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Pilates For Dummies

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A user-friendly guide that teaches you the origins and philosophy of the Pilates method and helps you set realistic fitness goals and custom tailor a program  Once the secret fitness weapon of professional dancers, athletes, and movie stars, Pilates is sweeping the country and becoming more popular than ever. If half of what its many fans claim is true, then it’s easy to see why. Combining elements of yoga, dance, gymnastics, and boxing, along with many original movements, Pilates exercises build muscle tone, improve flexibility and balance, lengthen the spine, increase body awareness, and repair past injuries. Most people who’ve done it, even for a short time, say they feel stronger and more energized, centered, and physically confident than ever before. They also like having the flat tummies, tight buns, and long lean thighs of a dancer.  Pilates For Dummies is your gentle introduction to the Pilates method without the high cost of private instruction. Packed with easy-to-follow exercises an plenty of photos, it helps you develop your own Pilates fitness program to do at home or in the gym and how to use eight basic Pilates principles to get the most out of your mat-based routines. With this practical guide by your side, you can:    Whether you’re just starting out with Pilates or know a few exercises and want to learn more, the book covers:    Additionally, you’ll learn simple ways to incorporate Pilates into your everyday life, changes you can expect to see from practicing Pilates, and questions to ask if you decide to join a Pilates studio or hire a Pilates instructor. Get your copy of Pilates For Dummies to start designing a Pilates fitness program just for you. 

358 pages, Paperback

First published May 6, 2002

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About the author

Ellie Herman

28 books3 followers

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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
Profile Image for Kristýna.
250 reviews39 followers
November 5, 2023
It wasn't good at all. It was very boring from the beginning until the middle, but in the end it worth it. I hope someday I'll have the same shape. One thing I miss was the right technique for breathing.

That was a fresh reading, just the style of the author was unusual but I guess it have to be this way.
Profile Image for Gabi Azuaje.
154 reviews22 followers
June 11, 2023
Es un libro para aquellos que no saben si intentar esta práctica, me gustó mucho y realmente si quiero practicar pilates, lo siento más útil y práctico que otras técnicas...
Profile Image for Callie.
40 reviews4 followers
January 27, 2009
I like how it has picture demonstrations and an easy, intermediate and hard workout. It is a good reference book if you don't have the luxury of having your own Pilates trainer with you telling you what to do and how. It also has tips for which exercises to do depending on what sports you are involved in like for tennis, running, swimming, etc. Also a good but brief introduction to the equipment that you can use for Pilates.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
549 reviews21 followers
June 30, 2011
I'm barely able to get through the fundamentals, so this is going back to the library for now. When I get a little stronger i may check it out again.
Profile Image for Katja Willemsen.
Author 4 books15 followers
October 20, 2012
A surprisingly thorough and easy to follow book on something difficult to learn without the necessary correction and precision of an instructor.
Profile Image for Sophie.
307 reviews82 followers
November 14, 2013
Good Pilates book for beginners and intermediate. Well documented and great images.
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews

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