Öyle Bir Geçer Zaman ki - Еркан Петеккайа - колеги, филми, изяви # 46

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# 690
Берин ...мисля ,че окончателно ще изгуби Зехра......продължава да се среща с Ахмет..... newsm78...тези снимчици....ще и изиграят лоша шега... Cry
Ехххххх....защо не изчака поне да се разведе...то се видяло ,че връщане назад няма ,ама тъй .... ooooh! #Crazy

Подготвя си материали за съда Хакан, хитър Confused
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# 691
Али дали няма да отплава... newsm78 newsm78 newsm78
Усъмни се в Кенан нещо, може би нама да остави Джемиле сама newsm78
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# 692
Джемиле е намерила вариант да се защити и холдинга най - вече, така ми се струва, но най - добре е да призова Слъъъъъъънчееееееее !!! Появи се, миличкооооо ! Praynig Praynig Praynig
и аз така разбирам, за холдинга разговаря с този мъж Peace
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# 693
Този дето говори с Джемиле ,дали не е дедективввв...нещо за холдинга ми се счу... newsm78
ААА...семейство Адамс   Shocked за къде ли са се забързали...като ,че ли Джемиле споменаха... newsm78
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# 694
Али дали няма да отплава... newsm78 newsm78 newsm78
Усъмни се в Кенан нещо, може би нама да остави Джемиле сама newsm78

Дано, че то иначе няма да сдържи обещанието си да и докаже, че се е променил !
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# 695
Този дето говори с Джемиле ,дали не е дедективввв...нещо за холдинга ми се счу... newsm78
ААА...семейство Адамс   Shocked за къде ли са се забързали...като ,че ли Джемиле споменаха... newsm78

bowuu bowuu bowuuДжемиле за холдинга говори, а Адамс сигурно при нея отиват за пари, за дюкяна hahaha hahaha hahaha
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# 696
Али дали няма да отплава... newsm78 newsm78 newsm78
Усъмни се в Кенан нещо, може би нама да остави Джемиле сама newsm78

Дано, че то иначе няма да сдържи обещанието си да и докаже, че се е променил !
А в същото време целта на Кенан е да отдалечи Али, мръсник #2gunfire #2gunfire #2gunfire
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# 697
Али дали няма да отплава... newsm78 newsm78 newsm78
Усъмни се в Кенан нещо, може би нама да остави Джемиле сама newsm78

Дано, че то иначе няма да сдържи обещанието си да и докаже, че се е променил !

Мечтая си за следното развитие : Али отказва на Кенан да пътува с кораба за да защити Джемиле, поради създалото се подозрение към Кенан, той го уволнява, но Джемиле го назначава и така двамата стават официално от един отбор ! newsm68 newsm68 newsm68 newsm26 newsm26 newsm26 Joy Joy Joy
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# 698

salut, am un program infernal, am vazut secventze din ep de martzi, faza cu Soner- halucinatziile si vizita lui Aylin.
de la Arzu =from Arzu 57 summary
AYLİN tried to shoot soner but soner was rescued at the last moment. when cemile and ali took her away soner drove like crazy and he thought he saw murat so he drove the car off a cliff.

the lady doctor was attracted to soner. immediately and the male doctor to aylin. mete's girlfriend apparently died and when ali brought him home he said why does this always happen to me.
hakan would not let berrin see her daughter and he says he will fight for her custody.
cemile talked to hakan and persuaded him to make berrin see her daughter at home at least for 10-15 minutes everyday.

berrin told ahmet she was going to get a divorce but hakan wanted her daughter she cried.
ahmet was relieved she was getting divorced.
berrin's friend is in love with ahmet and she keeps visiting him and berrin is annoyed.
the last time she visited ahmet they heard on the news that their friend cengiz died. they both cried.

the doctor of aylin tells she has a trauma and may need treatment for a month or so.
aylin realizes soner has had an accident and goes to his room..
(still worried about him)
kenan is playing tricks on selma and keeps giving her sleeping pills.
and bringing stuff from her past like the doll.
he wants revenge for his mom but we do not know why?
he also told caroline he was going to a trip abroad and wanted her to come along with him. she said ok.
the ministers from finance found karcı holding guilty of debts and forging documents during exports.
caroline is to blame because this was before kenan.
and kenan brings in his mom (does not tell them she is his mom, with a representative lawyer. ) the mom has now 6% of the shares from the other partners he bribed and threatened. they all vote against cemile so she has to pay this huge penalty and she can only pay it by selling her shares.
(that's how it ended).
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# 699
Малко чужда информация bowuu...Тубата  си има бебчета...май момиченца...близначки...

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# 700
Малко чужда информация bowuu...Тубата  си има бебчета...май момиченца...близначки...

Да им са много здрави и щастливи момиченцата Hug Peace
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# 701

Arzu's opinion
when we come back to the scenario I feel that ALİ will learn kenan is after revenge. he will also maybe catch caroline and kenan together (in bed even) after he comes back from a trip and I think he will also be blamed for smuggling ammo and guns.. (kenan made a deal with hakan's father to smuggle guns) and act like they are carrying petrol and ALI will be the captain and in seafreight the captain is equally blamed for anything that is carried in his ship illegally.

so I think ALI will kill Kenan and maybe die himself.. during such a shooting.. and maybe that's how he will leave the series.
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# 702

Arzu:but as I have already explained KENAN wants revenge for his mom but we do not know what has happened to his mom? and why he is after selma, hikmet karcı and cemile. the lady at the meeting was his mom but he never told cemile or ali she was his mom. they just think she is a shareholder..
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# 703

We don’t have enough clues.. but until now we know kenan is wreaking revenge on all Hikmet surviving relatives..why??? we still ignore it!!

I don’t know who’s in that picture… the newspaper article is talking about the tragic death of the businessman Hikmet karci the owner of Karci holding..
So I guess:

1. Nermin (Kenan’s mom) in the past was badly treated by the karci family..
2. or do you remember Hikmet’s mistress… you know Hikmet killed her when his son committed suicide because she was the cause of his son’s tragic death.. so I said maybe that woman is kenan’s sister… or his aunt.. and he will seek revenge for her death..
Or maybe something completely different .. it’s really hard to guess at this stage..
As I said we don’t have enough clues..

I do not know who the people are in the photo.
and the newspaper just says Hikmet Karcı was shot at his wedding (which we all know ALI shot him)

but as I have already explained KENAN wants revenge for his mom but we do not know what has happened to his mom? and why he is after selma, hikmet karcı and cemile. the lady at the meeting was his mom but he never told cemile or ali she was his mom. they just think she is a shareholder..
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# 704

Finally I watched the episode … It was considerably better than last weeks'!! But you know recently when watching OBGZK, the first thing that comes to mind is: “Do they think we're stupid????”

The crash scene was absurd!!! Really a fiasco..!!! : Technically it was fabulous but just unbelievable!!!

Who could believe such a thing? It was a winding mountain road… the car left the road and rolled several times .. flew off the cliff …Soner was not wearing the seat belt .. despite all of this he survived the crash with minor injuries.. What a superman!!! Lucky he wasn't paralyzed!!!

Sorry but a very bad structure! And too much exaggeration!!

I don’t wanna focus too much on the mistakes.. but unfortunately in this season there are a few bugs..

I liked only the last 15 minutes …

Starting with Aylin Soner scene!!! The hospital scene!

Ayy I adored that scene.. Did you see how his heart rate rose when he saw her … Ayy Allah sooooo romantic!! The best Love birds ever… I adored the way she looked at him with great sadness in her eyes..with her beautiful, innocent, angelic face..

Chapeau bas to “Farah Zeynep Abdullah” she is really a very good actress... I love her more everyday..
In my opinion she is the best young actress in this dizi.. very good job…

Concerning the actors playing Gülay and Tarık ..until now I think they fit the characters..

Tarık looks interesting.. I like the way he looks at Aylin… I hope he won’t be a selfish character like Murat .... It seems like he is a good man, harmless and inoffensive. .. Aylin needs someone to support her... not to create more trouble... yani a friend not a partner! I hope I’m not mistaken!!

Unlike Gülay who seems to be self-conceited and arrogant.. I can feel the danger..

Soner: siz kimsiniz? (Alah Allah, sana ne soner bey ??? in this state, you’re asking who is she?? OFFF, ya that’s the full make-up impact!! Allahim!!)

The doctor asked Aylin to do some tests.. do you think she is pregnant?

About Cemile she is really in a difficult situation.. let’s see how she is gonna resolve it..
By the way, today I read an article, they said that the next season (3rd) will fast forward 20 years into the *fluturaş*.. Osman will grow up ..and he will become a lawyer.. So new Osman will join the show ..

No idea if they will replace the main actors and bring new one or they will use make-up to make them look older…

Also they said Erkan will quit the show not because of health problems but because he doesn’t want to play an old character! (Here they were joking of course!!!)

I don’t know how much the source is faithful!!! So it can be just blablabla!! (yani about the 20 years)
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