anna the anaconda gave birth without a man bc the matriarchy.

Anaconda Gets Pregnant and Gives Birth With Zero Help From Males

We stanaconda a self-sufficient reproductive queen.

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Ssssisters are doing it for themselves! Anna the Anaconda, an 8-year old resident snake at the New England Aquarium in Boston, MA has managed to reproduce and spawn two baby anacondas all by herself. But don’t go calling Snake Jesus just yet: this is hardly a virgin birth. While Anna resided with only female snakes in her enclosure (to prevent mating) she managed to reproduce via a process called parthenogenesis, which allows a female organism to reproduce without fertilization from a male.

The process, which is frequently seen in plants and insects, has been observed in birds, sharks, lizards, and other snake species. Aquarium spokesman Tony LaCasse said of the phenomenon, “Genetically, it’s a vulnerable process … It’s among that tagline, life will find a way. It’s a completely unique and amazing reproductive strategy, but it has a low viability compared to sexual reproduction.” Nearly a dozen baby snakes were born stillborn among the two that survived.

Anacondas are the world’s largest species of snake, and Anna herself weighs in at 30 pounds with a length of 10 feet. Scientists at the aquarium did due diligence regarding the parentage, studying Anna’s history of contact with any males and running a DNA test to reveal that the babies were genetic clones of their mother.

Currently, the babies are being cared for by the aquarium, where they are being held every day to get them used to human contact (and also because who doesn’t love snake snuggles?). Obviously, we stan a single lady anaconda who doesn’t need a man and refuses to rely on the snaketriarchy. If we’re talking about men, the anaconda don’t want none. And we’re not alone: folks on social media are celebrating a single snake mom living her best life.

It’s been quite a week for anacondas on social media (there’s a sentence I never thought I’d type), as the giant snake started trending on social media last week. This was thanks to two bizarre new videos posted on Twitter from actor Jon Voight. Voight discussed his support for President Trump, calling him “greatest president since Abraham Lincoln”.

Folks were quick to mock Voight, and quickly started sharing GIFs and memes of the actor getting constricted by a giant snake in the trashy classic movie Anaconda. So for those of you keeping score, it’s Anacondas: 2, Jon Voight: 0. What a time to be alive.

(via Washington Post, image: Instagram/New England Aquarium)

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Chelsea Steiner
Chelsea was born and raised in New Orleans, which explains her affinity for cheesy grits and Britney Spears. An pop culture journalist since 2012, her work has appeared on Autostraddle, AfterEllen, and more. Her beats include queer popular culture, film, television, republican clownery, and the unwavering belief that 'The Long Kiss Goodnight' is the greatest movie ever made. She currently resides in sunny Los Angeles, with her husband, 2 sons, and one poorly behaved rescue dog. She is a former roller derby girl and a black belt in Judo, so she is not to be trifled with. She loves the word “Jewess” and wishes more people used it to describe her.