Запленяваща сърцето / Gönülçelen / по ATV - Тема 100

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# 660
Марги,  в тези среди личното пространство е нещо размито и удобен начин да се излезе от нежелана ситуация или избегне неудобен въпрос. Много добре знаят какво искат и как да го афишират,  особено звездите с екип от мениджъри и PR. При тях рядко нещо е случайно и обикновенно се приема за провал, или направо издънка. Peace

Да , много си права за ПР-а. Освен това правя връзка и с факта, че след като на Туба по приличен начин/ казаха няколко комплимента по неин адрес/  и  отказаха участие във филма на иранския режисьор, решиха да покажат пред публиката, че на нея не и пука и продължава напред, дори има новини в личен план. Затова е тази неестествена веселост.
Преди това писаха , че била в шок от случилото се, че е доста разочарована от развитието на нещата около филма и т. н. Беше ми интересно да видя, каква карта ще извадят и точно тогава се появи Толга. Малко преди това тя съобщи ,че ще снима филм през юни.
Туба се изказа, че това не е края на живота за нея, приема го, ще има и други проекти, но сигурно и е било много трудно да го преглътне.
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# 661

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# 662
sebilMM много те уважавам  Hug, често споменаваш Даяна, вярваш ли че наистина папараците са виновни за смъртта й?  Обожавам я за много неща,  на една възраст сме, почина почти едновременно с моя съпруг, много страдах и за двамата. Cry
 Да Римини   вярвам- защото скоростта с която искаха да избягат от тях беше фатална,но наистина няма смисъл преди лягане да се тревмираме излишно.
   Шатци ,да миличка професия е папаращината но според мен малко гаднярска работа -не е за всеки да  се ровиш  в живота на другите.Ами ако се рови по този начин  някой в моя...... #2gunfire #2gunfire #2gunfire
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# 663
Не съм от началото в темата, но от това което съм чела повечето са започнали да гледат ПС заради Туба и са имали резерви към Дж. С какво се е променила Т. на екрана, та сега се изказват съмнения за нея? А и в живота не е направила (от написаното и постнато във форума) нищо непристойно.... Аз уважам избора си и затова, че се появила  нова, много талантлива и харизматична личност - не оспорвам написаното за Дж., не значи че трябва да се отричам от него.

Не съм фен на Т., защото е красива, успяла и т.н. Тя създава особена атмосфера около себе си - естествено за мене. И това не се е променило. И въобще не ме интересува дали е най-известна, най-награждавана,, най-... и  дали приятелите са й грозни, известни или неизвестни. Когато спре да ми доставя удоволствие, просто ще спра да я гледам.

Съжалявам, че повдигнах отново този въпрос Peace, но от вчера въпреки закачките и извиненията, като че ли романтичната атмосфера в темата се позагуби. Как ще гледаме желаните сцени му двамата, когато единият е поставен под съмнение newsm78 newsm78 newsm78

Признавам, че за мен малка част от романтиката може и да се позагуби, но Хасрет и Мурат са си във филма. Туба за мен си е Туба. Аз не съм мъж,  за да ми въздейства само с красота. Може и да съм си измислила много други качества, но на мен ми действа позитивно. Психолозите са го обяснили, че човек търси в киното или книгите това, което няма. Е, аз не мога да съм млада и талантлива и затова ме радва тя. Не и се сърдя, защото не е длъжна да осъществява фенските ни фантазии извън филмите. Баги, подкрепям те!
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# 664

Марги,може би неправилно съм те разбрала но го приех много лично,това,което написа в поста си-650
Разбрах го,че визираш точно мен.Извинянай,просто така го разбрах .
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# 665

Марги,може би неправилно съм те разбрала но го приех много лично,това,което написа в поста си-650
Разбрах го,че визираш точно мен.Извинянай,просто така го разбрах .

Спокойно, за мен се отнасяше, но аз дори не го отразих. Peace
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# 666

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# 667
  Римини ,и още нещо-благодаря ти за отношението към мен и наистина съжалявам ,че без да искам провокирах  тъжни спомени... Лека нощ.  :hug

  Ваня,неуморна си бе момиче -толкова клипове -толкова  нещо и все на ниво Хайде ,лягай си и утре е ден HugЛека нощ
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# 668

Марги,може би неправилно съм те разбрала но го приех много лично,това,което написа в поста си-650
Разбрах го,че визираш точно мен
.Извинянай,просто така го разбрах .

Таня, разбира се, че не! Hug Още повече беше под формата на шега и е използвано мн.ч.- което включва и мен  Naughty
Ще бъда по-внимателна и ще уточнявам занапред! Peace
Аз също се извинявам, щом съм предизвикала това недоразумение!  bouquet

Марги,може би неправилно съм те разбрала но го приех много лично,това,което написа в поста си-650
Разбрах го,че визираш точно мен.Извинянай,просто така го разбрах .

Спокойно, за мен се отнасяше, но аз дори не го отразих. Peace
Дори, и ти не си сред позналите...както се казва в една игра Joy
Обаче , определено ме разсмя...какво значи него отразих...това някакво наказателно действие ли е newsm78
Ако е, ами обезсмисли се с това, че го отрази след това... Naughty

Много трудно ще продължим занапред и освен правила на писане в темата, ще трябва да си въведем и нещо като тълковен речник...думата в бълг. език е  с много значения, обаче за 1 година в темата прочетох какви ли не интерпретации на значения...това второто е на майтап, обаче за първото съм сериозна...

Ринка, а и всички пишещи- нека всеки напише мнението си...
Необходимо ли е да си определим наши, вътрешни за темата правила на писане и да си ги спазваме, за общия ни конфорт и усещането за разпускане и релаксация  Hug Heart Eyes
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# 669

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# 670
Сега се сетих за Хипократовата клетва и лекарите...ние да си направим клетва на запленените от сериала ЗС.
Тука влючвам и тези които са запленени от Туба, от Джансел или на двамата заедно или на всички и изобщо кой от каквото е запленен...

Спомняте ли си какви клеви и обещания давахме, когато ставахме чавдарчета и пионерчета...какви времена бяха...как пропуснахме да вземем ценното от това време newsm78 ooooh!
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# 671
За участието на Туба в прословутия  филм на иранския режисьор, какво е моeто усещане. Не съм запозната с подробности, само от постовете в темата. Но си го мисля и да го споделя с вас, по горе се писа и се сетих. Преди около три месеца още докато се спрягаха имената на Туба, Берен и Моника Белучи, писах,  че тя няма да одобри Туба (имаше инфо, че е много близка с режисьора и явно има глас в кастинга)и една от причините е  защото е много красива, от типа красота на Моника, но едната е на 46 години, а другата на 28. Италианските актриси са известни и с това, че са много суетни и много ревниви професионално. Дори и за пет минути да се появи Туба, но с тази неоспорима, обсебваща красота...
Берен безспорно е  талантлива. Заради Джансел гледах  "Спомни си любима", а след това  няколко серии от двата й сериала и филма, станала е много добра, характерни роли, сложни и противоречиви характери, справя се отлично момичето. Определено е предпочетена и по добре ще стои до Моника в този филм. Какво е  мнението на Туба не мога да знам, и няма да узнаем, може само да предполагаме.
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# 672

Сега се сетих за Хипократовата клетва и лекарите...ние да си направим клетва на запленените от сериала ЗС.
Тука влючвам и тези които са запленени от Туба, от Джансел или на двамата заедно или на всички и изобщо кой от каквото е запленен...

Спомняте ли си какви клеви и обещания давахме, когато ставахме чавдарчета и пионерчета...какви времена бяха...как пропуснахме да вземем ценното от това време newsm78 ooooh!
Ами да кажем  честна" запленена "  никога няма да  bash друг запленен и да вървим към следващите епизоди Hug Hug Hug

     А сега наистина лека нощ, че утре няма да мога да си пия кафенцето с Шатци ,а тя е ранобудница.... Heart Eyes
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# 673

Марги,може би неправилно съм те разбрала но го приех много лично,това,което написа в поста си-650
Разбрах го,че визираш точно мен
.Извинянай,просто така го разбрах .

Таня, разбира се, че не! Hug Още повече беше под формата на шега и е използвано мн.ч.- което включва и мен  Naughty
Ще бъда по-внимателна и ще уточнявам занапред! Peace
Аз също се извинявам, щом съм предизвикала това недоразумение!  bouquet

Марги,може би неправилно съм те разбрала но го приех много лично,това,което написа в поста си-650
Разбрах го,че визираш точно мен.Извинянай,просто така го разбрах .

Спокойно, за мен се отнасяше, но аз дори не го отразих. Peace
Дори, и ти не си сред позналите...както се казва в една игра Joy
Обаче , определено ме разсмя...какво значи него отразих...това някакво наказателно действие ли е newsm78
Ако е, ами обезсмисли се с това, че го отрази след това... Naughty

Много трудно ще продължим занапред и освен правила на писане в темата, ще трябва да си въведем и нещо като тълковен речник...думата в бълг. език е  с много значения, обаче за 1 година в темата прочетох какви ли не интерпретации на значения...това второто е на майтап, обаче за първото съм сериозна...

Ринка, а и всички пишещи- нека всеки напише мнението си...
Необходимо ли е да си определим наши, вътрешни за темата правила на писане и да си ги спазваме, за общия ни конфорт и усещането за разпускане и релаксация  Hug Heart Eyes

Не го отразих, защото тази вечер не желая да влизам в спорове.  Затова го написах по този начин, нищо лично.  Grinning Предпочитам да намеря нещо интересно.

Оказва се,че Джансел много пъти е минавал през България на път за Турция и обратно към Франция. Всяко лято семейството го е правило с кола.

Dear Gonulcelen Fans/Family;

I was fortunate enough to attend the conference held for Cansel Elcin at Galatasary University along with our founder Erol.
I was also fortunate enough to meet him
Erol will be writing and article on the complete conference but I wanted to give you some insight on what was discussed.
First and foremost I was very much impressed with how comfortably friendly and honest Mr. Elcin was
He answered all questions without hesitation & even with some wit & without discomfort
This event lasted approximately 1 1/2 hours and he never seemed to tire during this time, even though some of the University students asked difficult questions some trying to corner him into specific answers he was very comfortable throughout.
At the end of the conference he took the time to have countless photographs taken
I am confident that everyone that attended left fully gratified

Here is a synopsis of the conversation:

There were so many things discussed and he gave a lot of insight into himself,  I am sure that until now he has never spoken so openly about himself before..
I was most impressed with his first statement, I cannot write this verbatim however, the shorten version is...He has always wondered why he was never asked to do a conference at Galatasaray University, this was a place he always wanted to speak at.  When he did receive this invitation he did not think twice in accepting it.  While in France he had always heard about the quality of the reputation of this University.  His father had also told him that had he been living in Turkey that he wanted him to attend this University.  That is why he was honored and happy to be there today.  Of course with this remarks everyone in the audience was extremely gratified.
He then discussed the difficulties faced as being a foreigner in a certain respect in his own country.
He discussed how he started his acting career with a position he accepted, Harem Suare'de and during this time how he met Tomris Hanim and his project Kirik Kanatlar, then Hatirla Sevgili...he went on to explain how this serial left a long lasting impression on him, and its obvious even today.  He states that this was his best yet.
He was asked if he views himself as a French Turk since he was raised in France...his response was I am a Turk...he repeated this in both Turkish and French with emphasis.
He explained that he enjoys living in Istanbul, and that he prefers it over Paris, and goes on to say that this is now his permanent home.
However, when asked if there was anything about Paris that he missed, he graciously explained that he misses the metro, explaining that the Paris metro is much older and dirtier. He likes the metro in Istanbul, but the one in Istanbul is much shorter, does not have the length of travel of Paris.  You can get from Levent to Taksim in 5 minutes, not enough time to even read; in Paris the same distance would take 45 minutes which gave him time to read.  He also missed the aroma of coffee.  Apparently in Paris the aroma of coffee is everyone starting at 5 or 6 in the morning, he said it was fun to go to a cafe filled with customers and get a cup of coffee, and read the paper "Le Monde" over someone else’s shoulder.

When asked what he enjoyed doing more than anything else, he hesitated for a moment than with a laugh he responded.  The viewers in the room laughed with him as he explained so he extended his explanation as he realized this gave the viewers pleasure.
Some of his responses include: He enjoys eating, and visitations, he likes to visit different parts of the world, one example was India.  He has been there for the film "Kampuste Ciplak Ayaklar"...he also mentioned Cape Town in South Africa; he remembered the effects this place had on him, he found it so different than anywhere else, he there understood the reality of nationalism.  He feels that he could live anywhere in the world.

He went on to explain that he was 8 years old when he moved to France, he was shocked by the differences of the two countries and  did not speak with anyone until he turned 13.
He briefly spoke about living in Tire he went to school in the morning somewhere between 7-9 AM, and school was out by 1 in the afternoon, after which he would play in the heat of the day.  Upon his arrival in France school started at 8 in the morning and ended at 5 in the afternoon and this was a shock...only on Wednesdays did he have half days in school.  Plus the weather was much colder.  While in Tire they would go to outdoor theatres.  Two shows each time (at this point he mimicked) Ilyas Salman, Sener Sen, & Orhan Gencebay movies are what he would see along with his older brother.   He said he did not understand anything...while the film was going well, all of a sudden someone would shoot someone and the next scene everyone was singing....this would make no sense to him.

He was then asked questions about theatre...but honestly I do not remember much about this part of the conference.  He said that he wants to act in theatre but wants to be able to choose the part himself, and he would like start  to act in American or French theatrics. He would like for act in "Kim Korkar Hain Kurttan" plus Moliere.  While attending school in France a friend mentioned "Mon ami Jean-Paul". Manu was a very good friend and they made a decision together, that while in school they would watch a movie a day, a theatrical performance a day, and read a book a day, which they tried to do 350 days a year for 4 years.  Of course in Paris there could be 100 shows but 70 of them were a waste of time.  But we went to them all....Manu was anxious for him to perform in Gonulcelen, they have had a lot of fun, there are many behind the scenes footage where this is obvious.  Also while in Turkey he mentioned that he has twice worked in dubbing..he underscored dubbing...because prior to this comment he was asked why he is being dubbed, and he explained that dubbing is very different in Turkey.
In France, serials, movies are taped in a very natural environment, people speak as they would in everyday situations.  Where in Turkey the conversations must take place in a way that everyone understand every single work.  This is way dubbing is so different in Turkey.

There were a lot of questions regarding serials, he spoke of the differences and similarities of serials, theatrics, and cinema.  He emphasized the 8 hour day it takes to tape a serial.
He also spoke about his trips between Paris and Tire.  Every summer the whole family would get into there Peugeot and hit the road to Turkey.  Of course the car is filled to its utmost capacity.  When they would arrive at the boarder crossing into Germany they would then realize how much the missed Turkey.....While driving through Germany they would see the Turkish citizens in their Mercedes and BMW's he said this while smirking. The drive would take them through Austria, Bulgaria, to the boarder at Kapikule in Turkey.  This was a 25 hour drive on a single lane road we would do this going and returning.   On the return of course the car was packed again but this time with food, kilos and kilos of cheeses.  His father would always make them listen to the music of Zeki Muren, and his mother would try and sing along...but because she could not sing his father would politely try and keep her quite.

He then spoke about the entertainers that have had the most effect on him in his life, this was difficult for him as his mentioned Yves Montana which he really likes.  Then Jacques Bret...Audrey Tatou which he attended theatrical school with, he said that even back then it was obvious that Audrey was going to be successful.

He does not like to plan anything specific regarding his career as we don't know which way or where life is going to take us.
As this conference ended the memory of being in attendance is a good one.
Especially his remembrance of Kirik Kanatlar.

This is what I remember most of this conference I am hoping that this has given you an idea of what was discussed.

Please note there is a second part listed in another message below

I forgot to mention this:

This was about the current role his has as Murat in Gonulcelen
He was asked that when an actor plays a specific role for an extended period of time does that influence their personal lives.
I think his response was that it does. He then continued on with the following
We are sometimes in taping for 12 hours a day....You seem to stare a lot with like Murat does...everyone in the audience laughs; then when the day is over you go home and directly to bed, because the next day is the same 12 hour day, so I end up staring a lot like the character Murat, which he then proceeds to imitate.
He continues to explains how the storyline has effected him in one corner you have an old neighborhood on the other corner you have wealth and a mansion, and these two areas are intertwined with each other. In his opinion  Gonulcelen has shown the best collaboration of the two to date.  Showing how two very different worlds have the same problems.
He said that the character of Murat is more loving people person that Higgins was.
He was asked if he played the piano.  He responded that he cannot play as a real pianist, as Murat Hoca is Turkeys best pianist, but I can act the part.....to do this he received help from Mine Mucur who taught him how to play 4-5 songs specifically for this purposes.  He has some knowledge on playing the piano.  But one day the put before me the music for "Bumblebees" and told me I had to play this. Everyone in the audience froze...he told everyone to Google this....the pianist Mancini will be the answer,....this pianist is unbelievable and plays beautifully....they wanted me to play like him....I tired the best I could.
When asked does he watch himself when the show airs.  He responded no he does not because he would criticize himself.
He discussed how long the days on the set are.  Explaining that his taping ending at 1 and that he was there with the audience now.  The filming was still continuing while he was at the conference, and that it would continue into the night..  He specifically mentioned that during a period of taping the hours were so long that Tuba was about to collapse.
He background in theatre has helped him with his acting,  but this helps when you are faced with a scene that you feel is very difficult.  Otherwise, anyone pick a person from the street if they really want to, love to, and want to work hard can perform in a serial.
With this explanation he listed off various French actors/actresses.

Това е последната част, но вече преведена на английски. Коригирам поста си, за да не трупам излични постове.
Благодаря ти, Ринка, за всичко, което правиш за нас и за огромното търпение и всеотдайност!   bouquet Hug

Good Evening to All
I was very happy to read that you like my synopsis of the conference
As I think I remember more of the conversation and would like to share

He spoke of the French cinema.  He is a fan of Tati, he also mentioned that Jerry Lewis has had an effect on him
He remember Charlie Chaplin with a laugh
His biggest desire to work in a film production
In response to a question he spoke of receiving an award for film accomplishment. And example he gave was a film Recep Ivedik, which broke records in Turkey but that the awards go to less watched films.  Where as in America its the opposite.  His interpretation is that in Turkey the choice is not made by record breaking attendance, but by its popularity, however in America it is the opposite.
He did say that he himself does like popular films as well such as Avatar.
At the present time out of everything that is out in cinemas in Turkey, his personal favorite is the movie “Cogunluk”, second would be the movie “Kampuste Ciplak Ayaklar”.
In this movie he feels there is a misinterpretation of a certain scene, one of the attendees asked if just does not follow the rule of common sense. Apparently in the story a woman falls in love with a man, and to be able to follow him she takes a job at an auto dealership for 1 month in order to save the money. The attendee questioned whether this was possible.  Cansel, responded that it was possible that these type of things happen in normal everyday life, when someone falls in love they do these kind of things. One of the attendees asked if he meaning Cansel had every done something like this, or would he do something like this...his response was he has not been in this situation, but why not, for love a person would do anything.
He mentioned that when he started a serial the scenario was very important to him.
He said that he could play any role if the scenario was a good one.
He would never leave a job once he starts, his word is his word.
One of the attendees asked if he would join in the form of support in their theatre group.  Cansel took a quick glance over to his assistant who was sitting in the front row; the attendees all noticed this glance.
Cansel responded that he is not currently committed, and not making any immediate plans at this time.
The attendee then responded back with you mention that you are not committed, & that you make your own decisions, but when asked you glanced over to your assistant.
Cansel responded that he was not glancing over for her support, but she understood that she was to make a note of this request.
Also at this time he is committed to the serial, his life revolves around it at the present time. A commitment is very important to him, and he won’t commit to one project while committed to another.  But he is free to make his own decisions.
With the serial Kirik Kanatlar he said he learned a lot.
He learned horseback riding.
He repeated what he learned regarding dubbing.
When he first arrived in Turkey his accent was much more obvious, that’s why the character of Captain Cemal was dubbed.
He discussed roles that he had in France.
He mentioned how happy he is to be in Turkey.
A question was asked if he is uncomfortable with being famous..he responded no...the public here is very friendly and caring.
But he states that he has done nothing to make him famous...he compared himself to a doctor performing a heart transplant on a child, or someone else doing something similarly important...in comparison what have I done?
He explained that working in serials is a work still in progress.
Imagine on Tuesday we complete an episode that is watch by 5-10 million viewers on Friday.  This is not something that happens in movies or theatre.
For example you have a pimple on your face when taping, and 2 days later while watching the episode you still have the same pimple in the same spot.

That’s all I can add for now.

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