SUPERNATURAL: Let there be Darkness

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# 15
Оххх, Джаред и падалечетата. Прекрасна гледка Heart Eyes ! Като нищо ще ме вкара в изкушение Crossing Arms .
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Докато бяхме при родителите ми и тези на мъжа ми ни беше намекнато (да се чете: натвърднато с деликатност тип 'Слон в стъкларски магазин'), че ни било време за второ дете Whistling ...

Сега за светлината и тъмнината.

Имах бегъл спомен за това:
"Битие 1 глава
1 В начало Бог създаде небето и земята.   
2 А земята беше пуста и неустроена; и тъмнина покриваше бездната; и Божият Дух се носеше над водата.   
3 И Бог каза: Да бъде светлина. И стана светлина.   
4 И Бог видя, че светлината беше добро; и Бог раздели светлината от тъмнината.   
5 И Бог нарече светлината Ден, а тъмнината нарече Нощ. И стана вечер, и стана утро, ден първи."

Интерпретацията на сценаристите, която имаме за момента, събрана във фен сайтове, плюс малко разсъждения във втория:
"Before there was light, before there was God and the archangels there wasn't nothing, there was the Darkness. A horribly destructive amoral force that was beaten back by God and his archangels in a terrible war. God locked the Darkness away where it could do no harm, and he created a Mark that would serve as both lock and key, which he entrusted to his most valued lieutenant -- Lucifer. But the Mark began to assert its own will, revealed itself as a curse and began to corrupt. Lucifer became jealous of man, God banished Lucifer to Hell, Lucifer passed the Mark to Cain, who passed the Mark to you -- the proverbial finger in the dyke." – Death, 10.23 Brother's Keeper

The Darkness is a destructive and amoral force that existed before God. Soon after God came into existence, He along with the archangels battled the Darkness a devastating war where the Darkness was eventually defeated, and trapped. To serve as the lock and key to this cage, God created a Mark, and gave it to his most trusted archangel -- Lucifer. The Mark eventually began assert a will of its own, and began to corrupt Lucifer, which led to his contempt for humanity and fall. Lucifer passed the Mark onto Cain who in turn passed it on to Dean Winchester. To remove the Mark of Cain, without having passed it on to another, would break the lock and unleash the Darkness back in the universe.
The Darkness is a primordial entity which has existed throughout eternity. After God came into being, He created the archangels to fight a terrible war against it. Not even the combined power of God and the archangels could destroy it, so God succeeded only in sealing it away using the Mark of Cain as a lock and key. This force is so ancient and mysterious that even the Angels didn't believe it existed, rather they thought it to be a "scary bedtime story". [това не знам от къде е, цитат ли е?]
When Rowena used a spell from the Book of the Damned in order to free Dean Winchester of the Mark, the Darkness was unleashed once again.

According to Death, before there was any light or God, there was only the Darkness. This being is credited as a powerful, amoral, destructive force that nearly obliterated anything in its path, causing nothing but chaos. Some time after God and his newly created Archangels battled with The Darkness in a terrible war. He eventually sealed it with a mark that would later be called the Mark of Cain. He then gave the mark to Lucifer, his most valued Lieutenant, to guard. The Mark however showed itself to be a curse; the dark effects of which corrupted Lucifer, leading to a chain of events that would see Lucifer cast out of Heaven. Lucifer then passed on the mark to Cain who then, centuries later, passed it on to Dean Winchester.

Present Day
The Darkness was eventually freed with the destruction of the Mark of Cain, where it rained down destruction and made a move to consume everything in its path.

Powers & Abilities
* Immortality - The Darkness predates everything, including both God and even Death itself. It is an ageless and invulnerable force which cannot die.
* Nigh-Omnipotence - It is so unimaginably strong that even God (a being who supposedly can do absolutely anything) couldn't just instantly defeat it, and it took the combined power of him and his archangels to eventually seal it away. Even Death was willing to make sure the Mark of Cain, the lock on the Darkness, wasn't broken. Considering the force it took just to fight it back and imprison it, the Darkness is the most powerful evil force in the Supernatural universe.
* Flight - The Darkness, while disembodied, can fly in a similar manner to demons and angels without a vessel.
* Invulnerability - Considering its ability to stand against God and his archangels, the Darkness can be assumed to have an immense resilience to physical and supernatural attacks that likely constitutes invincibility.

* High-Tier Entities - The combined strength of God and the archangels was strong enough to bind the Darkness, and seal it with a lock.
* The Mark of Cain - The Mark of Cain was the "lock" to the prison that held the Darkness back. As long as one person bore the Mark, the Darkness would remain sealed. With its removal, the Darkness was set free once more.

* The Darkness is similar to many terms and entities found in many creation myths.
- Chaos in Greek/Egyptian mythology, which predated everything and created or from the gods from.
- From the quote in Biblical Genesis "And God said let there be light."
* It may be the true source of where demons come from, based on the fact that Lucifer created the first demons after becoming corrupted by the Mark and that every human that has had the Mark was at some point transformed into a demon. IF this is true it could theoretically corrupt any spirit to become like a demon.
* Despite being older than God himself, the Darkness will manifest in human form on Earth. Whether or not it chooses to take this form is unknown. The Darkness also was called a (she) so it insinuated that the Darkness will take a female shape and form.

[Не успявам да стигна до инфото от първа ръка от SDCC, но си мисля, че тази Darkness все пак не би трябвало да има материална форма (напр. нови чудовища), а ще е по-скоро някакво общо зло влияние Rolling Eyes . И тук изниква въпросът как се води битка с 'неперсонифицирано' зло? За което не се знае нищо? А тези, които са го побеждавали са убити или нехаят?
Едно е сигурно - интересна посока захванаха сценаристите, дано не се провалят в реализирането на идеята Praynig .]

* It is likely that The Darkness is the progenitor of all evil that has ever existed in the Supernatural universe.
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# 16
Веднага си го вметвам за четене по-късно. Sunglasses
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# 17
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# 18
 Heart Eyes
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# 19
Не ми харесва Джейсън на тази снимка.  Rolling Eyes
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# 20
Благодаря за темата   bouquet

Каква е идеята на фланелките - Джаред с рога ли?! 
Или са крила  newsm78
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# 21
Мисля, че е свързано с някакви американски футболни отбори.
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# 22
Рога, рога. Нали е лос  Laughing
Импалко, благодаря за подслона  Hug
Не знам за светлината и мрака, но (с) двама Уинчестър натъмно - звучи прекрааасно
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# 23
 Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug

И аз чакам с нетърпение новия Супернечъръл  сезон !!!!

 Весело лято , момичета !!!! Извън темата - моля, ако някой знае свестен хотел на Созопол да каже  Mr. Green Може и на лични, за де спамим. Вече цяла седмица търся хотели и когато прочета отзивите и се хващам за главата и се отказвам.  Sad
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# 24
Mr. Green Joy
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# 25
И двете дечица на снимката ли са на Джаред ? Аз мислех, че има само едно  newsm78 #Crazy
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# 26
Две са, две.  Flutter
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# 27

Хм, обзеха ме някакви необичайни, нови нечестиви помисли Whistling ...
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# 28
Сподели, сподели.  Whistling
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# 29
аУ  Heart Eyes
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