Отново трагедия... в Канада

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Дано не е някоя тукашна майка...  Cry
Но все си е трагедия...  Cry
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# 1
Лелеееее...ужас Cry
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# 2
 Cry Cry Cry

П.П: има ли някой сведение за Дидолинка? Дали са си вече в БГ и успешно ли им е минало пътуването?
Дидкаааааааааа - обади се отнякъдеееееееее  Praynig
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# 3
Cry Cry Cry

П.П: има ли някой сведение за Дидолинка? Дали са си вече в БГ и успешно ли им е минало пътуването?
Дидкаааааааааа - обади се отнякъдеееееееее  Praynig

тук са;
в една тема Цомба Гърдева каза, че ги е посрещнала на летището.
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# 4
Шани, тука са мила .Живи и здрави. HugДо две седмици ще си включи нета и ще разкаже подробно.Вчера са ходили до Бургас да хапнат цаца Mr. Green
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# 5
цокович...драголюб... звучат малко като от западните покрайнини, не точно български. не че това прави драмата по-малка.
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# 6
Българи са.
Ето ви последните новини

MONTREAL -- A Montreal-area neighborhood was rocked on Saturday with the news a mother and her two daughters were found shot to death in their own home.

Police suspect Dragolub Tzokovitch, who was found bleeding in his bedroom, allegedly killed his daughters and wife before turning the gun on himself.

Tzokovitch, a psychologist, was listed in critical condition in a hospital on Saturday night and police said he may not survive.

Police say a handgun was used to kill Iva, 17, her sister Alice, 10, and their mother, Mila Yoynova, 40.

The bodies Alice and Iva were in their respective rooms, while the parents were found in the master bedroom were discovered in the family home just after 11 a.m. after a friend concerned about their safety called 911. Police say it appears the shootings had taken place a few hours earlier.

In a sad coincidence, the Montreal Gazette spoke to Iva after a spate of violent incidences at area schools in 2005.

"We see our school as a safe environment. It just doesn't strike us as possible," Iva was quotes as saying.

A year later, in her upbeat graduation write-up the school yearbook, Iva gave "special thanks" to her parents, mentioned her sibling "my sis" and finished with a quote: "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

The killings shook the neighbourhood.

"They seemed like really nice, down-to-earth people," said Emily Regimbal, who lives a few doors away from the family.

"It's really scary. It's my neighbourhood, my street. I never would have thought something like that would happen."

The couple, both of Bulgarian origin, had been separated but reconciled about a year ago.

Yoynova, a yoga instructor, bought the house last year.

Tzokovitch, a psychologist and member of the Quebec Order of Psychologists, moved in several months ago, said one of Yoynova's yoga students, who asked that his name not be used.

He said the couple seemed happy and he saw no signs of violence or other problems.

"Even when they were apart, they worried so much about the kids together that you wouldn't even think they were separated," the man said. "She told me they got back together because they loved their kids so much."

He said the couple had been extensively renovating their house, recently adding a yoga studio, garage and a backyard shed.

"They were happy together renovating and working," he said.

Tzokovitch, he added, seemed to be "the nicest guy on Earth, always joking around."

The daughers "were two beautiful young ladies," he added. "Eva was just in her prime, 17, and the little one, Alice, was just a little sweetheart, a real firecracker, with beautiful long hair, always joking around."

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# 7
уф, мамка му и живот!
Мир на душите им!
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# 8
Мами в Квебек, знаете ли нещо повече за убийството на Мила Войнова и двете и дъщери?
Само разбрах, че са изключили системите на бащата-убиец, ама как се е стигнало дотам?
Нещо коментира ли се повече при вас?
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# 9

 smile3527 smile3518
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# 10
 #Crazy #Crazy #Crazy Боже, боже... защо му е трябвало и децата си да затрие?  Sad
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# 11
Sorry za maimunitzara no Kredor-a nikakyv ne go vijdam v momenta.

Blagodaria za link-a kam Dnevnik, no me interesuvashe kakvo se komentira v Monreal, ako ima mami tam, koito sa zapoznati, ili kakvo se komentira tam na miasto.
kak se e reshilo da izkluchat sistemite na Tzokovitch? i prochie
http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=0d1d8196-4 … 94ad-a3b8434e7eef

oshte vednaj sorry za latinitzata
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# 12
Лио - питай направо в Чужбинския форум, и то баш мамите в Канада.
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# 13
Sorry za maimunitzara no Kredor-a nikakyv ne go vijdam v momenta.

Blagodaria za link-a kam Dnevnik, no me interesuvashe kakvo se komentira v Monreal, ako ima mami tam, koito sa zapoznati, ili kakvo se komentira tam na miasto.
kak se e reshilo da izkluchat sistemite na Tzokovitch? i prochie
http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=0d1d8196-4 … 94ad-a3b8434e7eef

oshte vednaj sorry za latinitzata

Аз чух по радиото сутринта, че системите са изключени по решение на негов близък приятел, който бил упълномощен от мъжа да взема решения от негово име при невъзможност.
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# 14
A 41-year-old man who murdered his wife and two daughters has died after being taken off life-support.

Police say Dragolub Tzokovitch was disconnected after a family friend who was legally authorized to act on his behalf decided to "end his suffering."

Mila Yoynova, 40, and the couple's daughters, 10-year-old Alice and 17-year-old Iva, were shot dead last weekend in the family home in Beaconsfield on Montreal's West Island.

Tzokovitch, a psychologist, was found shot and bleeding from self-inflicted wounds.

The .357 Magnum used to kill the family was legally registered to Tzokovitch, who first arrived in Montreal from Bulgaria in 1990.

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