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# 60
Все си мисля, ако ви се падне дете хомосексуалист, какво ще правите.

Какво да правя, ще му кажа че го обичам.

И дано не слуша тези ЛГБТ общности, които постоянно му вменяват колко е различен, безправен и нещастен.

Ще му помогна да осъзнае, че щастието му зависи само от него.
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# 61
Някак си не ми е ясно - не може ли да приемаш хомосексуализма и борбата на тази общност за законови придобивки, но да не ти допадат демонстративните прояви, които имат горе-долу толкова практически смисъл колкото разходките на футболните агитки?

Темата нали е за отношението към прайда, не към хомосексуализма?
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# 62
Някак си не ми е ясно - не може ли да приемаш хомосексуализма и борбата на тази общност за законови придобивки, но да не ти допадат демонстративните прояви...

Може. Ще си горе-долу единствената в темата.

Аз съм доста сигурна, че повечето пишещи тук, са били на километри от прайда. Т.е. било им е изключително лесно да избегнат демонстрацията и вероятно са го направили. Една част дори вероятно дори не са били в същия град.

Как може да те дразни нещо, което се случва в Патагония (щото дали е на 70 или на 7000 км е практически все едно) и което практически не пречи на никого (или не повече от обичайните шествия, състезания и т.н., които се провеждат от време на време)?
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# 63
Все си мисля, ако ви се падне дете хомосексуалист, какво ще правите.

Как какво - ще му кажат, че предпочитат да е сериен убиец, отколкото да си пада по Стоян от съседния вход.

Това ли са единствените алтернативи - гей или сериен убиец? И двете са отклонения от нормата, и да - ще стискам палци да не е нито едно от двете. Ако все пак се окаже с някакви девиации, пак ще го приема защото ми е дете, но няма да се правя че съм много щастлива или пък, че е напълно нормално състояние и едва ли не всички трябва да бъдат такива.

Прайда не ме интересува, за мен е пълна простотия и демонстрация.
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# 64
Дано има хора с достатъчно здрав разум да те разберат. Това е и моето мнение. Освен това е достатъчно идиотско, както да ходиш по гей паради и да подкрепяш едно отклонение от нормалността, така и да водиш деца на анти гей парад.
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# 65
Някак си не ми е ясно - не може ли да приемаш хомосексуализма и борбата на тази общност за законови придобивки, но да не ти допадат демонстративните прояви...
Може. Ще си горе-долу единствената в темата.
Не е само тя. И според мен прайдът е безсмислен. Единственото, което постига, е да обедини хора, за които 'истината е една'. Тяхната, разбира се.

И двете са отклонения от нормата, и да - ще стискам палци да не е нито едно от двете.
За нашите ширини и аз съм отклонение от нормата - висока, руса и много бяла. Да взема да се гръмна ли?
Заяждането настрани, разбирам какво искаш да кажеш. Така си мисля. Все пак не е ли много по-разумно да желаеш детето ти да е щастливо, каквото и да е? От някои дадености е трудно, да не кажа невъзможно, да избягаш.
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# 66
Аз не се заяждам. Хомосексуализмът е отклонение от нормата, не е нормално състояние колкото и да го лансират и промотират като такова. Русата коса и бялата кожа не са отклонения.

Всички искаме децата ни да бъдат щастливи, но аз бих предпочела моето дете да няма психически отклонения. Също както бих предпочела да няма например заешка устна. Не значи, че ако има не бих го приела такъв какъвто е, но и няма да си кривя душата, че е нормално, да парадирам с отклоненията му и да ги навирам в очите на другите.
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# 67

Early Theoretical Assumptions

Late nineteenth and early twentieth century theories of homosexuality largely relied upon a dichotomous model of human nature using categories such as male/female, masculine/feminine, and heterosexual/homosexual. Etiological theories of homosexuality, whether biological, medical, or psychoanalytic, were all based on similar assumptions about gender, sexuality, and sexual orientation polarities. Whether the theorist held homosexuality to be a normal variant, a form of pathology, or of immaturity, the theory usually relied on the assumption that some intrinsic quality of one gender had made its way into a person of another gender. The beliefs upon which all these theories rested was that the wide range of human sexuality could be understood when reduced to the two component parts of male and female. Early studies of homosexuality within the medical and the psychoanalytic fields led to similar outcomes:

The removal of responsibility for defining homosexuality from the realms of morality and religion and securing it within science and medicine.
The creation of a category of person, the "homosexual," who stood in contrast to the moral/religious belief that homosexuality was a behavior rather than a source of identity.
The perpetuation of homosexuality's social stigma by taking it out of the realm of sin and immorality and placing it within the realm of pathology and immaturity. However, these developments would eventually set the stage for the normalization of homosexuality that began to occur in the mid-twentieth century.
The Declassification of Homosexuality by the American Psychiatric Association

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality from its official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1973. This decision occurred in the context of momentous cultural changes brought on by the social protest movements of the 1950s to the 1970s: beginning with the African-American civil rights movement, then evolving on to the women's and gay rights movements.

Alfred Kinsey Just as influential in the APA's decision were the research studies on homosexuality of the 1940's and 1950's. Alfred Kinsey's and colleagues' study on male and female sexuality marked the beginning of a cultural shift away from the view of homosexuality as pathology and toward viewing it as a normal variant of human sexuality. Kinsey had criticized scientists' tendency to represent homosexuals and heterosexuals as "inherently different types of individuals." Therefore, he introduced a 0 to 6 scale to classify sexual behavior or fantasy from "exclusively heterosexual" to "exclusively homosexual" (the "Kinsey Scale"). The "Kinsey Reports" found that 37% of males and 13% of females had at least some overt homosexual experience to the point of orgasm; furthermore, 10% of males were more or less exclusively homosexual and 8% of males were exclusively homosexual for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55. This is where the frequently quoted "10%" figure comes from. 2-6% of women reported more or less exclusively homosexual experience or response. A more modest 4% of males and 1-3% of females had been exclusively homosexual after the onset of adolescence until the time of the interview.

"Males do not represent two discrete populations, heterosexual and homosexual. The world is not to be divided into sheep and goats. It is a fundamental of taxonomy that nature rarely deals with discrete categories... The living world is a continuum in each and every one of its aspects." (Kinsey, et al. 1948 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948), p. 639).
 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male

0- Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual
1- Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2- Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3- Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4- Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5- Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6- Exclusively homosexual
(Kinsey 1948), p. 638

Clellan Ford and Frank Beach's Patterns of Sexual Behavior (1951), relying on data from the Human Relations Area Files, found homosexuality to be common across cultures and to exist in almost all nonhuman species. Their work supported the notion that homosexuality was both natural and widespread.

Stonewall Inn
The Stonewall Inn bar, Manhattan.
Evelyn Hooker Psychologist Evelyn Hooker's groundbreaking study compared the projective test results from 30 nonpatient homosexual men with those of 30 nonpatient heterosexual men. The study found that experienced psychologists, unaware of whose test results they were interpreting, could not distinguish between the two groups. This study was a serious challenge to the view that homosexuality was always associated with psychopathology.

Homosexuality had been officially classified as a mental disorder in the APA's first Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-1) in 1952. There it was designated as a "sociopathic personality disturbance." Viewing homosexuality as a mental illness was not controversial at the time as it coincided with prevailing societal attitudes. DSM-II, published in 1968, listed homosexuality as a sexual deviation, but sexual deviations were no longer categorized as a sociopathic personality disturbance.

The publication of DSM-II coincided with the emergence of the gay rights movement. The Stonewall riots in 1969 in New York City marked a watershed event in the movement. Having successfully challenged the police and government attempts to shut down public places where gay people gathered, gay activists would soon challenge psychiatric authority as well.

Before the Stonewall riots, homophile groups had accepted the medical view of homosexuality as a mental disorder. Their view had been that accepting homosexuality as disease meant treating it as a disability, rather than a moral or religious sin, and would lead to more objective and humane attitudes.

A new generation of gay rights activists viewed medical and psychiatric portrayals of homosexuality to be just as problematic as the religious views. Gay men and women were still being denied many basic rights and the designation of homosexuality as a mental disorder had only exacerbated antihomosexual societal prejudices, leaving gay men and women vulnerable in terms of their physical safety, economic security, and overall well being.

Barbara Gitting demonstrating
Barbara Gittings marching at a
homosexual rights demonstrationMarmor
Gay activists began to confront the APA about its position on homosexuality. There were a series of dramatic encounters between activists and psychiatrists at the annual meetings of the APA between 1970 and 1972. While the opposition to the activists was vehement by some in the APA, there were increasing numbers of psychiatrists (e.g., Judd Marmor) who supported the activists' view.

These were members who were familiar with the research findings showing that homosexuality occurred in large numbers of people, in persons who demonstrated normal psychological adjustment, and that it is present across a range of cultures.

Dr. Robert Spitzer
Dr. Robert Spitzer and other members of the APA Task Force on Nomenclature and Statistics agreed to meet with a group of gay activists who presented the scientific evidence to its members and convinced the Task Force to study the issue further. The subsequent research review led the Nomenclature Committee of the APA to propose that homosexuality be eliminated from the DSM. This proposal was approved by the APA's Council on Research and Development, its Reference Committee, and by the Assembly of District Branches before being accepted by the APA's Board of Trustees in December 1973. Other major mental health professional organizations, including the American Psychological Association and the National Association of Social Workers, soon endorsed the APA action. The decision to declassify homosexuality was accompanied by the passage of an APA Position Statement, which supported the protection of the civil rights of homosexual persons.

Some APA members, primarily psychoanalysts who continued to espouse pathologizing views of homosexuality, challenged the leadership of the APA by calling for a referendum of the entire APA membership. The decision to remove homosexuality was upheld by a 58% majority of voting APA members.

When the diagnosis of homosexuality was deleted in 1973, the APA did not initially embrace a normal variant model of homosexuality (Drescher 1998, Bayer 1987, Krajeski 1996). In recognition of the opposition, it made a compromise. The DSM-II diagnosis of Sexual Orientation Disturbance (SOD) replaced Homosexuality. Accordingly, individuals comfortable with their homosexuality were no longer considered mentally ill. Only those who were "in conflict with" their sexual orientation had a mental disorder (SOD). This compromise engendered continued controversy. Those opposing it pointed out there were no reported cases of unhappy heterosexual individuals seeking treatment to become homosexual. This problem was addressed in the 1980's DSM-III where SOD was replaced by ego-dystonic homosexuality (EDH).

Barbara Gittings, Frank Kameny and Dr. H Anonymous
(aka Dr. John E. Fryer) at the 1972 annual APA conference.
[Photo: Kay Tobin Lahusen]
During the revision process of DSM-III in the mid 1980's EDH also engendered enormous controversy. In these debates openly gay and lesbian members of the APA played a decisive role in bringing about change (Krajeski 1996). Those on the APA Advisory Committee working on the revision who wanted to retain the EDH category argued that they believed the diagnosis was clinically useful and that it was necessary for research and statistical purposes. The opponents noted that making a patient's subjective experience of their own homosexuality the determining factor of their illness was not consistent with the new evidence-based approach that psychiatry had espoused. They argued that empirical data do not support the diagnosis and that it is inappropriate to label culturally induced homophobia as a mental disorder. The APA Committee agreed with the opponents and the diagnosis of ego-dystonic homosexuality was removed from DSM-III-R (1987).

Many of those opposed to the diagnosis of EDH had viewed it as a diagnostic relic that had indirectly, if not directly, perpetuated the mental illness model of homosexuality. Removing it was a crucial step in a paradigm shift that would help psychiatry focus on more relevant models and concepts in understanding gay men and lesbians. The change nevertheless remains controversial, and a small group of psychologists and analysts (the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality [NARTH]) continues to argue that homosexuality is a dysfunction and can be corrected.

Marmor, Horney &  Schaffner
Drs. Judd Marmor, Marianne Horney Eckhardt,
and Bert Schaffner
The change also encouraged the American Psychological Association and other mental health groups to depathologize homosexuality as well as make further progressive statements on gays and lesbians. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) labeled discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation as irrational in 1988. It opposed exclusion and dismissal from the armed forces on the basis of sexual orientation in 1990. In 1991, the APA added immigration and naturalization decisions to areas in which it opposes discrimination against homosexuals. It supported the right to privacy in adult consensual relations conducted in private, also in 1991. In 1992, the APA encouraged its members to help prevent and respond actively to bias-related incidents related to sexual orientation. An APA position statement in 1998 opposed any psychiatric treatment based on the assumption that homosexuality is a medical disorder or that patients should change their sexual orientation, including "reparative" or "conversion therapies." This was extended in 2000 to a recommendation that ethical practitioners refrain from attempts to change sexual orientation in the absence of research substantiating "reparative" therapies. Also in 2000, the APA approved a position statement supporting the legal recognition of same-sex unions. It endorsed an initiative allowing adoption and co-parenting of children by same-sex couples in 2002. In 2005, the APA endorsed the right of gay people to enter into same-sex civil marriage. The American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) adopted a position statement in 1991 opposing discrimination against gay people, and it directed that the selection of candidates for training not be based on sexual orientation. In 1997, ApsaA endorsed same-gender couples having equal rights to marry. It affirmed that "reparative" therapy is against fundamental principles of psychoanalytic treatment in 2000, and it opposed discrimination based on sexual orientation in parenting and adoption in 2002. The World Health Organization removed homosexuality from ICD-10 in 1992.

Ако мисленето ти е на равнище средата на миналия век, тогава е отколонение от нормата. Ако обаче си малко пораснала, ще следвало да научиш малко повече.

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# 68
Т.е. законите на биологията са се променили през този век и хомосексуализмът не е отклонение от нормата от гледна точка на биологията?
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# 69
От гледна точка на биологията още по-малко: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior

Малко се поуморих да го повтарям, но има разлика между биологичен пол и сексуална ориентация. Да поствам ли пак линк?

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# 70
Т.е. законите на биологията са се променили през този век и хомосексуализмът не е отклонение от нормата от гледна точка на биологията?

Какво като е? Не всички отклонения са опасни или лоши за притежателя или околните, нали?

Малко е мракобесно да скачаме срещу всичко, което не е средностатистическо.
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# 71
Опасявам се, че ако хомосексуалността се приеме за норма от гледна точка на биологията, размножаването ще бъде възможно само чрез просто деление.
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# 72
Норма е това, че 10 процента от популацията е хомосексуална.
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# 73
Сред тези констатации за психични и биологични отклонения, прайдът ми се вижда съвсем неуместен.

Много точно го е описала крокожабъл:

Единственото, което постига, е да обедини хора, за които 'истината е една'. Тяхната, разбира се.
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# 74
Норма е това, че 10 процента от популацията е хомосексуална.

Не. Това е отклонение от нормата. Колкото и на някои да им се иска да е норма.

В последно време просто стана модерно и много яко да си гей. Явно носи и доста облаги на геещия се индивид, затова и е така популярно да се парадира с това и да се натрапва на обществото по всякакви начини.
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