Любов и наказание /Aşk ve Ceza/ - тема 40

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# 615
Явуз е голям капут.
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# 616
Къш...къш....долу ръцете от Яса бе оуууу... #2gunfire #2gunfire #2gunfire #2gunfire #2gunfire

Ааааааааа, тоя Явуз....даже ми изневерява. #Sniper #Sniper #Sniper
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# 617
Виждам, че питате за преразказ, досега нямаше, но вече пуснаха да го пускам ли.

Разбира се  vania_e ! Всяка помощ е добре дошла.
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# 618

Yasemin greets Çiçek. she says welcome.
Çiçek says she popped in and she is sorry she disturbed her she does not know if she had time.
yasemin says its ok. she has time. she lets çiçek sit in her room.

Savas comes for the meeting to Yas's company. after he parks Yavuz comes but when he sees savas he calls Yas and changes his meeting time and place.

yas goes to her room to talk to çiçek and she closes the curtains so no one sees them from outside.

savas and pala arrive at the meeting. ceyda greets them.
she says yas has a guest in her room.
savas looks to yas's room but nothing can be seen from outside.
çiçek tells yas she is not the only person /problem between her and savas. she says this is because of Töre. she says maybe you won't understand but I want to explain.
she says we are 4 brothers and sisters.
she says her dad always said he had 3 boys. 3 children. she says I was never respected. she said remember when I was shot? my father shot me because I was disobedient and I wanted a divorce.

she says she is and savas is always in danger. she says yas is not as close as them to this töre thing but she says Ömer is the son of a clan leader.

yas thinks savas is upset and works hard to keep his family safe.
çiçek says he loves you so much and he feels powerful with your love.
çiçek comes out of yas's room.
and savas sees them both together.
yas acts as if nothing happened. she greets them.
she says we had a chat with Miss Çiçek.
It was a nice talk.
she says she has to go to a meeting.
savas looks upset and thoughtful.

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# 619
Ох,момичета,нищо не разбрах ,но не мога да я понасям Чичек,много е весела...
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# 620
savas thinks a new brand for the same product is not a good solution he says he does not want to hide behind fake brands everytime he has a new problem.
yas is showing how the meeting at the hotel will continue. but yavuz is acting weird he comes behind her puts his hand on her shoulder. yas sits up immediately and starts telling about the meeting from a distance.

Çiçek comes to the beach and she feels very relaxed because she has talked to yas now.
a fortune teller tells her stuff at the beach.
savas, pala, hakan, are having dinner. pelin brings yas with her. and yas is surprised because she thinks they would be having dinner only with pelin.
yas talks with savas. savas says he does not feel like eating. yas says lets share a shnitzel. and he says if we are sharing I will eat it.
the women at the baldar house are going to have dinner.
çiçek comes in very happy.
fidan says It is good you went out tonight.
sahnur looks at çiçek and she does not understand why çiçek is so happy.
savas is driving yas home. she suddenly holds his hand and savas grasps yas's hand.
she says will you not ask why çiçek came to me?
savas says no. I will not ask you will tell me anyway. he says did she upset you.
yas says no. she is a nice person. she said correct stuff. facts. but she did have an effect on me.
savas says a short GOOD NIGHT to yas.
yas says if you want to see ömer. I think he may not have gone to bed yet..
(she is trying to invite him in. )

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# 621
Защо Чичек е толкова щастлива? Пак се самосъжаляваше май при разговора с Яска.
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# 622
Гледаха и на ръка и може да са и казали нещо хубаво.
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# 623
Някой разбра ли какво всъщност говориха Китка и Ясемин.
Явуз такава гад, ужас, направо тръпки ме побиват от погледа му.

Гледаха и на ръка и може да са и казали нещо хубаво.

Верно, че й гледа на ръка циганката. Какво ли й каза? Много сияеща се върна в къщи. И страха си много бързо преодоля. Саваш правилно прецени, че иам нещо много гнило в цялата работа около отвличането.
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# 624
Май нов персонаж-Явуз с кого разговаря на маса?
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# 625
Чичек чрез самосъжаление кара другите да я харесват Mr. Green Много радостна беше след разговора, май изобщо няма намерение да се отказва от Саваш.
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# 626
  ааааааааа под каква щастлива звезда е роден Явуз незнам,то голям късмет голямо чудо.пък нахален по Вански сигурно,грубо като селски ерген
А пък сега Савашката ще се прави на важен а да видим докога ще издържи
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# 627
sunny67 , разбра ли бе мила какво каза циганката врачка на Чичек. Дали не и каза, че ще пътува надалеч  newsm78 Grinning newsm78 Grinning
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# 628
Някой разбра ли какво всъщност говориха Китка и Ясемин.
Явуз такава гад, ужас, направо тръпки ме побиват от погледа му.

Имам чувството, че Явуз е в състояние дори да извърши нещо насилствено, но да притежава Ясемин.
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# 629
Пълен е мегдана-около 135 сме на клона.....
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