Деца - индиго

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# 45
Ако James Twyman напише и малко пряка реч в книгата си, тя става чудесен научно-фантастичен роман. Дали той знае наистина къде е България, защото масово в САЩ не са наясно и ситуират Загреб у нас и пращат София в Сърбия...
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# 46
„Защо напоследък се раждат толкова много близнаци. Като че ли на групи, на групи пристигат тези деца. И това не е случайно. Това са души от „небесното войнство”, които масово идват на земята, защото предстои голяма духовна борба. Те са предвестници на новото време, което изисква нови хора. Не ви ли прави впечатление колко са интелигентни сега децата още от рождение. От съвсем малки говорят за техника, за коли и самолети, за компютри и апарати, за какви ли не неща, в сравнение с предишните поколения просто се раждат гениални. Предстоят много интересни събития, но трябва да имаме търпение да ги дочакаме.”
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# 47
Запис от радиото на интервю с James Twyman в което разказва за срещата си с индигови деца в България.
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# 48
„Защо напоследък се раждат толкова много близнаци. Като че ли на групи, на групи пристигат тези деца. И това не е случайно. Това са души от „небесното войнство”, които масово идват на земята, защото предстои голяма духовна борба. Те са предвестници на новото време, което изисква нови хора. Не ви ли прави впечатление колко са интелигентни сега децата още от рождение. От съвсем малки говорят за техника, за коли и самолети, за компютри и апарати, за какви ли не неща, в сравнение с предишните поколения просто се раждат гениални. Предстоят много интересни събития, но трябва да имаме търпение да ги дочакаме.”

Това са думи на Ванга,но не разбрах коя година то4но ги е казала и какви са то4но събитията,които ни о4акват.

Ето книгата на James Twyman:
http://www.amazon.com/Emissary-Love-Psychic-Children-Speak/dp/15 … 83155&s=books

Картинката на корицата малко напомня Кожух планина край Рупите.Ина4е за тази книга 4етох,4е художествената измислица се преплита с истина.
Не знам дали този автор пи6е и под други имена,имам едни съмнения,за които трябва да проверя.
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# 49
„Защо напоследък се раждат толкова много близнаци. Като че ли на групи, на групи пристигат тези деца. И това не е случайно. Това са души от „небесното войнство”, които масово идват на земята, защото предстои голяма духовна борба. Те са предвестници на новото време, което изисква нови хора. Не ви ли прави впечатление колко са интелигентни сега децата още от рождение. От съвсем малки говорят за техника, за коли и самолети, за компютри и апарати, за какви ли не неща, в сравнение с предишните поколения просто се раждат гениални. Предстоят много интересни събития, но трябва да имаме търпение да ги дочакаме.”

Това са думи на Ванга,но не разбрах коя година то4но ги е казала и какви са то4но събитията,които ни о4акват.

Ето книгата на James Twyman:
http://www.amazon.com/Emissary-Love-Psychic-Children-Speak/dp/15 … 83155&s=books

Картинката на корицата малко напомня Кожух планина край Рупите.Ина4е за тази книга 4етох,4е художествената измислица се преплита с истина.
Не знам дали този автор пи6е и под други имена,имам едни съмнения,за които трябва да проверя.
Eто още:
James Twyman's Conversation with Indigo Child Anna in Bulgarian Monastery

This email is from James Twyman, who is talking with a young girl who is one of the Indigo children.

"This week I want to share a conversation I had with one of the children I met at the monastery in Bulgaria, a little girl named Anna. I think you will begin to see a definite pattern. As always, I have done my best to communicate the conversation the best I remember. It feels like it holds to what happened quite well."


"What now?" I asked him. "Anna will be up in a moment," he said without sitting down. "Then we can begin."

A minute passed and nothing happened. Br. Matthias walked around the room as if he was having second thoughts about having me there at all. I felt those feelings, but for some reason my head didn't begin to pound like it normally did when ever I read another person's thoughts. I was very relaxed and if anything was overjoyed to have this opportunity. Br. Matthias, on the other hand, was having to fight his worries and concerns. He was clearly the guardian of these special children and though everything seemed to indicate I was meant to be there, he was worried.

Then I looked toward the door and was surprised to see a small girl standing in the doorway. I didn't hear her approach or feel her presence. Br. Matthias seemed surprised as well and jumped a bit before walking over to her and saying something in Bulgarian. He took her by the hand and led her over to where he set up the chairs. She sat down on one of the couches across from me, then looked into my eyes for the first time. I smiled and she smiled back, but there was some fear in her eyes, and I realized why. She didn't like to talk about the gift, and she knew that's why I was there.

There was a part of Anna that wishes she was like other children, but she knew she wasn't. She wanted to be home with her family and friends, but instead she was far away at a monastery with monks who loved her, but weren't family. She looked at me and suddenly realized I was seeing into her. Then she looked toward Br. Mathias and said something.

"She wants to know how long you've had the Gift?" Br. Matthias said.

"Well, about five months now, ever since I met Marco. Does she know Marco?"

Br. Matthias asked her then said to me, "She has never met Marco, but she says she knows who he is...they all know each other apparently. That's part of the Gift."

"Yes, I've heard that before. They seem to be aware of every child in the world that has the Gift. Would you ask her the same question she asked me, how long she has known she had the gift?"

"She has known she was different for only a couple of years, but she has always been able to work with her mind. She just didn't know what it meant.

As far as she knew it was very natural, and this is what most of the children think. They don't realize that other children can't do what they do. That is what gets them into trouble sometimes. They do something fantastic like bending a spoon or something, and then they're branded. Sometimes people understand and are not afraid, but most of the time people are very afraid. Maybe they think it comes from the devil or some evil force. Then they feel isolated and alone. That's why we want to find these children, to help them develop their skills but to also teach them the foundation of love. That is all that is really important."

I looked back at Anna and smiled, sending her the mental thought that she had nothing to be afraid of. She seemed to feel my message and sat back against the thick cushion. I am going to try to communicate the discussion I had with Anna as accurately as I can, though it is clearly impossible for me to relate it word for word. As I sit down to write, however, I feel that the essence of the conversation is still very fresh inside me. The words may change, it is the essence behind the words that is important. Though Anna was the first of four children I interviewed, I feel I learned the most from her. I will also eliminate Br. Matthias' translation and write as if I was speaking directly with the girl, though of course I wasn't.

"Anna, I want to thank you for taking the time to speak with me," I said to her. "Do you know why I'm here?"

"You're here because you have the Gift. Someone gave it to you because most adults don't have it."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know...maybe because they don't believe anymore, or maybe because they've forgotten how to do it. But there are a lot of children who have the Gift. They're everywhere and I can feel all of them."

"What does it feel like," I asked her.

"I can't describe it. It's just there, like something you've always known about."

"I was once told that the children are building a kind of web...a way of protecting it and helping everyone on the planet grow. Is that true, Anna?"

"I don't know," she said.

"You mean, you've never felt this way before?"

"I just wouldn't say it like that. You see, the children aren't really building anything. The web is already there."

"Already there," I repeated. "Where is it exactly?"

"It's everywhere...don't you know that? The web is love...that's what I've learned since I've been here. Love is everywhere because it is the only thing that is real. But it needs to be strengthened by people, and that happens when they think about it. So that's what the children are here to do, to think about the web of love and make it strong."

"Another child told me that there is a question you are all asking the world. Do you know what that question is, Anna?"

"Of course I do, we all know what the question is."

"Can you tell me?" I asked.

"But you said you already know what it is."

She had me. Anna realized I was trying to test her and she wasn't falling for it. I felt that she wanted to be open and share what she knew, but she was also afraid. She had pulled her power back inside herself because she didn't want to show me what she could do. I realized that it would be best to go at her pace and not push her any faster than I needed to.

"Okay," I said to her, "Why don't I tell you what I think the question is and you tell me if it's right. Is that fair?"

She nodded her head.

"Good. The question has to do with whether we're ready to feel the love or not. The children are asking the people of the world to act as if they already are Emissaries of Love...to live as if it's already true. I believe that the reason you're asking this question is because it's only when we act as if it's true that it's activated inside us. We have to believe it before we can see it. Is that close, Anna?"

"It's kind of close," she said.

"Well, how would you say it?"

"The question is whether you're ready to act as if you're loved by God. People think that God doesn't love them, and so they act as if that's true. That's why the world is the way it is right now. They say with their mouths that God is there and loves them like a mother or a father, but they don't believe it in their hearts. But what would happen if they really did believe it? Then the love that's all around them would start to extend from them to touch other people, and then everyone would be healed. It's really very simple. So the question just has to do with whether people are willing to accept what is already true."

"To accept what is already true?"

"Yes, because that's how we feel it. The children are here to feel what is true, and to help others do that as well."

"What about the psychic powers?" I asked. "Why do some children have them and others don't?"

"Everyone has them, and they're also not important. The love is what is important, and strengthening the web. When you feel the love then things just happen by themselves."

"You mean the Gift?"

"Yes, the Gift. How did you get it?" she asked as she leaned forward, suddenly very interested.

"I met a child just like you, and he touched me," I said to her. "After that all sorts of strange things began to happen. I was able to see inside people and move things with my mind. Can you do those things."

"Of course."

"Do you like to do them?"

"Sometimes, but it can scare people, and I don't want people to be afraid of me." She sat back again as she said this, as if she suddenly remembered that she had a disease which has no cure. "I know that the Gift is to help people, but sometimes I wish that I could just go home and not do any of this."

"Do you know a little boy named Marco?" I asked. "Br. Matthias said you didn't."

"I know him, but I don't. I know that he has the Gift very big inside him, and that he used to live here. Br. Matthias told me that part. But I have never met him."

"Do you know where he is, Anna. I really want to see him again."


Br. Matthias looked at her as if to stop her from saying more. Why? I made a mental note of this but didn't say anything about it then. For the first time I had the feeling that he was holding out on me, as if he knew more about where Marco was than he was letting on.

"There's something else I want to tell you about the Gift," Anna said. "You have to want to use it, otherwise it isn't very good for you."

"What do you mean?"

"It can make you sick, like it's doing to you. There is a part of you that's still afraid of what it means, and so you try to run away from it. But you can't, and every time something happens it makes you hurt inside. If you use the Gift to do something it makes your head pound like this."

She put her hands to her head and squinted her eyes. For just a second the pain shot through my skull, then was gone. She opened her eyes again.

"If you would just relax and let it just happen, then it wouldn't hurt so much. Then it would get stronger."

"It can get stronger than this?"

"Oh yes, much stronger," she said with a smile. "You still have no idea. Let me show you something." There was a vase with a bunch of flowers sitting in the window sill. Most of the flowers were open but some were still in tight buds. I could feel her sending energy to the flowers. In fact, for a second I thought I could actually see a stream of light coming from her, at first very broad then getting narrower until it was like a laser beam focused on one of the buds. I watched the vase as did Br. Matthias. He didn't seem at all surprised, as if he was about to witness something he has seen dozens of time before. Within seconds I thought I saw the flowers begin to move, then I realized it wasn't the whole bunch, just the one bud that she was focused on. It began to open, at first so slow that it was almost impossible to tell. Then it began to speed up and within a minute it was like all the other flowers in the vase.

"That's what you need to do," she said to me. "You need to stop being so afraid and open up. Then more light can come into you. Then you will look so much more beautiful."

She said these things with such innocence, but I could also feel more wisdom coming from her than I thought possible. These children were more than an evolutionary leap, they were spiritual masters returning to the Earth. More and more this idea came into my mind, and more and more I started to believe it.

"Anna, if you could say anything to all the adults of the world, what would it be?"

She thought for a moment, and just for an instant I remembered she was still a little girl, though the most incredible little girl I had ever met.

Her eyes rolled back into her head as if she wanted to give the best answer she could. Then she looked at me and said, "I would tell them to realize how strong they are, and that the more they love one another the more that strength comes out. People are so afraid of their power because they think they will hurt one another. But the more they hold back the more they do hurt one another. It only seems like there are a lot of us here. There really aren't. There's really only one of us, like all the psychic children that know about one another. We know about one another because we're joined together, and some day all the adults of the world will know the same thing."
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# 50
Е това се казва конспирация - България, таен манастир, надарени деца. Браво на автора - завиждам на въображението му. Но не бих се вързала на нито едно от съновиденията, защото си имам моите които определено са по наситени, богати и цветни. Жалко че засега не вадя пари от тях, и за в бъдеще няма да го направя, тъй като определено ще ми тежат на съвестта душите които ще повярват и ще приемат бла-бла (то ) за истина.
А че българите сме си надарени по природа и нямаме нужда от чак такива конспирации (манастири, пещери и др.) Joy си е факт. Дано авторът дойде все някога в родното БГ и като един истински войн на Светлината се ''светне '' по въпроса... Joy
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# 51
Е това се казва конспирация - България, таен манастир, надарени деца. Браво на автора - завиждам на въображението му. Но не бих се вързала на нито едно от съновиденията, защото си имам моите които определено са по наситени, богати и цветни. Жалко че засега не вадя пари от тях, и за в бъдеще няма да го направя, тъй като определено ще ми тежат на съвестта душите които ще повярват и ще приемат бла-бла (то ) за истина.
А че българите сме си надарени по природа и нямаме нужда от чак такива конспирации (манастири, пещери и др.) Joy си е факт. Дано авторът дойде все някога в родното БГ и като един истински войн на Светлината се ''светне '' по въпроса... Joy
Същият автор е създател на документалния филм Индиговата Еволюция.
Вероятно всичките хора, взели участие във филма са подставени актьори а думите им - измислици на Джеймс Туамън.
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# 52
 Hugдетето ми е от новите...даже от най-новите LaughingАко щете вярвайте, но преди да се запозная с татко му знаех, че е на път-детето ми-някак живеех с него-и общувах доста пълноценно...Смятаме, че то си избра родители и ни запозна, за което сме му много благодарни:) Отнасяме се с него като с много древна душа, защото е такава и с цялото уважение заради това.Спи до мен, кърмих до до 2 годишен, ценя достойнството му и му съчувствам много. Осъзнавам смисъла си в него.Различен е-много е хубав и съзнателен (всяка майка мисли така-или почти всяка)...и е много чувствителен-затова се старая да предвидя желанията му, защото сега е и в сложната възраст и много се дразни...не го оставям да плаче-правя и невъзможното...и го оставям да прави каквото си иска-той е по-съзнателен от мен-и винаги ще е така, ДАНО LaughingКогато започне да вика в съня си го галя по челото и му казвам, че няма нищо, че това са лошите и те ще си ходят...пея, разказвам приказки, нося го...сънува много, смее се на глас-нормално ми се струва-както и аз и всички хора-сънуваме.
Смятам, че децата са ни голям подарък и трябва много, ама много да ги уважаваме и да се грижим за тях повече отколкото можем да се сетим-така е редно. newsm51 newsm10 smile3521
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# 53
  Здравейте, искам и аз да се включа в темата, тъй като имах здравословни проблеми по време на бременноста и след раждането /дископатия/, ходих  с бебето ми при "диагностик-ясновидка-екстрасенс", незнам как точно да я нарека, и тази жена като ни видя, каза че вижда аурата на бебчо и че тя е индигова. Изключително много й вярвам, тъй като за здравословни проблеми много ми е помагала през годините, но тази информация много ме озадачи и постоянно се ровя в нета за материали. Бебо сега е на 11мес и за момента не виждам нещо "различно" в него, но съм малко притеснена за бъдещето.
  Искам да знам Вие как разбрахте , че децата ви са "индигови", само по признаците от книгата или от някой, който "вижда" аурата?
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# 54
Просто го слушай.
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# 55
Ludmil,чел ли си "Тайната на Шамбала" от  Джеймс Редфилд ?Не знам защо,но правя някаква асоциация като че ли?Все още не знам дали това,което е писано там е истина или фантастика,но все си мисля,че е действителност.
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# 56
Ludmil,чел ли си "Тайната на Шамбала" от  Джеймс Редфилд ?Не знам защо,но правя някаква асоциация като че ли?Все още не знам дали това,което е писано там е истина или фантастика,но все си мисля,че е действителност.
Да чел съм я. Но, нека не забравяме че фантастите, като Артър Кларк или Жул Верн са предните постове на човечеството. Те стъпват с фантазията си там, където никой не смее дори да повярва. И често визиите им стават реалност.

Индигови деца има, това е факт. Дали се крият по манастири и притежават свръх-естествени възможности или са просто деца, които живеят сред нас и носят непреклонното намерение да премахнат закостенелите догми, ще разберем...

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# 57
Голям си образ, Людмиле! Често се чудя от къде я намираш тази информация и защо изобщо я търсиш...Да не би да се надяваш ти да си дете-индиго или Самуил?
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# 58
Голям си образ, Людмиле! Често се чудя от къде я намираш тази информация и защо изобщо я търсиш...Да не би да се надяваш ти да си дете-индиго или Самуил?
Информацията я привлича намерението ми. Търся за да променя съществуващото. Не се надявам. Просто съм.

Децата индиго имат няколко отличителни черти: непримиримост с остарелите и закостенели догми, вътрешен подтик да се отдават на духовното повдигане на своите братя и сестри и непреклонност в намеренията и действията си.

Смисълът на живота им е да живеят за другите.

А за Самуил -- времето ще покаже.
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# 59
Децата индиго имат няколко отличителни черти: непримиримост с остарелите и закостенели догми, вътрешен подтик да се отдават на духовното повдигане на своите братя и сестри и непреклонност в намеренията и действията си.

Така е. Peace
Aз вече се радвам като видя тръшкащи се деца по улицата.
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