GoT 34 ПОСЛЕДЕН СЕЗОН - Нищо не е вечно

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# 585
А дано Умре Дани! моля ви се ДиД! нека е Дани!
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# 586
Джон е преди всичко честен, даже много се забави с изплюването на камъчето. Според мен нито той, нито Денерис ще умрат в епизод 3 - единият ще направи жертва/саможертва в последния епизод.

И аз чакам книгите с нетърпение, макар че с 5тата видях зор, имаше доста пълнеж.
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# 587
Но като цяло аз не намирам за много интелигентно решението на Джон да ѝ каже точно преди битката.
Бих искала да преброим правилните му решения до момента.
Също така и грешните.

Трудно ми е в момента чак толкова назад времето да връщам и пъзели да редя, но Джон май се измъква все на косъм и то благодарение на приближени, които са го спасили, но винаги се е подлагал на риск доброволно. След като вече знае кой е, дали ще продължи същият да бъде? Аз обаче смятам, че такива камъчета не се изплюват точно преди битка и тук пак грешка направи. Добрест, чест не му липсават, но му липсва едно Тирионче да го посъветва да си замълчи за мъничко. Аз не знам сега и се чудя Денерис след тази истина, в чиято достоверност се съмнява каква ще я свърши и с кой дракон в коя посока ще полети.... не се казват просто такива неща точно преди важна... да не кажа последната битка... Тук му беше грешката на Джон, ама той нали лоялен, честен, доблестен....
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# 588
А дано Умре Дани! моля ви се ДиД! нека е Дани!
Е, как ще умре сега? То се губи смисъла на сума сезони.
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# 589
Не беше толкова лош моментът да разбере Дани. А и не Джон беше инициаторът. Просто ако беше премълчал, щеше да е по-скоро лъжа, което не му е в нрава. След битката може и да не оцелее Джон, а след като го е чула от него, с колкото и недоверие да го приеме, вече ще има нещо, с което би следвало да се съобрази - че истината не е само нейната гледна точка и правото винаги би могло да е оспоримо.
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# 590
Обяснявам логиката си:
Ако Джон каже на Денерис преди битката, когато може да изгуби армията и драконите ѝ, то той ѝ казва "това съм аз, това е истината, вярвай ми, няма да те излъжа, ако исках да те застраша нямаше да рискувам да ти кажа това преди битката, не съм ти конкуренция".
Ако ѝ каже след битката ще изглежда така: "използвах те за да спечеля войната с КН, сега имам подкрепата на хората, защото аз поведох всички, сега искам да ти взема трона, защото вече не си ми нужна "
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# 591
Падам.... Уж спойлери за 3 епизод хахах

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Here is the script for season 3 - exodus..

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EXODUS not in order


this is not in order since he just told me the things that happened as they came to his mind.

Dany gives a speech to the unsullied and dothraki. High valyrian and Dothraki. The dothraki get hyped like when she gave the speech on drogon. The unsullied do the thing with their spears. Dany and Jon fly away to a clift where they can see everything, but their focus is with Bran . You can feel the tension between them since it's right after the big reveal. Dany tells jon the dead are already here and that she shouldn't be up here. She should be fighting with her people. Jon tells her that's not their mission. Dany tells him she's not going to let her people die.

The WW will point foward and the battle will begin. They will show the reactions of the dothraki, unsullied and northmen facing the wights.

Arya will be fighting inside winterfell and she will be kicking ass with the spear gendry made her.

Theon Greyjoy dies protecting Bran.

Jon will fight for Bran for a while.

Vserion and NK are NOT in Winterfell. They are heading for KL. GC is not in Winterfell.

Dothraki kill hundreds of wights, Unsullied launch their catapults, notherners fight. Arrows of dragonglass are fired, wights shatter. The battle strategy is to target the WW and protect Bran.

Battle moves into winterfell. Sansa will hide in one of the chambers since there are wights downstairs and the crypts.

CRYPTS: The recent dead starks arise. Ned Stark, skeleton without a head. Rickon, a smaller skeleton. They begin to kill people in the crypts. Before the dead starks turn into wights Tyrion goes out. Everyone whos there turns into wights except: Gilly and baby sam. Varys lives too.

The hound is alive. He watches Beric die. He has flashbacks to the battle of the blackwater because of all the fire but now he realizes he has something worth fighting for and it cuts to arya fighting.

Hodor is a wight and he is with an undead direwolf (Source says its Summer)

Gendry is stabbed in the leg like Ned in S1, Nymeria and her pack of wolves save him. The pack of wolves continue kicking ass.

Podrick dies when fighting a WW. Brienne, Jaimie and Tyrion watch. That's when Tyrion decided to flee. Arya goes down to the crypts as shes running she sees gilly, varys and baby sam running out. Behind them are the dead stark and that's who shes running from in the trailer.

Sam is out fighting he is about to lose but Ghost saves him just as the earlier seasons.

Jorah WILL die. He'll die protecting Lyanna Mormont. "You are the future of this house, GO"

Edd Tollet will be killed by a WW

Dany is on Drogon burning thousands of wights. Rhaegal is still with Jon defending bran. Somehow daenerys gets knocked out and falls off drogon. When that happens Drogon lets out a cry and Rhaegal hears that and flies to Dany. Dany is uncounscious. Drogon is defending her from the wights burning hundreds. Jon notices that Rhaegal left so he goes to the battlefield. He sees Drogon in the floor defending Dany and Rhaegal in the air shooting from above circling her. After Jon gets there he carries Dany to winterfell. He sees that the battle is lost and tells everyone to retreat. After Jon takes Dany the dragons go wild and kill thousand more of wights and TWO WW.

Greyworm is stabbed but as the ww was going to finish him Drogon torches the WW.

When everyone is retreating the Stark sisters are with eachother . Sansa is hesitant of leaving she tells arya "There must always be a stark in winterfell" and Arya responds in a sad tone "There's no longer a Winterfell'. The dragons continue burning the wights so that they can all retreat to safety. The iron born have bran and are carrying him to safety.

They are in the ship, Dany awakens her first words are "Drogon, Rhaegal. Where are they?" Jon smiles and strokes her face. They kiss. Jon gets teary eyed and says " I thought I had lost you". Missandei walks in.

the maester examines Dany and he tells her and missandei she is pregantn. Dany is in disbelief. The only ones that know is Dany and Missandei. Dany asks the maester to keep it to himself.

Scene cuts to Stark children reunion. Jon hugs sansa, arya and last bran. Bran says he should go check on daenerys. Bran already knows of boatbaby.

Sansa asks the remaining ironborn for theon. They tell her he died protecting bran. She goes to her room and cries.

Arya searches for Gendry but can't find him. She thinks he's dead and is angry.

Gendry is in another boat.

Greywom and Missandei reunite.

Drogon is injured because he stayed in the ground protecting dany. Rhaegal is not injured.

Also, Davos sees the little Shireen 2.0 as a wight and thats why he flees with Tyrion.

Tormund lives!

As jon is fleeing with Dany to the harbor, you can see Ghost limping behind him.


bran has visions during the fight


Brienne is broken after Podricks death, Jaimie is there to console her. Quick shot of the two, no romantic things happening.

Sansa hugs Bran and asks the ironborn behind him “Theon. Where is he?” When they tell her he didn’t make it she chokes up and leaves to her room. Last we see Sansa in this episode is her crying silently.

ANOTHER JON + DAENERYS SCENE AT THE END (still getting info) Jon goes back to the room Dany is in. He asks for a moment alone, missandei leaves. Jon asks her what she thinks of the whole Aegon Targaryen thing. She tells him that he has to save house Targaryen from extinction and that means that he has to marry. Jon interrupts her rather mad and sad “ I know what it means, but I don’t want it.” She responds teary eyed chocked up And tells him she can’t have children Jon says holding her hand “I don’t care Dany.” She pulls her hand away softly and says “it’s your duty Aegon Targaryen. Save House Targaryen.” (Daenerys says this line with her voice cracking and looking away) Jon leaves the room very sad.

Then it cuts to Viserion and the NK in KL (not attacking yet. I believe we will see the attack in ep 4)

Episode Ends.

I will ask my source for screencaps but I doubt it because he doesn’t want to get fired.

The quotes I added are for sure are going to be there.

Gonna ask him the info he got on episode 4. … ;utm_medium=web2x
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# 592
Падам.... Уж спойлери за 3 епизод хахах

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Here is the script for season 3 - exodus..

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EXODUS not in order


this is not in order since he just told me the things that happened as they came to his mind.

Dany gives a speech to the unsullied and dothraki. High valyrian and Dothraki. The dothraki get hyped like when she gave the speech on drogon. The unsullied do the thing with their spears. Dany and Jon fly away to a clift where they can see everything, but their focus is with Bran . You can feel the tension between them since it's right after the big reveal. Dany tells jon the dead are already here and that she shouldn't be up here. She should be fighting with her people. Jon tells her that's not their mission. Dany tells him she's not going to let her people die.

The WW will point foward and the battle will begin. They will show the reactions of the dothraki, unsullied and northmen facing the wights.

Arya will be fighting inside winterfell and she will be kicking ass with the spear gendry made her.

Theon Greyjoy dies protecting Bran.

Jon will fight for Bran for a while.

Vserion and NK are NOT in Winterfell. They are heading for KL. GC is not in Winterfell.

Dothraki kill hundreds of wights, Unsullied launch their catapults, notherners fight. Arrows of dragonglass are fired, wights shatter. The battle strategy is to target the WW and protect Bran.

Battle moves into winterfell. Sansa will hide in one of the chambers since there are wights downstairs and the crypts.

CRYPTS: The recent dead starks arise. Ned Stark, skeleton without a head. Rickon, a smaller skeleton. They begin to kill people in the crypts. Before the dead starks turn into wights Tyrion goes out. Everyone whos there turns into wights except: Gilly and baby sam. Varys lives too.

The hound is alive. He watches Beric die. He has flashbacks to the battle of the blackwater because of all the fire but now he realizes he has something worth fighting for and it cuts to arya fighting.

Hodor is a wight and he is with an undead direwolf (Source says its Summer)

Gendry is stabbed in the leg like Ned in S1, Nymeria and her pack of wolves save him. The pack of wolves continue kicking ass.

Podrick dies when fighting a WW. Brienne, Jaimie and Tyrion watch. That's when Tyrion decided to flee. Arya goes down to the crypts as shes running she sees gilly, varys and baby sam running out. Behind them are the dead stark and that's who shes running from in the trailer.

Sam is out fighting he is about to lose but Ghost saves him just as the earlier seasons.

Jorah WILL die. He'll die protecting Lyanna Mormont. "You are the future of this house, GO"

Edd Tollet will be killed by a WW

Dany is on Drogon burning thousands of wights. Rhaegal is still with Jon defending bran. Somehow daenerys gets knocked out and falls off drogon. When that happens Drogon lets out a cry and Rhaegal hears that and flies to Dany. Dany is uncounscious. Drogon is defending her from the wights burning hundreds. Jon notices that Rhaegal left so he goes to the battlefield. He sees Drogon in the floor defending Dany and Rhaegal in the air shooting from above circling her. After Jon gets there he carries Dany to winterfell. He sees that the battle is lost and tells everyone to retreat. After Jon takes Dany the dragons go wild and kill thousand more of wights and TWO WW.

Greyworm is stabbed but as the ww was going to finish him Drogon torches the WW.

When everyone is retreating the Stark sisters are with eachother . Sansa is hesitant of leaving she tells arya "There must always be a stark in winterfell" and Arya responds in a sad tone "There's no longer a Winterfell'. The dragons continue burning the wights so that they can all retreat to safety. The iron born have bran and are carrying him to safety.

They are in the ship, Dany awakens her first words are "Drogon, Rhaegal. Where are they?" Jon smiles and strokes her face. They kiss. Jon gets teary eyed and says " I thought I had lost you". Missandei walks in.

the maester examines Dany and he tells her and missandei she is pregantn. Dany is in disbelief. The only ones that know is Dany and Missandei. Dany asks the maester to keep it to himself.

Scene cuts to Stark children reunion. Jon hugs sansa, arya and last bran. Bran says he should go check on daenerys. Bran already knows of boatbaby.

Sansa asks the remaining ironborn for theon. They tell her he died protecting bran. She goes to her room and cries.

Arya searches for Gendry but can't find him. She thinks he's dead and is angry.

Gendry is in another boat.

Greywom and Missandei reunite.

Drogon is injured because he stayed in the ground protecting dany. Rhaegal is not injured.

Also, Davos sees the little Shireen 2.0 as a wight and thats why he flees with Tyrion.

Tormund lives!

As jon is fleeing with Dany to the harbor, you can see Ghost limping behind him.


bran has visions during the fight


Brienne is broken after Podricks death, Jaimie is there to console her. Quick shot of the two, no romantic things happening.

Sansa hugs Bran and asks the ironborn behind him “Theon. Where is he?” When they tell her he didn’t make it she chokes up and leaves to her room. Last we see Sansa in this episode is her crying silently.

ANOTHER JON + DAENERYS SCENE AT THE END (still getting info) Jon goes back to the room Dany is in. He asks for a moment alone, missandei leaves. Jon asks her what she thinks of the whole Aegon Targaryen thing. She tells him that he has to save house Targaryen from extinction and that means that he has to marry. Jon interrupts her rather mad and sad “ I know what it means, but I don’t want it.” She responds teary eyed chocked up And tells him she can’t have children Jon says holding her hand “I don’t care Dany.” She pulls her hand away softly and says “it’s your duty Aegon Targaryen. Save House Targaryen.” (Daenerys says this line with her voice cracking and looking away) Jon leaves the room very sad.

Then it cuts to Viserion and the NK in KL (not attacking yet. I believe we will see the attack in ep 4)

Episode Ends.

I will ask my source for screencaps but I doubt it because he doesn’t want to get fired.

The quotes I added are for sure are going to be there.

Gonna ask him the info he got on episode 4. … ;utm_medium=web2x

 hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha

Вмомента, в който прочетох това:

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Also, Davos sees the little Shireen 2.0 as a wight and thats why he flees with Tyrion.

и ме загубиха. хах! Много мелодрама, много нещо.

Обаче ако спойлерът е верен, ще е гадно.
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# 593
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# 594
Обяснявам логиката си:
Ако Джон каже на Денерис преди битката, когато може да изгуби армията и драконите ѝ, то той ѝ казва "това съм аз, това е истината, вярвай ми, няма да те излъжа, ако исках да те застраша нямаше да рискувам да ти кажа това преди битката, не съм ти конкуренция".
Ако ѝ каже след битката ще изглежда така: "използвах те за да спечеля войната с КН, сега имам подкрепата на хората, защото аз поведох всички, сега искам да ти взема трона, защото вече не си ми нужна "

Именно. един голям политик от рода Тивин, Тирион и т.н. щеше да постъпи по втория начин. Джон държи винаги да постъпав както е редно и поема невероятно рискове. Видяхме Нед Глупака, който постъпваше както е редно и предпури Церсей преди битката, а не след нея заплати  с главата си, главата на Роб и на жена си и страданията на Санса и Аря. понякога трябва да оставиш честта малко настрана и да мислиш за в  бъдещето, особено като отговоряш за много хора.
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# 595
Много, ама много бъркаш нещата. Нед каза на Церсей че знае истина за нея и нейните деца и че ѝ дава шанс да се спасят, но на цената на трона и властта, която Церсей желае.
Джон призна на Денерис истина за него, но не я е заплашвал че ще ѝ вземе трона, докато Нед направи точно това с Церсей.
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# 596
Видяхме Нед Глупака, който постъпваше както е редно и предпури Церсей преди битката, а не след нея заплати  с главата си, главата на Роб и на жена си и страданията на Санса и Аря. понякога трябва да оставиш честта малко настрана и да мислиш за в  бъдещето, особено като отговоряш за много хора.
Не бих сравнила постъпката на Джон в случая с грешките на Нед и Роб. Нед подцени враг, с който сподели опасна тайна.Не познава от вчера Церсей, а и имаше време да прецени, че не е станала по-стока.Роб пък се отметна от дума на крал. Мисля, че всяко отлагане на истината би усложнило повече
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# 597
Спойлер за еп. 3:

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Мдааааа, точно писахме, че не вярваме, че се вдигнах скелетите в криптата, ама ДиД не ги интересува, ние
на какво вярваме.

Значи КнН отива в КЧ. Видението на Дани ще се сбъдне! Ще гори там всичко.

Дани бременна, както всички вече очаквахме.

Тия, които очаквахме, че ще умират, умряха!

Тормунд е жив обаче! Broken Heart
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# 598
Но като цяло аз не намирам за много интелигентно решението на Джон да ѝ каже точно преди битката.
Бих искала да преброим правилните му решения до момента.
Също така и грешните.

Трудно ми е в момента чак толкова назад времето да връщам и пъзели да редя, но Джон май се измъква все на косъм и то благодарение на приближени, които са го спасили, но винаги се е подлагал на риск доброволно. След като вече знае кой е, дали ще продължи същият да бъде? Аз обаче смятам, че такива камъчета не се изплюват точно преди битка и тук пак грешка направи. Добрест, чест не му липсават, но му липсва едно Тирионче да го посъветва да си замълчи за мъничко. Аз не знам сега и се чудя Денерис след тази истина, в чиято достоверност се съмнява каква ще я свърши и с кой дракон в коя посока ще полети.... не се казват просто такива неща точно преди важна... да не кажа последната битка... Тук му беше грешката на Джон, ама той нали лоялен, честен, доблестен....

правилните решения
1 Уби Корин, когато се наложи
2.Върна се да предпруди стража, не беше асимилиран от диваците, не стана като Манс
3  отказа да смени вярата си
4пое отговроността да стане ЛК
5. не искаше да убива Слинт, но се принуди защото той оспорваше властта му
6. взе решение да поеме лична отговорност и го посече с меча
7. отказа да се подчини на Чертога или да  създаде напрежение по какъвто и да е начин между себе си и Станис.
8. Стремеше се за да пази неутралитет доколкото бе възможно в дадената ситуация
9. Прозря че големият враг са Другите, а не диваците.

неправилните решения
1. Искаше да бяга при Роб Старк
2. въоръжи диваците
3. имаше еднакво отношение към всички диваци
4. допусна жени на Вала
5.допусна личните чувства да го ръководят и обяви че ще спасява сестра си от Болтън в качеството на Лорд командир

спорно е доколко идеята му да пусне диваците отвъд Вала е добра-
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# 599
Много, ама много бъркаш нещата. Нед каза на Церсей че знае истина за нея и нейните деца и че ѝ дава шанс да се спасят, но на цената на трона и властта, която Церсей желае.
Джон призна на Денерис истина за него, но не я е заплашвал че ще ѝ вземе трона, докато Нед направи точно това с Церсей.

Пурпулетке, нед въобще не трябваше да казва  на Церсей че се досетил, а още по--малко - че иска да я гони. Тя в резултат бе добре подготвена за плана му
Джон не е нужно да я заплашва Дани, в мига в който каже - аз съм син на Регар, той на практика си обявява претенцията, че правото е на негово  страна.

Сори, за двойният пост, мислех че някой вече е писал-
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