М.Джексън: But I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to

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# 60

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# 61
Приятно занимание за дечицата, пък защо не и за нас възрастните  Hug

Moonwalker Coloring Book


31 картинки

Яне, благодаря за бг на разговорите с Гленда

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# 62


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# 63

Юни 1984 Майкъл се среща с други спонсори на "Camp Goodtimes" /Дъстин Хофман, Дейвид Соул, Нийл Даймънд, Ричард Чембърлейн/, организация с нестопанска цел, основана от родители на деца болни от рак, в Малибу, Лос Анджелис. Първото събитие се проведжда на брега на  Vashon Island в Camp Sealth през август същата /1984/ г., където в момента отпочиват  деветдесет и три деца с рак, а  братя и сестри на милосърдието и двадесет и пет доброволци от American Cancer Society работят заедно с парсонала.

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# 64

Love and help all the children, all the days of your existence. They need us.
Michael Jackson
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# 65

Тайланд 1993г.

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# 66
Op-Ed: Michael Jackson, The Philippines, and Me


As a military brat growing up in the Philippines, Michael Jackson's moonwalk had more than just an entertainment effect on my life.
It was 1984. I'm living in a third-world country. I have a nice house, but my neighbors live in straw huts. Our neighborhood is nice and clean, but some of the streets a few blocks over smell of garbage. I'm 10 years old and have almost infinitely more money than the boy next door, but by American standards our family is middle class. The differences on paper between my family and most in the neighborhood are staggering.

 But one thing we had in common was Michael Jackson.

When "Thriller" hit it big, there were no more races left in the world. There were no more colors, no more classes, no more money. All you knew is that everyone was either going to learn all the moves to "Thriller", buy a jacket like the one he war in "Beat It", or figure out how to moonwalk. Many of us tried to sing like Michael Jackson. Every street vendor sold a "minus one" tape of Michael Jackson songs with no vocals so you could perfect your act. Books of lyrics to all the "Thriller" songs were hot, too. I spent many days lining out the bad English and correcting spellings and off-lyrics. You see where THAT got me!

 Michael Jackson wasn't just music. When you lived in the Philippines as a military brat, it was a strange mix of being ahead and behind at once. We were close to Japan, so CDs and other neat technology was in our hands before the States. But the States knew what was hot six months before we did. There was no internet or cell phone technology to keep people in the loop. Yet Michael Jackson was hot at every time, all the time. He was our "connect". There wasn't anyone who wasn't a fan. There wasn't a boy who didn't twist an ankle or break his momma's vase practicing the moonwalk.

 In fact, you've probably watched so many MJ videos by now and didn't realize you were tapping your feet. Your legs have spasmed a few times to "Smooth Criminal". Even the kids are high-kicking that left leg, tossing Skechers across the kitchen. You all, once again, have no colors or class. You are all quietly mourning in your heart, maybe not shedding a tear, but on the outside you are paying tribute by singing along and tapping that foot. Whatever you believe about him, whatever you think he did or didn't do, however he died, whatever his issues, remember that as magic as Michael was, he was human just like you. Yet his gift from God was to entertain, enlighten, perform, and give like no other. You all know it. That's why you are tapping that foot.
It is 1984 again.

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# 67

Unseen Jackson footage sparks £4m bidding war
http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/unsee … -war-6261923.html

                        Michael Jackson Exclusive Live Unseen


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# 68
Легендарните Джексън и Меркюри с обща песен. Чуй я!

http://radar.bg/bg/2011-11-14/read/lifestyle/297168_%D0%9B%D0%B5 … D0%B9_%D1%8F.html

Heart Eyes Heart Eyes Heart Eyes Heart Eyes
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# 69
Bloomfield Man, 70, Recalls Being Michael Jackson's Chauffeur

http://www.courant.com/entertainment/michael-jackson/hc-michael- … ,0,5434917.column

The 70-year-old Bloomfield resident has his own cherished memories of The Gloved One, including the spring day in 1988 when Jackson gave Farmer the hat off his head, after an MJ concert at the Civic Center.

That black fedora, size medium, with the lettering MICHAEL JACKSON on the inside band has been stored in a plastic bag in Farmer's raised ranch for the past two decades. He also has hung onto several photographs he took with Jackson at LaGuardia Airport in New York. Farmer, a retired Hartford firefighter and former chef at Hartford Hospital, served as Jackson's personal chauffeur during his week's stay in the city. "It was quite an experience for me just being with him," Farmer said in his kitchen, as his grandkids listened.

Though Farmer wasn't really a fan of Jackson's at the time, he was thrilled when, as a dispatcher for Cotter Limousine Service in Bloomfield, he received an urgent call. Jackson's road crew needed to be picked up at Bradley Airport.

Farmer took the assignment himself. He established a rapport with the crew, which led to them suggesting he be the exclusive driver for them and Jackson when the entertainer arrived. Bill Bray, a retired Los Angeles police officer who headed Jackson's logistics team, made it official. Farmer would soon be headed upstairs to a suite in the old Hilton Hotel on Asylum Street where the King of Pop awaited.

"What struck me was he was in a good mood," Farmer said. "He was very nice. Just a regular guy. Super nice. I was surprised. I just figured with him being that famous, there was no way he'd be this nice."

Jackson stayed in his suite for most of his stay — and never wanted to be bothered the day of a performance. A valet, who served as chef, was part of the entourage. There was also a woman and her young boy, who stayed in a separate room, but were apparently Jackson's guests. Farmer took the crew out to the mall and a KFC on Albany Avenue in North Hartford. At the KFC, one of the crew members surprised the girls behind the counter by giving them four tickets to the concert. They squealed.

Farmer also took Jackson and a security guy on a brief tour of the city. MJ wore shades and cap.

"He didn't talk much, but he talked," Farmer said. "He called me 'sir.' How're doin', sir? Everything all right, sir?' Very, very friendly."

When he drove Jackson to the Civic Center with his security people, Farmer said he was allowed to stay backstage. Crew members hooked his family up with front row seats and they granted Farmer's request that his niece Tiana Armstrong, now 30, be selected as one of the kids to be called up to dance on stage with Jackson.

Farmer later told one of Jackson's aides how impressed he was that Jackson was so friendly, and mentioned that he was now a fan. The aide asked Farmer to tell that to Jackson directly.

"So, I told him, listen, I never realized you were such a nice guy. I said I wasn't a fan of yours before, but I'm a fan of yours now," Farmer said. "And he was thanking me, laughing, smiling, and said, 'I'm glad you are.'"

Feeling emboldened, Farmer had a favor to ask. "I said 'I'd like to have a souvenir of yours.' And he said, 'OK, what do you want?' I said, 'Can I have that hat of yours?' And he gave it to me."

When he drove Jackson and crew back to LaGuardia, Farmer had yet another request — could he get a picture or two, because no one was going to believe that he chauffeured Michael Jax? Done

His tip was $1,000. Not bad for a week's work — and the memories and mementos that will last a lifetime.

нови неща, стари неща .....  обърквам се вече кое сме чели, кое не ....Peace
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# 70
Напоследък често гледам японски филми/сериали и не рядко приятно се изненадвам като чуя Майкъл да звучи. Току що гледах 3 епизод на Dosokai. Love Again Shokogun. и звуча цялата песен Speechless. Е много приятно ми сатана.
Книгата на Вогел не трябва ли вече да е пусната?
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# 71

You Are Not Alone и Just Can't Stop Loving You.mp3  /аудио от IMMORTAL/



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# 72
Тепърва ще чуем какво има в този албум. Дано аранжиментите с повече ударни, особено барабаните, попаднат в него. Тези много ми допаднаха от видяните откъси в тубата.
valya61 ,  bouquet. Попълних си папката с You Are Not Alone и Just Can't Stop Loving от IMMORTAL
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# 73
от книгата на Frank Cascio

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# 74
.... още само няколко ..

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