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# 30
Ох на цялата хава отгоре и бг телевизора ли ми спраха, тю да им се невиди, как сега ше гледам Окна и шоуто на Азис  и как ще си слушам фолклорната телевизия.
Аз зачезнах два дена, щото развъртях семеен скандал, понеже много ме изнерви онова мити чудо- мъжа ми. Той на своя страна свали вратите и на банята и на спалнята  ooooh!, щото се заключвах в тях с детето, понеже неможех да го гледам, абе лудница. Още не ми е минало, ама поне придобих желание за нет  Laughing

Много пишерте бе, 5 опита и все неуспешни да си публикувам поста  Laughing
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# 31
Добре де, а защо тогава при мен върви? newsm78
Напиши ги де...
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# 32
Бобче, ама ти много си го стресирала този твоят мъж. Чак вратите да откачи от пантите...  Hug
Добре, че не си хукнала да бягаш към .бг че току виж забранил всички полети! Wink

Надявам се, не сте се скарали сериозно! Идвай по-често в темчиката за да се ядосваш по-малко...
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# 33
bob4enka, остави му детето и иди някъде за 2-3 дни
В момента върви прогноза за времето по Канал 1. Проверете си настройките....

Прочетох това в един друг форум Laughing
10 Things never to say to a woman................

1) "What did you do to your hair?"
Unless we've cut our own hair—this is not common—someone else did something to our hair. It wasn't us. And most likely we've gone to a lot of trouble and expense for it. "I like your new haircut/hairstyle" is infinitely better, and shows you're paying attention. It's also far superior to the generic "You look different," which tells us you're as clueless as ever.

2) "They both look the same to me."
We understand you care a lot less than we do about the outfits or the registry dishware we're asking you to compare. But they can't possibly look exactly the same, can they? Give us something. Anything. Mentally roll the dice and pick one, so we don't worry about your vision—or worse, that you don't care.

3) "Relax."
A kissing cousin to "Don't get so worked up," this generally creates the exact opposite effect you're shooting for. When you say "Relax," what we hear is that you think that we're being irrational over nothing, and this makes us do anything but relax.

4) "I've got it all under control."
Ha! Famous last words. Refrain from using them if you don't want us to take fiendish delight in your getting lost because you won't stop for directions (if we're late, there will be fiendish fuming), or because you're missing a piece to your flat-screen television because you said you didn't need to read the assembly instructions.

5) "You're not one of those feminists, are you?"
Yikes. Chivalry may be nearly dead, but saying this will drive the last spear through its heart. Feminist or not, a woman is likely to be offended by the question. Just be yourself. Be kind, open the door, offer to pay, and go from there. We can choose to accept or share in your generosity.

6) "When are you due?"
Take one second to imagine a woman turning to you and responding, "I'm not pregnant," or "I had the baby six months ago," and you'll understand why you should eradicate this question from your vocabulary. In one nanosecond, innocent—even considerate—curiosity can turn to deadly, if unintentional, offense. And there's just no way to recover from this one, you have been warned!

7) "You're being emotional."
In the heat of the moment this may be true. But unless you want your partner to become more emotional or get angry, you're better off keeping this observation and its off-limits follow-up question—"Is it that time of month?"—to yourself - if you don't want to end up in Casualty!

Sunglasses "You're acting just like your mother/my mother/my ex-girlfriend."
All three are problematic. An ex should be mentioned sparingly, and never in comparison. Why would we want to remind you of a person you broke up with? And come to mention it, why are you thinking about her? You see the slippery slope. Conjuring an image of our mother or your mother can be equally grating. We want you to treat us as individuals and not as mere products of your (or our) upbringing.

9) "You complete me."
We've seen "Jerry Maguire" and most other romantic comedies far more often than you, and while we may (or may not) like cheesy movie lines, they usually fail in real life. We understand that the possibility of romance makes inexplicable things come out of a man's—and sometimes a woman's—mouth, but keep the compliments real and honest and sincere and say you love someone when you mean it.

10) "Do you really think you should be eating that?"
Yes. She should be eating it. Even if she told you she's given it up


For the guys.......................................

1) "That looks cute."
For the most part, men hate cute. We don't want to hear about it, we don't want to see it, and we sure as hell don't want to be it. If we come down stairs after getting dressed and you tell us we look cute, there's a 100 percent chance we're changing. We're supposed to be your protector, your rock, and cute does not fit into that picture.

2) "We need to talk."
These four words shut off a man's brain faster than long division. When men hear you say that they immediately go into flight mode. And anything they can do to get out of this conversation—and better yet, your apartment—they will. There are plenty of other ways to approach a delicate conversation, and getting us in a place where we feel comfortable is a good start.

3) "It's just a game."
Actually, it's not just a game. Sports are a major part of our lives and the outcome has as much to do with our mood as just about anything else. Is it fair? No. Is it right? No. Is it immature? Maybe. But it's life. Sometimes we just care too much. We understand that it doesn't make sense, but you should be happy that we're that passionate about something. Telling us that "it's just a game" is like us telling you that shopping isn't exciting.

4) "Nothing's wrong."
Please don't tell us nothing's wrong. The look on your face could make the toughest guy on the planet weep like a girl and your arms are crossed so tight you might explode. We're not mind readers; tell us what's going on. And don't make us guess because—believe me—you won't like what we come up with.

5) "I sound like my mum."
The mere fact that you might turn into your mum someday scares the hell out of us. Don't say it, even in jest—it's not funny. We actually believe (and pray) that the saying "every woman ends up looking like their mother" is an old wives' tale. If we didn't, no one would ever get married.

6) "I just want to be friends."
No you don't. You just want us to stop calling you. This is a lot like pulling off a band-aid. Do it quick—don't prolong the agony. Most of us take "I just want to be friends" as "There's still a chance," so if there isn't just make it a clean break and move on. Everyone will be much better because of it.

7) "Size doesn't matter."
Don't lie to us. We know it does, and we're doing our best to make up for it in other ways. It's best just to not say anything at all. Under no circumstances do you LAUGH!

Sunglasses "What are you wearing?"
We're wearing whatever's clean or whatever you tell us to. We don't plan out our wardrobe days in advance, but we do actually try and look presentable. It may not work a lot of the time, but we do give it a shot. Giving us direction is completely encouraged though, so go ahead and suggest … nicely.

9) "Do you think she's pretty?"
Of course we do, our standards are much lower than yours. But just because we check her out doesn't mean we think any less of you. We try to be as discreet as possible, but for the most part, we can't help it. It's in our DNA. When an attractive woman walks by, it's best to just pretend nothing happened.

10) "Which outfit do you like better?"
I'm going to be honest here—90 percent of the guys out there are not going to tell you which outfit they like better: They're going to try to pick the one you like better and not get into a holy war when the babysitter is due any minute. To us, you always look good. Getting a couple of beers and spending as much time as we can without the kids is our ultimate goal for a rare night out.
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# 34
Ркб хрумвало ми е и тоя вариант, че и има каде да отида, ама малката е само на кърма, а от шише не яде. А и не искам да я мъча, не е виновно то милото, а той. не се и скарахме във връзка с детето.

Хахха, Мишел, вчера най церемонно ме уведоми, че нямало да дойде в България лятото  ooooh! ooooh!
Пука ми, че ми дреме  bowuu
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# 35
ркб, златна си   bouquet

Username: www.bgtelevizia.com  Password: 555 - написали го със синьо на син фон Simple Smile

Уф, добре, спасена съм.

Мишел, не е нищо конкретно, просто от много време гледам само Канал 1.
Имат някои хубави и полезни предавания, филмите като цяло са добри.
На другите телевизии проверявам само филмите и ако нещо ми грабне окото, тогава ги гледам Simple Smile
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# 36
О, Бобче, само изчакай да дойде лятото и ще видиш как ще ти запее друга песен. Wink
А и дори и да не дойде няма да си сама в .бг. Все пак тук си си също у дома. Той да му мисли! Wink))

щастлива, ясно! Спирам с чуденките. Wink
Май ще трябва да те понауча да гледаш някой и друг канал... Тъй де. Все пак съмо бивша представителка на един и настояща на други 4 ТВ канала. Wink

Ей, милички, не остана. Мъжа ми пътува в събота за Осло!...  Hug
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# 37
Ехаааа и на е-телевизора става да се лгерда. Ей ме на слушам си планетата. ще ни разиграват те нас, а маха.
Мишел, наистина не остана
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# 38
Бобче, я ми кажи, коя друга, освен теб, е от Варна?
Да не се окаже накрая, че се познаваме? Wink))
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# 39
Мишел, аз съм живяла във Варна като малка и сега съм там всяко лято.

ркб, аз явно съм точно А4 според този списък  Simple Smile

Бобченка, я бързо кажи за какво се скарахте така върло?
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# 40
Привет банада... Hug

..ти не писа дойде ли зловещата съседка все пак сутринта на кафе?  newsm78 С превода как върви?  Mr. Green

..защо да те депресират латинските сериали?   Shocked Да не би защото има толкова много красиви латиноамерикански красавици   Joy

ркб...тъкмо щях и аз да се оплача от бг телевизор..и гледам че ти си постнала линкчета...Tusen takk!  Hug Heart Eyes

Мишелка..оформихме сайта! Да си жива и здрава  bouquet Лек път на мъжа ти  Hug

Бобченка..имаш нужда от почивка ти, верно остави му детето и идвай в Тондхейм,само тук не си била още  Hug

Милва..как е бебка Изабелла...чакаме новини... Hug Вълнуваме се с вас  Heart Eyes

Аз след малко отивам на работа!

Усмихнат ден ви желая    bouquet

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# 41
Отивам да се приготвям за работа Simple Smile А вие да се отчетете всички Laughing
До утре вечер Simple Smile
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# 42
Винска, ами за туй ще да е, от къде ми хрумнаха тез глупости дето ги писах в по ранния пост не знам  newsm78, то заради красавиците било...
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# 43
Привет банада... Hug

Милва..как е бебка Изабелла...чакаме новини... Hug Вълнуваме се с вас  Heart Eyes

Аз след малко отивам на работа!

Усмихнат ден ви желая    bouquet

Изабела-та е на разходка с баба си. Супер слънце е навън, просто чудесно. А аз се чудя бабата кого ще срещне и какво ще набърбори, много обича да приказва горката, няма значение какво и на кого.
Аз - клатя си краката и мъързел до дупка.   Mr. Green
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# 44
ОО, Милва, гледам че си се спряла на вариант за име  Simple Smile
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