Отричат обиколниците на бебешките креватчета

  • 17 739
  • 70
# 60
доколкото на мен ми обясниха става въпрос zа беzпричинна смърт, която наричат синдром на внеzапната смърт, zа това и няма много данни по въпроса, zащото е беzпричинна и няма как да zнаем от какво точно да паzим бебето. единственото наблюдение, zа което ми каzаха, че бебе които спят по корем са по често страдащи от това zаболяване, но точни данни и причини няма. zа мен zадушаването обаче има причина
За синдрома,наистина се знае малко или по-скоро причините.Но съдейки по разказите на пострадали родители,лекарите са си направили някои статистически изводи,които трябва да се имат предвид.Ето няколко статии

Crib Bumper Pads
From Heather Corley,
Your Guide to Baby Products.
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Are They Safe?
Crib bumper pads are a very common baby product, and parents often use bumper pads thinking they are increasing the safety of their child's crib. However, many health agencies and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) awareness groups are now recommending that parents skip the crib bumper, saying the need for crib bumpers has passed and that using these products may actually put children at greater risk for suffocation or death.
Why Do We Use Crib Bumper Pads?
Crib bumper pads became popular in older-style cribs where the slats were far enough apart that a baby's head could become trapped between the slats, posing a suffocation risk. Today, all cribs sold in the United States and Canada are required to have slats close enough together that it's nearly impossible for an infant's head to fit through.

So why do we still use the crib bumper pads? For some parents, the reason may be as simple as liking the way the bumper pad looks. The matched crib bedding sets in stores are often cute and the package deal makes for a nice coordinated nursery. Other parents are worried about their child's arms and legs sticking through the crib sides, and some worry that the baby will hit his or her head on the crib sides and cause injury. According to Health Canada, it is nearly impossible for an infant to hit his or her head hard enough on the crib to cause bruising or injury. Health Canada also reports that serious injury is not likely when a child puts his or her arms and legs through the crib slats. The baby will either remove their arm or leg from the slats if possible, or make enough noise to alert a parent for help.
Which Groups Have Recommended Against Bumper Pads?
Some major children's safety organizations have recently suggested that parents and child care providers should remove crib bumper pads from baby cribs. The groups include: American Academy of Pediatrics, Health Canada, National Center for Health and Safety in Child Care, the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the First Candle/National SIDS Alliance. Some state and regional Back to Sleep campaigns now recommend removing bumper pads, as well.

Why Do These Groups Recommend Against Crib Bumper Pads?
One reason child safety organizations recommend against crib bumpers is that they pose a risk of suffocation. Just like a pillow or thick blanket, crib bumper pads can restrict a baby's breathing if the bumper is up next to the baby's nose or mouth. Suffocation risk is greatest when babies are very young and unable to move themselves away from potential hazards.
Rebreathing of air is another concern with crib bumper pads. The bumper reduces the flow of fresh air around baby during sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that some infants, when they are overheated or lack sufficient oxygen during sleep, are unable to arouse themselves enough to prevent hypoxia and death. The AAP states that re-breathing of air may in fact be a contributing factor to SIDS.

Since many infant safety organizations now recommend that nothing be inside the crib at all, the safest route for parents and babies would be to remove crib bumper pads altogether. For day care centers, the push for increased sleep safety may soon result in states mandating that child care providers no longer use crib bumper pads. For parents who are still concerned about their child sticking arms and legs through the crib slats, and feel that they must use a bumper pad, there are new mesh crib bumpers on the market today that allow more air to flow through the crib.

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: SIDS: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

About Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Tragically, SIDS, sometimes referred to as crib death is a leading cause of death in babies. In the USA there are about 3,000 SIDS deaths per year. 90% of SIDS deaths occur during the first 6 months of life, most between 2 and 4 months. SIDS occurs more often in male babies. Also, African-American and Native American infants have a higher rate of SIDS as compared to Caucasian, Asian, or Hispanic babies.

It is also known that SIDS victims are more likely to be born to a young mother with a lower educational level. SIDS tends to occur more in colder geographic areas and during the winter. Recent illness, such as upper respiratory infection or gastroenteritis, is commonly reported.

What causes SIDS?

SIDS is technically defined as the sudden death of a previously healthy baby younger than 1 year of age. An infant's death is attributed to SIDS only if no other cause of that death is found after a thorough investigation. There are many misconceptions about what causes SIDS, and although the exact cause is not understood, it is known that SIDS is not caused by infections or immunization.

SIDS is not thought to be caused by suffocation, vomiting and choking, or child abuse. The current thinking seems to focus on 3 main factors: age of a child, combined with a problem in the control of breathing as well as the presence of certain risk factors. These risk factors include:

*Prone sleeping position(sleeping on the stomach),

Soft bedding

Cigarette smoke exposure(even during pregnancy)



*Prone sleeping(sleeping on the stomach), the most important risk factor within a parent's control, increases the risk of SIDS by 10 to 15 times.

Prevention of SIDS:

The only approach to SIDS is prevention, aiming to eliminate some of the risks that are within our control:

Sleep position

Sleeping on the back is the most effective way to reduce the risk of SIDS. This applies to night-time as well as day-time naps at home, at the babysitters and even in daycare; SIDS can occur during the day and 20% of SIDS deaths occur in child care setting(baby sitter or day care).
Remember that a baby can be in the prone(on stomach) while awake. Since experts began promoting the "baby-on-back" sleep position in 1992, the number of SIDS deaths in the US has declined by 40% from 1.2 to 0.7 deaths per 1,000 births.

IMPORTANT:Babies who sleep on their side are at twice the risk of SIDS as a babies who sleep on their backs. The side position is not very stable, so a baby can easily roll onto the prone(on stomach) position.

Avoid soft bedding and over-heating:

In baby's crib: Avoid soft bedding, including blankets and comforters, quilts, pillows, stuffed toys, sheepskins, and crib bumpers

If blankets are necessary, only one thin blanket should be used, and it should be tucked in so that it cannot cover baby's head(In cold weather, a blanket sleeper is an alternative to a blanket)

Select a crib that conforms to Consumer Product Safety Commission recommendations and that has a firm and snug-fitting mattress

Never put a baby to sleep on a waterbed, sofa or couch, soft mattress, pillow, adult beds or other soft surface

Avoid overheating; use light clothes for sleep and keep the room at a temperature of about 70° F

No Smoking:

Cigarette smoke exposure during pregnancy and secondhand smoke exposure after birth are important risk factors for SIDS. The more a baby is exposed to smoke, the higher the risk. This is one risk factor that parents can definitely control.

Breastfeeding protects against SIDS

For reasons not well understood, breastfeeding may have a protective effect against SIDS. Yet another good reason to breastfeed your baby.

It's important to realize that removing risk factors decreases but does not completely eliminate the risk of SIDS.

Practical issues:

Are there adverse effects if babies sleep on their back all the time?

Very few. Studies have shown that supine sleepers had a slightly higher incidence of diaper rash and cradle cap as compared to babies who sleep on their stomachs(prone). Positional occipital plagiocephaly(flattened back part of the head)tends to be more common in babies who sleep on their backs.

Can baby choke or aspirate when back sleeping?

Multiple studies in countries that have had more experience with back sleeping than the US, have not shown any increase in the rate of choking or aspiration related to sleeping on the back.

Can baby ever be put on his/her stomach?

Yes, the " baby on back position" reccomendation applies only for sleep time. As a matter of fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants spend time in the prone position every day while awake. This decreases the incidence of positional plagiocephaly and promotes motor development.

What about special devices or matresses?

Devices marketed as being able to keep babies on their back or side are not recommended. Also, several manufacturers have marketed ventilated mattresses and wedges designed to keep babies on their back or in the side position. There is no evidence that these products prevent SIDS; wedges have not even been studied. Most mattresses that are advertised as protecting against SIDS have been shown not to help the breathing control problem related to SIDS. In addition,the use of such products may make parents too relaxed about maintaining the other measures that do reduce the risk of SIDS.

Is sleeping with baby dangerous?

Sleeping with baby in the same bed as the parents occurs in many cultures outside of North America. However, there is much controversy about the benefits and risks of co-sleeping. The fear is that although co-sleeping may facilitate breastfeeding, and promote bonding, it may also result in overheating and exposure to passive cigarette smoke. Experts also fear that baby may be sleeping on a soft mattress with pillows and quilts and may be at risk of getting caught or trapped between the bed and wall or headboard. According to The American Academy of Pediatrics, co-sleeping does not protect against SIDS and in fact, may increase the risk of accidental suffocation.

Still, many doctors and parents strongly promote "co-sleeping". If parents choose to share their bed with baby, they need to realize that it is not the crib that causes crib death and need to take the following precautions:

Place baby on his/her back

Be aware of the risk of entrapment, as adult beds do not meet child safety standards

To prevent accidental suffocation, avoid soft sleep surfaces, quilts, and pillows

Do not from smoke or use substances that may make you drowsy or not easily arousable(drugs, alcohol)

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# 61
Добре де, след като бебето има инстинкта да се завира в нещо /препъръчително майката/, не е ли твърде "научно" да го лишаваме от това? Моето бебе спеше в кошче от плат, и все се обръщаше и си навираше главата в него. Много се притеснявах, но бях безсилна, ако го преместя, след минутка пак се завираше. Той започна да се върти още втория месец. Разбира се, трябва да избягваме дебелите пухени завивки, възглавници и обиколници, но да не се вманиачаваме.
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# 62
Добре де, след като бебето има инстинкта да се завира в нещо /препъръчително майката/, не е ли твърде "научно" да го лишаваме от това? Моето бебе спеше в кошче от плат, и все се обръщаше и си навираше главата в него. Много се притеснявах, но бях безсилна, ако го преместя, след минутка пак се завираше. Той започна да се върти още втория месец. Разбира се, трябва да избягваме дебелите пухени завивки, възглавници и обиколници, но да не се вманиачаваме.
И ние смяхме в кошче от плат и то дебел ватиран,като обиколниците и Дани постоянно бе в някой ъгъл/около 2 месец се изтласваше вече/С другоо бебе,дай Боже,ще ползвам пак същото кошче,но смятам да отрежа големи отвори в страниците и да сложа мека мрежа,като на креватчетата,защото кошчето е мн.удобно за малката ни спалня.Иначе няма да съм спокойна.А стария обиколник няма да го слагам,ще си ушия по-тънък такъв.Всеки решава за себе си.
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# 63
Има логика,до поне 1 година трябва много да си внимаваме с тези завивки ,обиколници и прочее Naughty
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# 64
              При нас опасността и при двете бебета беше,че се катереха по обиколниците,когато започнаха да се изправят и имаше опасност да забият главички в пода.А докато бяха малки изобщо са спали така както сме ги поставяли и дори да са се обръщали са се отмествали ако нещо им пречи.
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# 65
ето така си лежат бебки в неонатологията в zалцбург
не само, че имат импровиzиран обиколник, но са сложени във въzглавници, zада се чувстват като в утробата
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# 66
тук наистина много се говои за това (Канада) не мисля че има значение колко са тънки наглавниците те винаги крият опасност за малките бебенца колко му трябва на тази душичка за да се задуши аз също си бях купила но не съм го слагала никога а определена възраст за бебетата застрашени от този синдром няма,но аз гледах тук едно предаване това се е случвало на деца които са на 2год възраст тук съветват родителите да внимават много с децата си до тази възраст.Не знам дали са прави,но след като гледах това предаване и видях колко много случаи има наистина се попритесних Shocked
Маики пазете децата си
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# 67
Моят обиколник е тристенен, виждам си бебето, а и все още не се мести из кошарата, че да си завре лицето в него. А когато порасне още, мисля, че сама ще успява да се отдръпне. newsm78
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# 68
jump,идеята на тази възглавница,която всъщност я водят  за кърмене е,че бебето е свикнало в корема на майка си  да се чувства в определени граници и тя до някаква степен му имитира тези условия.По този начин се чувства по-спокойно и спи по-добре.Все пак внимателно с това.
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# 69
ами да, предупреждават да се внимава с тези обиколници и тук... но тук продават едни пухени, които се слагат по-често в кошчетата за малки бебета, а те са без решетки  и наистина ако бебчо си натисне главичката в това мекичкото... ами може и да се задуши. затова и възглавница не се препоръчва.
но и ние имаме в леглото от тези по-тъничките, защото иначе много си удря главичката... чува се през две стаи
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# 70
Omega zнам zа какво става въпрос , но не мисля, че ако беше опасно щяха да го правят в болницата или греша  Thinking а така риска от zадушаване е даже по голям
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