the title of right now! Say No to the Duke, maybe? But I digress…

After Annabel wins the wager, the chemistry just goes downhill from there.

There’s lots of kissing but no emotional substance to it. Annabel accuses Jarret of keeping his heart closed off and I wholeheartedly agreed because even I THE READER didn’t understand his motivations at all. We are given some story from when he was a kid? About the brewery? What? I didn’t understand it’s relevance completely TBH.

I was bogged down by brewery details and business things I didn’t understand but YES TO PINTER AND MORE FAMILY MYSTERY DETAILS!!!

For that, I open my heart fully to Minerva and Giles.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
170 reviews18 followers
May 12, 2011
This review made its debut on http://acozyreaderscorner.blogspot.com

If you have not read A Hellion in Her Bed, I suggest you run, not walk, to your nearest bookstore and pick up a copy. This romance was highly enjoyable, original, sexy and funny.

Although the book didn’t fully capture me at first, it was not long before I was hooked! I read the majority of this title in one sitting and stayed up late to finish it. I found the storyline highly original and unlike most historical romances I have read. I actually found myself laughing, yes laughing, out loud at different points during this novel. I loved Annabel’s secret. I also loved that the reader is introduced to the secret long before it is exposed to others.

Both Jarret and Annabel are lovable and colorful characters. The heat between them is evident both in and out of the bed. The characters are witty, charming and seductive. I enjoyed every bit of them.
In addition to all of this, the novel is full of scandal and mystery that kept me intrigued and hooked to every last word. I thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Jeffries writing style. The romance was believable and enjoyable to read. Though the book is the second in its series, it completely stands on its own. I have not read the first title and do not feel I need to in order to understand and enjoy book two, though now having read it, I must read book one!

My overall recommendation? Run, not walk, and pick up this title. You’ll be glad you did.
Profile Image for Elaine.
1,071 reviews43 followers
February 13, 2019
I liked this book a little less than the first one in the series but it was still a great book. Jarrett is interesting and very smart and Annabel is strong and stubborn, she was a delight! They make a good pair. The chemistry and repartee between them was excellent and Sabrina Jeffries gave us a telescopic view into the workings of the brewing industry of the times. I also appreciated that Ms. Jeffries disclosed that Annabel has a son out of wedlock right at the start of the story and didn't choose to make his origins the mystery element of the story. I love Gran and could have used more Hetty in this book. I also like how Mrs. Jeffries starts to blend in more of the intrigue surrounding the night of Jarrett's parents deaths and how each child is remembering that specific event. Very intriguing! Overall, it was a fast and enjoyable read and I am looking forward to the next one.
Profile Image for Kübra .
1,888 reviews361 followers
November 18, 2017
Ah bu haylaz, yerinde duramayan, şamatacı, sevmekten korkan seksi aristokrat Sharpe ailesine bayılıyorum!

Benim için yeri hep ayrı olan serinin okumadığım son kitabını okudum ne yazık ki. Ben Jarret'ın ağabeyi Oliver ile historical okumaya başlamıştım. Seriye biraz karışık devam ettiğim içinde olan biteni aslında biliyordum. Buna rağmen verdiği tat her zamanki gibiydi.
Bu seride, bugüne kadar okuduğum serilerden farklı olarak ilerleyen ve çözülmeyi bekleyen bir gizemi oluşunu da ayrı bir seviyorum.

Büyükanne Hetty'nin ültimatomuyla baş etmeye çalışan Sharpe kardeşlerinden bu kitabın kurbanı, çocukluğundan beri bira fabrikasının başına geçmek isteyen ancak ebeveynlerinin başına gelenlerden sonra hayatı bambaşka bir hal alan Jarret'tı.
Profile Image for Inna.
1,553 reviews306 followers
April 6, 2021
4 stars.

I'm really enjoying this series thus far, and I plan to continue on to the next book eventually. I love the grandmother and the interference from the other siblings... I also love the past mysteries being unraveled. It really does make for a fun story.

Safe; no others in this story. h not a virgin for a change. H was a man whore. He actually uses condoms...which was just mind blowing to me in a historical romance. Of course, he only uses them because she asks him to prevent pregnancy, so he probably still has all kinds of STDs from all the times he went without. I wish I could stop my mind from thinking this way, but I'm cursed to always imagine the worst.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Krista.
272 reviews252 followers
May 15, 2010
Well, I feel like I have to give this one 4 stars, even if it isn't to my taste.

The problem is that I don't feel there is much of a plot. What IS the plot, you ask? Basically, the plot is Jarret helping Annabel try to save her brewery. That's it. Really. Nothing else happens. What does this mean? That this book is boring.

Good points:
Hettie, Jarret's grandma. She's hilarious with all her plotting and scheming. I liked the beginning, where we get to see Jarret as a kid. I almost wish we got to see more of that. I would have liked the freindship between Jarret and Giles--if it actually existed. I mean, Jeffries says it exists, but...there is no proof whatsoever. Okay, so that's not a good point, but it COULD have been! Jarret's relationship with George. That was adorable, with Jarret trying to treat the boy as a man and Annabel basically fighting him the whole way. I also liked seeing Annabel realize that her assumptions about Jarret's lordly idiocy had no truth.

Bad points:
The non-existent relationship between the Sharpe siblings. They do NOT interact. There are a total of maybe 3 scenes in which they are together, and these scenes are very limited. I mean, what's the point of a series if the characters don't interact?
I wasn't really feeling the love between Jarret and Annabel, either. I can't say there is any specific reason for this, I just didn't feel it. I don't think I believed in the characters enough for me to feel it. I didn't really understand Jarret, and Annabel was a little too dramatic to be likable. I don't think they had enough emotions for them to feel like real people. There is a lot of telling and not showing.

The romance is drawn-out, so that made it feel more believable, and there are a few scenes that I did really like, such as when Jarret is singing with Annabel's family and everyone's telling him how terrible his voice is. "Fighting cats" or some such. I like these small details about characters, and wish there were more of them.

Another thing I like is that Annabel is NOT a virgin. For a historical, this is pretty good stuff. She actually LIKED to fool around etc...and wasn't all prim and prude about it, feeling guilty, you know.

It did make me sad that Oliver/Maria don't make an appearance until the VERY end of the book, but, like I said, this series may as well not be a series.
Profile Image for Iliada.
762 reviews206 followers
July 29, 2016
The second installment in the Hellions of Halstead Hall series was just an okay read for me. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as the first one either.

The heroine was okay, but I had little sympathy for the hero. I was tired of all his (internal) whining. He was afraid that he wasn't good enough; afraid of where his life was going; afraid that he couldn't support and help his brothers and sisters; afraid that nobody loved him; afraid to love somebody; afraid of caring for anything too much for fear that he might lose it; afraid that he might be too afraid and so on. I love rakes, but this one just rubbed me the wrong way.

The love between Annabel and Jarret seemed a little contrived. I blame this mostly on the fact that all the events of the book took place in a matter of one week; two at the most. The same happened in the first book, but, somehow, I bought Maria and Oliver's love story.

My last complaint: there was very little to no interaction between the Sharpe siblings. The one thing I love the most in family series is this interaction between the members of the family. I'm very intrigued by the characters, especially by the women in the family, Celia and Minerva. I wish there were more scenes with the lot of them together. And what's more, Maria and Oliver only appeared in the epilogue.

Nevertheless, I'm giving it 3 stars because I love this author's humor and how easy her books are to read. Even though I wasn't so invested in the characters, I wasn't bored while reading this book and there were some great moments too.

Off to the next one. I'm one book closer to Mr. Pinter's story!
Profile Image for Mei.
1,882 reviews451 followers
June 30, 2014
An enjoyable historical.

What I like best is that this series is light and fluffy with nice pace and interesting background story about the death of their parents. While every book is centered on one couple, we see the previous couples too and the story goes on.
Profile Image for Nurhayat Turna.
316 reviews14 followers
July 8, 2018
Yatağımdaki Serseri | #kitapyorumu ✒
Sabrina Jeffries'i bu kitapla tanıyıp okumaya başlamıştım ben. Tarihi aşk romanlarını okumaya da Yatağımdaki Serseri kitabıyla başlamıştım. İlk okuduğum zamanlarda acayip beğenmiş olsam da sonraları kurgusal açıdan daha iyileri ile karşılaşınca beğenme eşiği aşağı düştü bu kitapta. Hele ki serinin ilk kitabını okuyup büyük kardeş Oliver’a aşık olduktan sonra düşüncem haliyle değişti. Jarret de fena sayılmaz ama bir ağabeyi kadar değil.
Serinin başlangıç kitabı Bozulan Yeminler'den aşina olduğumuz kurgunun ana hattı olan ebeveynlerini trajik bir şekilde kaybetmeleri ve çocukların üzerindeki etkisiydi. Jarret de anne ve babasının ölümü sonrası skandallarla dolu hayatına bir çeki düzen vermek zorunda. Büyükanneleri tarafından evlilik ültimatomuyla kendilerine bir eş seçmeleri gerekiyor ve sıra Jarret’de...
Kumara olan tutkusuyla bilinen Jarret’in çocukluğu büyükanne ve büyükbabasıyla birlikte sahip oldukları bira imalathanesinde geçmiş ve bir gün orayı yönetmekse hayalleri arasında. Büyükanne Hatty torununa şans tanıyarak bir teklifte bulunur. Bira fabrikasını bir yıl boyunca yönetme karşılığında evlilik şartından vazgeçer. Jarret için bu kaçırılmaz bir fırsattır. Kabul ederek işe koyulur.
Annabel, kendini içkiye veren ağabeyine göz kulak olması bir yana, batmış durumda olan ailesinden kalan bira fabrikasını düzlüğe çıkarmak zorunda. Bir gün çat kapı karşısına dikildiği Jarret'ten yönetmekte olduğu fabrikaya yeni ürettiği içkilerinden pazarlaması adına bir teklifte bulunur. Jarret ise bu teklifiten hoşlanmadığı için başta kabul etmeyi düşünmez. Annabel'se erken pes edecek değildir. Sonrasında kumarbazlıkla nam salan Jarret'in kumar oynadığı kulübe kadar peşine düşer.
Jarret bir bahis teklifinde bulunur Annabel'e kazandığı takdirde yardım edeceğini söyler. Kumarbazlara güven olmayacağı sonradan anlayan Annabel, riske ettiği şeyin sadece onuru olmadığını, kalbinin de tehlikede olduğunu fark eder. Jarret birlikte zaman geçirdikçe ilgisini çeken kadının gizlediği sırlara sahip olduğunu sezer.
Annabel'in sakladığı sır nedir?
Jarret’in sakındığı kalbi, Annabel'in tanıdıkça aşka kapısını açacak mıdır?
Seriyi seviyor olsam da bir sonraki okuyuşum farklı şeyleri fark edince sevgi eşiğim değişiyor. Aralarında ki çekimi hissetmiş olsam da aşk için aynı şeyi söyleyemeyeceğim. Yine de sevdiğim bir kitap olduğunu, defalarca kez okuduğumu söyleyebilirim. Yaşanılan ikilemler, duyulan beklentiler karşı tarafa geçiyordu.
Bütün kardeşleri bir arada olmalarını okumak, Oliver’ı evli mutlu olarak okumak yine çok güzeldi. Serinin devamında Sharpe kardeşleri bekleyen sürprizleri okumak için yorumuma burada son veriyorum. Seriyi, okumanızı öneririm ❤
Profile Image for nurmawati.
516 reviews78 followers
November 22, 2011
bagi yang suka buku2 karya julia quinn bakal suka sama buku ini...why ? soalnya selain menceritakan para bujangan playboy yang akhirnya bertekuk lutut pada wanita biasa....juga di bahas ttg kedekatan hubungan kakak beradik dimana mereka terkadang suka ikut campur urusan sodara nya...
belom lagi disini juga ada semacam fairy godmother dalam bentuk nenek jarret yang pinter dan pemaksa...maksa supaya cucu2 nya pada merit, kalo enggak gak dapat warisan :p

begitu juga yang terjadi pada lord jarret sharpe...cucu laki2 ke 2 dari hester plumtree....pemilik "plumtree brewery"(semacam perkebunan anggur penghasil ale )
si jarret ini sangat menolak di suruh kawin...dia memilih gak dapat warisan daripada harus merit...
grandma hester pun karena usia tua akhirnya sakit dan hester meminta jarred buat mengurus brewery mereka...
jarred setuju dengan syarat dia hanya selama 1 tahun menurus brewery dan setelah itu selesai, neneknya mesti membebaskan dia dari keharusan menikah dan tetap dapat warisan..
mau gak mau akhirnya hester setuju...

so mulailah lord jarred, penjudi professional yang dikenal suka hidup seenak nya, mengurus brewery keluarga plumtree...

enter miss anabelle lake....dia datang ke kota demi bertemu dengan pemilik plumtree brewery...buat menawarkan kerjasama dalam mengekspor ale karena perusahaannya di ambang kebangkrutan sejak kakaknya yang bertugas mengurus brewery, hobby mabuk2 an dan menelantarkan brewery mereka...

keluarga lake sangat bergantung pada brewery mereka...apalagi anabelle ,seorang spinster berusia 30 tahun, rela tidak menikah demi membantu kakaknya dan keponakannya mengurus brewery lake's...

anabel punya rahasia...dia menyerah untuk menikah karena sebenernya dia udah punya 1 anak....
13 tahun yang lalu, anabele bertunangan....lalu dimalam tunangannya pergi perang, anabel menyerahkan keperawanannya....
sayangnya si tunangan mati di medan perang sebelum bisa kembali menikahi anabel...
akhirnya daripada anaknya nanti menderita di panggil bastard, anabel menyerahkan geordie, anaknya, untuk di rawat sebahai anak oleh kaka dan ipar nya..makanya anabel berusaha keras supaya brewery mereka gak bangkrut dan bisa membiayai kehidupan keponakannya (or anaknya) dengan baik...

datang ke plumtree untuk bertemu hester, yang di temukan anabel malah lord jarret....
anabel menjelaskan tujuannya datang tapi lord jarret gak tertarik buat membantu....

besoknya anabel mau mencari lord jarret lagi, akhirnya ketemu pas lord jarret lagi berjudi sama temen akrab nya....
anabel menantang lord jarret buat berjudi kartu....kalo dia menang, lord jarret setuju membantu brewery nya...kalo dia kalah, anabel akan ngasih cincin keberuntungannya...
tapi lord jarret gak mau cincin...dia bilang kalo anabel kalah anabel mesti mau menghabis kan 1 malam di ranjang nya :p

dengan berat hati anabel setuju..karena dia yakin dia bisa mengalahkan lord jarret....

toh akhirnya lord jarret kalah karena pikirannya terhalangi masalah lain...so mau gak mau lord jarred mesti ke lake brewery besok nya bersama anabel, iparnya anabel dan geordie....

sebenernya lord jarred membantu anabel juga ada mau nya, dia mau merayu si "perawan" (lord jarred kira anabel masih perawan)ini dan mengenalkannya ke 'pelepasan gairah' :p

soooo.....ada kejadian pas waktu mereka menginap di penginapan menuju lake brewery....lord jarred dan anabel terperangkap di barn....disitulah lord jarred 'mengajari' anabel gimana cara nya melepaskan gairah tanpa kehilangan ke perawanan....
lord jarred menservis anabel disana :p
anabel nya juga ho oh aja...soalnya dia kan cuma pernah sekali tidur sama tunangannya itu jadi dia sebenernya gak tau gimana gimana supaya gimana :p

kayaknya gak usah di jelaskan si lord jarred ngapain aja ke anabel ya...semua kan udah bisa menebak sendiri :D
yang pasti anabel merasakan "o" untuk pertama kali nya hohohoho....
lord jarret nya udah panas mendamba...tapi karena dikira anabel masih vi, dia gak mau ruined si anabel...jadilah lord jarred menservis anabel...trus anabel nanya apa yang bisa dia lakukan buat 'membalas' lord jarret ???
lord jarret minta anabel maen arisan dan kocokan hihihi....*sensoooooor*

lanjut ya...besok nya mereka ke brewery nya anabel....lord jarret baru tau kalo anabel menipu dia, bilang kalo kakaknya dalam keadaan sakit jadi gak bisa menemui lord jarred padahal si kakak itu mabuk2 an...
lord jarred nya marah soalnya kalo dia kerja sama dengan pemabuk pasti berimbas dengan brewery nya dia....
belom lagi anabel ngaku kalo dia itu sebenernya gak vi dan punya anak 1...
so lord jarred bilang ke anabel kalo dia akan pergi dan membatalkan perjanjiannya...

cuma anabel bilang dia mau menantang lord jarred buat terakhir kali nya...kalo dia menang, lord jarret mesti tinggal dan membantu...kalo dia kalah, anabel akan menyerahkan diri ke lord jarret....toh katanya gak mungkinkin 'ruin' sesuatu yang udah 'ruined'..lord jarret bisa apa2 in anabel tanpa perlu menahan diri...

tadinya lord jarret nya gak mau karena dia marah banget...tapi toh rasa marahnya kalah dengan rasa mendamba nya ke anabel...udah sampe tahap gak bisa kalo gak 'merasakan' anabel....beda dengan perempuan lainnya, anabel udah mencuri hatinya..padahal dia gak mau membagi hati nya karena takut merasa kehilangan....

ternyata anabel kalah main kartu..tapi lord jarret gentlemen sekali, dia membebaskan anabel dari keharusan tidur sama dia dan tetap membantu anabel karena dalam hati dia gak mau kalo brewery anabel bangkrut anabel akan melakukan segala cara walau harus menantang laki2 main kartu...dia gak mau anabel jatuh ke pelukan lelaki lain karena anabel putus asa...

lalu lord jarret nanya apakah selama ini anabel mau sama dia karena suatu keharusan ? kalo dia kalah maka mesti tidur dengannya ?
anabel bilang 'tidak',,,,dia rela tidur dengan lord jarret karena dia juga merasakan perasaan yang berbeda ke lord jarret...
satu2 nya saat dia tidur dengan lelaki yaitu sama tunangannya dan dia gak pernah merasakan perasaan yang amat sangat secara dulu masih muda sekali...16 tahun....
so mereka uhuk2 di kamar kecil di belakang brewery nya anabel....sekali ternyata gak cukup dan besok nya mereka janjian lagi....(perasaan mereka kagak ada cukupnya :p)

gimana kelanjutannya ? apakah kakak anabel tau apa yang dilakukan adiknya bersama lord jarret secara dia curiga gak mungkin lelaki seperti lord jarret mau membantu kalo gak ada udang di balik tepung....? :p
bagaimana saat geordie tau kalo anabel si bibi yang sangat sayang ke dia ternyata ibu kandung nya ?
bagaimana keluarga lord jarred menerima anabel secara dia udah punya anak 1 ?

mesti baca sendiri ya...ada adegan mengharukan juga ada adegan yang hot sangat....
gak rugi baca buku ini dan baca buku2 lain ttg sodara dan sodari lord jarret...wajib di koleksi....

eniwei satu hal...kenapa lord jarret sangat anti jatuh cinta ? gak mau menyerahkan hati nya ? dan gak mau bergantung pada org lain ?
soalnya waktu umur 13 dia kehilangan keluarga nya...ibu nya di tuduh membunuh ayah nya...lord jarret dan saudara nya mesti di asuh nenek nya di brewery....
misteri pembunuhan itu sampe sekarang belum jelas karena gak bisa di percaya ibunya membunuh ayah nya...dan lord jarred menyewa seorang dari bow street runner buat menyelidiki....dan nanti nya si bow street itu bakal jadian ama adik lord jarret (ada bukunya sendiri ^^)

Profile Image for Rachel-RN.
2,217 reviews26 followers
November 2, 2021
Jarrett discovered he was good at gambling when he was sent away to school at 13. He was picked on and gambling helped keep that at bay and gave him a sense of purpose. He loves his grandma, but also resents her for "sending him away." He loved the brewery as a boy. Now, in exchange for dropping the marriage request, he agrees to take over the brewery for 1 year while his grandma recovers from an illness.
It is there he meets Annabel, who has come to appeal to Mrs Plumtree (the grandma) for help in selling ale to India. She helps her brother (Hugh) run his brewery. She knows her stuff and isn't afraid to speak her opinion. She and Jarrett make a bet. She wins, he helps. He wins, she spends a night in his bed.
I really liked this. Annabel was awesome and I loved how she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She also has a secret. Both Jarret and Annabel fit so well together. I also liked her brother Hugh and Sissy. Hugh has his own problems and did make headway in overcoming them. I also liked how supportive Sissy was and it was refreshing to see 2 women work together and help each other. Both families (the Lake's and the Sharp's) loved each other and supported each other.
It was also interesting to read a little on the ale trade and how India Pale Ale came to be.
Some additional information about the deaths of the Sharp siblings parents.
Oliver the eldest was 35 (his story in book 1), Jarret- 32 (this book), Minerva- 28, Gabe- 26, and Celia- 24. Minerva is next!
Profile Image for İlkim.
1,419 reviews11 followers
June 17, 2017
Çok güzeldi zaten bu yazar da genelde yazdığı kitaplarla beni hapsediyor. Serideki sonraki kitabı okuyup bişe hatırlamadığımdan dördüncü kitabı ele geçirebilirsem ona atlamayı düşünüyoruö yakın bir zamanda.
Profile Image for Karen.
569 reviews8 followers
February 6, 2023
My compulsion to complete a series forced me onto eBay to buy this whole series. This one was just ok but that may have just been because my brain is so full of all the other books I’m currently reading or that are in my mental and physical tbr pile. I’ll put this series aside for a bit while I tackle my NetGalley shelf and my tbr
Profile Image for Runningwater.
93 reviews5 followers
October 29, 2021
3 reduced to 2.5. Serviceable writing but heroine ticked me off. Annabel has my usual heroine turn-offs (misandry, hypocrisy, entitlement). I know it’s a romance plot device to put two explosive people for chemistry reasons, but by my book, it’s one thing to be nasty, and another to be unreasonably nasty. Annabel was unreasonably nasty. It’s difficult to focus on romance when the character is so tedious, and withholding judgment disengages my emotional gears. I wanted to fall in love with the characters but the turn-offs really got to me.

This series of Hellions of Halstead Hall follows a family of handsome young aristocratic men and women being pressured into marriage by their grandmama under threat of being disinherited. The second son Jarret is the hero. He runs the Plumtree brewery for his grandmama. Annabel is a brewer who approaches the brewery under some false pretences to speak to Mrs Plumtree, because she reckons only a fellow woman is worth talking to.

(Spoilers ahead - aggravating character behaviours/plot points)

She was rude, entitled, combative, ill-mannered… Annabel was unreasonably rude to a secretary who politely informs her seeing Mrs Plumtree is not possible (the truth). What does she do next? She trespasses into the office and discovers Jarret, and is dismissive to him. Now, trespass is in poor taste and ultimately done against Mrs Plumtree, and isn’t justified just because the secretary and Jarret weren’t female. Upon meeting Jarret and laying out her demands, Annabel decided she was owed respect and that her offer should have been accepted, despite Annabel’s lack of proof of genuine authority. Jarret was noncomittal. Angry and suspicious, she then follows Jarret to find out where Mrs Plumtree is, since Jarret doesn’t give her a “yes” on the spot.

Allow me to clarify for the record: Annabel failed to prove she had the authority to act on behalf of her brother’s brewery, BUT somehow thinks she is owed an acceptance. Now, it doesn’t matter whether she’s a woman or not, if she doesn’t have proof of authority, no sane business person would deal with her. What Annabel wants is to succeed at FRAUD and criminal deceit. She’s in a huff because Jarret was having none of it.

She then tails Jarret into a tavern, and intrudes on a card game with his friends. They remark on her being unescorted. This is London! Having no concern for her own safety is her own foolishness, but she disrespects the decent male strangers who point it out for her own good. Really, it’s her loss.

She was basically a bitch a first sight and then continued to be a thorough bitch for a few more chapters. Her criminal behaviour aside: if she can’t deal with rejection and build trust she’s not ready to do business or maintain any relationship. And she’s pushing 30 with this attitude, that only men are capable of badness? Even when her dark secret is revealed, half the world is male and her relatives too. I have no sympathy for misandry. So immature.

I found it frankly impossible to root for her happiness. Killed my reading pleasure.
Profile Image for Amarilli 73 .
2,384 reviews81 followers
October 9, 2022
Niente nella vita è sicuro, quindi è meglio viaggiare leggeri, senza legami e senza sogni: è l’unico modo per evitare la delusione.

4 stelline e mezzo - Dopo l'iniziale stupore di partire dal secondo volume (il primo non risulterebbe proprio uscito da noi), sono riuscita ad ambientarmi molto bene tra gli scandali e i misteri della famiglia Sharpe (grazie anche al fatto che il libro ben riprende le fila della narrazione e riassume quanto accaduto in precedenza).

Vent'anni prima, all'incirca, il marchese e sua moglie sono stati trovati uccisi, lasciando tutti a dibattere sulle ragioni del gesto e sul colpevole.
La nonna si è fatta carico dei cinque pargoli, crescendoli a suo modo e secondo un certo piglio borghese, per quanto si siano sempre mantenute le apparenze per non cadere (troppo) in disgrazia presso la buona società. Ma gli anni passano, la frizzante nonna si è stancata di non vedere i nipoti collocati al posto giusto e lancia un ultimatum: o si accasano da soli, e bene, o ci pensa lei.

Con il primo volume, il neo-marchese l'ha accontentata. E stavolta tocca a lord Jared, poco più che trentenne, scapestrato e amante del gioco d'azzardo, ma anche desideroso di andare a gestire il birrificio di famiglia.
Quando ottiene la possibilità di farlo, si ritrova anche a contrastare la proposta-sfida di un'impresa concorrente, rappresentata dalla modesta e sola miss Annabelle.
Che non è proprio sola.
Che non è proprio vulnerabile.
Che gioca bene a carte e impara in fretta i trucchi.
In altre parole, Jared il cacciatore si ritrova un po' a cacciare e un po' a fuggire, e forse non gli dispiace così tanto perdere le scommesse, almeno in certi frangenti.

Una serie che non conoscevo, ma che mi ha notevolmente intrigata: simpatica la nonna, interessanti i fratelli di Jared, ben delineati anche i familiari di Annabelle.
La Jeffries mi è piaciuta spesso e qui tesse abilmente una trama che non risulta per nulla scontata; anzi, dove altre autrici si sarebbero accontentate di soluzioni più facili e di un amore meno combattuto, assistiamo invece a una maturazione coerente e credibile dei personaggi, con riflessioni azzeccate sui sacrifici che si fanno in nome dei figli e sui tanti, troppi sbagli, che si fanno in buona fede.
Non esistono genitori perfetti e tutti sono bravi a giudicare a posteriori. Quanto ha ragione.
Profile Image for June.
173 reviews
February 28, 2011
I am really enjoying the series Hellions of Halstead Hall. So far I have read the 1st and 2nd books. I loved how both books started with the Prologue starting in 1806 when the parents of the hellions tragically died. We get different perspectives from each child at the time of their parents' deaths. Then we move ahead 19 years and how their parents' deaths effected their lives.

Jarret Sharpe is the 2nd son. He is a gambler, but since he was a young teen he has secretly longed to take over his grandparents brewery business. His grandmother has fallen ill and Jarret must fill in while she is out. In comes Annabel, a repectable brewster. At 30 Annabel is not as resptable as she appears. Sparks fly immediately between the 2, and then they agree to a bet between them. A game of cards, if she wins he helps her with a business deal, if he wins he beds her. It is hard for Annabel to hide her attraction to Jarret, b/c with or without the bet she wants the hellion in her bed. Annabel has several secrets and Jarret is about to uncover her deepest buried secret.

The end of this book was great, leading into the next book with ease.
Profile Image for Bookwormlipa.
222 reviews19 followers
June 9, 2019
Já não me recordava assim tanto do primeiro mas fui me lembrando após alguns pedaços deste livro. Tenho a dizer que adorei imenso. Estou até surpreendida! Adorei os personagens e a história diferente por trás de cada um deles. Famílias diferentes e com problemas diferentes mas únicas e unidas! A heroína tinha bastante coragem e vontade de viver, mesmo passando por tudo o que passou. E o nosso herói foi maravilhoso em todos os sentidos. Sem duvida que o adorei imenso. Espero imenso a continuação dos livros pois o mistério em redor desta série está a deixar-me muito curiosa!
Profile Image for Sue.
1,123 reviews9 followers
April 29, 2016
Story and Narration 4.0, enjoyed both. This brings you to the Brewery needs and life style, I enjoyed the shift in scenery... they even mentioned Bass Bear Brewery which is still producing beer today.

I enjoyed the plot, very daring young woman when it comes to protecting her family.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 440 reviews

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