Chocolate Chickpea Spread

This Chocolate Chickpea Spread is made from chickpeas and is a really great alternative.

It makes for a yummy sandwich spread, but is also a good dipping sauce for fruit or even an icing for a cake!

My kids looove Nutella.

And they always insist on buying a jar (or three)! We looked for a copycat version of Nutella that could be a bit cheaper than buying the one at the grocery store. So, here we are!\

Chocolate Chickpea Spread


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Responses to “Chocolate Chickpea Spread”

  1. butterfly girl Avatar
    butterfly girl

    I will try this one tomorrow, using freenutbutter (sunflower seed peanut butter alternative, has NO NUTS. we can’t have peanut butter or nuttella in the house, but we can try this. and chick peas are low GI and this is a low fat spread… wonder if equal baking would work for half the sugar….. HHHmmmmm play time tomorrow.

  2. Alisha Avatar

    I have a can of chick peas in the pantry from goodness knows when (I hope they are still ok) because I’m looking forward to giving this a go!

  3. kelly Avatar

    How long will this keep for do you think?


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