SUPERNATURAL: Cougar or not? That is the question.

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# 630
Розе,  newsm20 newsm20 newsm20 Прекрасно е.Даже забравих какво щях да напиша.

А да.Ето какво е правил Джаред в самолета.Това е от едно момиче, пътуващо в същия самолет.
• It was definitely him
• He’s grown into a handsome man from that cute teen I remember in Gilmore Girls
• Unfortunately he deplaned in Vancouver and was replaced with a very obnoxious toddler for the remainder of my trip. FAIL
• He was overly gracious and friendly with staff and passengers, despite no one overtly pointing out his celebrity status
• Jared entertained himself by reading (a large and possibly travel adverse hard cover book), working on something while taking notes (a script, perhaps) and sleeping
He took the toque off eventually and spent an unusually large amount of time running his fingers through his hair  Heart Eyes Heart Eyes– I think his bangs aren’t meant for reading (blockage of optics, you know)
• He was traveling with a pretty brunette (thanks to comments, I believe this was his pregnant wife)
I had zero communication with him, either than mutually laughing at a chair malfunction that happened to Ugg Girl Ама каква е будала това момиче.Да бях аз веднага бих му се обадила-я за снимка я за автограф.Пък и какво като жена му е там. LaughingДвамата са много лъчезарни с феновете.Ама пък какви ги говоря.Ще бъда като онемяла като го видя на живо..
• I was hyperbolizing when I used the term ”dalliance” above, but it’s a great word so I’m not apologizing

So pretty much nothing unusual happened

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming:

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# 631
Ох, аз вече се екипирах и съм готова и за Джареди за Дженсън - който ми падне пръв... Лилавия сютюен прави чудеса Laughing Laughing Laughing
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# 632
Ох, аз вече се екипирах и съм готова и за Джареди за Дженсън - който ми падне пръв... Лилавия сютюен прави чудеса Laughing Laughing Laughing

Ах, че и на точки, кат калинка съща!  Mr. Green

Джен,  благодаря, радвам се, че ти е харесало четивото. Grinning
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# 633
Че как иначе? newsm48 newsm48 newsm48
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# 634

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# 635
"меню с дивеч"
"Джаред Падалеки"
О, да Wink !

На 6-ти започвам новата тема - имам идея Flutter .
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# 636
Тъкмо щях да питам дали Джаред е към менюто с дивеч Laughing Laughing Laughing Но той Кастиел си знае работата и щом не трябва да задавам глупави въпроси, просто отговорът идва преди въпроса Twisted Evil
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# 637
Ооо, Джаред.
Някой ще си купува ли списанието да сподели после дали си заслужава?

Тук намерих факти за СПН и не са само тези за Дийн, а има и за Сам и Джон.А пък за Дийн някои са нови  Joy Joy Joy
Supernatural Facts
Ето малък откъс.Е няма да е много малък Laughing
Dean Winchester once visited the Virgin Islands. Now they are just The Islands
-Dean Winchester was originally cast as the main character in 24, but was replaced by the producers when he managed to kill every terrorist and save the day in 12 minutes and 37 seconds.
-Dean Winchester does not pop his collar; his shirts just get erections when they touch his body.
-Dean Winchester has to have a concealed weapon license in all 50 states in order to legally wear pants.   
-Superman wears Dean Winchester pajamas.   
-Dean Winchester's watch has no numbers on it, it just says, "Time to Kick Ass"
-When Dean Winchester enters a room, he doesn't turn the light on, he turns the dark off.
 In the Bible, Jesus turned water into wine. But then Dean Winchester turned that wine into beer.   
- Dean doesn't shower, he only takes blood baths.
 Dean Winchester once ate an entire cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it.

 Joy Joy Joy
-Sam Winchester counted to infinity. Twice.
-Sam Winchester can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.
-Sam Winchester can divide by zero.
-When Sam Winchester falls in water, Sam Winchester doesn't get wet. Water gets Sam Winchester.
-Sam Winchester got a perfect score on his SAT's, simply by writing Sam Winchester for every answer.
-Sam Winchester can build a snowman out of rain.
-Sam Winchester was offered the role of Frodo in the Lord of the Rings. He declined, saying, "Only a pu$$y would need 3 movies to destroy a piece of jewelry."
-Bill Gates lives in constant fear that Sam Winchesters computer will crash.
-The only time Sam Winchester was wrong was when he thought he made a mistake.
-The last digit of Pi is Sam Winchester.
- The imagrints come to america to see Sam and Dean.
-Sam Winchester is actually Jeeves from
-Sam is the reason his house caught on fire, he is so hot the curtains got the fire.
-If you have a child that is missing, call sam, he will look so hard he will find that kid in a second.
-Sam Winchester does not use spellcheck, if he happens to mispell a word, dictionaries will simply change the actual spelling of it.
-Sam Winchester can mix oil and vinegar. Permanently.
-Sam Winchester can hear silence.
-Sam Winchester played Russian Ruelette with a fully loaded gun. And won.
- Sam Winchester can give a female demon a fatal heart-attack just by smiling at her.
- there is no ctrl button on Sam Winchesters computer. Sam Winchester is always in control.
-Sam Winchester can win a staring contest with a picture
- Sam Winchester can delete the Recycling Bin.
When standing next to Sam Winchester even the biggest genius feels dumb
- When Sam Winchester brushes his hair in the morning, a hurricane starts on the other side of the world. Joy Joy Joy

И накрая
- The Winchesters are so hot, they are the cause of global warming
 Joy Joy Joy

И последно.Behind The Names
Jensen означавало "God Is Gracious"
А Jared -"Down to Earth"
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# 638
Рози, респект за разказа. Много е хубав. bouquet

Белс, това новият брой на сп. "За Жената" ли е и от кога (ще) е в продажба? Смятам да си го закупя и имам силни подозрения, че лично си допринасяла за списването на статията за Джаред (познах ли?) Simple Smile

Авъх, фактите за Уинчестърови трепят. Много точно са ги описали. На Sam Winchester counted to infinity. Twice и на Дийн с Virgin Islands се смях с глас. Grinning

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# 639
Петък идва със страшна сила Mr. Green

и един клип Grinning
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# 640
За много години,  прекрасни момичета! Grinning Hug Пожелавам на всички една много късметлийска и щастлива година!  bouquet

Смятам да си го закупя и имам силни подозрения, че лично си допринасяла за списването на статията за Джаред (познах ли?) Simple Smile

А защо няма за Дженсън? Laughing
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# 641
"меню с дивеч"
"Джаред Падалеки"
О, да Wink !

Същото щях да кажа, спести ми писането.  hahaha
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# 642
Джаред какъв дивеч ще го играе?  hahaha

Ахахахахаха, Дженсън!  Joy

За много години, Изи!  Hug
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# 643
Дейна, благодаря!  Grinning

Джаред какъв дивеч ще го играе?  hahaha

Е как какъв?!
Ей такъв:

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# 644
 smile3532 smile3532 smile3532 smile3532
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