Какво мислите за тези ваксини?

  • 13 007
  • 60
# 15
В Холандия ваксинирането е опционално- всеки родител сам избира иска ли детето/децата му да бъдат ваксинирани.
Rotarix е нова ваксина (от 2006) в Холандия и не се покрива от мед. осигуровка, за това родителите сами си покриват разходите по нея (около 70?). Моят син не е ваксиниран срещу ротавируса, защото това е ваксина предимно за бебета.
Втората спомената ваксина на мен ми е непозната. При нас има една друга срещу менингококите - Meningokkoken C и се прави на 14 месечна възраст. Не знам дали говорим за една и съща в случая Thinking
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# 16
Не знам дали говорим за една и съща в случая Thinking

Не, различни са.
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# 17
Не знам дали говорим за една и съща в случая Thinking

Не, различни са.
Аха, и аз го изгугулствах. Също е нова ваксина,от 2006 при нас и за това на мен ми е непозната.
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# 18
Аз родих в САЩ и там са задължителни така, че ги сложихме. Странични реакции честно казано не помня да е имал, освен липса на апетит. Тогава кърмех и за малко да направя мастит, щото не щеше да яде, а постоянно спеше.
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# 19
В Швеция ваксините не са задължителни. Тези две ваксини ги няма в стандартния календар, пневмококовата се препоръчва за хора с понижена имунна защита и за възрастни (над 70 г). Засега не смятам да я слагам на детето си.
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# 20
   В Гърция се бие Prevenar,но не съм сигурна дали е от задължителните ваксини.Аз смятам да  я сложим-поне 1 прием да има.
  Отделно има и ваксина Менингитек-противоменингитна.
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# 21
Сложих и среЩу пневмококи (скоро след това я вклю4иха ве4е в им. календар) и среЩу менингококи, нямаШе стр. ефекти при нас (но Щеркарта по принцип ги понася добре). За мен ли4но има смисъл от Превенар  Peace
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# 22
Тук в Южна Африка Превенар и ротаваируса не са от задалжителните.
Но тъй като и  аз нямах доста познания относно  ваксинациите сложих на сина си на 4 м. Ротавируса.Намахме странични реакции ,дори намахме температура,но сина ми ги понася добре ваксините,поне досега.
Но от един разговор с мисла че ми се пада девер,т.е брата на мъжа ми ,ми каза за Превенара.Чел в интернет че тази ваксина съдаржа доста тежки метали като олово ,живак и др.Дори фирмата производител е съдена в Америка,тъй като след ваксинациа умират деца ,макар че не е доказано че  това се дължи на Превенара.За съжаление сега немога да цитирам и да ви дам адреса на сайта ,но ще се опитам да го открия.Също се казва в саита ,че тази ваксина мойе да даде странични ефекти след 4-тата годишнина на децата.
Наскоро една мояа приателка тук ми каза за последствиа от друга ваксина-срещу хепатит А .Тук тя е задалжителна.Но аз още се колебая.В шоуто на Опра ,показали наколко случаи на деца от Америка ваксинирани с тази ваксина ,които се разболяли от аутизъм.
Така ,че съм доста предпазлива с  ваксините,защото всички знаем че чрез ваксините се инжектират на здравите деца  много малко коли4чство живи или в латентно състояние вируси.
Съгласна съм ,че така се спасява живота на милиони деца.
Но от друга страна си мися,че колкото по-вече ги ваксинираме толкова по-вече други болести още по-опасни се появават
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# 23
Леле, ти направо ме разби! Тежки метали във ваксина! Ако е имало такова нещо и скандал около него, би трябвало или да са я спрели, или да са я изчистили вече.  newsm78 Нали в Щатите тази ваксина все още е задължителна?

За аутизма... и това ми се вижда странно. Shocked Доколкото знам, от него човек не се разболява - той е вроден и се проявява доста рано - още към 6-ия месец може да бъде диагностициран, а противохепатитната ваксина не се бие на малки бебета. Моля те, ако пазиш линка, пусни да почета и за това, че тази ваксина също сме я планирали за по-нататък. Мерси!
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# 24
Последна опция  Peace
Вички ваксини му слагам - и задължителни, и препоръчителни  Simple Smile Смятам ги за добро и ценно чудо; възползвам се  Blush
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# 25

The 'vaccines are adequately tested' lie

[If vaccines were properly tested their ineffectiveness and danger would be obviously apparent.  "Testing" is carried out by the makers only!  No long term tests have ever been done, (they are doing them now on the whole population), no vaccine has ever been tested against 100% unvaccinated children, and using the Antibody Theory to test effectiveness is junk science!  The best way not to find vaccine contaminants is not to test for them in the first place.  Testing is limited, if carried out at all, to days or weeks, and often is done in third world countries!  In truth all vaccines are experimental, safety tests are carried out by the makers, and, barring a vaccine disaster, they carry on the uninformed, unconsented longer term vaccine trial on your children.  An obvious proof to this lie is to look at the long line of withdrawn vaccines and vaccine disasters.  To see the real purpose of these diseases have a look at the beliefs of Homeopathy,  Naturopathy on measles, and the effectiveness of Nutritional medicine,  to get some idea about it's experimental nature, the need for it, and the lack of informed consent.  This ones equally evil twin is the  'Safe' vaccine lie.]
Safety studies, if at all, for days or weeks
Use flawed or fraudulent methods to get vaccines on market:
No government vaccine testing:
Keep safety data secret from government regulators:
Disregard for safety can be seen in the selling of withdrawn vaccines to third world, and unethical vaccine experiments
And in continuing to use proven unsafe vaccines, sometimes for years or decades

The lie [The best-tested thing! See: Rationalization]
"If they were willing to look at all the studies that were done with vaccines, they would find that they are, I think without question, the safest, best-tested thing we put into our bodies," says Offit." (CBS) 60 MinutesOctober 20, 2004

Safety studies for days or weeks
"Safety studies on vaccinations are limited to short time periods only: several days to several weeks. There are NO (NONE) long term (months or years) safety studies on any vaccination or immunization. For this reason, there are valid grounds for suspecting that many delayed-type vaccine reactions may be taking place unrecognized at to their true nature. Dr Buttram MD

"There have never been any safety studies done for any vaccine in use today that would meet the criteria of scientific proof. All we have are epidemiologic studies, which are indicators but not proof in and of themselves." [Oct 2004] Letter to the British Medical Journal by Harold E Buttram, MD,

"Longest safety trial of of the triple vaccine (MMR, all live attenuated viruses) was three weeks."--Dr Fudenburg MD

JABS has not been able to find any properly conducted trials where the safety of the vaccines has been monitored for more than a few weeks. Why Does The MMR Vaccine Need To Be Suspended?

"The anthrax vaccine was approved without every doing a controlled clinical  study. There is no long term safety data on the anthrax vaccine. The government admitted this in congressional hearings. It is a distortion of the truth to say there is substantial safety data."--Bart Classen

"Safety studies on vaccinations are limited to short time periods only: several days to several weeks. There are NO (NONE) long term (months or years) safety studies on any vaccination or immunization. For this reason, there are valid grounds for suspecting that many delayed-type vaccine reactions may be taking place unrecognized at to their true nature."--Dr Buttram MD

"A small but growing minority of physicians and scientists are becoming aware that safety testings for the various vaccines have been woefully inadequate. As one of many examples, in 1994, a special committee of the National Academy of Sciences published a comprehensive review of the vaccine safety of the hepatitis B vaccine. When the committee investigated 5 possible and plausible adverse effects, they were unable to come to any conclusion for 4 of them because, to their dismay, they found that relevant safety research had not been done."--Harold Buttram MD

"He said the normal trials on a new vaccine were not possible in Britain because of the relatively small numbers of people who contracted the disease. Instead scientists had tested whether the vaccine produced sufficient antibodies."--Media report on meningitis C vaccine

"One of the flaws in studies of vaccines is that there are no true placebo groups. The vaccine is tested in one group of immunized children and is compared to another group of immunized children."--Peter Baratosy

"To date there has never been an independent, controlled study which proves that their vaccines are safe or even effective."--Ingri Cassel

"While the myriad short-term hazards of most immunizations are known (but rarely explained), no one knows the long term consequences of injecting foreign proteins into the body of your child. Even more shocking is the fact that no one is making any structured effort to find out."--Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD

JABS has not been able to find any properly conducted trials where the safety of the vaccines has been monitored for more than a few weeks. JABS has not been able to find any studies of the long-term consequences of the use of the MMR vaccines.Why Does The MMR Vaccine Need To Be Suspended? http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/jabs/mmrsuspend.html

"The CDC immunization policy is disgraceful from a scientific, medical, or public policy point of view. It is a scientific disgrace because vaccines only get short-term or epidemiological tests, and not controlled tests for long-term side effects"--Roger Schlafly, PhD

"There is a wider problem because of the failure to carry out long-term, randomised, controlled studies — properly conducted scientific investigations which would monitor the effects of multiple, early vaccination versus non-vaccination into adulthood."--Dr Odent M.D.

"The central defect in the numerous, recent mandatory vaccination requirements is that the same people who are profiting from these vaccines are also in control of the research on[,] and publication of[,] the dangers of the vaccines. The fox is pretending to guard the henhouse. …foreign research has found problems with the Hepatitis B vaccine for children. Note that I said "foreign," because there is no independent US medical research on this.  Incredibly, even industry safety studies on the MMR vaccine have not extended beyond three weeks following vaccination."---Laura Reude.

"I have minutes from a CDC Study Group Meeting on the Hepatitis B vaccine held in March, 1997. The minutes of the meeting show that it would take at least a 60 day study to show the onset of MS. Clinical studies done by the two manufacturers were four and five days in length, respectively. It should be noted that the afternoon session of this meeting was chaired by Dr. Robert Sharrar of Merck. This group was to decide how to identify various types of adverse reactions such as MS and demylenating disease and to plan meaningful studies. When Dr. Sharrar appeared on ABC's 20/20 in January he said that he honestly believed that the Hepatitis B vaccine had not caused any problems. Can an employee of a pharmaceutical company that manufactures the vaccine be objective in designing experiments to show fault in a product that generates close to a billion dollars in sales for his company?"---Betty Fluck

Use flawed or fraudulent methods to get vaccines on market:
"The Prevnar pre-licensure clinical trials, which Wyeth Lederle paid Kaiser Permanente to conduct, compared two experimental vaccines against each other. To compound this basic methodological flaw, Kaiser and Wyeth Lederle, allowed most of the children in the trial to be given the more reactive DPT vaccine rather than use the safer, less reactive DTaP vaccine. This placed the children in that five-year experiment in greater danger and allowed the drug company to write off the seizures that occurred as being caused by DPT and not Prevnar, when in fact, they didn't know. Even so, the groups of children who got Prevnar suffered more seizures, higher fevers, more irritability and other reactions than did the children who got the other experimental vaccine. It was a no-brainer as far as I was concerned: Kaiser and Wyeth Lederle had proved nothing about Prevnar vaccine safety."--Barbara Loe Fisher

"The evaluation of safety and efficacy and federal approval of Prevnar is laden with ethical questions. Many of the doctors directly involved in the testing and approval process appear to have significant conflicts of interest. The efficacy of the vaccine is questionable and safety testing has been terribly inadequate. There are no long-term studies (i.e. more than 5 years) of the chronic, debilitating and life threatening diseases that this vaccine may cause. The fact that the vaccine is bio-engineered by combining various types and portions of bacteria should require it to undergo considerable scrutiny. Assuming the vaccine has any efficacy at all, the need for universal vaccination needs to be reexamined in light of the small number of children who might be at risk from serious complications from pneumococcal disease. "---Michael Horwin, MA

No government vaccine testing:
"FDA virologist Peter Reeve........ acknowledged that the FDA suspended its own independent tests of vaccine purity 15 years ago, leaving it entirely up to the manufacturers to ensure the vaccine is contaminant free."--'The Virus and the Vaccine': Atlantic Monthly  http://www.whale.to/vaccines/sv409.html

"In addition, the U.S. Office of Technology, one of the few semi-reliable agencies of the U.S. government, says there is no current system utilized by the CDC to determine if the vaccines do work or how dangerous they really are."--Dr Douglass M.D.

Keep safety data secret from government regulators:
"FDA virologist Peter Reeve........ acknowledged that the FDA suspended its own independent tests of vaccine purity 15 years ago, leaving it entirely up to the manufacturers to ensure the vaccine is contaminant free."--'The Virus and the Vaccine': Atlantic Monthly  http://www.whale.to/vaccines/sv409.html

"Since the 1920s, virtually all continuing medical and public health education is funded by pharmaceutical companies. In fact, today, the FDA can't even tell health scientists the truth about vaccine contaminants and their likely effects. The agency is bound and gagged by proprietary laws and non-disclosure agreements forced upon them by the pharmaceutical industry. Let us not forget that the pharmaceutical industry, as a special interest group, is the number one contributor to politicians on Capital Hill."--Leonard Horowitz

"Since vaccine development information is considered proprietary (protected by nondisclosure policies) government officials and researchers must shield potential safety issues from public scrutiny. This censorship is rationalized by the all too persuasive argument that vaccines cannot be criticized lest the public become non-compliant in taking them. Finally, this silence is buttressed by the small number of people capable of critically evaluating vaccine manufacturing and safety testing procedures. In essence, health care professionals and the general public know little about the possible dangers of live viral vaccines."--Dr Martin

Disregard for safety can be seen in the selling of withdrawn vaccines to third world, and unethical vaccine experiments;
"Using kids as guinea pigs in potentially harmful vaccine experiments is every parents' worst nightmare. This actually happened in 1989-1991 when Kaiser Permanente of Southern California and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) jointly conducted a measles vaccine experiment. Without proper parental disclosure,  the Yugoslavian-made "high titre" Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine was tested on 1,500 poor, primarily black and Latino,  inner city  children in Los Angeles. Highly recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO),    the high-potency experimental vaccine was previously injected into infants in Mexico, Haiti, and Africa. It was discontinued in these countries when it was discovered that the children were dying in large numbers."--Dr Alan Cantwell MD

"To determine the effect of different amounts of the vaccines, researchers at the hospital inoculated newborns from mostly lower-income black families with doses ranging up to more than 100 times the dose recommended for adults."--Media

On september 14, 1992 two measles vaccines (Pluserix & Immravax) were banned in the UK after it was revealed that children had developed meningitis.  On Sept 16, 1992 the New Zealand government withdrew Pluserix

1997 Brazil:

"Officers are also investigating how a consignment of potentially dangerous mumps vaccine was sent to one of Direct Health 2000's suppliers. The vaccine sent by a German distributor turned out to be of the Urabe strain, banned in Britain since 1992 as it can cause viral meningitis in babies. "--Media 2002

And in continuing to use proven unsafe vaccines, sometimes for years or decades:
"DOCTORS have been told to come clean about Infanrix, the safer whooping cough jab available on the NHS - but only if directly challenged about it by parents. The compromise means that parents who ask no questions will have their children injected with the cheaper DTwP jab laced with ethyl mercury - a substance ordered out of US medicine on health grounds."--Media Feb 2003

"For decades, American pharmaceutical companies have known how to produce the safer DPT vaccine but decided not to bring it to market because it would increase production costs and lower the drug's 50% or higher profit margins."--Money Magazine

"Drug companies keep DTP alive because it is less-expensive to make, offers a bigger profit margin and can be easily dumped on developing countries......Because many pediatricians prefer to reduce office visits by giving the combined DTP-HiB shot and because many HMOs use about 50 percent DTPH, as many as 30 percent of American infants still get reactive whole-cell pertussis."--NVIC  http://www.909shot.com/gnssafet.htm  

"The British drug company Glaxo Wellcome allowed thousands of British babies to be inoculated with toxic whooping cough vaccines it knew had not passed crucial safety tests."--Media July 2001

"MERCURY, one of the most dangerous substances known to man, is being used in a series of infant vaccines - in spite of a warning from NHS advisers that its use as a cheap preservative "may be toxic" to babies aged under six months..... "The very low thiomersal concentrations present in the pharmacological and biological products are relatively non-toxic in adults," the UKMI report says. "But it may be toxic in utero [in the foetus] and during the first six months of life."  It is the first time any UK health official has admitted to the danger posed by mercury in vaccines.....The list includes four out of the seven flu vaccines issued this year by the government, a pneumonia vaccine and four of the 11 child vaccines. The main source is the triple DTwP jab, for whole-cell diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. "--Media Jan 2003

"They say there is growing concern that a mercury compound in the three-in-one DTP vaccine may cause autism and brain damage.   The vaccine, which protects against diphtheria, tetanus and pertusis or whooping cough, is given to infants of eight weeks and older.  However, the Department of Health has said there is no cause for concern and that the vaccine is safe for children...."--Media Jan 2003

"Michigan had made too much DPT in its Lansing laboratory and wanted to sell it to other states. That required FDA testing and approval, as with any other manufacturer. However, the FDA denied approval and returned the vaccine, saying It was 300 percent too potent. State health officials disagreed and decided to test the vaccine on children in Ingham County (Lansing). Despite more adverse reactions than usual, health officials released 400,000 doses of the DPT vaccine for use throughout the state a month later."---Fresno Bee DPT report 1984

"They began using MMR in April 1989 and by July doctors were already warning of side-effects, but the government didn’t take any notice because it was not convenient for them. They kept using it for another 3 years, securing the profits for the manufacturers".---Shunsuke Fuji

"Congress requires records to be kept of the lot numbers of vaccines for which unusually large number of "adverse events" (side effects) are reported. But the information is then simply ignored. The "hot lots," as they are called, are not destroyed, but continue to be injected into infants and children. (no use throwing out expensive vaccines--dollars are worth more than lives, just as in the U.K.) "---Dr Rimland

"SENIOR government advisers said as early as 1989 that vaccines could provide a route by which BSE could be transferred to human beings."--Media report

"Up to 300 cases relate to this brand of vaccine - Pluserix - which was banned by the Department of Health in 1992 after being linked with meningitis. This was two years after an identical vaccine was banned in Canada."--Media

"THE Department of Health has told doctors they must use stocks of a mercury-based vaccine for infants even though it is being phased out for safety reasons."--Media Aug 2001

"According to one memo, SV40 was found in three of 15 lots of the oral vaccine seven months after the federal directive was issued in March 1961. Lederle released the contaminated vaccine to the public anyway, the memo shows. The documents also suggest that the company failed to test the monkey- kidney seed strains used to make the bulk polio vaccine for contamination, despite a written warning from Dr. Albert Sabin, who developed the oral vaccine."--Media

"In 1990, scientists from the Queen’s Medical Centre Nottingham found some children developed a form of meningitis after receiving it. But despite this the Government went on using it for more than two years.  The Canadian Government, also using the vaccine, immediately switched to a safer version. It was not until September 1992 that the UK Department of Health issued pharmacists with emergency supplies of a safer brand with instructions to withdraw existing batches."--Sunday Express

"The British drug company Glaxo Wellcome allowed thousands of British babies to be inoculated (late 60's-early 70's) with toxic whooping cough vaccines it knew had not passed crucial safety tests."--Media July 2001


Critique of Prevnar Vaccine

A Critical Review of a New Childhood Vaccine

© Michael Horwin, MA


September 19, 2000


Part I:
Potential Conflicts of Interest in Testing, Promotion & Approval

Drs. Black & Shinefield: Wyeth Lederle Paid for Prevnar Studies Drs. Black and Shinefield of Kaiser Permanente undertook the primary studies cited regarding Prevnar. Wyeth Lederle, the vaccine’s manufacturer, paid for these studies.

Drs. Black & Shinefield: Wyeth Lederle Paid for Conferences These doctors have also presented Prevnar at various conferences throughout the world. Wyeth Lederle subsidized these conferences.

Drs. Stephen I. Pelton & Kathryn Edwards: Wyeth Lederle Pays to Reassure Parents Wyeth Lederle also pays for an Internet forum (pneumo.com) where these doctors answer Prevnar-related questions from concerned parents. Several of their answers are inconsistent with relevant information reported from other medical sources.

Dr. Kathyrn Edwards: Wyeth Lederle Pays to Reassure Doctors about Prevnar The Internet forum subsidized by Wyeth Lederle (pneumo.com) also addresses Prevnar related questions presented by pediatricians and other clinicians. Several of the answers by Dr. Edwards demonstrate inconsistent information. Wyeth Lederle had paid Dr. Edwards $255,023 per year from 1996 to 1998 for the study of pneumococcal vaccines (i.e. Prevnar). Edwards is also one of fifteen full-time members of FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, the committee that advises the FDA on the licensing of new vaccines.

Dr. Margaret B. Rennels: The Wyeth Lederle-Prevnar-RotaShield Connection Rennels was instrumental in getting RotaShield to market and is now involved in Prevnar. Her university receives a total of over $2.5 million from various drug and vaccine companies including Wyeth Lederle, Prevnar’s manufacturer. She is also one of the twelve members of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, the committee that makes vaccine recommendations as part of the American Academy of Pediatrics.36

Dr. Jerome Klein: Wyeth Lederle and the National Vaccine Advisory Committee This doctor has been employed by the major vaccine manufacturers to testify against vaccine injured children. He is also chief editor of pneumo.com the website paid for by Wyeth Lederle to sponsor Prevnar. Furthermore, Klein holds a position on the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, the committee that recommends products for universal vaccination.

Part II:
Efficacy of Prevnar and other Vaccines Combined with Prevnar

The Efficacy of Prevnar
The efficacy of Prevnar appears to be very limited - 7% fewer new earaches, and 0.1% fewer instances of invasive pneumococcal disease (compared to an experimental vaccine used as a control).

Prevnar Interferes With Other Childhood Vaccines
The studies done on Prevnar suggest that it may interfere with the efficacy of two other vaccines (pertussis and IPV) and could interfere with two more vaccines (MMR and Varicella).

Statistically Unconvincing Studies
The studies of efficacy of other vaccines in combination with Prevnar used numbers of children (n = 214, 47, 156, 0) that are statistically questionable in respect to the seven million children targeted to receive Prevnar.

Part III:
Safety of Prevnar
The Safety of Prevnar
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, Prevnar may prove to be among the most reactogenic of vaccines.

Danger of Inappropriate Injection
The vaccine insert repeatedly warns the clinician to keep the injection away from a child’s blood vessels. Doctors and nurses are attentive to this, but parents should be aware that there is always a danger if the vaccine is wrongly administered.

The Six-Week Threshold is a Very Fine Line
The manufacturer states that injecting a child with Prevnar who is under six weeks may not be safe, but that it is warranted to inject a six-week old. This does not provide the practitioner with a reasonable cushion.

ER Visits, Seizures and SIDS Associated with Prevnar
Reviews the emergency room visits, seizures and SIDS associated with administration of Prevnar as discussed in the package insert.

Possible Allergic Reactions
Pediatricians are warned to be ready for possible allergic or anaphylactic reactions from administration of the vaccine.

Unknown Toxicity and Carcinogenicity
Prevnar contains aluminum and according to the manufacturer there have been no carcinogenic, mutagenic or fertility studies done on the vaccine.

Relationship with Chronic Diseases
No long-term studies have been completed. One researcher sees a causal link to diabetes.

Prevnar is Administered to Immune-Suppressed Children
Prevnar is directed for administration to immune-suppressed children, a practice that apparently has not been studied for either safety or efficacy,

Part IV:
The Bottom Line $

The Bottom Line Why Prevnar Will be Injected Into Your Healthy Child
At $242 per child, Prevnar is expected to deliver sales of between $300-$500 million per year for its manufacturer.


The safety and efficacy evaluations, and federal approval of Prevnar is laden with ethical questions. Many of the doctors directly involved in the testing and approval process appear to have significant conflicts of interest. The efficacy of the vaccine is questionable and safety testing has been terribly inadequate. There are no long-term studies (i.e. more than 5 years) of the chronic, debilitating and life threatening diseases that this vaccine may cause. The fact that the vaccine is bio-engineered by combining various types and portions of bacteria should require it to undergo considerable scrutiny. Assuming the vaccine has any efficacy at all, the need for universal vaccination needs to be reexamined in light of the small number of children who might be at risk from serious complications from pneumococcal disease.


On February 17, 2000, the FDA approved a new childhood vaccine called Prevnar. Prevnar is manufactured by Wyeth Lederle Vaccines. Wyeth Lederle is a business unit of Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, which is a division of American Home Products the same company that manufactured RotaShield, the vaccine that was recalled after it caused injury and death to some children. Prevnar is marketed to prevent pneumococcal infections that can cause earaches, meningitis, blood poisoning and pneumonia. The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases has recommended universal vaccination. All children should now receive four doses at 2, 4, 6, and 12-15 months of age.1 For an 18-month old child, this brings the total number of vaccinations he or she receives to twenty.

Does Your Child Need Prevnar?

According to studies quoted by Prevnar’s manufacturer if your child is over two years old, he or she has about a 1 in 5,000 chance of being diagnosed with a pneumococcal disease. 47 If your child is under two, the number is reported to increase to 7.5 in 5,000.47 How dangerous is this disease? Apparently it can be life threatening in a very small number of children. For example, according to the manufacturer, Pneumococcal meningitis in childhood has been “associated with” a mortality rate of approximately 1 in 178,571 children.47 Is it reasonable to expect that your child could be one of these victims?

According to the 1994 Red Book Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, children who are at risk of pneumococcal infections are those with specific predisposing factors. The Redbook states:
“(Pneumococcal Infections) are more likely to occur when predisposing conditions exist, including immunoglobulin deficiency, Hodgkin’s disease, congenital or acquired immunodeficiency (including HIV), nephrotic syndrome, some viral upper respiratory tract infections, splenic dysfunction, splenectomy and organ transplantation.”46

Most healthy children do not have these risk factors.

Part I:
Potential Conflicts of Interest in Testing, Promotion & Approval

Six Key Supporters of Prevnar

Six of the most outspoken supporters of the use of Prevnar for universal vaccination are:
1. Dr. Steven Black of Kaiser Permanente
2. Dr. Henry Shinefield also of Kaiser Permanente
3. Dr. Stephen I. Pelton of Boston Medical Center
4. Dr. Jerome Klein also of Boston Medical Center
5. Dr. Margaret B. Rennels of the University of Maryland Medical Center
6. Dr. Kathryn M. Edwards of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

What inspires these doctors to do studies on Prevnar or to get on an airplane and travel thousands of miles to present Prevnar to other physicians? What motivates them to spend hours addressing the concerns of fearful parents and cautious pediatricians?

Drs. Black & Shinefield: Wyeth-Lederle Paid for Prevnar Studies

Drs. Shinefield and Black of Kaiser Permanente undertook most of the studies on Prevnar which proved its efficacy and safety.2 According to Dr. Black, “This vaccine is urgently needed...It is great news for parents and physicians.”3 Dr. Shinefield is equally enthusiastic. He states, “It’s a remarkable vaccine that will have a dramatic effect.”4

How do we know the vaccine is safe and effective? The manufacturer, Wyeth Lederle Vaccines points to the studies of Drs. Black and Shinefield to vouch for the vaccine’s safety and efficacy. A Wyeth press release states:
“Results and data released last September and updated this May from a major clinical trial conducted by Kaiser Permanente…suggested that the vaccine is effective against invasive pneumococcal disease caused by seven serotypes (strains) of the bacteria most prevalent among children in the U.S.”5

Who paid for these studies? According to the Harvard Medical School Office of Public Affairs, the “study was supported by a grant from Wyeth Lederle Vaccines & Pediatrics.”6 This was confirmed by the Associated Press, which reported that Wyeth-Lederle Laboratories “paid for the testing.”4

In fact, the financial ties between Wyeth Lederle Vaccines and Drs. Black and Shinefield are so close that the two doctors appeared in a glossy photo in the 1997 Annual Report of American Home Products (Wyeth’s parent company).8 In the photo you see the two grinning physicians dressed in white lab coats while a group of children play in the background. (See http://www.ahp.com/annrpt97/sreport3.htm ).

Drs. Black & Shinefield: Wyeth Lederle Paid for Conferences

Drs. Black and Shinefield also have gone globe trotting to present the wonders of Prevnar to other doctors throughout the world. This list of conferences where they presented information about Prevnar includes:

Washington DC (Friday October 8, 1999)10
Buenos Aires (April 10-13, 2000)11
Boston (May 15, 2000)12

The one in Washington DC seemed particularly entertaining because it was held at the Smithsonian. According to the event’s brochure:
“The entire first floor of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History will be open to symposium attendees and their guests during the evening… Visitors of all ages can experience the thrill of DNA fingerprinting or measuring the radioactivity of common objects in the hands-on science center.” 10

And who paid for the cost of all these conferences so that the doctors in attendance could learn about Prevnar, and their families could measure the radioactivity of common objects?

The conference at the Smithsonian in Washington DC was “supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Wyeth Lederle vaccines.”13 The one in Buenos Aires was “sponsored by Wyeth Lederle vaccines.”14 The one in Boston was “supported in part by an educational grant from Wyeth-Lederle Vaccine and Merck Vaccine Division.”15

Would Drs. Black & Shinefield be influenced because their studies and efforts were paid for by Wyeth-Lederle? Would their professional judgement be swayed because the vaccine’s manufacturer paid for the conventions they attended? Do you want the efficacy and safety of products that will be injected into your children determined by people who are receiving money from the corporation manufacturing that product?

Drs. Stephen I. Pelton & Kathyrn Edwards:
Wyeth Lederle Pays to Reassure Parents

Two other supporters of Prevnar are Dr. Stephen I. Pelton and Dr. Kathyrn Edwards. Both spend time answering questions about Prevnar from concerned parents and pediatricians. Below are a few examples:

In this instance, Dr. Pelton assures the concerned mother of a 6-month old who experienced adverse reactions to Prevnar. On May 4, 2000 she wrote:
“My 6 month old received the Prevnar vaccine two days ago. Her temperature went to 102.6 and she vomited that evening. The fever dropped to 100 yesterday. The injection site is very inflammed - it looks like a burn almost. It has a large knot under it that is not only just beneath the injection site, but it extends from the site like a finger. Is this reaction normal?”17

On May 24, 2000, Pelton replied:
“The most common side effect is local reactions. The one that you are describing sounds somewhat greater than average but is within the spectrum of what we see.”17

On May 7, 2000, another mother advised Dr. Pelton of the unfortunate experience of her young son after getting Prevnar. She wrote:
My 10-month old son received prevnar four days ago. Since then he has been vomiting and developed a rash on his body. I will not let him receive the vaccine again.”17

This time, it only took three days for Dr. Pelton to write back. On May 10, 2000 he replied:
“…Rash occurs in about 1% of recipients, vomiting in almost 10% however this was seen to be equal in children who received other vaccines without Prevnar.”17

On May 15, 2000, another mom wrote about what happened to her 12-month old daughter after receiving Prevnar and other vaccines in combination. She wrote:
“My 12-month-old daughter just received HiB, DTP, Chickenpox and Prevnar vaccines on 5/1/00. The morning of 5/13, she vomited for 3 hours and had diarrhea. After a visit to the Dr., he had her admitted to the hospital…After a chest x-ray, they were able to see that it was pneumonia in her lower right lobe of her lung…I feel 99.9% confident that this was caused by the combination of vaccines that she received.”17

On May 22, 2000, Dr. Pelton responded:
“…Most febrile reactions to vaccine occur within 48 hours of administration. An event 2 weeks later is unlikely to be due to the vaccine itself.”17

But his response fails to mention the admission by vaccine manufacturers that pneumonia can be a side effect of getting the Hib and DTP vaccines together.37

On July 24, 2000, Tmjh wrote:
“I’m concerned about data linking prevnar to the onset of juvenile diabetes. Could you comment?”17

On July 25, 2000 Dr. Pelton responded:
“The best reference that I am aware of denies any linkage between the two.” 17

This response appears to ignore at least one study completed at the University of Washington which stated, “Aged 65 years or older and having cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus were specific indications significantly correlated with receipt of influenza and pneumococcal vaccine.” 38 Prevnar is a pneumococcal vaccine and this study therefore suggests that late onset of diabetes may possibly be associated with the vaccine. In addition, Dr. J. Bart Classen told the FDA that Prevnar “may be seven times as toxic as the hemophilus vaccine, possibly causing an estimated 400 to 700 children to develop insulin dependent diabetes per 100,000 children immunized. These cases of diabetes may not occur until 3.5 to 10 years following immunization.”49

A mother named Anne wrote on August 23, 2000:
“Parents magazine had a Prevnar ad, which stated ‘Prevnar has not been evaluated for any carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or impairment of fertility.’ Can you give me a layman’s explanation…should I be worried...?” 17

Dr. Kathyrn Edwards responded on September 5, 2000:
“The vaccine has been studied in animals and found not to be associated with cancer or infertility.” 17

This is an interesting response because we have been unable to find a single published report that relates to any carcinogenic or mutagenic studies on Prevnar. In fact, the manufacturer’s insert also fails to cite such a document. We challenge Dr. Edwards to produce such a peer-reviewed study.

A mom named Susan wrote on September 6, 2000:
“(I read) some disturbing comments from parents whose children have already received the vaccine. They said it has terrible side effects, such as poor appetite, difficulty breathing, sleeping problems, and can cause juvenile diabetes…of course this has me worried.” 17

Dr. Kathryn Edwards responded on September 12, 2000:
“The vaccine was administered to nearly 20,000 children prior to licensure and the side effects seen in these children were carefully evaluated and not shown to increase the rate of diabetes, respiratory problems, or weight loss.” 17

As we have already seen the diabetes question is not resolved. In addition, as far as respiratory problems are concerned, it appears that Prevnar can cause or contribute to such a diagnosis. According to the manufacturer’s insert: croup, pneumonia, asthma, bronchiolitis, and wheezing were associated with the administration of Prevnar.32

The forum where all of these questions are asked and answered is titled “Pneumo.com.” The entire venue is paid for by Wyeth-Lederle Vaccines, the manufacturer of Prevnar. (The site is “supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Wyeth-Lederle Vaccines.”) In fact, both Edwards and Pelton are listed as “National Editors” on the site.18 Could Wyeth’s sponsorship of this forum have anything to do with these doctors’ answers?

Dr. Kathyrn Edwards:
Wyeth Lederle Pays to Reassure Doctors about Prevnar

Dr. Edwards is not only busy assuring worrisome parents about Prevnar, but finds the time to reassure concerned pediatricians too. Here are some examples:
On April 1, 2000, Dr. Hemendra Parikh asked Dr. Edwards about the safety of injecting Prevnar and Comvax simultaneously (Comvax = haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B together). He wrote:
“Has there been any study to show the impact of the simultaneous vaccination with the pneumococcal vaccine and other recommended childhood vaccines? Especially the simultaneous vaccination with prevnar and comvax?”19

On April 5, 2000 Edwards responded that while there are no studies on this question, it should be ok anyway:
“…To my knowledge, no studies of the pneumococcal conjugates administered with Comvax are ongoing but there is not current information to suggest that it would be a problem.”19

On April 6, 2000, Dr. Mark McGwire asked:
“Any interactions between anabolic steroids, nutritional supplements and prevnar?”19

Edwards considered this to be a funny question. She thought that it was rather impossible that a parent could give a child a vitamin supplement. On April 10, 2000, she replied:
“I’m glad you have a sense of humor. Fortunately infants and young children receiving the pneumococcal conjugate do not use these supplements and steroids.”19

Is it ethical that this forum is also paid for by Wyeth Lederle, Prevnar’s manufacturer? (The site is “Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Wyeth-Lederle Vaccines.”) Was there a conflict of interest when Edwards accompanied Drs. Black and Shinefield to Boston on May 12-16, 2000, to speak about “the development and performance of conjugate pneumoccocal vaccines (i.e. Prevnar),”20 even though the conference was “supported in part by an educational grant from Wyeth-Lederle Vaccine and Merck Vaccine Division?”20 Is it ethical that Wyeth Lederle paid Dr. Edwards $255,023 per year from 1996 to 1998 for the study of pneumococcal vaccines48 (i.e. Prevnar) and now Edwards is addressing questions from pediatricians and parents about the product? Is it a conflict of interest that Edwards is one of fifteen full-time members of FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, the committee that advises the FDA on the licensing of new vaccines?

Dr. Margaret B. Rennels:
The Wyeth Lederle-Prevnar-RotaShield Connection

Dr. Margaret B. Rennels has also done a study that proved the safety and efficacy of Prevnar.21 Speaking about the importance of her findings she said that there is “an urgent need for pneumococcal vaccines that are effective in infants.”45 Dr. Rennels should know because she has a lot of experience with vaccines especially the rotavirus vaccine. According to her bio (which has a nice picture of her - see:

“Dr. Rennels has been involved in Phase 1 through 4 evaluations of new and improved vaccines for children over the last 15 years. She participated in virtually all phases of the testing of the recently licensed rotavirus vaccine and was the lead author on the report of the pivotal U.S. efficacy study. More recently, she has led the U.S. safety and immunogenicity study of the heptavalent conjugate pneumococcal vaccine (i.e. Prevnar)…Currently, she is the principle investigator of a large study of the safety of rotavirus vaccine in premature infants.” 22

She certainly is the rotavirus expert. Her journal letters and articles have titles like “Rotavirus vaccine comes of age.”23 And when there was the possibility that RotaShield (the brand name for the rotavirus vaccine) could cause intussusception (collapsing of the intestines that can lead to death) she wrote an article entitled “Lack of an apparent association between intussusception and wild or vaccine rotavirus infection.”24 Although Dr. Rennels was part of the US Rhesus Rotavirus Vaccine Study Group subsidized by Wyeth-Ayerst research (the manufacturer of RotaShield)25 her financial ties with the manufacturer would never interfere with her judgement. Nor would it interfere with her work as one of the twelve members of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, the committee that makes vaccine recommendations as part of the American Academy of Pediatrics.36

Because of the increasing numbers of intussusception injuries related with the vaccine, Wyeth Lederle Vaccines suspended further distribution and administration of RotaShield on July 16, 1999 and withdrew it from the market on October 15, 1999.26 This was very remarkable because Rennels had found a “lack of an apparent association” only one year before.24

Now, Dr. Rennels is busy demonstrating the “safety” of Prevnar. The major vaccine and drug manufacturers (including Wyeth) have donated a total of over $2.5 million to the University of Maryland School of Medicine where Dr. Rennels works.27 Is this ethical?

Dr. Jerome Klein:
Wyeth Lederle and the National Vaccine Advisory Committee

Our last doctor is named Jerome Klein. He has enthusiastically called Prevnar “a big win for kids.”28 Dr. Klein has done his best to protect the financial sanctity of vaccine manufacturers from parents whose children have been injured or killed by a vaccine. He has been hired by the major drug companies to testify in legal cases on behalf of vaccine manufacturers and against vaccine-injured children. Here’s one example as summarized from the legal literature:

On August 22, 1984 a healthy nine-month old baby named Sean Leary was administered his third DTP vaccine. Sean immediately began vomiting. The next day, he stopped eating. He stayed alert but was no longer active. That night he cried out every 15 to 30 minutes. The pediatrician immediately noted the “obvious circulation collapse.” There at the pediatrician’s office, “Sean’s eyes rolled back in his head and he stopped breathing.” He was rushed to an emergency room. Resuscitative efforts failed and Sean was pronounced dead at 1:44 p.m. Dr. Jerome Klein testified that the relationship between vaccination and Sean’s death was “merely coincidental.”29

Dr. Klein is also a member of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee. This committee makes recommendations to the assistant Secretary of Health concerning vaccine safety and efficacy. He is also the chief editor of “Pneumo.com” the pro-Prevnar website that is “Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Wyeth-Lederle Vaccines.”30

Would Dr. Klein’s financial ties to Wyeth-Lederle vaccines and other drug companies influence his pro-Prevnar stance or his actions as a member of National Vaccine Advisory Committee, the committee that recommends vaccines to our nation’s government? Are you comfortable trusting your child’s health to individuals like Klein who have long-standing relationships with the multi-national corporations that manufacture the vaccines?

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# 26
и аз така си мислех  за аутизма но в книгата на Филипс Балч и д-р Джеймс Балч- Рецепти за лечение с храни и хранителни добавки се казва че освен генетични могът да бъдат и външни фактори като някои вируси или химикали

И една поправка да направя опорочентат ваксина е за паротит морбили и заушка (а не хепатит А ,относно аутизма
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# 27
Благодаря за статиите!   bouquet
Прочетох ги... ами, така е, има резон в изложеното, но е доста общо казано. То ясно, че зад ваксините стоят огромни финансови интереси и че всяка ваксина е потенциална опасност, защото медицината е по-сляпа и безотговорна, отколкото бихме се осмелили да си помислим. Аз нали за това не се хвърлям на всичко, което излезе като нова ваксина, а се опитвам да преценя, доколкото е възможно, кое е по-малкото зло. Затова питам за странични ефекти, но доказани. Тук за Превенар-а няма изнесено категорично доказателство, че причинява нещо повече от повръщане и подуване на инжектираното място. Много по-страшни неща се разказват за ДТК, която и тук е задължителна (моят син я понесе много добре първите 2 пъти, на третия прием направи реакция подуване). Направо се кръстя колко леко ни се е разминало! Докладваните смъртни случаи не са от Превенар, а от друга ваксина на същия производител - Роташилд, която е изтеглена от пазара. Аз така или иначе се отказах да слагаме ваксина срещу Ротавирус, но за противоменингитните ще продължавам да следя мнения.
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# 28
и аз така си мислех  за аутизма но в книгата на Филипс Балч и д-р Джеймс Балч- Рецепти за лечение с храни и хранителни добавки се казва че освен генетични могът да бъдат и външни фактори като някои вируси или химикали

Предполага се, че могат да бъдат... Глупости са това! Аутизмът, както и останалите свързани с мозъка заболявания, са черна кутия. Никой не знае какво ги предизвиква. Само генетичната предразположеност е доказана.
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# 29
Тази прочете ли я
"The vaccine contains 125,000 nanomolar level of mercury if it has Thimerosal as a preservative. That’s a huge amount. And one nanomolar levels in the baby will prevent the macrophages from going through phagocytosis. In other words, they will lose their ability to eat viruses and bacteria that are in the blood that shouldn’t be there, and so Thimerosal suppresses the immune system. This is well known and has been well described in the literature for a long time; that mercury is an immune system suppressor and you see that these autistic children have a truckload of immune problems. So you would prevent that from occurring. That is documented research and I don’t know how the government can even ignore it, or the agencies of the government can ignore it. Interview of Dr. Boyd E. Haley by Teri Small:

The Safety of Prevnar
Prevnar is a bio-engineered product. It is created by combining the protein-polysaccharides from seven strains of dangerous Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria with diphtheria toxin (Corynebacterium diphtheriae) grown in casamino acids and yeast extract and purified with ammonium sulfate.32 Such a creation has never before existed on this earth and the human race has never before in its entire history been exposed to such a product.
Each .5 ml dose of the vaccine includes .125 mg of aluminum.32 Aluminum is considered neurotoxic to humans. Ironically, the American Academy of Pediatrics admits that:
“Aluminum is now being implicated as interfering with a variety of cellular and metabolic processes in the nervous system and in other tissues.”41
In addition, as we have already discussed, the manufacturer has admitted that:
“Prevnar has not been evaluated for any carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or impairment of fertility

Не са изнесени доказаателства зашото е нова ваксна
Safety studies for days or weeks"Safety studies on vaccinations are limited to short time periods only: several days to several weeks. There are NO (NONE) long term (months or years) safety studies on any vaccination or immunization. For this reason, there are valid grounds for suspecting that many delayed-type vaccine reactions may be taking place unrecognized at to their true nature. Dr Buttram MD
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