Kuzey Güney-Север - Юг ﻉ с участието на Къванч Татлъту - 72

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# 660
Ако има бебе от Кузей , къде ще отиде теорията за обичането "не като жена " на Дафне? hahaha

Изключено да има бебе, Добро утро. И това подкрепя теорията ми. Нали затова я оперираха от апендисит. Д-р Трайкова   Hug Hug да се произнесе кога е възможен секс след такава операция.
Добро утро и хубав ден!
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# 661
Добро утро, дами.  Hug Пожелавам ви ден изпълнен с много положителни емоции, да заредим батериите за утре.   bouquet

Дафне,  Hug Зейнеп каза на Кузей, че заминава за Германия. Заминаването е свързано с работа. Също каза на Джан, че няма да казва нищо повече на Кузей, защото не иска да се занимава повече със Симай.  Hug

Hug Благодаря ти за уточнението. Значи, наистина заминава за Германия.
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# 662
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# 663
Някой казваше нещо за някакви рибки, да не би Джемре и Кузей да се срещнат интимно в Сапанджа, защото там има езерце, в което може да има рибки?
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# 664

Целия екип е заминал за Сапанджа.  Sunglasses
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# 665
Banu: Can’s calling. He must we wondering where we are. Alo!

Can: Good morning!

Banu: Güneydin! (She kisses Güney Güdbye? I am just leaving home. Sorry.
She says she spent the entire night researching on the situation they had but couldn’t find anything.

Can: I found something.

Banu: Really? Who is it?

Can: Melda Yalgın.
He says he’s sure she’s not alone in it

Източник: KG English page
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# 666
Banu catches up with Ebru.
B: Anne! Why don’t you wait for me?
E: Banu, I got up from that table because I want to be alone a bit and gather my thoughts before the meeting.
B: Anne
E: Banu, I really don’t want to talk about anything
B: Mom, I know you don’t like Güney.…
E: Where is this coming from? I’m just tired of everything.
B: I know that after that night in Ankara, you haven’t even been able to look kim in the eye.
E: Where are you getting this from?
Banu tells her that she knows about Melda and Güney. Banu gasps for air. She signals for the driver to get back in the car so they can have some privacy.
E: What are you talking about?
B: I also know that you’re the one who distanced her from the company. I am aware of everything going on around me. You tolerate Güney not to upset me but give me some time.
E: Banu, don’t make me sad.
B: seriously. Look! I will fix everything. Güney found himself very alone. He realized that he got stuck with a spoiled and ill woman.
E: Don’t say that.
B: He fell into emptiness but he loves me. We will bring everything out in the open. I am not as I was in the past. I am getting better.
E: bitanem! I know you have changed and are getting better. This is what makes me happiest.

KG English page
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# 667
Guney: You go ahead. We will meet at the hospital.
He goes to meet Kuzey.

Guney: What’s wrong. Did something happen?

Kuzey: Barış was supposed to recant his statement.

Guney: I know. I am on my way to the hospital.

Kuzey: Güney, tell me the truth, what does Simay have to do with that idiot?

Guney: What?!

Kuzey: Tell me what you know.

Guney: What are you talking about? I have no idea.

Kuzey: So you don’t know anything, right?

Guney: Ya! of course not. What would Simay have to do with Barış? (oops Guney you are starting to make mistakes—fame)

Kuzey: When was the last time you saw Simay?

Guney: Ya stop the nonsense, Kuzey! Look I’m on my way to the hospital. If you want Cemre to get out soon. Stop holding me up.

Kuzey: Don’t drive me nuts! Zeynep saw you meeting. You are certainly hiding something from me.

The guard comes to see if everything’ s ok. Kuzey gets mouthy. Güney sends him off. Kuzey threatens the guy and calls him an antilop Grinning

Güney says it would be nice if just once he were with him on something. Kuzey still says Güney knows something he’s not telling him and demands to know what it is.

Kuzye: You know something.

He tells him that he was seeing Simay because he was giving her money every month.

Kuzey: Why?

Guney: So she wouldn’t go back to work at that place. So you wouldn’t have trouble because of that woman. Is that what you wanted to know? There it is. You know.
If you don’t believe me go and look at the bank accounts. Yes, I saw Simay last. Because she said she wanted to leave Istanbul. I gave her money so she could make a new life for herself. I told her to stay away from you. I did it for you, geri zekalı Güney tells Kuzey that he’s cleaned up after him yet again.

Kuzye: Eyvallah!

He says that no matter what he does for him, he will never be able to repay his debt.
Guney: You don’t accept that you’re my brother but you are my brother.
They go their separate ways.

Kg English page

Ето как Гюней ще оправдае липсващите пари от сметката. Пак ще замаже очите на Бану. И това : "Ти си мой брат" направо ме побъркват. Какъв подлец! Какъв манипулатор! Лъжец! Как да го харесвам? Не мога! Peace
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# 668
Дафне, Hug мило....кво като е оперирана? Ще мине малко време, ще заздравее раната и може да си прави квото иска. Но, това не е причина сценаристите да я лишат от бебе. Може и да нямат бебе, ама едва ли това ще е причината.
С тази операция вкараха драматизЪма абсолютно излишно. Точно кат с развода на Джема, недомислени неща колкото си искаме. А, като се замислим за тях ни остава само да се заливаме от смях. Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy
По същия начин...ей тъй недомислено кляФките ще качат Джема на автобуса и ще я изтипосат на Кузеевата врата. Mr. Green
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# 669
Така, малко по малко Шереф ще стигне до истината. Когато отидоха в апартамента на Симай с Кузей, там беше Алев и явно хазяйката. Алев каза, че Симай много се страхувала от Кузей, ревнивия, треперела от страх. Затова и заминала. Алев се кара на Кузей да оставел Симай на мира, достатъчно се занимавал с нея. Тогава Кузей изпада в чуденка, защото той няма контакт с нея. А Шереф веднага задава въпроса коя вечер й се е обадила Симай трепереща. Преди 10 дни, отговаря Алев. Шереф веднага свързва нещата, и не само той. Кузей се сеща за думите на Зейнеп, и разбира, че може би тя е права, че Симай има нещо общо с Баръш.

Ох, много объркано го написах, надявам се да ме разберете.  Peace
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# 670
Zeynep: Could she have been the person with Barış that night?  Въпроса е към Кузей.
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# 671
Зизу Peace и аз о4аквам Джема да се появи на вратата!Настроена съм изцяло и само на романти4на вълна, затова ми липсват ето такива мигове    loveuuu

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# 672
Kuzey: Hoş geldin!

Zeynep: What is the meaning behind you leaving Istanbul like this, this time?

Kuzey. I need to abandon Istanbul like this this time.

Zeynep: You were the one who persuaded Barış. It was neither Ebru hanım nor Güney. You bargained for Cemre. You presented yourself so Cemre could come out of prison.

Kzeyu: It has nothing to do with that. Nothing like that. Where did you get that from?

Zeynep: Does it seem normal to you that you want to leave town when Barış is changing his statement and Cemre’s being released? The Kuzey I know would while Cemre was in jail, even with a gun to his head. Of course, you have an agreement with Barış. Now you’re suffering for Cemre.

Kuzey: This has nothing to do with Cemre
He says it has to do with work. There’s no other reason for him to be leaving.
He’s thinking about nothing other than work.

Kuzey: Where are you getting this from? Eh! What about you? Why did you come all the way here?
Zeynep: I am going to Germany.

Kuzey: To Germany?
People, don’t get your hopes up. She ‘s going there for some business with Makara. She’ll be back Stuck Out Tongue
K: how long will you be staying?

Zeynep: Unlike you, I am just going for 10 days or so. I wanted to say bye, in case we don’t see each other

Kuzey asks what’s going on with all the goodbyes. Yesterday Simay and today Zeynep.

Zeynep: Hmmm Simay came? Why? Where was she going?

Kuzey: Wallah! She didn’t say. I don’t know. She didn’t tell me where she was going.

Zeynep: That’s why she was around. Saying goodbye to everyone.

Kuzey. huh?
She tells him she saw Güney with Simay and that Can saw her at the hospital visiting Barış.

Kuzey: Simay went to see Barış?

Zeynep: I also didn’t get it at first but… presumably to say goodbye.

Kuzye: What does that have to do with Barış?

Zeynep: I guess just to say Geçmiş olsun!

Kuzey: This Simay didn’t come here for nothing. For sure she knows something.
Can you give me a second?
He takes his phone and starts dialing.

Zeynep: What happened?

KG English page

Дафне, тук става ясно заминаването на Зейнеп. Hug
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# 673
Guney: Alo!

Baris: Where are you? Why don’t you call?

Guney: What’s wrong?

B: What do you mean what’s wrong? You’re enjoying yourself while I’m here going mad. What did you do? Where you able to find the woman?

Gunay: No. Once you change your statement she will come out on her own.

Baris: You also are playing with me. Aren’t you?

Gunay: Look here. I’m trying to help you. Despite my brother I’m by your side.
He brings up how he’s looking straight into Kuzey’s eyes while he’s dealing with a pislik like Barış.
So please don’t say I’m playing you.

Baris: Tamam, Tamam. I am just a bit annoyed.

Gunay: It’s enough you keep your word. Wait for news from me.

Baris: Ok, I’m waiting.
Barış hangs up. We see Güney in the car with Deniz.

Gunay: I want the originals to those photos.

Denis: Nope.

Guney: Look Deniz. You will up and leave here. These jackals will continue hassling us. They will hassle Kuzey. You know what a pislik Barış can be. Look what he has done to Kuzey, Burak, Cemre. Aftre this crisis is over he will continue to do the same. I am certain. I don’t put anything past him. In order to protect kuzey they need to be in my possession.
He says he’s tired of all of it. He just wants it all to end. He needs them in order for Kuzey to be able to have some peace. She has done something good. She should finish what she started.

Guney: Give me the originals. They will be a guarantee to protect Kuzey.
He will use them against Barış regularly. He promises that Kuzey will not find out.

Gunay: Come one, give them to me.
Deniz ponders the issue at hand.

D. Let Cemre get out first, then we’ll see.
Deniz gets out of the car and we see that Burak has been keeping an eye on Deniz and Güney.

KG English page
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# 674
Така, малко по малко Шереф ще стигне до истината. Когато отидоха в апартамента на Симай с Кузей, там беше Алев и явно хазяйката. Алев каза, че Симай много се страхувала от Кузей, ревнивия, треперела от страх. Затова и заминала. Алев се кара на Кузей да оставел Симай на мира, достатъчно се занимавал с нея. Тогава Кузей изпада в чуденка, защото той няма контакт с нея. А Шереф веднага задава въпроса коя вечер й се е обадила Симай трепереща. Преди 10 дни, отговаря Алев. Шереф веднага свързва нещата, и не само той. Кузей се сеща за думите на Зейнеп, и разбира, че може би тя е права, че Симай има нещо общо с Баръш.

Ох, много объркано го написах, надявам се да ме разберете.  Peace
Hug Ooooo, много добре се икъдри...разбрах те. Peace
То беше нормално да стигнат до Симай...тя е толко плитка и предсказуема...даже се забавиха, кат се има в предвид, че Шереф известно време си бърка в носа.
А, колкото до Кузей...еми той от къде да предположи, че Баръш баш у Сима ще огледа...ми тва е леко перверзно... Wink

Мерси за превода мац.  bouquet Hug Heart Eyes
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