В очакване на новия сериал "Курт Сеит и Шура" с участието на Къванч Татлъту - 3

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# 435
Официалният YouTube канал на сериала. За сега е празен, но от утре вечер....  Party


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# 436
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Kurt Devil & Murka / Nermin Bezmen

In the spring of 1924 Shure Devil Wolf from the separated and Murakami (Mürivet) starts a new life. Restaurant in Beyoglu in Istanbul called the Crimean start a business to run. Satan and his wife founded in Beyoğlu, this creature can not keep up with the chirping of life. Wife pregnant remains birth house near the time of his wife's parents moved to Emin. Conflict in the home increases. Families child attends a girl named Leman. birthday at home with Satan himself felt abandoned Kurt is away from home for a while. Mürivet sometimes Satan himself sometimes Kurt's relatives found her husband through the house returns. Mürivet another home because of unrest in the house of the mother, the girl with the mind and remove Necmiye. Meanwhile begins spring summer ends. The work falls restaurants in Beyoğlu, will be closed. Meanwhile, one of her customers with the proposal of the Greek George Caddebostan a sea casino opens. Müriyet no time with her ​​husband, she could not enter the fun life. Summer ends. Caddebostan time has come to leave. Parting with his partner disagreed, there is intense lose. It starts to work on cleaning the house. Obtained with the remaining money will open a restaurant in the Aga Mosque. Here you will hoarded money tries to perform Leginats dropped. (Leginats, Russia, the people who migrated to Turkey is an association that provides immigration to Europe and America.) Kurt Satan is willing to go to America. Leginatsa contact with his savings and subject Mürivet opens. But it's hard to resist and react Mürivet meaningless. This dream has fallen into the water. Even as Leginatsa have them, but do not go. There has been intense in this application spend. Diner is activated. mirrored fountain near the home of the mother of Mürivet move into a house. Wolves remain unemployed because Satan are ready to eat their money. Mürivet meanwhile is pregnant. But Kurt could not tell the Devil. Mürivet her husband's dreams were dashed hide the pregnancy was both. One day I decided to tell her husband and tells her pregnancy. In contrast, Wolf Devil reacts very large. Because everyone has a story, but he does not know. He feels cheated. Now this kid asks his wife did not mind. Mürivet goes to the doctor. This can not be learned and tells her husband. Satan founded on it, decides to do something. Gas starts to sell. Meanwhile, the second child comes into the world Thanksgiving. But now it is getting too big economic problems. One day she meets someone from friends in Beyoğlu. Parents without notice to his family with the proposal goes to work in the Lord. Mürivet her husband would be miserable on this trend, but can not find any clue. One day a man named Sergeant Aziz brings news from her husband. Thus, the place would have learned of her husband. Intervals with information about her husband comes from this person. One day Satan Mürivet next to Kurt calls. Mürivet side the next day, taking the children and their mother goes over to her husband's parents in the Lord, and come back together. Relatives of John with the help of his savings and opened a restaurant on the street is small Bursa. 1926 1927 connects the winter has been very good the past and make good money. Kurt Satan, the owners of property Mehmet Akar Ferry and with Osman Bey in Altinkum for the summer they decided to establish a beach-restaurant. Write immediately opened with the start-up of the casino. Satan will do all the business of here Kurt. Kurt Satan; wrapped into this new purpose and hope. Home away from this casino carries the Russian sense of fun and a very successful summer period passes. Mürivet time to time with the children in this pastime has come. It started to get used to the idea of fun. Mürivet, Kurt Satan to please, to write to his family in Alushta one day take the letter writer and sends address. A short while later a letter came the reply. Incoming answer is very simple and numb. It repeats this several times. Soviet rule Eminof father is very happy. But after a while they will start to hurt Eminof families. Even Satan Kurt eventually leads to the murder of his brother and business. When finished and cut them in Alushta s. Kurt Devil, opens a new restaurant in Pera for the winter and start earning money here is good. Move into a house near here. Children a better life lasts. Tomas named with the beginning of summer with a friend in Tarabya Maksim casinos are open. Shortly after this major casinos would be a lot of fun. assets to rise, but peace has begun to decrease. Mürivet continuous pretext that her husband drank too much is problematic. If you drink, Kurt Seyti well-being, past and closer, the sole is a tool both out. Kurt Satan at the end of this conflict is activated all the work. He moved from place glory. Will be found and will work alongside partner Kurt Devil take the decision. Ready money, it is time to eat again. Schedule is swamped in the palm of hand. Thereupon, Kurt sees that Satan should work. Şırdan home starts producing stuffed. In a short time, but it keeps the business environment create discomfort. Acıçeşmeler with the money earned from this job in a restaurant on the street opens. Ranked Mürivet it spends a huge inconvenience. This disease is still in a difficult situation during the fall and restaurants are closed. Kurt Satan; Mürivet match with the healing begin work at the plant. BÜYÜKDERE settle. After a while, they could not work here, and goes away. Mürivet work in factories instead enters and begins to work the first time. Factory than a restaurant right next to Kurt Turns Evil '. A table d'hôte restaurant is like the workers in the factory. It is not a very good job. Again, ensure that they are managed. 1933 1934 winter along with connecting unexpected events occur again. Mürivet a work accident while working at the factory severed finger. After a while, Kurt starts to work on Devil Russian Embassy. It will not take too long because they are supposed spy on her. Therefore, he resigned again Mürivet 's mother's side are transported. Mürivet healed, entering work in Zion socks factory is working to contribute to household income. Because of the fast food restaurants in the Devil Wolf sells things go bad. Only Mürivet 's income have remained. Kurt Satan collapsed because of this situation and are away from home. Search Mürivet a long time but can not find her husband. Wolves meanwhile Satan has been working in the coal mines in Zonguldak. Here returns to the house with his savings. Families come together again. In Acıçeş with this money now opens the small restaurants. Summer jobs are still going to be fine with. Yahya's relatives with the help of a land rents in Florya behind the train station. Satan founded here at the beach, cold food, drinks sold, has created a fun environment at the restaurant in the evening. Even writing in Florya killing of Mustafa Kemal live a life with the Flory gained. Mustafa Kemal's also often takes the form of a restaurant that has come. Mustafa Kemal here is a fan of the Caucasus air. Here is spend happy minutes. Although it's nice to go to work again with a crash reversed. Kurt Devil accident is a great way to train. Arms, legs, ribs broken. Even leg will be cut. But even in defiance of death has not cut. It heals all the wounds of a folk osteopath. This includes time through another winter with ready money. summer with the same land rents in Florya. Kurt old business continues to Satan. Turkish citizens from 16 June 1932 to the birth certificate excitement began writing as a surname. Here are the people who emigrated from Russia in this environment gradually escape from Florya because work permits are finished. Did not receive citizenship. Because I like to go to America with their European ambitions are. summer comes to an end in the meantime, started to beat again, money is ready. Misfortunes continued. She was sick with typhoid Thanksgiving. Was melted here in ready money. 'Evil' Hasan's relatives has grown to help Köpsel, gave some to borrow money. Kurt Satan bringing this money started selling rugs from Kayseri. This work began to earn good money. Mürivet 1938 article in Istanbul together with the girls mother went to leave. Write returned at the end. Kurt Satan meanwhile began a good trade income. Since the girls thoroughly Leman and began to attract attention. , Germany on September 10 with the invasion of Poland A dark days had begun to emerge. Here in this context Kurt Satan had begun to meet the food needs of Ankara. I was trying to generate revenue from Kayseri carpet bringing. Was a very hard time. Here in this environment Leman had been young and beautiful girls. Sabahattin was exchanging with a teenager named. The relationships between them have become serious and got engaged. Strict management in the country from November 21 was declared. Here Leman world entered the house on such days. In such an environment, Devil Kurt still went to Kayseri received material was returning to Ankara. They were on the road with an avalanche falling on the track. Young children in wardrobes and a woman s miserable and cold environment based on his own coat and gave it to the woman. That event will be the most difficult situations in his life has led to a fall. He had done a favor, but he did the worst thing that can make, it was pneumonia. These diseases cause not be established order in his life had been one more. Not any more recovered, returned to Istanbul. Still could not heal, eventually with the work of his wife living with her ​​daughter Leman'l income derived from their desire to be treated has killed his life. Ruptured commitment to life. October 25, 1945 'can not continue with this life more decided and committed suicide.
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# 437
Добър вечер !  Hug
Минавам набързо, да ви пожелая весело и незабравимо посрещане на Новата година !   bouquetНека ви донесе много здраве и сполука !
Благодаря за всички новини около сериала!  bouquet Аз силно се надявам, че ще пуснат фрагмана преди 12-тият час и ще успея да го мерна по телевизията през деня. Praynig

Наш левент май не бил в Истанбул Sad, та надали ще свърша работа, ама другият път ! Wink
Корси,  Heart Eyes ма баш ми е драго да те видя тук, джанъм ! Много ме зарадва, да знаеш !  Heart EyesЗатова и има награда за теб !  Wink

stereo_hz, добре си дошъл !   bouquet Благодаря ти, че ще се ангажираш с превода, помощта ти е безценна !

Е, хайде ! До догодина !  Heart Eyes Hug Heart Eyes

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# 438
Добро утро, дружки! Hug
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# 439
Добро утро. Hug Hug Hug

ФенчеHug мерси за кафенцето.  bouquet

Госпожата, Зарани, Шани, Hug Hug Hug  bouquet  bouquet  bouquet

stereo_hz, добре дошъл. Hug

Желая ви хубав последен ден на старата година и весело посрещане на новата.  bouquet
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# 440
Дами,добро утро!Желая ви много щастлива,здрава и успешна Нова година!

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# 441
Добър ден, дами! Hug От мен една почерпка в последния ден на 2013 година! Hug

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Почерпете се за празника на моя син Heart Eyes- празнува поредния си щастлив рожден ден!  bouquet newsm59

Бъди благословен, сине! Ти си моята сбъдната мечта! Да- мечтите се сбъдват!!! Повярвайте всички! Много настроение в празничната вечер на всички Ви! Hug  bouquet Peace
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# 442
velijana, Hug

ШаниHug да ти е живо и здраво момчето.  bouquet
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# 443
Снеже, Велияна  Hug Heart Eyes Hug
Шани  Heart Eyes отново всичко най-хубаво му желая на твоето момче! Нека сбъдне всичките си мечти!
 newsm59  ura  party023 Tada
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# 444
през целия си живот съм познавала доста хора...
За едни от тях се  въобще не се сещам,че съм ги познавала,
за други съжалявам,че съм ги познавала,
трети-горда съм,че съм ги познавала,
а останалите-най-важните, цял живот не мога да се отблагодаря на Бог,че ми е дал шанса да ги познавам!
Ти и Ники сте едни от тях!!!
Нека целият му живот да бъде низ от сбъднати мечти!!!
И един виртуален подарък за Ники от нас!
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# 445
от инстаграма на Едже от Болшой театър

значи все пак ще има среща там ...
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# 446

 Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy

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# 447

Тази страница твърди, че е Официална фейсбук страница на сериала.
Дали е вярно?
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# 448

Тази страница твърди, че е Официална фейсбук страница на сериала.
Даже с платена реклама. Дали е вярно?

Приятелю Hug, като гледам колко ,,наши,, момичета сме я лайкнали...а има и още доста такива фейса  Peace
Благодаря за поздравленията, момичета!  bouquet  bouquet  bouquet
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# 449

Тази страница твърди, че е Официална фейсбук страница на сериала.
Даже с платена реклама. Дали е вярно?

Приятелю Hug, като гледам колко ,,наши,, момичета сме я лайкнали...а има и още доста такива фейса  Peace
Благодаря за поздравленията, момичета!  bouquet  bouquet  bouquet

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