М.Джексън: But I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to

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# 75

Индикации за биографичен филм за Майкъл http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118046177

Чуйте още един трак от IMMORTAL

Искате да чуете още един трак от предстоящия албум IMMORTAL? По-долу можете изслушате "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" и да споделите с нас мнението си. Предстоят още изненади преди излиането на албума!

http://www.michaeljackson.com/bg/news/%D1%87%D1%83%D0%B9%D1%82%D … BE%D1%82-immortal

още една новичка снимка

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# 76

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# 77
за тези двечките снимки пишеше, че са от Карибите, 1981г.

а предполагам, че и тази е от там  newsm78 , обаче не съм сигурна. Някой знае ли нещо!

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# 78

Афтографа за  Даниел - болното от СПИН момче, концерта в Милано 1997, песента Heal The World, спомняте си, нали, разказа на майка му  Antonietta ....

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# 79

изтеглих Immortal (deluxe version) от тук http://www.mediafire.com/?nywygj4o7r1v1w6

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# 80
Лелееее, Вале, целувки и прегръдки от мен!:) Благодаря много за хубавите снимки и всичко, което си намерила за нас!:)  bouquet Вечерта ще гледам и ще чета с удоволствие! Вече чакам с нетърпение да се мръкне!  Hug  bouquet

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# 81
Яне,  Hug   love001

Michael Jackson’s Irish American chauffeur remembers him fondly
Ray O'Hara showed Michael Jackson around Ireland

http://www.irishcentral.com/ent/Michael-Jacksons-Irish-American- … ly-133982188.html

Justice was at last served last week in the Michael Jackson tragedy when his “doctor” was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, and Michael’s many Irish acquaintances are fondly remembering the time when the King of Pop lived in Ireland for a while back in 2006.
Ray O’Hara acted as chauffeur for Michael and his three children while they resided in Grouse Lodge in Co. Westmeath, where he was working on a new recording. MJ, O’Hara said, couldn’t have been sweeter, and he was determined to purchase real estate in Ireland.
“I brought Michael Jackson to view properties around the country, mainly in Westmeath and around North Dublin,” O’Hara told the Dublin People newspaper.
“Michael came here to live. The man loved the place and the remoteness of Westmeath and the fact that it was just an hour’s drive from Dublin.

He spent a lot of time just looking at properties around the place. If he was looking at a property he would make a family picnic out of the day.”
Believe it or not MJ traveled light and without a security detail – just a nanny and tutor for the kids, O’Hara recalled. He was also touched by Michael’s caring nature.

“The man was lovely. At the time in 2006 there were a couple of traveler children who were injured in a car fire. He wanted to go to Crumlin Hospital to visit them and do something for them,” O’Hara says.
“The owner of the Grouse Lodge told him that he couldn’t just walk into the hospital. But that was the nature of the guy and he really wanted to do something for the children.”

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# 82
Много добра статия Sad
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rev-barbara-kaufmann/michael-jacks … ia_b_1093132.html
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# 83

 extra terrestrial  bouquet  Благодаря ти за статията! Наистина пак много силна статия на Барбара Кауфман, много ми харесва как пише за Майкъл.

«Michael Jackson. Follow my Step" - Съдейки по снимките предполагам е било страхотно и красиво  шоуто на това балетно студио Magic Shoes от малкия град в Бавария Sulzbach-Rosenberg http://www.walzenbach-photography.com/Events/magic-shoes-auffuhrung/ .
Едва намерих инфо в уики за този град - населението му е около 20х. жители, та си мисля, че за такъв малък град подобно шоу е с мега въздействие. Жалко, че няма видео, поне аз не намерих.

Man In The Mirror - Kevin Antunes A Capella snippet mp3
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# 84

Огромно удоволствие е да чета спомени за Майкъл, казани с толкова уважение и любов. Нищо не съм
чувала за Qadree El-Amin, ще трябва отново да прочета "The Real Comeback: Japan 2006"

"People just melted around him"


Michael was truly the greatest performer. When he hit that zone, no one could touch him. I remember him doing three shows in a row and Justin Timberlake was supposed to join him onstage, but when Justin came out, he just froze and Michael was poppin’! Awesome! He didn’t need the special effects or anything else; he was the real performer.

And you could see him going into that spiritual zone backstage when he was getting ready for a show. He was always calm, relaxed, smooth. He would do his own makeup and take a few minutes alone in his dressing room where he had a picture of The Three Stooges that he liked on the wall. Then he would very calmly emerge and just blow the audience away. Even in Japan on his comeback tour when he was a little nervous about how people felt about him then, he always had the utmost professionalism and was always on time, and again, just blew them away.
I’ve had the opportunity to talk with people like Nelson Mandela and Oprah Winfrey, but the relationship with Michael was very special. Every time I left him, I’d be sad seeing him standing on the porch waving good-bye. He was always so welcoming, so hospitable. He was never about selfishness or harming anyone. He was always about trying to be closer to God, to be Christ-like. He loved more than he was loved and was always trying to get closer to God, to do the right thing even though it wasn’t always what he wanted to do. And whenever he was tested, he looked for his strength within, from bringing God into his body and putting him first in his life. Michael was really very spiritual and put God in control of his life.
He was truly blessed by God.
Japan has more orphanages than any place in the world and Michael wanted to do something for them while he was there so we picked one to visit that just so happened to be supported by Bill and Melinda Gates. Michael would arrive with no publicity and with multiple toys for each child. His own kids would go with him and he would be educating them as to what was going on. The kids were delighted, but Michael would also take the time to personally shake the hands of each of the nuns at the orphanage thanking each of them for taking care of the children.

And people just melted around him. One time when he was taking his kids to Disneyland, word had gotten out that he was coming and everyone knew his favorite ride was Peter Pan, so there was gridlock by the time he arrived. But he just held his hands up and the crowd opened up like parting the Red Sea. Then he would watch the parade from the Main Street rooftop and eat hot dogs and French fries with his kids. I thank God everyday that I was graced by this angel and am reminded even moreso that we can’t take our time here for granted. There is no tomorrow promised and you’ve gotta let people know you love them. That’s what Michael was about.


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# 85

На френски /май/ е, но си имаме автопреводач  Grinning

http://www.sudpresse.be/actualite/belgique/2009-06-27/michael-ja … fant-711304.shtml

Marcel Marlier

ето и много от творбите на художника, толкова са красиви и нежни, ех, връщат ме в  детството ..  http://iamachild.wordpress.com/2011/05/28/marcel-marlier-1930-belgian-2/
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# 86
 Валя, аз ти благодаря  bouquet и на всички момичета, за дето поддържате темата! Hug Peace
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# 87
Валя, аз ти благодаря  bouquet и на всички момичета, за дето поддържате темата! Hug Peace

 Hug extra terrestrial , тук ще сме, надяваме  се има още много да видим и прочетем за Майкъл, ще чакаме нови песни, ще си споделяме ...  Simple Smile

                                    [RARE] MICHAEL JACKSON: I LOVE YOU TAIPEI

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# 88
Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson perform at the 3rd Annual holiday concert "Miracle on 34th Street" at Madison Square Garden on Dec. 20, 2000



A gorgeous looking Michael Jackson made a surprise appearance at WKTU's "Miracle On 34th Street" concert at New York's Madison Square Garden and sent thousands of concertgoers into hysterics

As part of the grand finale, all performers lined up across the stage and the orchestra started The Jacksons' hit "Shake Your Body [Down To The Ground]".

Michael came out from the wings to wild applause and cheering. Unfortunately, for the crowd, he didn't perform, telling the audience that he had laryngitis, but he did wish everyone happy holidays.

Surprise presenter Whitney Houston jumped up and down and hugged Michael.

Before he left the stage, he promised the packed house, "The best is yet to come!"

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# 89

            Michael Jackson at D.A.R.E. fundraiser 1993

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