Огледален Свят и всичко за актьорския състав-минало, настояще, бъдеще~тема 174

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# 420
Момичета я да ви питам.Имаме ли 46 епизод целия преведен?Аз имам само 33 минути.Ако е да може ли някой да ми го прати.
Моля да мЪ отризите  Hug
Нема го... Whistling Аз чекам бтв-тУ
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# 421
Че мамата полудя си е така, ама и Джансута много...отброяват минутите да не би някой да забрави за РД на Ча. ooooh!

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# 422
Започнаха преводите на английски на сцени от втория епизод.
Ето тези, които са преведени досега.

При басейна.

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Yaman: WHat happened? You're absently-minded, you gape.
Mert: I am very surprised, really. I thought that things like these were +16 newspapers news. Can I explain it? Nothing like this happened to someone close to me. My God forbid it!
Yaman: May never happen!
Mert: Sit down, where are you going?
Yaman: Let Mrs. Ender not see me around now
Mert: Don't talk nonsense, sit down. There are still many things I want to ask, of course if you want to tell me. How old were you when your father abandoned you?
Yaman: Eight, I was entering in the second year of primary school. I had to leave school that year
Mert; Second year at primary school?
yaman: Kenan was in the fifth year, he also left it together with me. My mom was sick in bed because of my father. She couldn't even go to the doctor because we didn't have money. We had to work
mert: What can a 8 year's kid work?
Yaman: I worked in the grocery
Mert; Did you go for service
Yaman: No, they don't ask for home service at the place where I am from. I helped, I cleaned the store, when the merchandise came I carried it... I got my wage as breakfast, sometimes the patron gave me provision and Kenan sold the things from grocery in the highway: wafers, nuts and stuff like that. He waited for the time when people finished their works. When there was traffic jam, he went to the highway and he brought money home too
Mert; People send away kids who clean the window in car (probably in traffic). I mean my mom does, even if she doesn't she says "how come these kids's mom and dad make them work". it's bad for a kid to be forced to earn money. Of course one doesn't know that they have to. But, that man, your mom's husband, was his name Hasan? That... Did he enter that time in your life?
Yaman: Whenever he appeared. They met each other. First he helped my mom a bit with money, deceived her later when my mom started working they got married. She was out from our lives. After that he started to eat my mom's money.
Mert: If nothing else, at least you went back at school yes?
yaman: We did... At medium I caught a bad cold. the doctors said that ... I didn't go for a long time. I paused for e year. But Kenan after the primary school, left it
Mert: Do you have any info from your dad?
Yaman: No
Ender: Painful story!
Mert: What an adventurous life at this age! Many events. Ups and downs. Look at ours, monotone family, no action at all... "The monotones"
Yaman: May it never be!
Selim: This is why i took and brought him here. This kid has played a lot with mud, he is contamined over but his soul is still clean
Ender: I don't know... I don't know
Selim: I know this kid very well. Like looking at the mirror. Shouldn't this kid have a chance like us? How can we turn our back to him even after knowing his story, my precious one?
Ender: Okay, okay... But if he doesn't use this chance properly, will be as I say without dispute. At the moment I see a fault of him, he will go from here
Selim: Agreed
Ender; I don't want to dispute constantly but I am trying to protect my kid and my family too
Selim: I know my love, I know. You are very right too but I trust Yaman, I want to do the best for him
Ender: Do, do it of course but you're not his dad Selim, you're his lawyer. Don't ever forget this!
Mom: I entrust you my son lawyer

Skipping Mira/Orkun

Mert: In fact, superheroes always come from family with problems, you know it, right? For example Superman. From the night he came from Kryptom, Kent family protected him. This is a very common state
Yaman:But I don't have super powers. I wish I were. The I would be able to protect my mom. She wouldn't neither endure with that blighetr's opression for years nor fall in this state
Mert: Forget about it. My dad will save your mom. Anyways it's clear what kind of person is Hasan. Self-defense and other reasons.... He will prepare a big defense
Yaman: You're saying my mom will get over it
Mert: Of course
Yaman: With God's willing!
Mert; Come on, let's go, they must have finished the discussion
Yaman: I don't want to disturb. Let no one's peace be ruined because of me
Mert: Forget about it... Here you go, this is the whole action in our home. From us, anyway would be a boring romantic comedy

В градината вечерта.
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Mira:Weren't you gone?
Yaman: I postponed it
Mira: I saw you were going in the morning with uncle Selim. Why did you come back?
Yaman: It was necessary like that. It's understandable I will be here for a while more
Mira: Good, at least you can say we're safe. At least I am safe. By the way thanks for not leaving me in that state last night
Yaman: Be yourself (come to your senses), someone can see us...
Mira: I am myself (on my senses)
Yaman: Not always.
Mira: Yes...I was waiting when would you taunt me
Yaman: Come on! It's not to taunt you...
Mira: Ok, good
Yaman: But really be careful another time. If you drink as much as to be distorted, let people who you trust in be next to you and not to let you down like last night
Mira: I wasn't let down, they had to leave me in that place
Yaman: Like concrete
Mira: And of course they couldn't inform my mom
Yaman: Why did that bastard leave you in their hands? That artificial (plastic) boyfriend of yours
Mira: Talk properly
Yaman: If he was a man he would protect you. He was sloshed
Mira: First Orkun doesn't drink, he is a sportsman
Yaman: Yes, it's obvious. He plays in team, he can't even take a step without his team friend, poor him
Mira: I heard. You were tensed, there was a fight and you stroke back
Yaman: Presumably I punched first
Mira: Her you go
Yaman: Because your lover and his other uncouth friends attacked Mert.
Mira: Without rhyme or reason? Who know what Mert did? Don't put Mert forth to defend those agleam friends of yours
Mira: Stop insulting my close people
Yaman: Don't trust blindly your friends then. Especially that fake man!
Mira: I know why you did this.
yaman: Why? Tell me, why I did it?
Mira: Forget about it, I am pretty well with Orkun
Yaman: You know it... princess! But be careful that man is unreliable, I am telling you. You deserve something better
Mira: Is that you? Impertinent!!!
Mert; My Sith (Something from Star Wars), my hero. There are many things I will learn from you!
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# 423
Здравейте , мили момичета  HugЧестит ден на независимоста Hug

Разгледайте профила на това момиче , превежда по- важните сцени от прилива и ако имах регистрация в бокса бих и благодарила. Почти веднага превежда и новите фрагмани. Надето питаше точно за тази сцена . То освен мамата ми се бъгна и мозилата и компютъра та рестарти та чудо та дали ще се вясна незнам. Дано Hug

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# 424
 Една турска песничка за рожден ден, която много ми хареса... Heart Eyes

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# 425
Една турска песничка за рожден ден, която много ми хареса... Heart Eyes

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И на мен. Heart Eyes
Медена, много ти благодаря, ще изгледам с удоволствие сцената със субтитрите.
Една добра душица от темата ми преведе диалога между тях, но сега удоволствието ми от гледането, ще е пълно.
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# 426
Момичета я да ви питам.Имаме ли 46 епизод целия преведен?Аз имам само 33 минути.Ако е да може ли някой да ми го прати.
Моля да мЪ отризите  Hug
Нема го... Whistling Аз чекам бтв-тУ
Ууфффф  ooooh! тогаз и аз ще чакам
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# 427

В тая мама едни троянски коне са се навъдили...не е истина направо... ooooh!
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# 428
Момичета я да ви питам.Имаме ли 46 епизод целия преведен?Аз имам само 33 минути.Ако е да може ли някой да ми го прати.
Моля да мЪ отризите  Hug
Нема го... Whistling Аз чекам бтв-тУ
Ууфффф  ooooh! тогаз и аз ще чакам

 Преди на първите странички го пишеше, Pebals_fen му реди субовете- дано да не се е отказала 78
На мен ми е любимият епизод и от време на време си го пусках, но от как го затриха в Ютюб....
 Та и аз ще чакам, че да си попълня бройката на компа Crazy
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# 429
Ей тука ги има всички серии от АФК, АФКПЕ и ПЕ на турски.Вие може и да я знаете, ама аз пак за всеки случай да я сложа  Simple Smile Simple Smile Simple Smile

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# 430
Ей тука ги има всички серии от АФК, АФКПЕ и ПЕ на турски.Вие може и да я знаете, ама аз пак за всеки случай да я сложа  Simple Smile Simple Smile Simple Smile


При мен не се отварят всичките... Rolling Eyes
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# 431
Ей тука ги има всички серии от АФК, АФКПЕ и ПЕ на турски.Вие може и да я знаете, ама аз пак за всеки случай да я сложа  Simple Smile Simple Smile Simple Smile


При мен не се отварят всичките... Rolling Eyes

Ами засега при мен всичко е ок , кои не ти се отварят, да пробвам при мен как ще е  Hug
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# 432
Ей тука ги има всички серии от АФК, АФКПЕ и ПЕ на турски.Вие може и да я знаете, ама аз пак за всеки случай да я сложа  Simple Smile Simple Smile Simple Smile


При мен не се отварят всичките... Rolling Eyes

Ами засега при мен всичко е ок , кои не ти се отварят, да пробвам при мен как ще е  Hug

Примерно, оня ден исках да гледам началото на 7- ми епизод и не можах... ooooh!
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# 433
Илди  Hug душе при мене си вървят без проблем, пробвай с друг барузер ,аз съм с хрома  Peace
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# 434
Илди  Hug душе при мене си вървят без проблем, пробвай с друг барузер ,аз съм с хрома  Peace

И при мен сега всичко се отваря, изглежда от време на време някои епизоди не тръгват, защото съм пробвала и друг път... Peace
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